A Frequently Asked Question

How to display the Windows delete confirmation dialog?

Windows 8 and later no longer asks you to confirm the deletion of files and folders, i.e when you select a file/folder and hit Delete key, it sends the respective item straight to Recycle Bin without confirming the action. Here is how to bring the delete confirmation dialog back.

Right-click Recycle Bin and select Properties.


In Recycle Bin Properties dialog, enable "Display delete confirmation dialog" option and click OK to apply the change.


Now when you delete a file or folder, it will ask you to confirm the action before sending the item to Recycle Bin.


Note that in XYplorer you can suppress the delete confirmation dialog, even if Windows is configured to show it, by ticking this:

Configuration | File Operations | Miscellaneous | Suppress delete confirmation dialog

However it does not work the other way round! If Windows is configured to NOT show it then XYplorer cannot be made to show it.

Note that from XYplorer 17.10 onwards you can enable a native delete confirmation prompt that is independent from the Windows prompt. See here for details.