XYplorer History ======================================================================== Program XYplorer File manager for Windows 11, Server 2022, 10, Server 2019, Server 2016, 8.1, 8, Server 2012, 7, Server 2008, Vista, XP, Server 2003; 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Version 25.40.0300 Release 2024-Jan-08 License Proprietary Author Donald Lessau Contact support@xyplorer.com Website https://www.xyplorer.com Download https://www.xyplorer.com/download/xyplorer_full.zip Purchase https://www.xyplorer.com/purchase.php Manual https://www.xyplorer.com/download/XYplorerHelp.pdf History https://www.xyplorer.com/download/History.txt https://www.xyplorer.com/download/History_1999-2019.txt Copyright (c) 1997-2024 Cologne Code Company. All Rights Reserved. =========================================================================== Symbols +++ major new feature + new feature * changed feature - removed feature % improved performance or quality > usage tip ! fixed minor bug !!! fixed major bug Acronyms 4KN 4 Key Navigation 6KN 6 Key Navigation AB Address Bar AC Access Control ACP Archive Contents Preview ADP Application Data Path AL Action Log AS Admin Settings BC Breadcrumbs, Breadcrumb Bars BIC Buttons In Catalog BV Branch View CAS Click and Search CAT Click and Tag CBFI Content-Based Folder Icons CC Custom Columns CCM Cell Context Menu CCT Custom Colored Tabs CEA Custom Event Actions CES Custom Event Sounds CF Color Filters CFA Custom File Associations CFI Custom File Icons CID Command ID CIC Custom Interface Colors CKS Custom Keyboard Shortcuts CL Column Layouts CLI Command Line Interpreter CMF Copy Millions of Files CPM Custom Popup Menu (Hamburger) CSBI Custom Status Bar Info CTB Custom Toolbar Buttons DES Default Event Sounds DFF Duplicate File Finder DLOC Dual Locations DM Dark Mode DP Dual Pane DSB Drag Status Box DUB Droppable User Buttons FCP Folder Contents Preview FIT File Info Tip FLF Favorite Live Filters FP Floating Preview FRC Folder Row Colors FRS Full Row Select FS Flat Select FSC Folder Size Caching FSP Full Screen Preview FV Flat View FVS Folder View Settings GF Ghost Filters GVF Global Visual Filters HB Hover Box HBOT Hover Box On Tree HPT History per Tab ICF Instant Color Filters IP Info Panel ITT Interface Translation Tool JT Joker Tab KS Keyboard Shortcut LBM Loose Boolean Match LES Lock Expansion State LFB Live Filter Box LM List Management LTCE Labels, Tags, Comments, and Extra Tags MBV Multi Branch View MCM Multi-Column Matching MCN Mouse Click Navigation MDBU Mouse Down Blow Up MDBUZ Mouse Down Blow Up Zoomed MFS Multi Field Search MHB Mobile Hover Box MLOS Multi Location Search MLS Multilingual Support MRU Most Recently Used MSR Multi Script Resource MT Mini Tree MUSD Mouse Up Show Down MUT Multi-User Tagging NCM Native Context Menu NP Navigation Panel PAF Paste and Find PAG Paste and Go PCSO Permanent Custom Sort Order PD Portable Device PF Paper Folders PFIT Paper Folders In Tree PFA Portable File Associations PFI Portable File Icons PIH Perceptual Image Hash PML Portable Metadata Layouts POM Portable Openwith Menu PP Preview Pane PT Preview Tab PTC Portable Thumbnail Cache PV Permanent Variable QAP Quick Audio Preview QFF Quick Find Files QNS Quick Name Search QS Quick Search QSB Quick Search Bar RB Recycle Bin RFO Rich File Operation RLP Recent Location Pins RS Rename Special SB Status Bar SC Scripting Command SCS Sticky Checkbox Selection SDB Smart Dropdown Button SF Sync Folders SFS Single File Search SIB Search Information Bar SIL Search In List SRC Search Results Caching SWL Seamless Wave Looping TAF Type Ahead Find, Find As You Type TB Toolbar TNC Tree Node Crumbs TPT Tree Path Tracing TSC Tree Section Colors TSF Type Stats and Filter TSM Touchscreen Mode UB User Button UDC User-Defined Commands UDF User-Defined Functions UDPH User-Defined Preview Handlers UFO User Folders UR Undo/Redo VF Visual Filters VFO Virtual Folders VLP Volume Label Paths VPT Vertical Popup Toolbars .......... XYplorer ver 25.40 ..................................................... v25.40.0300 - 2024-01-08 18:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v25.40.0206 - 2024-01-07 19:40 + File | File Special | Display Hash Values: Now it also shows the SHA-384 value. + SC hash: Now it supports SHA-384. Example: text hash("sha384", ""); //38b060a751ac96384cd9327eb1b1e36a21fdb71114be07434c0cc7bf63f6e1da274edebfe76f65fbd51ad2f14898b95b + SC savethumb: Now it supports TGA as input format. v25.40.0205 - 2024-01-06 19:23 * Highlight Hovered Items: Rewrote the rounded highlight. Now it uses exactly the same colors for filling and border as the square highlight. ! Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Check for language updates at startup: Checkbox was not yet associated with the setting. Fixed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - help file status quo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - language file status quo - v25.40.0204 - 2024-01-06 17:33 * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.177. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.177.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 * Updated the help file. v25.40.0203 - 2024-01-06 11:19 - Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Keep pane data private: Removed this setting from Configuration but kept it as a tweak: PrivateHistory=1 * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0248. ! Custom Copy: Byte-to-byte verification failed with overflow (error 6) on files >= 2GB. Fixed. v25.40.0202 - 2024-01-05 18:24 + Configuration | General | Startup & Exit: Added option "Check for language updates at startup". Tick it to automatically check for an update if your language file is out of date. If an update is available, you will be prompted to update to it. * Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Check for updates on startup: Renamed to "Check for updates at startup". ! SC paperfolder: When Explicit Save was enabled, the r-mode (r: Return current contents of Paper Folder.) returned the current list if the list did not show a paper folder. Fixed. Now it returns the contents of the paper folder passed in argument "name". v25.40.0201 - 2024-01-05 12:43 % Speeding up an important text drawing function resulted in an overall speedup almost everywhere text is drawn. ! Labels: Searching or filtering labels by index (Label:"#6") did not work when Extended Pattern Matching was disabled. Fixed. ! Catalog | Click and Search | Labels: Failed when using the checkboxes to trigger a search because the terms were not quoted. Fixed. ! Toolbar | Find by Label: Failed at searching soft labels. Fixed. ! Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats: Since 20230927, you could not remove the first (per category) of all added custom extensions. Fixed. v25.40.0200 - 2024-01-02 22:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v25.40.0106 - 2024-01-02 18:59 * Tree: Now the Highlight Hovered Items box includes the icon. v25.40.0105 - 2024-01-02 18:08 + Highlight Hovered Items: The HighlightHoveredItemsProps tweak got another value to show the highlight with rounded corners. HighlightHoveredItemsProps (bit field): 1: Border at the bottom only (effect only in the file list). 2: Rounded corners (effect all over the place); overwrites bit 1. Roundness is controlled by tweak LabelRoundness, but limited to 6 pixels (else it looks funny). So to get rounded corners on the hover highlight, tweak it like this: HighlightHoveredItemsProps=2 FYI, it's the new factory default. ! Roundness: A maximum roundness of 100 could cause a slight drawing error due to a rounding error. Fixed. v25.40.0104 - 2024-01-02 12:54 * Catalog: Now the Highlight Hovered Items box starts a little further to the right, exactly where a click triggers the action. To the left of the box, a click will simply select the item without triggering the action. * Preview Tab | Icon Preview: Now the orange button is also visible here. Not all commands are applicable, but some can be quite useful here. v25.40.0102 - 2023-12-29 16:30 + Smart Script Detection: Scripts like if (1==1 || 2==2) { e 1; } are now correctly auto-detected as scripts. ! Dual Locations: Scripts like if (1==1 || 2==2) { e 1; } were misparsed as dual locations. Fixed. v25.40.0101 - 2023-12-28 12:48 * Configuration | General | Belts, Network | Network | Cache network servers: Changed cache file format from binary to standard INI (UTF-16-LE with BOM), from "servers.dat" to "servers.ini". More human friendly, easier to view and edit. * Starting from an unavailable (including password-protected) network path is now handled faster and better. Any login dialog is displayed after the main window is displayed, not before, and the main window is displayed much faster. v25.40.0100 - 2023-12-27 15:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v25.40.0012 - 2023-12-27 09:41 + Background File Operations | Overwrite Prompt: Now there's some basic information about the colliding files, like version number for applications, duration for media, dimensions for images. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0247. ! List: Tooltips for audio files in special paths did not show much info anymore for some weeks. Fixed. v25.40.0011 - 2023-12-25 14:34 + SC get got a new named argument "network" to return network items (items to be listed directly under the Network node) using various methods. Syntax: get("network", method) method: 0: [Default] Shell Works everywhere, but is not the fastest. 1: NetServerEnum Works fast if it works. 2: WNet Works great on Win8 and earlier, but needs SMB1 and hence fails on Win10 and later. Remarks: - This feature is mostly for debugging and determining what works best on your current system. You can then change the default network enumeration method with tweak NetworkEnumeration (see below). - The "networki" variant adds some information to the bottom of the list, including the time. Examples: text get("network", 0); //Shell text get("network", 1); //NetServerEnum text get("network", 2); //WNet text get("networki", 1); //NetServerEnum with timing and info + Unofficial SC tweak enhanced: Added key "NetworkEnumeration" to select the default network enumeration method. Examples: tweak("NetworkEnumeration", 0); //Shell (factory default) tweak("NetworkEnumeration", 1); //NetServerEnum tweak("NetworkEnumeration", 2); //WNet tweak("NetworkEnumeration"); //show current value in status bar v25.40.0010 - 2023-12-24 15:40 - Network: The v25.40.0006 rewrite failed in Win10/11. Removed. > Merry XYmas! v25.40.0008 - 2023-12-24 09:55 > Network: Yesterday's rewrite seems to fail completely on Win10 (and probably Win11). Can anyone confirm or deny this? Refresh the Network listing and check the debug log (dlog;) for any errors named "Net.EnumResources 0: ..." ! Catalog | Click and Search | Tags: Fixed an error 9. v25.40.0007 - 2023-12-23 20:59 + Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Visual style: XYplorer Archaic Style is now also supported in Dark Mode. Previously it fell forward to XYplorer Modern Style. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0246. v25.40.0006 - 2023-12-23 13:54 % Network: Completely rewrote the network enumeration (listing of servers under Network) with the idea of making it faster in Windows 10 and 11. ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors | Marked Text 1 / 2: Changed from blue to black in a fresh instance a few days ago. Fixed. v25.40.0005 - 2023-12-22 19:06 + SC array: You can now pass a single variable to the array() special function. For example, this will now work as you probably expected: $values = "vampire,cow"; $arr[] = array($values); echo $arr[0]; //vampire v25.40.0004 - 2023-12-22 12:28 + Searching for Labels: Since there are soft labels, we need a way to search for labels regardless of their current value, i.e. by their index. This can now be done by passing the index in quotes and prefixing it with a #, e.g. lbl:"#1". Pattern Matches Quick search: lbl:red all items where the label matches *red* lbl:#1 all items where the label matches *red* (if label #1 is "Red") lbl:"#1" all items with label #1 Fast database search, including Catalog | Click and Search | Labels: This PC?#1 /L all items where the label matches *red* (case-insensitive) This PC?"#1" /L all items with label #1 Bizarre fringe cases: lbl:#0 all items where the label matches *#0* lbl:"#0" all items without a label lbl:# all items where the label contains a number (= matching *#*) lbl:"#" all items where the label is a 1-digit number (= matching #) BTW, Live and Visual filters already support this syntax. These patterns will match a label #6: lbl:"#6" Label:"#6" + Catalog | Click and Search | Labels: Now items pointing to soft labels are correctly configured to point to the label index instead of the caption being or containing a variable (which did not find anything). * Interface Translation Tool | View | Validate Spaces: Changed _ to ~ as visualizer for spaces. Better countable. ! Network: A change in v20.70.0012 - 2020-02-06 20:42 has prevented the login dialog for admin shares. Fix #2. v25.40.0002 - 2023-12-21 11:54 ! Network: A change in v20.70.0012 - 2020-02-06 20:42 has prevented the login dialog for admin shares. Fixed. v25.40.0001 - 2023-12-20 15:39 + Interface Translation Tool | View | Validate Spaces: If this option is selected and invalid translations are found, then flanking spaces are now displayed with a special character to make the error visible. v25.40.0000 - 2023-12-19 19:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Looks. The GUI got a little facelift. Rounded tabs, fading captions, general airiness and smoothness. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 25.30 ..................................................... v25.30.0020 - 2023-12-18 12:48 * Updated the help file. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0245. ! Custom Copy | Progress Dialog: Animation scaling was not perfect. Fixed. v25.30.0019 - 2023-12-17 17:39 + Custom Copy | Progress Dialog: Animation now works on all screen resolutions and with background operations. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0244. ! Color Filters: Filters using borders (switches f and b) and roundness did not work yet in the tree. Fixed. ! Catalog | Click and Search | Tags: Fixed an error 9. v25.30.0018 - 2023-12-16 16:56 + Custom Copy | Progress Dialog: The icon is now animated while copying files. It's an experiment, currently only implemented for foreground operations and only at 100% screen resolution. Dark mode, however, is already supported. ! Catalog | Click and Search | Labels: Click on a Label did not return anything anymore. Fixed. ! Catalog | Click and Search | Tags: Click on a Tag did not return anything anymore. Fixed. ! Catalog | Click and Search | Labels: Returned partial matches, which obviously should not happen here. Fixed. Since they support partial matches, labels in searches run from a "Click and Search: Labels" category always have to be quoted. v25.30.0016 - 2023-12-15 15:02 + Color Filters: Filters using borders (switches f and b) now also honor roundness. % Toolbar: Button backgrounds now fully anti-aliased. Almost too subtle to notice, but you will subconsciously welcome the new smoothness. % Mini Toolbars: All mini toolbars throughout the application now use the native XY style instead of the Windows themes style. v25.30.0015 - 2023-12-14 12:43 + Configuration | General | Tree and List | Tree: Added setting "Expand tree nodes on browse". Expands a collapsed node in the tree when you browse it in a way other than directly clicking it (which is handled by "Expand tree nodes on single-click"), e.g. by double-clicking a folder in the list, selecting a favorite folder, or using the address bar. Note that this feature only works in the Maxi Tree, not in the Mini Tree (where it would defeat the purpose of the Mini Tree). FYI, this feature existed before under the name "Expand destination node in tree", but was removed in v24.30.0123 - 2023-04-25 17:00 and kept only as a tweak. Now it's back. ! XYplorer Modern Style: Minor adjustments to handle different screen resolutions. v25.30.0014 - 2023-12-13 19:45 % Info Panel: Polished up the new style a bit. v25.30.0012 - 2023-12-13 16:26 % Info Panel: New tab style (rounded and reduced). Old styles still can be selected via tweak TabIPVisualStyle. + Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons | Show embedded icons on Properties tab: Added MUN files to the supported formats. ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors | Match breadcrumb bar with custom colored tab: Used to get out of sync when performing a search from a custom colored locked tab. Fixed. v25.30.0011 - 2023-12-12 17:51 % Dropdown Controls: Dropdown arrows are now drawn natively and anti-aliased. * Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors | Match selected tab with breadcrumb bar: This option is now internally set to True if "XYplorer Modern Style" is selected. Otherwise the selected tab is not always clearly recognizable in modern style. ! XYplorer Modern Style: Fixed some glitches. v25.30.0010 - 2023-12-12 13:21 + XYplorer Modern Style: Selected tabs now have serif-like feet. + XYplorer Modern Style: Captions now fade away in an alpha fog if there's not enough space. No more ellipses. ! XYplorer Modern Style: Fixed a glitch with iconized tabs. ! Batch Rename: When renaming folders in deep lists (search results, branch view) their order was reversed unnecessarily (namely when they were not nested). Fixed. v25.30.0008 - 2023-12-11 12:23 + XYplorer Modern Style: Dark Mode works now. Work should be completed. * View | Tab | Close All Other Unlocked Tabs: Removed the "All". * View | Tab | Close All Other Tabs: Removed the "All". * View | Tab | Close All Tabs to the Right: Removed the "All". * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.176. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.176.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v25.30.0006 - 2023-12-10 21:08 + Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Visual Style: Added "XYplorer Modern Style", the new factory default. Countless changes and adjustments. Rounder, more air, less lines. Work in progress, Dark Mode still missing... * Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Visual Style: Renamed "XYplorer Classic Style" to "XYplorer Archaic Style" because that's what it is (probably Windows 95). - Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Yellow highlight marks selected tab in classic style: Setting removed from Configuration, but kept as a tweak. + SC zip_extract enhanced: Now you can control whether to wait for the extraction or return immediately and perform the extraction asynchronously. Syntax: zip_extract(zipfile, path, [itemlist], [separator="|"], [wait=1]) wait: 0 = extract asynchronously 1 = [default] wait for extraction Waiting is usually better in a scripting context, so it's the default. It was also the way it worked all the time before v25.20.0115 - 2023-12-03 17:03, so this enhancement is also a bugfix. v25.30.0005 - 2023-12-09 17:48 - Breadcrumb Bars: Removed the option to choose between beveled and flat. It's now hardcoded to be flat. v25.30.0004 - 2023-12-09 16:31 + Breadcrumb Bars: Chevrons component separator style added. When Chevrons is selected, the four navigation buttons on the left side also change their style to something chevronesque. % Toolbar: Dropdown arrows are now drawn more subtly. v25.30.0003 - 2023-12-08 17:27 ! Image Preview | TGA: Non-grid transparency backgrounds stopped working correctly just before v25.30.0000. Damn. Fixed. v25.30.0002 - 2023-12-08 13:57 + Go | Go to Last Target: The path is now remembered across sessions, unless "Address Bar and Go To" is excluded from saving in "Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Include most-recently-used lists on save". * Toolbar | Go to Last Target: New icon. * Toolbar | Recent Locations: New icon. ! Mobile Hover Box: When jumping from a vertical to a horizontal image, the pointer could land off the image, breaking the sequence. Fixed. When jumping from thumbnail to thumbnail, it now always lands in the exact center of the next image. ! Mobile Hover Box: Jumped too short for thumbnails with short captions. Fixed. v25.30.0000 - 2023-12-06 20:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Rounded Corners. Labels and color filters now optionally look slicker. +++ Soft Labels. Now you can use the label column as a link to any of the other tag columns. For example, you can display your rating stars here. +++ Color-Code Path Length. You can now color-code items in the folder tree and file list according to their path length. Useful if you work with long, deep paths and need shell compatibility. +++ TGA Image Preview. Now you can natively preview and thumbnail TGA with transparency without the need for a third-party codec. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 25.20 ..................................................... v25.20.0122 - 2023-12-06 12:20 + Image Preview | TGA: Now TGA preview is fully Unicode compliant. + Image Preview | TGA: Now TGA preview supports Zoom To Fit. v25.20.0121 - 2023-12-05 19:45 + Image Preview | TGA: Now the transparency display honors the settings for the transparency grid for preview and thumbnails (neutral, grid, white, black) and the grid colors defined in Configuration | Preview | Preview | Image preview | Transparency grid colors. > Image Preview | TGA: It's not Unicode compliant yet, e.g. Chinese characters in the path will cause it to fail. This will be fixed in a later version. v25.20.0120 - 2023-12-05 14:43 ! Image Preview | TGA: The checkerboard pattern did not work well if the image had odd dimensions. Fixed. v25.20.0119 - 2023-12-05 12:37 + Image Preview | TGA: Now TGA images with transparency are previewed and thumbnailed over a checkerboard pattern. v25.20.0117 - 2023-12-04 14:38 ! SC runret: UTF-16 return was not decoded properly. Fixed. v25.20.0116 - 2023-12-04 11:24 + Scripting got a new function. Name: HotKeyShowApp Action: Sets or gets the hotkey to show/minimize the application. Syntax: hotkeyshowapp([key]) key: The hotkey to show/minimize the application. The hotkey consists of an optional modifier (combination of Win, Ctrl, Shift, Alt) and a key. return: The current/previous hotkey. Remarks: - The hotkey is used to show (restore, foreground) the application when it's in the background, minimized to the taskbar, or minimized to the tray. - If the application is already showing, the key will minimize it. - The command takes effect immediately, no restart required. Examples: echo hotkeyshowapp(); //show the current hotkey hotkeyshowapp("Ctrl+Shift+O"); //set Ctrl+Shift+O as new hotkey hotkeyshowapp("Win+Alt+Y"); //set Win+Alt+Y as new hotkey hotkeyshowapp(""); //unset current hotkey v25.20.0115 - 2023-12-03 17:03 * Configuration | Information | Tags | Customize up to 31 Label captions and colors: Renamed to "Label captions and colors". * Soft Labels: Removed the space out of . Now it's to . * Zip Extraction (File | File Special | Extract Here, etc): The extracting applications are now called non-modally. > Network: Undid the v25.20.0112 changes. * Updated the help file. v25.20.0112 - 2023-12-02 19:11 > Network: Experimentally changed some enumeration flags. ! Floating Preview: Lost tags info on resize (v25.20.0111). Fixed. ! Virtual Folders: Go Up did not work when it could. Fixed. v25.20.0111 - 2023-12-02 15:17 + Soft Labels: Added more variables: = Resolves to the comment of an item. = Resolves to the Extra 1 field of an item. ... = Resolves to the Extra 16 field of an item. So now you can also (ab)use the Comment column and the 16 Extra columns as reservoirs for an infinite number of labels. Note that not all types of extra fields are displayed in the same format as in the Extra column. For example, you won't see pictures in the label. But rating stars work, so you can now use a label to show your rating stars in full color in the Label column. * Labels: Searching (Find Files, Quick Search) and filtering (Visual, Live, Color) by Label now supports partial matches by default (no need to add wildcards). To force an exact match, enclose the pattern in quotes. lbl:Red -> match items where the Label field contains "Red" (or "red", A==a) lbl:"Red" -> match items where the Label field is "Red" (or "red", A==a) + Floating Preview: The tag bar (right-click the FP's status bar to enable it) now shows the label with caption. A longer caption will be cropped but all or more of it is found in the tooltip. * Configuration | Information | Tags | Label style: Style "Name column" now also colors the Label column; there is no point in not doing it. Unless explicitly desired (style "No coloring") the Label column should show the labels as they are defined. ! Configuration | Information | Tags | Label style: The text color was not applied to all cells in style "Whole row". Fixed. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.175. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.175.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v25.20.0110 - 2023-12-01 20:24 * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0243. v25.20.0109 - 2023-12-01 15:55 + Tags: Tweak added to apply tags (Labels, Tags, Comments) to the currently hover-boxed item. Very handy together with the Mobile Hover Box. TagsApplyToHoverBox=1 Now, when the hover box is open, any tags command triggered from the keyboard will be applied to the item displayed in the box. * Configuration | Information | Tags | Toggle tags by column click | Label: Now this toggle option also applies to the Label column's context menu, and to all commands under Tags | Labels. Allows you to switch the labels on and off in ballpoint pen style (apply same label again to turn it off). * Miscellaneous | Focus Functions | Focus Address Bar: Added Ctrl+L as another default keyboard shortcut here (in addition to Alt+D and Ctrl+Alt+A). It's the default for this function in many file managers and browsers. * View | Tab | Lock Location: Changed the default keyboard shortcut from Ctrl+L to Ctrl+Shift+L. * Go | Go to Line...: Changed the default keyboard shortcut from Ctrl+Shift+L to Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0242. ! Color Filters: Fixed some glitches related to the recent enhancements. ! Labels: Fixed some glitches related to the recent enhancements. v25.20.0108 - 2023-12-01 10:56 * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0240. ! Custom Copy: Processing more than 100,000 items could cause error 9 in the final "Filename capitalization is synchronized..." phase. Fixed. BTW, before v25.20.0101 - 2023-11-26 13:10, when using a background process, the background copy handler XYcopy.exe would crash silently when the above happened. ! Custom Copy: Error message layout broken in background process. Fixed. ! SC tag: The new toggling for labels did not work with numeric references. Fixed. Example: tag 1, 3:=1; //toggle label 1 v25.20.0107 - 2023-11-30 19:47 + Labels: Now you can create "soft labels". Two new label-specific variables allow you to display all or the first tag of an item in the label column. This means you can have a virtually infinite number of label captions in one (or more) of your 31 possible label definitions. These are the variables. You can use them right in the list below "Configuration | Information | Tags | Customize up to 31 Label captions and colors", also in combination with literal strings: = Resolved to all tags (comma-separated list) of an item. = Resolved to the (alphabetically) first tag of an item. Of course, since this is mainly about label captions, it makes the most sense when Configuration | Information | Tags | Label style is set to "Label column (caption)". Notes: - Visual Filters and Live Filters are supported. - Find Files and Quick Search are supported. - Why would you use these Soft Labels instead of the Tags column? It looks better! * List | Label Column: This change was implemented in v17.30.0005 - 2016-11-05 12:52: Before, the sorting of this column was by caption of the label. Now it's by index as defined in Configuration | Tags. First label comes first, no matter how it's called. Now that there are soft labels, it seems more appropriate to sort the labels by caption, as most other columns do, and as most users probably expect. % Tag Search: Faster. Hardly noticeable, because it was already lightning fast. But the larger your tag DB, the more noticeable it becomes. ! Live Filter Box | Highlight matches: Highlighting came out crooked with the new centered labels. Fixed. Now a filter "Label:*Paso" will placed the highlight correctly in a label "El Paso". ! Tag List: As of v25.20.0104 - 2023-11-28 21:10 the tag list was no longer saved between sessions. Fixed. v25.20.0106 - 2023-11-30 10:14 * Configuration | Information | Tags | Label style: In style "Label column (caption)" the texts are now drawn horizontally centered. And the height of the labels is derived from the font height, not the row height. ! Quick Search and Branch View: The "Maximum depth" setting (in Info Panel | Find Files | Name & Location) had an effect here when "Include subfolders" was checked. And this even though both Quick Search and Branch View always include subfolders, even if "Include subfolders" is unchecked. Fixed. The "Maximum depth" setting is now ignored by Quick Search and Branch View. v25.20.0105 - 2023-11-29 13:41 * Configuration | Information | Tags | Label style: In style "Label column (caption)" the backgrounds are now drawn a bit tighter so that they don't touch each other. Looks better, especially in the new rounded style. ! Configuration | Information | Tags | Label style: Rightmost pixels were overlapped by the vertical grid line. Fixed. ! Configuration | Information | Tags | Label style: Style "Label column (symbol)" did not honor Touchscreen Mode. Fixed. v25.20.0104 - 2023-11-28 21:10 + Configuration | Information | Tags: Added option "Rounded" to the label style. Tick it to paint the labels with rounded corners. The roundness can be tweaked here as percentage of half box height (range 1 - 100; default 35): LabelRoundness=35 v25.20.0103 - 2023-11-28 11:59 + SC tag enhanced: Now you can toggle labels and remove only a particular label. Syntax: tag [value], [itemlist], [type=0], [tagsmode=0] tagsmode on type 0: [Default] 0=set, 1=toggle, 2=unset <-- NEW! on type 1: [Default] 0=add, 1=replace, 2=remove Examples: tag "Green"; //set label(s) "Green" tag "Green", 3:=1; //toggle label(s) "Green" tag "Green", 3:=2; //unset label(s) "Green" (keep other labels) + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters: Added option "Draw background colors as rounded rectangles". Check it if you want it. You can exclude individual filters from the roundness by passing the "-r" switch: len:>=260|-r //overlong items (sharp rect) * Color Filters: Rounded background colors are now only rounded on the left side if Distinctive Shapes is enabled. Otherwise it just looks ugly. * Color Filters: Slightly increased roundness to 35% of half box height. Value can be tweaked here (range 1 - 100; default 35): ColorFilterRoundness=35 * Color Filters | Style Switches: The "l" switch is now deprecated and replaced by "-s". s = Draw background color in distinctive shape (even if the general setting is disabled). -s = Don't draw background color in distinctive shape (even if the general setting is enabled). v25.20.0102 - 2023-11-27 13:00 + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters: Added new style switch to paint the background rectangle with rounded corners: r = Background color rect rounded Example (only visible if a background color is defined for the filter): T:dir:|r + Color Filters: Now filters of type len: and lent: are also supported in the tree. Example: len:>=260|r //overlong items (round rect) v25.20.0101 - 2023-11-26 13:10 ! List: Since v24.90.0136 - 2023-09-23 12:10, Shift+Left-Click on an already selected item no longer changed the selection range as expected. Fixed. ! XYcopy: On an error XYcopy.exe (handling background file operations) simply crashed instead of showing good manners and error messages. Fixed. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0237. v25.20.0100 - 2023-11-25 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v25.20.0005 - 2023-11-25 17:37 * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0236. ! Custom Copy: Slight improvement over the v25.20.0004 fix. v25.20.0004 - 2023-11-25 15:46 * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0235. ! Custom Copy: Processing more than 100,000 items (including recursive content) in a background operation caused XYcopy to crash. Fixed. ! Custom Copy: Processing exactly 100,000 top items (not counting recursive content) resulted in error 9. Fixed. v25.20.0003 - 2023-11-23 18:38 % Custom Copy | Progress Dialog: Still better information about what's going on in the initial stages of a job. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0234. * Info Panel | Report | Folder | Classic Directory Dump: Dates are now displayed in ISO 8601 format, which has better alignment to single-digit days or months. Before: XYcopy.exe 903,176 11/22/2023 18:00:00 XYicon_FolderDenied.ico 313,398 7/25/2023 20:00:00 After: XYcopy.exe 903,176 2023-11-22 18:00:00 XYicon_FolderDenied.ico 313,398 2023-07-25 20:00:00 ! Toolbar | Copy to Recent Locations / Move to Recent Locations: Virtual Folders were listed here even though they do not work as destination folders. Fixed. v25.20.0000 - 2023-11-22 18:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Overall Spacing. Now you can fine-tune the overall spacing (or airiness, or density) of the main window. Do you want to see as much information as you can squeeze in, or do you prefer a more relaxed layout with larger click targets? +++ Dual Locations. Full support for dual locations allows you to open new folders in both panes with a single click, filter both panes with a single click, perform searches in both panes with a single click, and add the combined locations of both panes to your Favorites list. If you use dual panes, this is what you have been waiting for. +++ Highlight the Other Path. Now you can color code the path of the inactive pane in the folder tree. It can be useful to know what's on the other side and where it is. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 25.10 ..................................................... v25.10.0129 - 2023-11-21 12:58 + Status Bar: Added a tweak to hide the hidden count you normally get for a list that does not list hidden items due to settings in Configuration | General | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Select Items...: StatusBarHideHiddenCount=1 ! SC extracttext: Fallback to 64-bit failed even though it worked internally. Fixed. v25.10.0127 - 2023-11-20 13:14 + Edit | Paste Special | Edit Clipboard...: If there is text in the clipboard, the number of lines, words, and characters is now displayed in the footer. Can be used to quickly measure some text. It's very primitive: Line separator is CRLF, word separator is SPACE and CRLF. Empty lines count, but not the last one. Empty words don't count. Character count includes CRLF. There is a limit: It's done only for texts < 1 MB characters. v25.10.0125 - 2023-11-19 17:41 * Updated the help file. v25.10.0124 - 2023-11-19 13:09 ! SC font: Since 20231117 you could get an error 9 here. Fixed. v25.10.0123 - 2023-11-18 19:58 ! SC charview: Got stuck for a long time when the data was large. Fixed. v25.10.0122 - 2023-11-18 16:34 + SC base64encode and base64decode: UTF8 processing is now optional (though still the default). Reason: There is at least one context, base64-encoded images, where UTF8 conversion generally does not seem to be used. Syntax: base64decode(text, [file], [targetfile], [utf8=1]) utf8: 1: Convert from UTF8 after decoding. Defaults to 1. Syntax: base64encode(text, [file], [targetfile], [utf8=1]) utf8: 1: Convert to UTF8 before encoding. Defaults to 1. Example: text hexdump(base64decode(, 3:=0)); //base64-decode without intermediate UTF8-decoding v25.10.0121 - 2023-11-17 12:12 ! SC popupmenu: Since Dual Locations there was a problem when sep_item was set to "|". Fixed. v25.10.0120 - 2023-11-16 16:38 + Variables: Added variables and to return the path of the active and inactive pane in the way it is current displayed, i.e. instead of a real path it can also be a special path. Use for the active pane, and see how it compares to other variables when the pane points to "Documents\Songs": echo ; // Documents\Songs echo ; // Documents\Songs echo ; // C:\Users\Donald\Documents\Songs echo ; // C:\Users\Donald\Documents\Songs Use for the inactive pane (only can also return this path): echo ; //eg Documents\Songs echo ; //eg C:\Users\Donald\Documents\Songs + Color Filters: Now you can color code the folder of the inactive pane in the tree with this pattern: T:dir: Note: This Color Filter is only supported in the tree, not in the list. * Color Filters: Patterns of type "dir:" were automatically wrapped in asterisks internally (aka partial match), even if full paths were given. This makes no sense and has been stopped. So this filter will only match the one "Monkeys" folder in the tree: T:dir:E:\Test\Monkeys v25.10.0119 - 2023-11-15 12:57 * Catalog | Item Context Menu: Now the Copy command is always enabled. Depending on the item it copies either a file item, or text. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.174. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.174.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 ! Dual Locations: Fixed some glitches. ! List | Details with Thumbnails: Clicking on the yellow background of a folder thumbnail would not count as a full hit, i.e. it would not select the item or go into it on double-click. Fixed. v25.10.0118 - 2023-11-14 19:41 + Dual Locations: Dual locations now have their own default icon in the address bar, lists, and menus. Saves you from visually scanning a long line for "||". + Scripting got a new command. Name: Air Action: Controls the density of the user interface of the main window. Identical to Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Overall spacing. Syntax: air [value=2] value: Number of pixels to insert at various locations. Default is 2. Valid values range from -4 to 8. Invalid values are silently adjusted. Example: air 8; v25.10.0117 - 2023-11-14 15:17 + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Overall spacing: No longer requires a restart to take effect. ! Command Line: Passing special folders "Recycle Bin" and "Network" as paths to a running application was case-sensitive when it should be case-insensitive. Fixed. v25.10.0116 - 2023-11-13 16:53 ! A complex definition like the one below was not parsed correctly to show the correct icons and captions in the menu. Fixed. "Photos|\camera.ico" goto "D:\Temp\";||"Wallpaper|\help.ico" goto "E:\Temp\"; The icon and caption of the second location are ignored, so this menu item is called "Photos" and the icon is "\camera.ico". ! Dual Locations: Fixed some glitches. v25.10.0115 - 2023-11-13 12:39 + Toolbar | Favorite Folders: Added command "Toggle Dual Favorite Folder" to the button's right-click menu. Adds/Removes the combined locations of both panes (format: active pane||inactive pane) to/from the favorites list. So the new Dual Locations feature has made its way into the GUI in the form of Dual Favorite Folders. * Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | General spacing: Renamed to "Overall spacing". + Edit | Paste Special | Edit Clipboard...: Now it remembers the setting of the Word Wrap checkbox. ! Dual Locations: Fixed some glitches. v25.10.0114 - 2023-11-12 16:56 + Dual Locations: Now even dual scripts work. Note that internally the inactive pane becomes active will being processed, so works here: echo "active: ";||echo "inactive: "; * Dual Locations: The inactive is now shown (if it wasn't visible anyway) *before* the action is performed. v25.10.0113 - 2023-11-12 11:34 + Dual Locations: Now you can use fancy stuff like filters and searches in both locations: D:\Test|a*||E:\Test|b* //visual filters for both panes D:\Test?cat||E:\Test?dog //quick searches in both panes |cat|||dog //filter active pane by cat, inactive pane by dog ?*.txt||?*.jpg //search active pane for *.txt, inactive pane for *.jpg Of course, you can do different things on each side of ||. Filter here, search there, etc. * SC goto: It used to throw an error if the location was not available. Not anymore. Not really useful and too annoying. ! Tree Path Tracing: Did not happen on startup if the inactive pane pointed to an unavailable location. Fixed. ! Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters and Live Filter Box | Use space character for Boolean AND: When enabled, patterns with flanking spaces could not be used as expected. Fixed. In a pattern with flanking spaces such as ab_ or _ab or _ab_ (underscore here stands for space), no spaces are now replaced by AND. v25.10.0112 - 2023-11-11 21:45 + Dual Locations: Now you can use this syntax to only browse the inactive pane: ||D:\download ! Dual Locations: Fixed some glitches. v25.10.0111 - 2023-11-11 19:16 + Favorites | Favorite Folders: Experimental support for dual locations. Both folders are separated by ||. The first folder will be opened in the active pane, the second in the inactive pane. For example: \\VEGA\Users\Donald||D:\ Notes: - Dual Pane mode is auto-enabled if necessary. - There is currently no GUI way to add dual locations to the favorites list, so you have to manually edit the favorites list in List Management | Favorite Folders... - Dual favorites are not marked in the tree. - The icon in menus and lists is taken from the first locations. - File operations that target dual favorite folders only go to the first location. - Currently the second location does not support any fancy stuff like wildcards, variables, filters. It should just be a plain path to a folder. + Address Bar: Experimental support for dual locations (see above). + Well, actually all going to a location now supports dual locations, also for example scripting: goto "\\VEGA\Users\Donald||D:\"; Quite nice. v25.10.0110 - 2023-11-11 15:02 + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles: Added dropdown "General spacing". Here you can modify the general spacing (or airiness, or density) of the main window. The value stands for pixels that are inserted in different places. The new factory default is 2, which is 2 more than in any previous version of the application. File Explorer seems to be getting more airy with each release. To keep up with the times (and customer expectations), XYplorer now also starts with a little more air by default. Notes: - A change here requires a restart of the application to take effect. - In addition to a more relaxed airiness, a higher setting also gives you larger mouse targets. - This beta may knock some of your toolbar buttons off the toolbar. :) * Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Serial rename by Up and Down keys: Renamed to "Serial rename with Up and Down keys". ! List: Serial rename with (Shift+)TAB did not preselect the item correctly since 20231101. Fixed. v25.10.0109 - 2023-11-10 21:31 + Catalog: The recent update to tweak CatalogFlags now also handles files: 64: Automatically update item paths when files or folders are renamed or moved. NOTE: This is only done for *single* items being renamed or moved, not for bundles of items. Keeps your Catalog in sync with reality. v25.10.0104 - 2023-11-10 16:48 * File | Settings Special | Load Configuration...: This command would not load a configuration from a different application data path as expected. Instead, it created a copy of the foreign ini file in the current application data path. Totally weird. This has now been changed: You can load a configuration from anywhere, and its path will be the new application data path. 100% natural. v25.10.0103 - 2023-11-09 20:12 + Catalog: Added another value to the tweak CatalogFlags (bit field): 64: Automatically update item paths when folders are renamed or moved. Keeps your Catalog in sync with reality. v25.10.0102 - 2023-11-08 21:22 > Just added a little bug trap. v25.10.0101 - 2023-11-08 15:02 + File | Duplicate | Copy Here As...: Now you can enter absolute or relative paths along with the name. Any missing subfolders will be created silently. All these examples work now: Perseus.txt (always worked) moq\Perseus.txt (always worked, but was never documented) ..\moq\Perseus.txt (works now) Q:\moq\Perseus.txt (works now) ..\moq\ (works now; will use the source filename as target filename) + File | Duplicate | Copy Here As...: Now there is a small feedback area at the bottom that tells you a bit about your choice: "Name equals source." (red) "Name exists." (black) (on OK you will get an overwrite prompt) "Name is available." (green) The tooltip of this label shows the full target path. + Drag'n'Drop Context Menu | Move Here As...: Now there is a little feedback area (see above). + Drag'n'Drop Context Menu | Move Here As...: Now the target path is displayed in the dialog. * Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters and Live Filter Box | Use space character for Boolean AND: Added an exception that seems quite natural. Now, if the entire pattern is wrapped in asterisks, any spaces in the pattern will not be considered a Boolean AND. If "Use space character for Boolean AND" is enabled then: cmt:black hair //matches all items with "black" AND "hair" in the comment cmt:*black hair* //matches all items with "black hair" in the comment cmt:"black hair" //matches all items with the comment "black hair" The same logic works for Multi-Column Matching now, of course. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0233. ! Live Filter Box and Hover Box: Pressing ESC on a Hover Box while the focus was in the Live Filter Box removed the Live Filter instead of the Hover Box. Fixed. v25.10.0100 - 2023-11-06 18:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v25.10.0002 - 2023-11-06 11:40 * Serial Rename with Up and Down Keys: The recent changes were too smart. Now it's simpler: Hold down the CTRL key if you want to measure the cursor position from the right end of the file name. This is useful when editing serial numbers and other parts that are usually appended to the name. + Serial Rename with Up and Down Keys: The above CTRL trick now also works in all small lists that support rename. * Mobile Hover Box: Now the box is only updated on key up. This way you can use fast key repetition to move through a list without being hindered by preview work. By the way, the same logic has been applied to the preview tab and pane for many years. * Updated the help file. v25.10.0001 - 2023-11-05 12:54 % Custom Copy | Progress Dialog: Still better information about what's going on in the initial stages of a job. And removed some pixel dirt. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0230. ! SC setthumb: Didn't work for folders anymore since about v24.40.0201 - 2023-05-30 15:23. Fixed. ! Hover Box: Didn't work for folders with injected thumbnails (SC setthumb). Fixed. v25.10.0000 - 2023-11-04 16:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Matching Breadcrumb Bars. You can now match the colors of the breadcrumb bar to the custom colors of the selected tab. Extending the color of the tab to the breadcrumb bar makes a bold visual statement and is a welcome clue in poor lighting conditions. +++ Multi-Column Matching. File list filtering can now match a given pattern against three columns (Name, Comment, Tags) at once. Nothing can hide from you anymore. +++ Serial Rename with Up and Down Keys. Improved algorithm. Now it better supports work at the end of filenames of different lengths. And that's where you usually work when updating serialized or dated names. +++ Speed and Robustness. Improved performance for large file operations. Jobs with up to millions of items run smoothly, quickly, and reliably. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 25.00 ..................................................... v25.00.0225 - 2023-11-04 10:24 ! Attempt to avoid flickering when moving XY between monitors. ! Added a trap to catch an elusive crash bug when creating/naming new folders. v25.00.0224 - 2023-11-03 12:44 * Updated the help file. ! Mobile Hover Box: Since 20230829, you could not move to the next file if you hit a file that could not be previewed. Fixed. v25.00.0223 - 2023-11-02 20:00 + Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | Enable smart Boolean query parsing: If enabled, the explicit Name, Tags, Comment, and Contents fields now support loose Boolean AND by space (it always worked for the default Name field): cmt:Amanda Lynda //match all items with "Amanda" AND "Lynda" in the comment cmt:*Amanda Lynda* //match all items with "Amanda Lynda" in the comment cmt:"Amanda Lynda" //match all items with "Amanda Lynda" as the comment It was always supposed to work this way, but it stopped working around 20140520. - List: Since v7.80.0035 - 2008-12-04 12:37, the list showed a focus rect around the entire control when blocked by an unavailable location. Not anymore, it's quite annoying, inconsistent, and pretty useless. v25.00.0222 - 2023-11-02 12:46 + Serial rename by Up and Down keys: Yesterday's change might not be desired in all contexts. Now you can suppress it by holding CTRL while pressing Up or Down. * Glider | Hover Zone | Snap Next to Mouse: Now the glider is positioned 1 pixel away from the mouse, so that a click (typically a right-click) on the white space of the tree is not intercepted by the suddenly appearing glider. v25.00.0221 - 2023-11-01 18:41 % Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Serial rename by Up and Down keys: Improved algorithm. If the caret is in the extension or in the 2nd half of the base, the position in the next rename box is now determined from the right end instead of from the left end. This seems much more natural and practical. For example, when updating suffixed serial numbers in files like this, the caret will land exactly where it's expected: ChineseSimplified_8.173.lng ChineseTraditional_8.173.lng Japanese_8.173.lng v25.00.0220 - 2023-11-01 12:13 * Updated the help file. v25.00.0219 - 2023-10-31 11:36 * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0229. ! Edit | Select | Selection Stats: Stopped working since 2023-10-22. Fixed. v25.00.0218 - 2023-10-30 14:37 % Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live Filter Box | Highlight matches: Improved the column-specific highlighting on Multi-Column Matching. ! Multi-Column Matching: Fixed some glitches. v25.00.0217 - 2023-10-29 19:41 ! Custom Copy: Since 20231025 pasting an empty folder caused error 9. Fix #2. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0228. v25.00.0216 - 2023-10-29 18:19 ! Custom Copy: Since 20231025 pasting an empty folder caused error 9. Fixed. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0227. ! Deleting Junctions or Symbolic Links with Non-Shell Target Content: If you deleted a junction or symlink where the target contained items that the Windows shell cannot handle (overlong items or items with filenames that are not valid according to shell rules), a native XYplorer routine could handle the deletion after an OK prompt. However, unlike the shell, this routine would not only delete the junction or symlink, but also empty the target folder. Fixed. Now only the junction or symlink is deleted. v25.00.0215 - 2023-10-29 11:48 + Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters and Live Filter Box: Added "Multi-column matching" option. Check it to look at the Comment and Tags columns in addition to the Name column if the pattern is not qualified with a selector. FYI, this raises tweak VFFallbackNameCommentTags to the UI. The key is now called VFMultiColumnMatching. Later, the choice of fallback columns will be customizable. * Color Filters: Also Color Filters now support partial matches in the Comment field without the need to add wildcards. To force an exact match wrap the pattern in quotes. Comment: Linda -> match items where the comment contains Linda Comment: "Linda" -> match items where the comment is Linda ! SC tab: Omitting the index parameter did not work correctly after recent changes. Fixed. ! Audio Properties: A corrupt WAV file could cause error 6 (Overflow) in the Bitrate field. Now this field shows "Invalid" and no error is raised. v25.00.0214 - 2023-10-28 18:13 + Live Filter, Visual Filter, Quick Search, Find Files: Patterns for the Comment column are now automatically wildcarded (internally surrounded by asterisks) if no wildcards (* or ?) are passed. Comment: dog --(internally)--> Comment: *dog* To force an exact match (no wildcards) wrap the pattern in quotes: Comment: "dog" --(internally)--> Comment: dog FYI, auto-wildcarding has always been done for the Name column (the default column). + Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters and Live Filter Box | Use space character for Boolean AND: Now this setting also works for the Comment column. + Live Filter, Visual Filter: Added a tweak to match an unqualified pattern (no prefixed selector like "Name:") against three columns: Name, Comment, Tags. VFFallbackNameCommentTags=1 If you prefix "Name:" no fallback will happen. Linda -> match *Linda* in Name OR Comment OR Tags Name: Linda -> match *Linda* in Name The setting will probably be added to Configuration later. > Of these two methods, (B) is currently implemented: (A) If patterns are connected by Boolean operators (here loose Boolean AND by space) the fallback logic does not cross columns: Linda Paul -> match (*Linda* AND *Paul* in Name) OR (*Linda* AND *Paul* in Comment) OR (*Linda* AND *Paul* in Tags) (B) If patterns are connected by Boolean operators (here loose Boolean AND by space) the fallback logic can cross columns: Linda Paul -> match (*Linda* in Name OR Comment OR Tags) AND (*Paul* in Name OR Comment OR Tags) ! Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live Filter Box | Highlight matches: Highlighting was incorrectly applied to the Name column if the filter was actually applied to another column. Fixed. Now it's applied to the filtered column. + SC tab enhanced: Added flags parameter to suppress any error message. Syntax: tab([operation], [data], [index], [ID], [flags]) flags (bit field): 1: Suppress any error message. Example: tab("close", , "Search Results", , 1); //no error if "Search Results" doesn't exist ! SC tab: Passing "index" with wildcards used case-sensitive matching. Fixed. v25.00.0213 - 2023-10-27 16:44 + SC tab enhanced: Instead of the index, you can now pass the caption or the path of the tab. Tabs are searched from left to right, the first match wins. Syntax: tab([operation], [data], [index], [ID]) index: Refers to a tab by its position, first tab = 1. Alternatively pass the name (if you named the tab via "Rename Tab...") or the path. Wildcards * and ? are supported. Defaults to the current tab. See also individual descriptions above under each operation. Remarks: - The matching is case-insensitive (A==a). - If there is no match, an error message "Tab name not found" is displayed and no operation is performed. Examples: tab("close", , "Mickey"); //close first tab called "Mickey" (no prompt) tab("close", , "Desktop\Desk"); //close first tab pointing to "Desktop\Desk" (no prompt) echo tab("get", "ID", "*23"); //get ID of first tab whose name ends with "23" * Favorites | Toggle Highlighted Folder: Removed the default shortcut Ctrl+Shift+B. * Favorites | Toggle Boxed Branch: Removed the default shortcut Ctrl+Alt+B. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0226. v25.00.0212 - 2023-10-26 14:14 + Content-Based Folder Icons: Added a tweak to exclude certain locations from CBFI (Content-Based Folder Icons). You can specify one or more (separated by ;) wildcard patterns to be matched against the location in question, for example: CBFIBlackList=T:\Test ManyFiles\*;*Millions* Notes: - The patterns will be automatically lowercased on the next save, don't worry about it, it's for speed: CBFIBlackList=t:\test manyfiles\*;*millions* - If you are crazy enough to use the ; character in your pathnames, you can use | as an alternative separator: CBFIBlackList=T:\Test;Many;Files\*|*Millions* - Why would you want to use this tweak? Because with huge folders (> 100,000 items), checking the contents becomes annoyingly slow. > Huge Folders: Color Filters like these will make listing huge folders frustratingly slow (see background below at v25.00.0207 - 2023-10-24 22:34): B:prop:#empty:2|fl //empty folders L:prop:#nosubs:2 //folders without subs But there is a solution. You can use the geeky filternot switch to exclude particular branches with huge folders, for example: B:prop:#empty:2|fl //||filternot:T:\Test ManyFiles\* L:prop:#nosubs:2 //||filternot:T:\Test ManyFiles\* * Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Show Tab List button: Previously, the tabs automatically moved horizontally to display the current tab only when the Tab List button was shown. Now this happens regardless of this setting. * Copy Millions of Files: Now it's also implemented for background operations (XYcopy). * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0225. v25.00.0211 - 2023-10-25 19:02 % Custom Copy: Further speed improvements when copying huge folders. % Custom Copy | Progress Dialog: Better information about what's going on in the initial stages of a job. ! Custom Copy: Overflow (error 6) possible when copying millions of files. Fixed. v25.00.0210 - 2023-10-25 16:13 %%% Custom Copy: Can now handle a larger number of files without running out of memory. I stopped testing at 4 million, but expect the limit to be much higher now. This breakthrough was achieved by a major rewrite: larger jobs now use a temporary file (in \Temp) to free up RAM. Currently only implemented for foreground operations. > Note that the successful tests were performed by copying 40 folders with 100,000 files each, and by copying a folder with 40 subfolders with 100,000 files each. However, if you copy a single folder with 4 million files and no subfolders, you will still run into memory problems. % Custom Copy: Further speed improvements. * Hover Box: If the current box is a folder contents preview, it will now close before the contents of the next box are retrieved. Previously, out-of-date content could easily be mistaken for fresh content, especially if a large folder took a long time to retrieve. v25.00.0207 - 2023-10-24 22:34 + Custom Event Actions | Right-click on tab: Now you can invert Small/Large menu also with the rocker-click (left button down, right button click). ! Tree: Ctrl+End would go to the bottom of the tree without triggering a list update. Fixed. % Heavy Duty Performance: During several tests with huge folders (> 100,000 items), several bottlenecks were identified and eliminated, i.e. replaced by more efficient algorithms. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0224. > Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Set archive attribute on folder rename: FYI, this makes renaming huge folders (> 100,000 items) quite slow because attributes have to be retrieved from each file and then possibly set for each file. I wonder if there should be a limit where this feature is skipped. > Content-Based Folder Icons: These make browsing a list of many huge folders (> 100,000 items) frustratingly slow because there will be a point (depending on your hardware) where the Windows file I/O cache cannot hold that much data, so we drop down to hardware I/O speed. And unfortunately Windows provides no way to determine whether a folder is empty short of retrieving ALL of its contents. That's where the time is wasted. So, if you frequently list such large folders, do not use CFI with the /e or /f switch, e.g.: *\ /e>\XYicon_FolderEmpty.ico //matches all empty folders There is no way to automate this decision because determining whether a folder is huge takes just as much time as determining whether a folder is filled or empty. v25.00.0206 - 2023-10-23 13:07 ! Toolbar: Quick repeat clicks would sometimes skip a click, especially noticeable with the history buttons. Fixed. v25.00.0205 - 2023-10-22 17:53 ! Configuration | General | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Hidden files and folders: If disabled, moving down inside a hidden folder by double-clicking on a folder in the file list confused the history in such a way that a simple "Back" did not go back, but up to the first non-hidden location. Fixed. v25.00.0204 - 2023-10-21 19:02 * Custom Event Actions | Right-click on tab: Revised the actions. Now there are four: None: Do nothing. Small menu: Pop a small right-click menu with just the most basic commands. Large menu: Pop a large right-click menu identical to menu View | Tab [Factory default]. Run Script: Run a custom script. Small menu and Large menu can be inverted by pressing CTRL while right-clicking. v25.00.0203 - 2023-10-21 10:38 + Custom Event Actions: Added a new event "Right-click on tab" to the "Clicking on Tabs" section. The event here is the right-click on the tab caption, not on the tab icon. You can choose from three actions: Default: Pop the default right-click menu for tab headers. None: Do nothing. Run Script: Run a custom script. * Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions: Now a fast click (time between mouse-down and mouse-up) in the Action column will close any showing popup menu without immediately opening a new one. v25.00.0202 - 2023-10-20 17:32 + SC tab enhanced: Added operation to close all tabs to the right. Syntax: tab([operation], [data], [index], [ID]) operation: "closeothersright" = close all tabs to the right of a reference tab data: 0 = [default] no prompts 1 = prompt if there are default, locked, or home zone tabs index: index of the reference tab; defaults to the current tab return: index of the reference tab Examples: tab("closeothersright"); //close all tabs to the right of the current tab (no prompts) tab("closeothersright", , 3); //close all tabs to the right of the 3rd tab (no prompts) * Updated the help file. ! View | Tab | Close All Tabs Right: Did not work correctly when the selected tab was closed (when it was to the right of the right-clicked tab). Fixed. The rightmost tab is now automatically selected in this case. v25.00.0201 - 2023-10-20 14:40 + View | Tab: Added command "Close All Tabs to the Right". Does what it says. * Media Preview: Now the preview keeps playing audio and video when the list is automatically refreshed (Auto-Refresh) or actively refreshed (F5). * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.173. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.173.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v25.00.0200 - 2023-10-19 22:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v25.00.0111 - 2023-10-19 14:12 ! Tabs: Under certain conditions, the width of the Name column could be incorrect after switching from a Non-Details tab to a Details tab. Fixed. v25.00.0110 - 2023-10-18 17:35 % Pop-up menus: Added a mechanism to prevent unwanted mouse-up triggers in a pop-up menu opened by mouse-down. This is an issue when a menu is opened directly under the mouse pointer due to space constraints. How it is done: If the mouse moved only 2 pixels or less in any direction between mouse-down and mouse-up, the mouse-up is not counted as an active trigger. v25.00.0109 - 2023-10-17 22:07 * Configuration | General | Safety Belts, Network | Safety Belts: The confirmation dialogs can get wider now if necessary (if the paths are long). ! Info Panel | Properties: Could not handle Greek dates. 12/10/2023 3:12:31 πμ (am) 12/10/2023 3:15:25 μμ (pm) Should work now (even in non-Greek system locale). v25.00.0108 - 2023-10-17 17:46 % Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Quality: High Quality settings "Crisp" and "Smooth" had been limited to around 24 MP (megapixels) in the original image. Now the limit has been raised to around 50 MP (8700 * 5800 = 50,460,000 pixels). Note that what actually works may also be limited by your specific soft and hard environment. The 50 MP factory default can be tweaked here (0 = unlimited): MaxAreaHQ=50460000 v25.00.0107 - 2023-10-17 13:20 + SC timestamp enhanced: Now you can specify the time as an 8-byte little-endian hex value. Note that this value provides the full file time resolution of NTFS down to 100 nanoseconds. Syntax: timestamp [type = "cma"], [date / source_item], [itemlist], [source_type = "*"], [shift] date: Can be an 8-byte little-endian hex value prefixed with 0x, e.g. 0x01DA002E35164B00. Remark: This complements the new "hex" functionality of SC filetime. Examples: timestamp "m", "0x01DA002E35164B00"; //= 2023-10-16 14:42:22 (no fractional seconds) timestamp "m", "0x0000000000000001"; //= 1601-01-01 01:00:00.0000001 (hour may depend on your time zone) Note that most hex values don't really work. MS's documentation is poor and the implementation half-baked (different file time related Windows functions have different internal limits). After the year 9999, I personally would no longer trust Windows file times. Half-working example: timestamp "m", "0x7FDA002E35164B00"; //= 30794-10-23 17:50:19 (but this value does not work well in all contexts) Non-working examples: timestamp "m", "0x0000000000000000"; //does nothing timestamp "m", "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; //does nothing timestamp "m", "0xFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFE"; //error "The parameter is incorrect." timestamp "m", "0xEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"; //error "The parameter is incorrect." ! View | Suspend Auto-Refresh: In rare cases, the setting was activated (i.e. auto-refresh was suspended) immediately after startup. Probably fixed. ! Hover Box: Setting "Trigger hotkeys with/without CTRL" (X), added v24.80.0013 - 2023-08-17 13:01, was not remembered across sessions. Fixed. ! Icon Preview: Hover Box and Preview Tab/Pane did not work correctly for ICO files if "*.ico" was assigned a custom icon in Tools | Customize File Icons... Fixed. v25.00.0106 - 2023-10-16 16:04 + SC filetime enhanced: Added an optional "format" parameter. Previously, the format returned was hardcoded to "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss" (ISO 8601). Now this is the default, but you can change it freely. Syntax: filetime([filename], [type="m"], [format="yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss"]) format: Format of the returned date, defined by the usual letters (ymdhns). Defaults to "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss". There is a special value "hex" which returns an 8 byte little endian hex value. Examples: echo filetime(); //modified date of current file, in ISO 8601, eg: 2023-10-16 14:42:22 echo filetime(,, "yyyy"); //modified date of current file, year only, eg: 2023 echo filetime(,, "dddd"); //modified date of current file, as weekday, eg: Monday echo filetime(,, "ww"); //modified date of current file, week number, eg: 42 echo filetime(,, "hex"); //modified date of current file, as 8 byte little endian hex value, eg: 01DA002E35164B00 % List: Since v24.30.0123 - 2023-04-25 17:00 deleting items in a long list took longer than necessary due to unnecessary refresh work. Fixed. v25.00.0105 - 2023-10-01 20:15 % Tree: Expanding nodes became slightly faster. v25.00.0104 - 2023-09-30 13:44 ! View | Tab | Relocate Tab...: When applied to a locked tab, the tab was not relocated but a new tab was opened at the specified path. Fixed. Now this is a way to change the location of a locked tab. ! Virtual Folders: Auto-refresh on a locked tab pointing to a Virtual Folder could result in a tab switch. Fixed. v25.00.0103 - 2023-09-29 10:18 * Glider: Redesigned the Select Color... interface and logic. Now pitch black (000000) is a possible choice. ! Match breadcrumb bar with custom colored tab: Fixed some glitches. v25.00.0102 - 2023-09-28 18:56 + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors: Added option "Match breadcrumb bar with custom colored tab". Tick it to match the colors of the breadcrumb bar to the colors of the selected tab if it is a custom-colored tab. By the way, it's no longer necessary to check the other two boxes on this page to make this happen. However, there is a possible combination that just does not make sense: [+] Match breadcrumb bar with custom colored tab [+] Match selected tab with breadcrumb bar [-] Preserve custom colors Therefore if "Match breadcrumb bar with custom colored tab" is checked then "Preserve custom colors" is implied internally even if it is not checked. - Removed the tweak/key TabMatchSelectedWithCrumbReverse. The key is now CrumbMatchWithSelectedCCTab. v25.00.0101 - 2023-09-28 15:53 + Breadcrumb Bars: You can now match the colors of the breadcrumb bar to the colors of the selected tab if it is a custom-colored tab, i.e. if its background and text colors have been set individually via View | Tab | Background Color... and View | Tab | Text Color.... To enable the above, check both: - Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors | Match selected tab with breadcrumb bar - Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors | Preserve custom colors And set this tweak (UI option will come later): TabMatchSelectedWithCrumbReverse=1 + Branch View: Similar to the changes in v24.80.0026 - 2023-08-25 16:38, menu Edit | New Items now also places the new items in the currently focused subsection of a Branch View. * Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Categories | Preview as Thumbnail: Shortcuts (LNK) to these file types were not included. Now they are. v25.00.0100 - 2023-09-27 22:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v25.00.0002 - 2023-09-27 19:06 + Uninstall: Now silent uninstall is supported using the /S switch, for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\XYplorer\Uninstall.exe /S ! Win 10/11 Long Path Support: Since v24.80.0021 - 2023-08-22 15:20 you could get "Error 13 Type Mismatch" on startup if the LongPathsEnabled key did not exist in your registry. Fixed. v25.00.0001 - 2023-09-27 14:29 + Image Properties: The native Exif parser has learned a bit about the intricacies of the task and now returns more and better data. * Message Boxes: The Copy button is now only displayed when there is text to copy. ! File | File Special | Set Modified / Created Date to Exif: Still did not work for some files. Fixed. v25.00.0000 - 2023-09-26 18:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ The Glider. The Glider is a floating, context-sensitive mini toolbar in the folder tree that magically appears at your mouse pointer, offering buttons for the most common file management operations: Copy, Move and Paste. It's like drag and drop without the dragging. Fully customizable. A game changer when it comes to manually organizing files into folders. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 24.90 ..................................................... v24.90.0141 - 2023-09-26 14:35 * Glider: Now the glider disappears when you enter rename mode, and no glider appears while you rename a node. v24.90.0140 - 2023-09-25 14:31 + Image Properties: Wrote a native Exif parser to extract even more data without relying on the shell, shell extensions, GDI+, or any installed Codecs. Works for TIF, DNG, NEF, CR2, RW2, and ARW, i.e. formats that internally use a TIFF header to store Exif data. + Image Properties: Added support for Motorola byte order in Exif data. Previously only Intel byte order was supported. ! Custom Event Actions: The CEA_SwitchTabs key appeared twice. It should have been CEA_SwitchTabs and CEA_SwitchTabs_Script instead. Fixed. No worries, nothing breaks or is lost for upgraders. v24.90.0138 - 2023-09-25 10:03 ! Image Properties | Date Taken: One problem case was missing. Fixed. v24.90.0137 - 2023-09-24 09:24 ! Configuration | General | Controls & More | Drop-down Lists | Select all on focus by key: Did not always work anymore when it should since v24.90.0122 - 2023-09-12 20:39. Fixed. v24.90.0136 - 2023-09-23 12:10 + Document Preview: The PreviewDocsFocusStealFixExt tweak now also works for the Floating Preview. Example (and factory default): PreviewDocsFocusStealFixExt=msg ! List: Since v24.80.0022 - 2023-08-22 19:56, Shift+Right-click on a selected item incorrectly removed any other selections. Fixed. ! Image Properties | Date Taken: The recent fix broke the app in some contexts. Fixed again. Also made it faster. v24.90.0135 - 2023-09-22 17:12 ! Special Folders: There could be another problem mapping real paths to their special path counterparts if the special path root pointed to a drive root that had a volume label assigned. Fixed. ! Image Properties | Date Taken: The Special Property column and did not show the date for some images, even if it was available in other ways. Fixed. v24.90.0134 - 2023-09-22 14:26 + SC exist: Now it shows the friendly name and path of the associated application (aka "Opens with"). % File | File Special | Set Modified / Created Date to Exif: Improved error handling and status bar feedback. ! SC aid: Was not available anymore. Fixed. ! Special Folders: There could be a problem mapping real paths to their special path counterparts if the special path root pointed to a drive root. This was ultimately caused by Windows' bizarre habit of returning drive roots with a trailing backslash and all other paths without. Fixed by working around this Windows quirk. v24.90.0133 - 2023-09-21 23:59 + SC exist: Now it shows the Shortcut Target for LNK files. ! Links Folder: The icons in the Links folder were more or less gone since v24.90.0132. Fixed. v24.90.0132 - 2023-09-21 12:54 ! Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Show real System32 directory: When checked, the specific shell icons of EXE files in the C:\Windows\System32 branch were not displayed correctly in the file list and some other contexts (only the generic EXE icon was displayed). Fixed. ! List: A rare "Subscript out of range" error was possible in Details view. Fixed. v24.90.0131 - 2023-09-17 17:37 - Load Time Log: Removed "Tree Check Subfolders Exist Late: " logging. Was only for debugging. % Info Panel | Preview Tab and Raw View Tab: Improved the placement of the orange button menus. v24.90.0128 - 2023-09-16 18:10 * Info Panel | Preview Tab and Raw View Tab: The orange button menu now pops up on mouse up instead of mouse down. This prevents accidental clicks on menu items when the menu happens to appear directly under the mouse pointer. If the menu is open, a second click on the orange button will close it. Btw, the menu now also pops up on right-click (no difference to left-click). * Info Panel | Find Files | Date: Same change as above for the orange button. % Glider: Now, if possible, the glider is placed in such a way that it does not have any overlap with the node label. Also the hover zone will never overlap the rect drawn around the node when the glider is visible. v24.90.0126 - 2023-09-15 13:33 + SC echo: Now the dialog features a Copy button, and Ctrl+C will copy the message. + Text-related modal dialogs: If there is a Copy button, Ctrl+C can trigger it if the focus is not on the text box itself. * Event Sounds | Clipboard Update: Now this sound is also played when a clipboard update is triggered from a text-related modal dialog, e.g. a message box or a text box. * Outlook Drop: Now the list is updated natively (and immediately) independent of the Windows change notification system. And the dropped items are automatically selected in the target path (like select on paste). ! When a search was performed of another location, while the active tab was a Virtual Folder (or Paper Folder), the info bar still reported that you were located in a VFO. Subsequently, other functions that were performed while in this state were affected. For example, if you tried to rename XY, it thought that all the files didn't exist, and it showed relative paths in the preview window, but they were relative to the previous VFO root. Fixed. v24.90.0125 - 2023-09-14 19:00 % Glider: Now it's not ghost-triggered anymore by passive mouse movements, e.g. on startup or after closing a modal dialog while the mouse is over the tree. To trigger the Glider you must actively move the mouse over the tree and stop for a while (initial delay) in the hover zone. ! Tree Section Colors: Colors got confused when there was only one drive. Fixed. ! Info Panel | Raw View | Orange Button Menu | Resolve Links: Fixed another glitch when changing between LNK files. v24.90.0124 - 2023-09-14 12:48 ! Shortcuts (LNK files): The icon for LNKs to executables in C:\Program Files was just the generic icon for executables due to bitness-related smartness when letting Windows resolve shell links. Fixed. The correct icons are now displayed. ! Info Panel | Raw View | Orange Button Menu | Resolve Links: Unchecking the toggle when a link target was displayed in Extract Text mode did not update the raw view to show the LNK file itself. Fixed. v24.90.0123 - 2023-09-13 19:00 % Opening shortcuts (LNK files): Due to some fatal bitness-related smartness built into Windows, the shell would open LNKs to "C:\Program Files" in "C:\Program Files (x86)" when opened from a 32-bit process. Not anymore! Dirty but successful, XYplorer now hacks around this. + Scripting got a new command. Name: ShellProps Action: Displays the shell properties dialog for a given item. Syntax: shellprops [item] item: The item for which shell properties are to be displayed. Or :addressbar, :tree, :list, or :catalog for the focused item in these controls. Defaults to the focused item in the focused control (Address Bar, Tree, List, or Catalog). Examples: shellprops; //for the focused item in the focused control shellprops ":list"; //for the focused list item (even if the list itself has no focus) shellprops ":tree"; //for the focused tree item (even if the tree itself has no focus) shellprops "C:\"; //for C:\ shellprops ; //for the currently focused and selected list item v24.90.0122 - 2023-09-12 20:39 * Quick Search: Now, if there is a selector, the pattern after the selector will be preselected in the search term retained from the previous search. This way it's much easier to search for another pattern using the same selector. For example, here the animal is preselected when the Quick Search dialog is opened: cont:dog > Tip: To quickly select the whole term press F2. ! Hover Box: Since 20230829, the Hover Box was no longer shown for ICO files. Fixed. v24.90.0121 - 2023-09-12 12:50 * Glider: now returns the path without the trailing slash, like all other path variables. ! Glider: Fixed various glitches. v24.90.0120 - 2023-09-11 21:17 * List | Full Row Select mode: v19.00.0008 - 2018-06-09 13:45 brought this: * List | Full Row Select mode: From now on, when you right-click an unselected row anywhere but in the very caption it does not select that item anymore but behaves like right-clicking the white space (pops the white space context menu without changing any selections). This is pretty much like File Explorer behaves as well. Before, it could have been hard to pop the white space context menu when in Full Row Select mode because of lack of white space. Well, it was *only* "pretty much" how FE behaved. Now it's exactly like FE behaves: White space and black space are distinguished on a cell-by-cell basis, i.e. right-clicking on text selects the item and gives you the item's context menu, whereas right-clicking on white space gives you the white space context menu. * Glider: Renamed the hover zone options: - Narrow = scrollbar width - Wide = scrollbar width x 4 - All White Space = all white space ! Glider: Fixed various glitches. v24.90.0118 - 2023-09-11 13:32 + Glider: Revised the snapping option, replacing the "Snap to Edge" toggle with a three-way choice: Snap to Mouse, Snap to Edge, Snap to First Button. The new kid on the block is Snap to First Button. The mouse is in the center of the first button, ready to click. The placement does not care about the visibility of the other buttons. So this setting works best when you only show one button. For example, if you just move things into folders manually, this setting provides the ultimate efficiency. * Glider: Revised the hover zone options: - Small = scroll bar width - Large = scroll bar width x 4 - All White Space = all white space ! Cell Context Menu on Extra Columns: Live Filter and Quick Search triggered from that menu did not work with certain formatted data types like rating stars and numbers with thousand separators. Fixed. v24.90.0117 - 2023-09-10 17:50 ! List: Possible error 9 on mouseover after a certain sequence of events involving a view change. Fixed. v24.90.0116 - 2023-09-10 11:08 * Scripting | Dereferencing: Since v24.80.0002 - 2023-08-12 13:42 dereferencing is allowed in interpolation (including HEREDOCs). However, this broke some old scripts, which is a no-go. So dereferencing in interpolation is now disabled by default. See below for how to enable it. + Scripting got a new command. Name: AID (for AllowInterpolatedDereferencing) Action: Controls whether dereferencing is allowed in interpolation. Syntax: aid [allow=1] allow: 1 = [default] allowed 0 = not allowed Note: Also affects dereferencing in HEREDOCs. Example: $v = "vampire"; $vd = '$v'; $c = "cow"; echo *$vd . ", " . *$c . ", *$vd, *$c, $v, $c"; //vampire, cow, *$v, *cow, vampire, cow aid; echo *$vd . ", " . *$c . ", *$vd, *$c, $v, $c"; //vampire, cow, vampire, cow, vampire, cow aid 0; echo *$vd . ", " . *$c . ", *$vd, *$c, $v, $c"; //vampire, cow, *$v, *cow, vampire, cow ! Dragging items over stale network links could cause the application to freeze for a few seconds while hopelessly trying to establish a connection. Fixed. ! Startup: May have detected and fixed a rare way for the app to start with "View | Suspend Auto-Refresh" erroneously checked on a normal folder. v24.90.0115 - 2023-09-09 14:41 + SC quicksearch enhanced: The new flag "o" ("order") sorts the results alphabetically ascending. This makes a subtle difference on NTFS and a huge difference on FAT32/exFAT. Syntax: quicksearch([query="*"], [path], [separator=""], [flags]) flags: [optional] String of flags to modify the function. o: Sort results alphabetically in ascending order. Remarks: - These settings are honored by the sort procedure: - Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Sort | Sort method - Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Sort | Sort filenames by base Examples: text quicksearch("*.txt", 3:=""); //unsorted text quicksearch("*.txt", 3:="o"); //alphabetically ascending ! Glider: Fixed various glitches. v24.90.0114 - 2023-09-08 12:59 + Glider: Now the disabled buttons also have a tooltip. It's a bit unusual to show a tip for disabled controls, but certainly helpful for newbies. ! Glider: Fixed various glitches. + Branch View: In analogy to the changes in v24.80.0026 - 2023-08-25 16:38 you can now paste items into the currently focused subsections of a Branch View. - When a folder is focused and you choose Edit | Paste (Ctrl+V), the items are now pasted into the focused folder. - When a file is focused and you choose Edit | Paste (Ctrl+V), the items are now pasted into the parent folder as siblings of that file. - One exception: If an empty folder is focused, it is treated as a file in this respect. Try it and you'll see that it makes sense. > Tip: To allow pasting into a selected empty folder within a Branch View tick this: Configuration | General | Controls & More | Miscellaneous | Paste to selected list folder v24.90.0112 - 2023-09-07 21:12 ! Glider: Multi-scripts did not work as expected. Fixed. Changed the internal format. You will have to re-layout your old script if it had more that one line. Now you can do the normal XYplorer multi-scripts that will pop a menu, for example: "Copy Path" copytext ; "Open in New Tab" tab("new", ); ! Glider: Fixed various drawing glitches. v24.90.0111 - 2023-09-07 13:16 + Glider Improvements: - Added options Small, Large, Extra Large to the "Hover Zone" submenu to control the width of the hover zone. Small = scroll bar width, Large = x 2, Extra Large = x 4. - Added command "Initial Delay" to the "Hover Zone" submenu. Here you can set the initial delay measured in ms. Valid values are 1 to 1000. You can set it to 0, in which case it reverts to the factory default, which is now 200 ms. ! Glider: The delay was miscalculated, so it took twice as long as intended. Fixed. ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Only while the shift key is held down: Was not respected in the Tree. Fixed. v24.90.0110 - 2023-09-06 19:15 + Glider Improvements: - Added the "Snap to Edge" toggle. Note that turning this on may cause you to accidentally click a glider button when you click the white space in the glider's hover zone. You've been warned. - Added the "Button Size" submenu: Small, Large, Extra Large. Note that larger buttons also increase the size of the hover zone. - Added the "Select Color" command: Set to full black to return to the factory default light-blue. v24.90.0109 - 2023-09-06 14:58 + Glider Improvements: The glider now has a right-click menu with various configuration options: - Hover Zone: Left Edge, Right Edge, Both Edges - Buttons per Row: 1, 2, 3, 4 - Edit Buttons... - Edit Script... * Glider: The syntax of GliderButtons (now GliderBtns) has changed. Since there is GUI access now, it's not that important, but still: The visibility of a button is now controlled by a leading +, and the number of buttons per row now has an extra key (GliderBtnsPerRow), and gpaste became gcpaste. - Example (factory default, 3 buttons in one row): GliderBtns=+gcopy,+gmove,+gcpaste,gscript" GliderBtnsPerRow=3 v24.90.0106 - 2023-09-04 15:10 + Glider Improvements: - Added an optional 4th button for custom scripts. The glider path (i.e. the folder the glider points to) can be referenced with the new variable. - The INI key is GliderScript (currently a tweak, soon via GUI). - Example: GliderScript="echo 'Glider at path ' . ;" - Now you can define which buttons are shown, in which order they are shown, and how many buttons are shown per row. - The INI key is GliderButtons (currently a tweak, soon via GUI). - Syntax: buttons_per_row,buttonkey[,buttonkey][,buttonkey][,buttonkey] - Examples: GliderButtons=2,gcopy,gmove,gpaste,gscript ;all 4 buttons, 2 per row GliderButtons=1,gscript,gpaste,gcopy,gmove ;all 4 buttons, 1 per row (= vertical strip) GliderButtons=3,gcopy,gmove,gpaste" ;factory default, all 3 in one row - Now you can control which area of the tree will trigger the glider: left, right, or both. - The INI key is GliderProps (currently a tweak, soon via GUI), a bit field. - Examples: GliderProps=1 'left GliderProps=2 'right GliderProps=3 'left and right v24.90.0105 - 2023-09-04 15:10 * Glider Improvements: - The glider hot zone (the area where the mouse triggers the glider) is now limited to a vertical strip on the right side of the tree, as wide as a scroll bar (that's 17 pixels by Windows default on 100%). This strip is hot even if a folder name reaches into it. - The glider will now appear at a position where the mouse pointer is over its non-clickable area to prevent accidental clicks. - The glider will now disappear even in the same row once you move the mouse to the left of it. - The target folder is now additionally marked with a surrounding rectangle. This rectangle stays on when overwrite prompts appear during a glider-triggered operation. - Disabled buttons are now more clearly marked as disabled. - The Move button is now disabled if source and target folder are identical. - The glider buttons now have a subtle press down effect. - Now only the left button triggers an action (of course, that was a bug). - After using a glider button, the focus is set to the list. This makes successive actions much easier. v24.90.0104 - 2023-09-03 16:31 + Glider: The gun is unlocked. Now the button actually do what they say. Enjoy! * Glider Improvements: - You can now switch sides on the same node and the glider will switch with you. - Buttons: Copy, Move, Paste, with tooltips and hover effect. - Buttons are enabled depending on the situation. v24.90.0103 - 2023-09-02 19:38 + Menu Tools | Customize Tree: Added toggle "Show Glider". So you need to actively turn it on now if you want to continue to see history in the making. * Glider Improvements: - Now the arrow points directly to the folder name for safe targeting. - The arrowheads are now barbed. - The glider will no longer jump to the other side if there is not enough room on the current side. It will stay here and overlap whatever is in its way. Not pretty but functional. - Made the whole thing a bit bigger (fatter targets). - Added some fake button shapes to enhance the simulation. No function yet. ! Rename Preview: Drawing glitch when scrolling. Fixed. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.172. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.172.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v24.90.0102 - 2023-09-01 19:29 * Glider Improvements: - The glider no longer overlaps the expansion icon (but moves to the right instead). - The area to the right of the nodes is now also a hot zone. Feels natural and reduces mouse movement. - When possible, the glider appears horizontally centered on the mouse pointer, not to the left of it. - The glider now appears with a subtle animation effect. v24.90.0101 - 2023-09-01 13:55 +++ The Glider: You move the mouse over the area in the tree to the left of the nodes, and for each node the Glider, a floating mini toolbar, magically appears, offering the two most basic file management buttons: Copy and Move (and optionally one or two other buttons). Clicking them will copy or move whatever is selected in list to the folder the glider is pointing to. A one-click-wonder. Everyone has always wanted this (subconsciously), everyone will get it immediately because it's so natural, it's a game changer. + The Glider, Phase 1: The glider is now implemented for the tree (a list glider may come later). It does nothing yet (no buttons), but you can get a feel for it. - The hot zone for each node is to the left of the expansion (or folder) icon. - The glider will appear to the left of the mouse pointer. - When space is limited, the glider will appear to the right of the node if there is more space. I decided against vertical gliders because it does not work well with motor memory. - To make it feel smooth and not annoying, the glider will not appear as long as the mouse is moving, it will only appear when and where the mouse rests for 150 msec. - Of course, showing the glider will be optional later, and the color will be customizable. v24.90.0100 - 2023-08-31 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.90.0004 - 2023-08-30 16:20 ! Batch Rename: With an increment pattern containing additional variables and the /s switch (e.g. *@.v<#1> /s), the increment was not always incremented automatically until a free name was found. Fixed. ! Batch Rename Dialog: As of 20130210 (!), Ctrl+Enter no longer opened the Rename Preview dialog. Fixed. v24.90.0003 - 2023-08-29 21:09 * Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Hold Ctrl to invert the above selection: Previously, CTRL had to be the only key held down. Now it can be combined with other function keys such as SHIFT and ALT. This allows you to force the extended shell context menu by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Right-click while "Native context menu" is checked. + Custom Copy Progress: Recent changes are now implemented for background operations. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0223. v24.90.0002 - 2023-08-29 15:08 + Custom Copy Progress: Now the post-processing phases (things to do after all bytes have been copied/moved) are displayed in the dialog, just above the progress bar. Depending on the configuration, the following phases may occur: - Filename capitalization is synchronized... - File times are synchronized... - Empty source folders are removed... Note that these phases don't take long for smaller jobs. You probably need at least 10,000 files in the job to have enough time to actually read the labels. Currently implemented for foreground operations only. ! Image Preview: WEBP preview did not work in a fresh instance without first checking it in Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Image Files. Fixed. Listing and checking in "Preview as Thumbnail" is sufficient. v24.90.0001 - 2023-08-28 17:28 * Custom Copy Progress: Now the name after "Copying:" is removed when an item is skipped. Previously, the last non-skipped name remained visible until the next non-skipped item appeared, falsely suggesting that copying that item took a long time. Currently implemented for foreground operations only. ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Initial delay in milliseconds: When set to 0, some timed things, like Hover Boxes, would stop working under certain conditions. Allowing this value was actually a mistake. Fixed. Valid values are now from 1 to 9999. ! Tools | Customize List | Show Folder Row Colors: Background colors were not displayed when "Tools | Customize List | Show Grid" was checked and the grid style was set to "Grid Lines". Fixed. v24.90.0000 - 2023-08-27 18:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Color Folder Rows. If you're looking for folders, you've come to the right place. Now, with a single keystroke, you can color-code folders to make them stand out. +++ Switch Folder Views. Now you can switch between the current and your favorite folder view with a single keystroke. A folder view includes column layout, sort order, list view, and list style. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. +++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to songs by Automatic Shoes. .......... XYplorer ver 24.80 ..................................................... v24.80.0030 - 2023-08-26 11:43 ! Help | About XYplorer: The date shown in the "Valid: for all upgrades before " line was miscalculated for standard licenses purchased after 2022 if you were using a non-current version of the app. Just a display glitch. Fixed. v24.80.0029 - 2023-08-25 20:58 * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0222 (new manifest). v24.80.0027 - 2023-08-25 17:48 > Added some debug logging regarding a rare error 9 during self-update. It will not be functional until the next beta, of course, when there is something to upgrade to. v24.80.0026 - 2023-08-25 16:38 + Branch View: Slightly changed the behavior of the New Folder and New Text File commands in this context: - When a folder is focused and you choose Edit | New | New Folder (Ctrl+N) or Edit | New | New Text File (Ctrl+Shift+N), that new item is now created within the focused folder. - When a file is focused and you choose Edit | New | New Folder (Ctrl+N) or Edit | New | New Text File (Ctrl+Shift+N), that new item is now created as a sibling of that file. - One exception: If an empty folder is focused, it is treated as a file in this respect. Try it and you'll see that it makes sense. * Updated the help file. v24.80.0025 - 2023-08-24 16:38 * Multi Monitor DPI Awareness: Compiled with new manifest that specifies default process DPI awareness as per-monitor. v24.80.0023 - 2023-08-23 13:04 ! List: Since yesterday, Shift+Arrows pivot selection stopped working. Fixed. ! View | Views | List: At some font sizes, the autosized columns were a bit (1 or 2 pixels) too narrow. Fixed. v24.80.0022 - 2023-08-22 19:56 ! Tags: Since 20230805 tags were not always updated correctly when a parent path was renamed. Fixed. ! List: Shift+Right-click incorrectly triggered a pivot selection. Fixed. Only Shift+Left-click should trigger a pivot selection. That's what Windows Explorer does. v24.80.0021 - 2023-08-22 15:20 + Win 10/11 Long Path Support: It took Windows decades to support paths > 259 characters (they always say > 260, but that's not true since the last character is not really usable), but with Win 10/11 they added optional support for users who are able to edit the registry without killing their system. Great. - First you have to create/set this registry key (here in reg file format): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem] "LongPathsEnabled"=dword:00000001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: This registry key can also be controlled via Group Policy (Win+R, gpedit.msc) at Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Filesystem > Enable Win32 long paths. - These things (pretty much) work now: - You will get the shell context menu for overlong items. - You will get the drag-n-drop shell context menu for overlong items. - You can delete overlong items to the Recycle Bin (and Undo it). NOTE: The "Original Location" cannot be retrieved correctly for overlong items in the Recycle Bin. It's either missing or cropped. Not XY's fault, they just did not do it right. Fortunately, the Undo function still works. - These things still don't work: - You still do not get special icons for overlong items. - You still do not get shell file operations for overlong items. (Who cares, XYplorer Custom Copy can do that for many years). + File Info Tips: The "Original Location" is now displayed in the first line of a File Info Tip for items in the Recycle Bin. ! File | Metadata: Did not work correctly for items in the Recycle Bin. Fixed. v24.80.0020 - 2023-08-21 17:46 * Overlong Path Support: Compiled with new manifest containing longPathAware element. This is a first step towards long path support for Win 10/11, which will finally allow the Windows shell to support paths of 260 characters and longer. It will take more than this to make it actually happen. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0221 (new manifest). > Edit | New | New Files...: Not new, but AFAIK never documented here or in Help: This command can also create new folders. Any item ending with a backslash is considered a folder. BTW, leading or trailing spaces in each line are tolerated (and ignored): E:\Testx\a2-5\ E:\Testx\b2-6\ E:\Testx\b2-6\c2-7\ Of course, folder and files can be mixed (and the order is irrelevant): E:\Testx\a2-5\ E:\Testx\a2-5\2-5.txt E:\Testx\b2-6\ E:\Testx\b2-6\2-6.txt E:\Testx\b2-6\c2-7\ E:\Testx\b2-6\c2-7\2-7.txt However, the above is unnecessarily explicit as here the creation of the new folders goes hand in hand with the creation of the new files. That would have been enough: E:\Testx\a2-5\2-5.txt E:\Testx\b2-6\2-6.txt E:\Testx\b2-6\c2-7\2-7.txt v24.80.0017 - 2023-08-21 13:05 * View | Suspend Auto-Refresh: Removed the default keyboard shortcut Ctrl+R. It's wasted here. ! Hover Box: Items in junction paths did not always show the correct icon (but a "?" icon). Fixed. ! File | Rename Special: When performed on tagged items in deep lists (Search Results, Branch View), display errors could occur in the file list (missing or wrong tags) that only were corrected after a manual refresh. Fixed. ! File | Rename Special: When performed on tagged files and their containing folders in deep lists (Search Results, Branch View), the tags database could get confused and tags could get orphaned or mixed up. The problem is that in such a situation, simple rename jobs can trigger a sequence of successive changes in the path of the same items. Hard to track and btw also hard to undo. For example, list these 3 folders with containing 3 files (tagged) in Search Results or Branch View, select them all and replace all "-" by "+": Before: After: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E:\Test\a2-5\ E:\Test\a2+5\ E:\Test\a2-5\2-5.txt E:\Test\a2+5\2+5.txt E:\Test\b2-6\ E:\Test\b2+6\ E:\Test\b2-6\2-6.txt E:\Test\b2+6\2+6.txt E:\Test\b2-6\c2-7\ E:\Test\b2+6\c2+7\ E:\Test\b2-6\c2-7\2-7.txt E:\Test\b2+6\c2+7\2+7.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In my test environment, the issue has now been fixed (including undo/redo), but there's a chance not all complexities are covered yet. v24.80.0016 - 2023-08-19 12:50 + SC interfacecolors: Now you can use ifc as an alias. + SC interfacecolors: Now you can use it to customize the Breadcrumb colors. Syntax: interfacecolors([colors], [type=0]) type: 3 = Breadcrumb Colors Format: AT1,AB1,IT1,IB1,AT2,AB2,IT2,IB2 (A=Active,I=Inactive,T=Text,B=Back,1=Pane1,2=Pane2) Each color in RRGGBB format. Omitted values remain unchanged. Empty: Reset the breadcrumb colors to factory defaults. Missing: Just return the current breadcrumb colors. return: Current breadcrumb colors. Remarks: - Factory defaults: FFFFFF,5C97DE,FFFFFF,B1B6BC,FFFFFF,B08062,FFFFFF,B9B4B1 Examples: echo ifc(, 3); //display the current breadcrumb colors definition ifc("", 3); //reset all breadcrumb colors to the factory defaults ifc("EEFFEE,5C879E,FFFFEE,A1B6CC,FFEEEE,A06072,FFFFEE,C9A4B1", 3); //set all breadcrumb colors to custom values ifc(",5C879E,,A1B6CC,,A06072,,C9A4B1", 3); //modify just the back colors ifc(",7CB76E", 3); //modify just the back color of the active breadcrumb in pane 1 + Admin Settings: As part of the effort to limit the power of employees (ELPE), admins now have the ability to prevent the Preview Now button from being displayed (the button is normally displayed for file types that are excluded from preview via Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats): eAPDisallow_PreviewNow = 65536 In the "Admin.ini" file (located where "XYplorer.exe" is) add (or OR to the current value) the following: [Settings] Profile=65536 * View | Mini Tree | Load Last Mini Tree: Renamed to "Load Previous Mini Tree". v24.80.0015 - 2023-08-18 11:56 * Mini Tree: Now the "Chevron" expansion icon in the Mini Tree is a little smaller than in the Maxi Tree. This gives you a little hint about the type of tree. FYI, the other expansion icons mark the difference with their color, but this does not work well with the chevron. ! Mini Tree: Since v24.70.0014 - 2023-08-05 11:58, when saving the configuration in Maxi Tree mode, your Mini Tree data was overwritten by your last Mini Tree (if any). Fixed. v24.80.0014 - 2023-08-17 18:24 + Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find: Added option "Allow repeated characters". Check it to allow jumping to "33" after pressing "3" twice. If unchecked, the second "3" will jump to the next item containing "3". Note that this setting affects Type Ahead Find in Tree and List. - Tweak TAFNoRepeatCharCycle: Removed. Replaced by "Allow repeated characters". v24.80.0013 - 2023-08-17 13:01 + Tools | Customize List: Added toggle "Show Folder Row Colors". Tick it to show folder row colors, i.e. mark folders with special text and background colors to make them easier to distinguish from files. + List | Folder Row Colors: Now they also work in non-Details views. + SC interfacecolors: Now you can use it to customize the Folder Row Colors. Syntax: interfacecolors([colors], [type=0]) type: 2 = Folder Row Colors Format: [RRGGBB,]RRGGBB (textcolor,backcolor) Examples: echo interfacecolors(, 2); //display the current folder row colors definition interfacecolors("224488,DDEEFF", 2); //make them blue interfacecolors("", 2); //reset the folder row colors to the factory defaults + Hover Box: Now you can force holding down CTRL to trigger one of the one-letter hotkeys while the hover box is displayed. This itself can be toggled by a one-letter hotkey: X: Trigger hotkeys with/without CTRL Note that when CTRL is forced, the letters A-Z just go through the hover box to wherever the focus is. Tip: The current state of this setting is shown in the Hover Box Tips dialog (F1) where it says "Hold down the CTRL key to trigger these hotkeys:" if CTRL is forced. ! Fixed a rare out-of-stack-space crash bug that would bring down the app like a dead stone. This type of crash never shows an error message because everything just broke. v24.80.0012 - 2023-08-16 19:18 * List | Folder Row Colors: Now also the text color differs from the regular one. % Rename Preview: Improved the layout and fixed some drawing glitches. v24.80.0011 - 2023-08-16 11:37 >>> List | Details View: Experimentally, the background of folders is now colored light brown. If you're looking for folders you came to the right place. No options, just throwing it at you to get a reaction. + SC tag: Added a new set of variables that are resolved on a per-item basis as the batch of selected items is processed. These new variables make reflexive (self-referential) batch tagging a piece of cake. = The full path/name of the item. = The base of the item. = The extension of the item. = The name of the item. = The path of the item. = A property of the item (equivalent to ). Remarks: - is channeled through the powerful variable for each item, so it can do a lot of interesting things. Examples: tag , , 1, 1; //set each selected item's Tags field to its name tag , , 2; //set each selected item's Comments field to its name // set each selected item's Comments field to its name, size, and MD5 hash: tag "Size of : , ", , 2; ! Variable : Couldn't handle hex numbers. echo get("exif", 0x9003); //worked echo ; //didn't work Fixed. Now both work. v24.80.0010 - 2023-08-15 22:39 ! Rename Preview: Recent enhancement didn't work perfectly. Fixed. v24.80.0009 - 2023-08-15 19:00 * View | Folder View Settings | Apply Previous Folder View: Now the previous folder view is only updated if the new folder view is different from it. Otherwise, the current view and the previous view would be identical, which would be pointless. % Rename Preview: Better alignment in the case of conflicts. ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Folder Tree... / File List...: Error 91 since v24.80.0005 - 2023-08-14 17:05. Fixed. v24.80.0008 - 2023-08-15 11:19 + Custom File Icons: Now the setting "Check Network Locations for Content-Based Folder Icons" is also available in the "Custom File Icons" dialog ("Tools | Customize File Icons..." and "Tools | List Management | Custom File Icons..."). The small toolbar has a new button "Configuration" that opens a mini-menu. % Startup: Since v24.60.0102 - 2023-07-16 12:14 it is ensured that the upper left corner of the main window is fully visible after startup. However, this does not play well with Aero Snap, so a startup position down to X = -10 and Y = -10 is now tolerated. * Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Tree path tracing | Mark nodes: Renamed to "Mark intermediate nodes". v24.80.0007 - 2023-08-14 23:46 ! View | Folder View Settings | Manage Folder Views...: Preselection did not work correctly if a default folder view was defined. Fixed. v24.80.0006 - 2023-08-14 19:31 * View | Folder View Settings | Manage Folder Views...: If a FVS is currently active it is now preselected in the Manage Folder Views dialog. Consequently if no FVS is currently active then nothing is preselected in that dialog. v24.80.0005 - 2023-08-14 17:05 + View | Folder View Settings: Added toggle "Automatically Apply Default Folder View". Tick it to automatically apply the default folder view (if one was defined) if a new location does not have its own folder view defined. This had previously been the hard-coded behavior. Now you can turn it off. + View | Folder View Settings: Added command "Apply Default Folder View". It will apply the default folder view (if one was defined) to the current list. With "Automatically Apply Default Folder View" turned off, this new command starts to make a lot of sense. I personally assigned a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+<) to it and I know I will use it a lot. + View | Folder View Settings: Added command "Apply Previous Folder View". Re-applies the folder view that was active just before one of the following commands was triggered: - Apply Default Folder View - Restore Folder View - Apply Previous Folder View (sic, the command itself is one of them) The command allows you to toggle between the last two folder views. Note: The previous folder view is not remembered across sessions. + View | Folder View Settings | Manage Folder Views: The following has been added v14.60.0217 - 2014-12-11 18:36: Experimentally (not officially documented) added a way to apply any of the defined Folder Views to the current folder (just ad hoc and temporarily, without making it the permanent view for this folder): Hold CTRL while you OK the dialog. That way you can have an arsenal of Folder Views from which you can quite easily select one for instant use. Cool. About time to make it official. Now it's mentioned in the OK button's tooltip. :) ! Info Panel | Properties | Date Time Fields Tooltips: If the column date format was set to a format that does not include seconds, then the tooltips falsely displayed the seconds as always being :00. Fixed. Now the seconds are shown in the tooltip. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.171. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.171.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v24.80.0004 - 2023-08-13 19:57 - Removed the shotgun related tweaks LiveFilterShotgunPrefix and LiveFilterIsShotgun, and experiment that started v19.40.0102 - 2018-11-28 20:02. In the meantime it's been replaced by "Use space character for Boolean AND" (v24.40.0101 - 2023-05-17 13:17). * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0220. v24.80.0003 - 2023-08-12 17:21 + SC tab("new"): Now you can pass a file path in the data argument, and the new tab will open at the containing folder and the file will be focused and selected. Works as well for tab("newb") where the file is focused and selected when you select the new tab; even across sessions. Example: tab("new", ); //open new tab and focus XYplorer.exe v24.80.0002 - 2023-08-12 13:42 + Custom Event Actions: Added new variable that is set to the canonic name (UI language independent) of the clicked column. Works in Details view only. Proof of concept script: if () { echo "Clicked item: Clicked column: Clicked column canonic: Clicked cell: "; } Possible return (with UI language set to German): Clicked item: E:\Test\a\subflux\flux.xys Clicked column: Änderungsdatum Clicked column canonic: Modified Clicked cell: 2023-04-23 19:19:35 * Scripting | Dereferencing: In v14.30.0006 - 2014-07-14 14:30 dereferencing was disallowed in interpolation. Why? Experimentally, I will now allow it. $v = "fish"; $vd = '$v'; echo *$vd . ", $v, *$vd, $vd, $v, *$vd"; //fish, fish, fish, $v, fish, fish $a = array("cat", "dog"); $p = '$a'; *$p[1] = 'horse'; // set dereferenced array element echo *$p[1] . ", $a[1], *$p[1], $p[1], $a[1], *$p[1]"; //horse, horse, horse, $a[1], horse, horse Note that the dereferencing is NOT performed recursively but only one time for each variable. // Non-recursive, returns "It's a *$v!" (*$vd2 -> *$vd -> *$v) $v = "fish"; $vd = '$v'; $vd2 = '*$vd'; echo "It's a *$vd2!"; // If it was done recursively the return would be "It's a fish!" (*$vd2 -> *$vd -> $v -> "fish") $v = "fish"; $vd = '$v'; $vd2 = '*$vd'; echo "It's a *$vd2!"; Also HEREDOCs are now dereferenced: $a = '$b'; $b = "Test"; echo << is now also set when double-clicking anywhere on the row of an item, so you can use in scripts for the "Double-click on white in file list" event. + Custom Event Actions: Added new variable that is set to the name of the clicked column (as it appears in the interface). Works in Details view only. + Custom Event Actions: Added new variable that is set to the content of the clicked cell. Works in Details view only. > All three above variables are set on these "on white" events when you actually click any cell in an item row apart from the Name itself: - Double-click on white in file list - Middle-click on white in file list - Right-click on white in file list Proof of concept script that works in all three events: if () { echo "Clicked item: Clicked column: Clicked cell: "; } This example script will open the path of the dbl-clicked item in a new tab (useful in search results): if () { tab("new", gpc(, "path")); } v24.80.0000 - 2023-08-09 18:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Tree Section Colors. Optional custom text and background colors for different sections of the tree help you find your branch in a huge tree and instantly recognize where you are. It's all about quick orientation. +++ Quickly Select the Item. You can now toggle item selection in the file list by Ctrl+left-clicking any cell in the row, even if Full Row Select is off. This makes it easier to select (deselect) items in a very wide list, especially when the Name column is scrolled to the left out of view. +++ Quickly Spot the Name. You can now hold CTRL while hovering over any cell other than the Name cell and a tooltip will show the name of the item. Quite useful if that name is currently scrolled to the left out of view. +++ Expansion Icon Chevron. A new expansion icon, the Chevron, is now available for the folder tree. It's also the new factory default. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 24.70 ..................................................... v24.70.0020 - 2023-08-08 18:30 - Virtual Folders: This change (from v24.70.0015 - 2023-08-05 18:52) has been removed: If all items in a virtual folder have a common path, that path is now selected in the tree when you go to the virtual folder, the tree is no longer grayed out, and the tree path trace is displayed. Reason: Leaving the tree alone is one of the virtues of Virtual Folders. > Secret tip: You can get the change back by passing the "t" switch: vi:|t|... * Updated the help file. v24.70.0019 - 2023-08-08 10:32 * Tree Section Colors: Now enabled by factory default. Too good to miss. ! Scripting | Arrays: Interpolation of array variables in combination with non-array usage of the same variable did not work properly. Fixed. $a = "horse"; $a = array("donkey", "monkey"); echo "$a, $a[0], $a[1], $a"; //horse, donkey, monkey, horse echo "$a[1], $a, $a[0], $a"; //monkey, horse, donkey, horse ! Scripting | Arrays: Since 20230618, interpolation of associative array variables using single-quoted keys did not work properly. Fixed. $a['key'] = 'dog'; echo "$a['key']"; //dog ! Scripting | Arrays: Interpolation did not work properly in some wild contexts. Fixed. $a[2] = "cat"; $a['1+1'] = "dog"; echo $a[2] . $a[1+1] . $a['1+1']; //catcatdog echo "$a[2]$a[1+1]$a['1+1']"; //catcatdog ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Point to select: Did not work in special folders (since 20230419). Fixed. v24.70.0017 - 2023-08-07 12:54 ! File | Rename Special | UrlEscape (Space > %20 ...): Filenames with non-ANSI characters were not properly encoded (this needs to be done by converting the string to UTF-8 first). Fixed. ! File | Rename Special | UrlUnescape (%20 > Space ...): Filenames that were UTF-8 encoded prior to URL encoding were not decoded correctly. Fixed. ! Scripting | Arrays: Dereferencing array elements did not work properly. Fixed. $a = array("cat", "dog"); $p = '$a'; $el = *$p[1]; // get dereferenced array element echo $el; // dog *$p[1] = 'horse'; // set dereferenced array element echo $a[1]; // horse v24.70.0016 - 2023-08-06 12:06 ! SC savethumb: Didn't accept percentage sizes for video, PDF, and other non-image types. Fixed. ! List: Since v24.70.0007 - 2023-08-01 18:45 Ctrl+DblClick on any cell in Details view would open that item as if the Name cell was double-clicked. Fixed. Ctrl+LeftClick only toggles the selection, so Ctrl+DblClick only toggles it on and off (pointless). v24.70.0015 - 2023-08-05 18:52 * Virtual Folders: If all items in a virtual folder have a common path, that path is now selected in the tree when you go to the virtual folder, the tree is no longer grayed out, and the tree path trace is displayed. % Configuration | Information | Tags | Copy tags on copy operations: A lot of time was wasted unnecessarily updating the tag database when there were absolutely no tags involved in the operation ("updating tags..." displayed in the status bar). Fixed. These operations are now much faster in post-processing. % Configuration | Information | Tags | Copy tags on backup and sync operations: Same as above. v24.70.0014 - 2023-08-05 11:58 * SC interfacecolors: Now that we have the Show Section Colors toggle, it is no longer necessary to completely reset the section colors to nothing. Instead, passing "" will now reset them to the factory defaults. interfacecolors("", 1); //reset all section colors to the factory defaults * View | Mini Tree | Minimize Tree: Renamed to "Mini Tree from Current Tabs". * View | Mini Tree | Mini Tree From Recent: Renamed to "Mini Tree from Recent Locations". + View | Mini Tree: Added "Mini Tree from Here" which radically reduces the tree to just the current location. * View | Mini Tree | Load Last Mini Tree: This command now toggles between the current and the last Mini Tree in more situations than in previous versions. It provides an easy way to undo the results of the following commands by going back to the previous state: - View | Mini Tree | Mini Tree from Here - View | Mini Tree | Mini Tree from Recent Locations - View | Mini Tree | Mini Tree from Current Tabs - View | Mini Tree | Load Favorite Mini Tree - Tools | List Management | Mini Tree... + View | Mini Tree | Load Last Mini Tree: Now the last Mini Tree is remembered across sessions. v24.70.0013 - 2023-08-04 18:44 + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Tree path tracing: Added setting "Width of trace in pixels". Allowed range is 1 to 9 pixels, new factory default is 1 (was 3 previously). - Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Tree path tracing | Wide trace: Removed (and replaced by "Width of trace in pixels"). v24.70.0012 - 2023-08-04 12:33 * Tree: New factory default look: No more lines, chevron expansion icon. > Tree Tips: - Shift+Right-click tree white space: Quickly change the tree style. - Ctrl+Right-click tree expansion icon: Quickly change the expansion icon. % Tree | Expansion Icons | Chevron: Now it looks better in combination with lines (Tools | Customize Tree | Show Lines). No more drawing on top of each other. ! Scripting | Arrays: ForEach on a dereferenced array did not work and generated error 9. Fixed. $a = array("cat", "dog"); $var = '$a'; ForEach(*$var as $index => $val) { echo "$index = $val"; // 0 = cat, 1 = dog } ! Scripting | Arrays: Copying an array via a dereferenced variable did not work. Now it does: $a = array("cat", "dog"); $var = '$a'; $a2 = *$var; echo "$a2[0], $a2[1]"; //cat, dog v24.70.0011 - 2023-08-03 11:17 + Menu Tools | Customize Tree: Added toggle "Show Section Colors". Lets you toggle Tree Section Colors on and off. + Tree Section Colors: Added an extra field for User Folders (UFOs), an upcoming killer feature. Currently you can just leave it empty. Syntax: [Reserved]|SpecialFolders|UserFolders|Drives|PortableDevices|RecycleBin|Network Example script: interfacecolors("|0055AA,F5F8FC||008866,|F8F0E0|D0F8E0|113355,DDEEFF", 1); ! Tree Section Colors: Did not work well with Boxed Branches. Fixed. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.170. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.170.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v24.70.0010 - 2023-08-02 20:07 ! Catalog: Chevron was not yet implemented. Fixed. v24.70.0009 - 2023-08-02 18:09 + Tree Section Colors: Added an extra field for Portable Devices. Syntax: [Reserved]|SpecialFolders|Drives|PortableDevices|RecycleBin|Network Example script: interfacecolors("|0055AA,F5F8FC|008866,|F8F0E0|D0F8E0|553311,DDEEFF", 1); + Tree | Expansion Icons: Added a new shape "Chevron" (emulation of File Explorer style in Win 10/11). Looks best without lines (Tools | Customize Tree | Show Lines). FYI, to change the expansion icon Ctrl+Right-click any of the current expansion icons in the tree. > Tip: Remove the lines (Tools | Customize Tree | Show Lines), set the expansion icon to Chevron, and tweak the TPT width to 1 pixel: TPTWidth=1 Looks slick. v24.70.0008 - 2023-08-02 12:16 * Tree Section Colors: Revised the syntax by adding an additional field to the front that is reserved for future use. Syntax: [Reserved]|SpecialFolders1|Drives|SpecialFolders2|Network Example script: interfacecolors("|F5F8FC||F0F8F8|F5F5F0", 1); + Tree Section Colors: Now you can also define the text color per section. Syntax per section: [[textcolor,]backcolor] Examples per section: 0055AA,F5F8FC Defines text and back color 0055AA, Defines text color only ,F5F8FC Defines back color only F5F8FC Defines back color only (same as above) Example: // defines text and back color for "SpecialFolders1", text color only for "Drives", // and back color only for the other sections interfacecolors("|0055AA,F5F8FC|008866,|F0F8F8|E5E5E0", 1); Remarks: - The section text color is used only when no Color Filter color applies. - If the text color is missing, the section uses the default tree text color. - Dark mode colors are automatically derived from the light mode colors. * Event Sounds: Now the volume is controlled by the Windows "System Sounds" volume slider. ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Lighter text in details columns: Never worked in Dark Mode. Fixed. v24.70.0007 - 2023-08-01 18:45 + List: As an experiment, you can now toggle the selection of items in Details view by Ctrl+Left-Click on any cell in the row, even if Full Row Select is turned off. Makes it easier to select (deselect) items in a very wide list, especially when the Name column is scrolled left out of view. Kind of "on-the-fly full row select". Note that the selection (deselection) happens on mouse up, just like with regular toggle select in the Name column. + List: As an experiment, you can now hold CTRL while hovering any cell other than the Name cell and a tooltip will show the name of the item. Quite useful if that name is currently scrolled left out of view. v24.70.0006 - 2023-08-01 13:27 + Tree: Added a way to backcolor different sections of the tree to improve orientation in a long tree. It's currently implemented as a tweak, but is also available via scripting. Four sections can be colored: SpecFolders1|Drives|SpecFolders2|Network, where each color is optional and must be specified in RRGGBB format. Example tweak (omitting the Drives section): TreeSectionColors=F5F8FC||F0F8F8|F5F5F0 Example script (omitting the Drives section): interfacecolors("F5F8FC||F0F8F8|F5F5F0", 1); More examples: echo interfacecolors(, 1); //display the current section colors definition interfacecolors("", 1); //remove all section colors Notes: - The sections as they appear in the tree from top to bottom: SpecFolders1: This PC and any special folders. Drives: All drives with a drive letter (local and mapped). SpecFolders2: Recycle Bin and portable devices. Network: All network locations with UNC paths. - If the color is missing, the section uses the default tree backcolor. - Dark mode colors are automatically derived from the light mode colors. v24.70.0005 - 2023-07-31 16:17 ! Hover Box: Failed in Find mode since the recent enhancements. Fixed. v24.70.0004 - 2023-07-31 12:05 + Hover Box: Now you can force the real path to be displayed in the status area of the Hover Box. Toggle real/special path by pressing the "H" key while the Hover Box is displayed. H: Toggle real/special path. Of course, you will only see a difference if the hovered path is a special path, and if showing the path is enabled for the status area. % Hover Box: No more unnecessary repositioning by a few pixels when changing properties. v24.70.0003 - 2023-07-30 19:46 - Reversed these changes from v24.50.0208 - 2023-06-23 14:46 (more clarity): * Tools | Customize File Icons...: Same here, the list is now always enabled, regardless of the setting of "Enable Custom File Icons". * Tools | Customize File Associations...: Same here, the list is now always enabled, regardless of the setting of "Enable Custom File Associations". ! Hover Box: When over the file list the status section showed the real path even if the file list was in the special path. Fixed. ! Hover Box: When over the breadcrumb dropdowns list the status section showed the real path even if the breadcrumb was in the special path. Fixed. v24.70.0002 - 2023-07-28 16:01 * Hover Box: The status area now adds the words "reduced to" to the displayed dimensions when the preview is smaller than the original. * Close Preview by ESC: Renamed to "Allow ESC to Close Preview". ! Close Preview by ESC: Could not preview the same file again directly after closing the preview with ESC. Fixed. v24.70.0001 - 2023-07-27 18:24 + SC focus: Now PP also focuses the Preview Tab if that's where the preview currently happens. Syntax: focus [control (L|A|T|C|P1|P2|PI|LFB|PP|FP|XY)] control: PP: Preview Pane or Preview Tab * Close Preview by ESC: Now the focus is moved to the list if it was on the preview. ! Toolbar | Details View: Under certain conditions, the button would get confused about which view was last. Fixed. ! Edit | Paste Special | Edit Clipboard...: If you emptied the text box and clicked OK, the clipboard would go into a mysterious state that had no content but was not empty either. Fixed. Now the clipboard is empty. v24.70.0000 - 2023-07-25 20:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Zoom to Fit for Thumbnails. Allows you to enlarge smaller originals as much as the current thumbnail size will allow and turn your thumbnails into pixel magnifiers. On the fly. Every icon designer's dream. +++ Zoom to Fit for the Hover Box. Hover the mouse over small image files and view their pixels like under a microscope. No clicks required. Useful fun. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. +++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to songs by Brooke Combe. .......... XYplorer ver 24.60 ..................................................... v24.60.0122 - 2023-07-25 09:37 * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.169. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.169.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 * Updated the help file. * Configuration | Preview | Preview | Image/Video preview | Zoom smaller originals to fit preview area: Renamed to "Zoom to fit". Consistency. v24.60.0121 - 2023-07-24 17:22 * Hover Box: Scaling is now done in steps of 8 pixels (was 10), and 64 pixels (was 100) if you hold down the SHIFT key. Hold down the CTRL key to make single pixel steps (this did not change). ! Configuration | General | Tree and List | List | Select next item after delete and move: Had stopped working for move. Fixed. v24.60.0120 - 2023-07-24 10:04 + Hover Box: The Hover Box now supports Zoom To Fit, so you can get an enlarged view of smaller images. Toggle the feature by pressing the "Z" key while the Hover Box is showing. Z: Toggle Zoom To Fit. Of course, if the original image is larger than the Hover Box there will be no visible difference in the Hover Box. * Hover Box: Factory default size is now 512x512 (was 500x500). Better ratio for Zoom To Fit. v24.60.0118 - 2023-07-23 19:15 % Image Dupes: Smaller images (<= 256x256) would not always match their large relatives when they should, due to mysterious circumstances in certain Windows image scaling routines. Now it's better. You know, working in Windows means working around Windows. % Image Dupes: May support more file types. Depends on lots of factors. ! Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Reuse existing tabs when changing the location: If ticked, a locked search results tab could be overwritten when changing the tree location. Fixed. v24.60.0116 - 2023-07-23 12:04 + Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails: Added option "Zoom to fit". Tick it enlarge smaller originals as much as the current thumbnail size will allow (no cropping). + SC ThumbsConf enhanced: Added field "ZoomToFit" to the "settings" argument: Syntax: thumbsconf([settings="ShowCaption,ZoomToFill,Style,Padding,Transparency, _ ShowIcon,ShowDimensions,OverlayCaption,FolderThumbs,ZoomToFit"], [separator=","]) settings: ZoomToFit: 0 or 1 or ! (toggle 0/1) = Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Zoom to fit Example: thumbsconf(",,,,,,,,,!"); //toggle ZoomToFit % Thumbnails | Zoom to Fit: Now when toggling the setting, only those thumbnails are updated that can actually be zoomed to fit. And it's only done while painting, the thumbnail cache in memory and on disk is not touched. So it's lightning fast now. v24.60.0115 - 2023-07-22 20:14 + Thumbnails: Added toggle "Zoom to Fit" to enlarge smaller originals as much as the current thumbnail size will allow. For example, in the default Large Tiles view, a 16x16 icon is then displayed in 192x192 monster size. The toggle is currently found only in the context menu of various views related toolbar buttons, eg "Details View" or "Dark Mode". It is only visible in that menu if the list is currently in a Thumbnails or a Tiles view. Notes: - If the setting is toggled the current thumbnails are all refreshed. This can be optimized later (to refresh only those that actually can zoom to fit). - If the original is at least 4 times smaller (in any dimension) than the thumbnail or the original is <= 32x32, it will be resized without anti-aliasing (the same rule has been used elsewhere in the application for many years), so you can really see the fat pixels of your little icons. With anti-aliasing it would just look awful. - Hover Box and MDBU work normally. Of course, now they are smaller than the thumbnail. - If you rather want to tweak it for whatever reason, this is the key: ThumbsZoomToFit=1 v24.60.0111 - 2023-07-22 15:25 + Info Panel | Raw View | Orange Button Menu: Added toggle "Resolve Links". Tick it to raw view the targets of LNK files. Untick it to raw view the LNK files themselves. Previously, raw viewing the targets was hardcoded. ! Quick Select (>>>): Did not support " " as separator (Boolean OR) alternative to "|". Fixed. Now it's consistent with the Spot marker >>. For example, this will select all files in the current list containing either pay or back: >>>pay back This will highlight those strings in the filenames: >>pay back v24.60.0110 - 2023-07-22 10:26 % Address Bar: Win10 and later became much slower than previous versions of Windows in certain areas of drawing graphics. One particular context where this became very noticeable was the address bar dropdown at 125% when it contained many scripts (drawing the script icon was the problem). I have now worked around this to make it much faster. ! Multiline Message Boxes: Double-clicking on the first/last word in a line also selected the adjacent word on the previous/next line. Fixed. v24.60.0109 - 2023-07-21 17:26 + Hover Box: You can now copy an image of the current Hover Box contents to the clipboard by pressing the "C" key. C: Copy an image of the current Hover Box contents to the clipboard. The status area is not included. The size is exactly the same as in the Hover Box. Note that not only images, but also text, PDF previews, archive listings, folder listings, etc. can be copied to the clipboard this way. Nice. + Preview Tab / Preview Pane | Context Menu: Added the new toggle "Close Preview by ESC". Tick it to make the ESC key close the current preview. + SC savethumb: Now you can use the clipboard as image source by passing the special string in the "file" parameter. Syntax: savethumb([file=], [thumbnail_file="*_thumb"], [widthbox], [heightbox], _ [format="jpg"], [border_width], [flags], [transparency=2], [color_canvas]) file: [optional] The name of the source file. Defaults to the current list item. Can be any format that has a thumbnail image (including video files). Set to to use the current image in the clipboard. Examples: savethumb(, "clipboardimage", "100%", , "jpg"); //save clipboard image as JPG, full size savethumb(, "clipboardimage", "50%", , "png"); //save clipboard image as PNG, half size ! Content-Based Folder Icons: Tree icons were not always refreshed for special paths. Fixed. v24.60.0107 - 2023-07-20 11:10 ! Address Bar: Using * as a wildcard in locations stopped working, probably on 20211010. Fixed. First match (alphabetically) wins, for example (your results might differ, it all depends on the actually existing paths): C:\Program* --> C:\Program Files C:\Program Files (x*) --> C:\Program Files (x86) C:\P*8*\XY* --> C:\Program Files (x86)\XYplorer D:\* --> D:\$RECYCLE.BIN (or whatever is the first folder in D:\) v24.60.0106 - 2023-07-19 16:56 * View | Folder View Settings | Manage Folder Views...: Now the dialog will automatically reopen when you're done with the Edit Folder View dialog you opened from there. ! Configuration | Information | Tags | Auto-refresh tags: If enabled then tags were not always copied from source to target item if that target item had been deleted before within the same session. Well, actually they were copied, but only visible after the next restart because of a DB corruption. Fixed. v24.60.0105 - 2023-07-19 12:47 + SC self got a new value "level" for the "info" parameter, and a new parameter "level". Syntax: self(info, [level]) info: level: return the level (1 = top level) level: 0 = self [Default] 1 = 1st level (top level) 2 = 2nd level, etc -1 = caller of self (one level up) -2 = caller of caller of self (two levels up), etc Remarks: If the desired level does not exist the function returns nothing (no error message). Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // test SC self echo self("level"); //self level (1 = top level) // go down to a user function godowntowork1(); function godowntowork1() { echo self("level"); //self level (1 = top level) godowntowork2(); } function godowntowork2() { echo self("level"); //self level (1 = top level) echo self("script"); //self echo self("script", -1); //caller (one level up) echo self("script", -2); //caller of caller (two levels up) echo self("script", 1); //1st level echo self("script", 2); //2nd level echo self("script", 3); //3rd level echo self("script", 4); //4th level -- returns nothing here } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + SC focus got new parameters. Syntax: focus [control (L|A|T|C|P1|P2|PI|LFB|PP|FP|XY)] control: PP: Preview Pane FP: Floating Preview window XY: XYplorer window Remarks: PP does not do much apart from taking the focus away from wherever it is now because the actual preview is contained in a child of the preview pane which at the moment cannot be focused. Examples: focus "FP"; //focus the Floating Preview window (nothing happens if there is none) focus "FP"; wait 500; focus "XY"; wait 500; focus "FP"; //disco * XY64ctxmenu: Updated to 1.3.0. This version should get rid of the AHK message "Could not close the previous instance of this script. Keep waiting?" that some users were getting. v24.60.0104 - 2023-07-18 12:52 + Scripting got a new function. Name: VarName Action: Returns the name of a variable. Syntax: varname(variable, [flags]) variable: Variable, e.g. $a or $a[0]. flags (bit field): 0: As passed [Default]. 1: Strip any array index. 2: In calling scope. return: The variable name, depending on the flags. Remarks: Flags bit 2 falls back to the current name if there is no calling scope. Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // get the name of a variable in the calling scope $a[0] = "foo"; // nothing special here; no caller, so varname() falls back to the current name echo varname($a[0], 2) . " = " . $a[0]; //$a = foo // go down to a user function godowntowork($a[0]); function godowntowork($var) { echo '$var' . " = " . $var; //$var = foo // here's the interesting part; varname() returns the original name in the calling scope echo varname($var, 2) . " = " . $var; //$a[0] = foo echo "Array name in caller: " . varname($var, 3); //$a } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Scripting commands setting/settingp enhanced: New named argument "playeventsounds" to temporarily enable/disable playing event sounds (Configuration | General | Controls & More | Miscellaneous | Play a sound on certain events). Example: setting "playeventsounds", 0; //disable playing event sounds v24.60.0103 - 2023-07-17 14:00 + Document Preview: Added tweak to customize the Focus Steal Fix. PreviewDocsFocusStealFixExt=msg By factory default (and for upgraders) it's set to "msg" (quotes are optional), but you now can set it, for example, to "msg.pdf" if your PDF preview handler steals the focus as well, or to "" if you don't need the fix. % Portable Devices: When copying items from a portable device to another location, the pre-processing is now much faster (by a factor of 5 to 10). % Tabs: Enhanced the X-close button push effect (darkened color). ! Tabs: Moving the mouse over X-close did not react correctly on resolutions > 100% (target area was wrongly calculated). Fixed. ! Tabs: Moving the mouse between X-close and tab caption caused a flicker on Win10 (and probably later), curiously not on Win8. Fixed. ! Address Bar: The OneDrive icon in the drop-down list was replaced with a "?" icon if the name contained a " - " sequence, e.g. "OneDrive - Personal". Fixed. v24.60.0102 - 2023-07-16 12:14 % Startup: Now it is ensured that the upper left corner of the main window is visible and that at least 256 pixels in width and height are visible, no matter which monitor in your multi-monitor setup has been turned off since the last session. ! File | Duplicate | Copy Here As...: Since 20230116, Ctrl+Arrow selection used path components instead of words. Fixed. ! SC vartype: Incorrectly returned "string" for array elements where the array existed but not the key. Fixed. ! SC isset: Incorrectly returned 1 (true) for array elements where the array existed but not the key. Fixed. v24.60.0101 - 2023-07-15 19:27 % Document Preview: Some MSG preview handlers steal the application focus. Now XY steals it back, even when the preview uses a user-defined preview handler. ! SC base64decode: Didn't handle all inputs correctly. Fixed. For example, this didn't work correctly before; now it does: echo base64decode(base64encode("ÄÖÜäöüß")); v24.60.0100 - 2023-06-26 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.60.0003 - 2023-06-26 12:20 ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | Show these fields: Did not for the %user% folder. Fixed. Note that it cannot work for any contents of the %user% folder, because inside of this folder Windows is doing something strange and undocumented. v24.60.0002 - 2023-06-25 17:55 ! Thumbnails: Thumbnails did not show in a virgin XYplorer when disabling "Cache thumbnails on disk". Fixed. v24.60.0001 - 2023-06-25 15:10 ! SC property: Since 20220502, the below examples did not work as expected (the field names were not returned). Fixed. echo ; //MD5: 3a0ec713ffda3c1020613c612fa009b4 echo ; //AR: 2:1 ! Content-Based Folder Icons: Tree icons were not refreshed after some combinations of Copy, Move, and Undo, Redo. Fixed. v24.60.0000 - 2023-06-24 21:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Custom Folder Icons. Now the download package contains five colored folder icons in Windows 11 style for your pleasure. Three of them are predefined as Custom File Icons. Seeing them in action is just a click away. You get a cute yellow generic folder icon, a blue icon for empty folders, and a red one for inaccessible folders. Looks good and is more helpful than you might think. Give it a try! +++ Deghost Your Icons. Now you can control whether the icons of hidden items are drawn in this ghostly, semi-transparent way (Windows default) or not. +++ Peek at Embedded Icons. Now you can use the wheel to scroll through all the embedded icons in an icon resource and see their full list. +++ Status Bar Section Width. Now you can adjust the width of the first two sections of the status bar by hitting Shift+Alt+Wheel over them. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 24.50 ..................................................... v24.50.0209 - 2023-06-24 13:57 * Updated the help file. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.168. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.168.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v24.50.0208 - 2023-06-23 14:46 * Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters | Enable color filters: The list and buttons are no longer disabled if the checkbox is unchecked. I don't like a disabled interface, and it's pointless and redundant here. * Tools | Customize File Icons...: Same here, the list is now always enabled, regardless of the setting of "Enable Custom File Icons". * Tools | Customize File Associations...: Same here, the list is now always enabled, regardless of the setting of "Enable Custom File Associations". ! Go | Go to...: Variables were resolved too early. Fixed. v24.50.0207 - 2023-06-22 18:16 ! Portable Devices: Since 20230603, the shell icons of special paths were no longer displayed in the breadcrumb, tab headers and some other places when portable devices were connected. Fixed. v24.50.0206 - 2023-06-22 17:03 ! Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons | Show embedded icons on Properties tab: Icons were shown too small on higher screen resolutions. Fixed. ! Scripting | Arrays: Arrays could get confused after being unset and reassigned. Fixed. v24.50.0205 - 2023-06-22 11:33 - Content-Based Folder Icons: Removed the "n" switch. That wasn't the right place for the logic because only *after* the check we know whether a folder is empty, filled, or access denied, so it's pointless to have individiual network switches for /e /f /x. + Content-Based Folder Icons: Now there's a global setting "Check Network Locations for Content-Based Folder Icons" and it's in the context menu of the "Enable custom file icons" toolbar button. I know, clumsy and hidden, but once you know it, it's very handy compared to the "n" switch. v24.50.0204 - 2023-06-21 22:00 + Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons: Added option "Draw hidden icons ghosted". Check it to do what it says. The default is ON, as this is the Windows standard. Now you can turn it off to drive the ghosts away. ! Custom File Icons: Extracted icons did not work for compressed files. Fixed. > Custom File Icons: In general, extracted icons are not fully recommended for use in CFI. Due to problems with the jumbo image list, they only work reliably up to a size of 48x48. ! Icons: At screen resolution > 100% and Windows version >= Win10 icons in a certain size that had a link overlay were drawn incorrectly (too large, and the overlays too low). Fixed again. v24.50.0203 - 2023-06-21 10:27 ! Content-Based Folder Icons: Didn't work for compressed folders in Win10 and later. Fixed. ! Icons: At screen resolution > 100% and Windows version >= Win10 icons in a certain size that had a link overlay were drawn incorrectly (too large, and the overlays too low). You know, drawing icons in Windows is a black box with a lot of buttons, and an alien nameless intelligence that changes with every version of Windows also pushes those buttons all the time. Not complaining, makes it interesting. v24.50.0202 - 2023-06-20 20:11 + Custom File Icons: Added 3 more icons to the package, one "FolderGeneric" (to be used as a replacement for the default folder icon of your Windows version) and a green and a gray one (currently not used, do what you want with them). *\>\XYicon_FolderGeneric.ico //matches all folders Big thanks to Brian Johnson for making the Windows 11 style color icons! + Custom File Icons: A fresh installation now comes with three ready-made CFI definitions for folder icons. They also serve as cute examples of how it's done. Custom File Icons is now disabled by default, and the "Enable Custom File Icons" button is now part of the standard toolbar. So the newbie can experience the miracle with a simple click. v24.50.0201 - 2023-06-20 14:41 * Custom File Icons: Failed to add embedded/extracted icons to the jumbo image list and eventually had to give up. As a result, the embedded icons have been removed. + Custom File Icons: The above mentioned removed icons are now part of the download package, as ICO files. If you want to use them, these are the definitions for Tools | Customize File Icons...: *\ /x>\XYicon_FolderDenied.ico //matches all accessed denied folders *\ /e>\XYicon_FolderEmpty.ico //matches all empty folders In an upcoming release, they will be part of the factory setup. ! Thumbnails/Tiles Views: Fixed some minor icon drawing inconsistencies. Tested only for Win8.1 at 100% and at 125%. v24.50.0200 - 2023-06-19 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.50.0119 - 2023-06-19 19:25 - unpublished * Custom File Icons: Replaced the default CFI icons embedded in XYplorer.exe by colored Windows 11 style folder icons. v24.50.0117 - 2023-06-19 11:07 + Status Bar: Now you can adjust the width of the first two sections of the status bar by hitting Shift+Alt+Wheel over them. The width is increased or decreased in steps of 10 pixels. The minimum width is 40 pixels, the maximum is the screen width. In case you don't have a mouse wheel (or if "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts | Enable zoom by Ctrl+mouse wheel" is disabled) you can tweak it here. Note that these values are not the widths but the pixels that are *added* to the default widths, and they can be negative. Example: StatusBarSection1WidthAdd=10 StatusBarSection2WidthAdd=-10 + Info Panel | Find Files: Now you can pop the context menu of the Find Now button also by right-clicking the area right of the right-most tab header ("Excluded"). v24.50.0116 - 2023-06-18 14:11 > Custom File Icons: Failed to use factory default CFI icons embedded in XYplorer.exe. I could not add them to the jumbo image list. Mysterious Windows fail. Tried it all. Had to give up. I leave the (now slightly modified) icons embedded anyway. Could be good for something. The icons themselves will be further improved. ! Scripting | Arrays: The interpolation fix in v24.50.0013 - 2023-06-14 19:42 caused unjustified "Dubious Syntax" messages. Fixed. ! Fresh Instance Layout: On 125% screen resolution (or higher) the startup window was too small to show all contents of the Info Panel. Fixed. v24.50.0114 - 2023-06-17 20:23 % Icons extracted from icon resources: XY learned to extract icons larger than 32x32. Here shown with the semi-documented sysicon command: sysicons "", 4, "e"; //256x256 This fixed part of the embedded icons issue from v24.50.0104. 48x48 icons are now shown perfectly. However 256x256 icons still fail. Working on it... v24.50.0104 - 2023-06-17 16:33 + Custom File Icons: Default icons for "Access Denied" folders and empty folders are now embedded in XYplorer.exe. CFI syntax: *\ /x> /4 //matches all accessed denied folders *\ /e> /5 //matches all empty folders This way, it's easy to predefine these icons in the factory defaults and make them easily accessible to newbies. However, and this drives me crazy, sizes larger than 32 are stretched, and even that only goes up to 48. Even though the embedded resource has all sizes up to 256 in the finest quality. A million tries and a whole day wasted. + Info Panel | Properties: The embedded icons preview area (only visible if "Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons | Show embedded icons on Properties tab" is ticked AND you select a file that contains embedded icons) now reacts to the mouse wheel. Hold SHIFT to wheel 6 times as fast. ! List | Tiles views: The focus rect was 2 pixels too low. Fixed. v24.50.0101 - 2023-06-16 18:55 % Tabs: Added another intermediate size (automatically adjusted to the font size of the tab header) for the X-close button. Now it can be 15x15 pixels and will be that size on Segoe 9 at 125%. Before there was a jump from 12x12 to 18x18. ! Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Background Processing | Queue file operations: Selections in the current list could get lost by auto-refresh when and while a background operation popped a prompt (AND "Refresh during file operations" was enabled). Fixed. ! Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Show name length while renaming: If enabled, the rename box became too small when renaming drives in the tree. Fixed. ! List | Drives Listing: A drive name was not auto-updated when changed through Properties. Fixed. v24.50.0100 - 2023-06-15 18:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.50.0014 - 2023-06-15 10:12 ! Scripting: Something was not reset between consecutive ForEach loops which could lead to error 9 (Subscript out of range). Fixed. v24.50.0013 - 2023-06-14 19:42 ! Scripting | Arrays: Interpolation (variables are resolved when they are embedded in double-quoted strings) did not work for array variables where the index itself was an expression. Fixed. This works now as expected: $a = array(a,b,c); $one = 1; echo $a[0] . " == $a[0]"; //a == a echo $a[$one] . " == $a[$one]"; //b == b echo $a[$one + $one] . " == $a[$one + $one]"; //c == c echo $a[$one + 1] . " == $a[$one + 1]"; //c == c echo $a[1 + 1] . " == $a[1 + 1]"; //c == c v24.50.0012 - 2023-06-13 16:35 + Info Panel | Properties: The embedded icons scrollbar (only visible when you select a file that contains embedded icons) now reacts to the mouse wheel. Hold SHIFT to wheel 6 times as fast. + Info Panel | Properties: The embedded icons count label (only visible when you select a file that contains embedded icons) can now be double-clicked to open a list of all embedded icons. ! Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Show name length while renaming: Renaming folders with a long name in the tree pane could disrupt the name alignment. Fixed. v24.50.0011 - 2023-06-13 09:10 ! SC sysicons: Showing embedded/extracted icons with switch "e" was one off. Indices start with 1, not with 0. Fixed. ! Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Show name length while renaming: Removed a small flicker when renaming a tree folder. v24.50.0010 - 2023-06-12 09:27 ! Icons extracted from icon resources: Since v24.50.0008, a leak in GDI objects caused a fast application meltdown when displaying extracted icons. Fixed. v24.50.0009 - 2023-06-11 20:45 ! Content-Based Folder Icons: The last match won instead of the first. Fixed. ! Custom File Icons: Specifying icon resources (to extract icons from) with a relative path (which defaults to the \Icons path) failed due to a parsing error. No icon was extracted. Fixed. ! Custom File Icons: Since v24.50.0008, icons extracted from icon resources did not look good in Large Icons view (32x32) because they were stretched from 16x16 icons. Fixed. Now the original 32x32 icon is used. v24.50.0008 - 2023-06-11 12:14 + Custom Columns: Now Custom Columns of format Icon support icons extracted from icon resources (exe; dll; cpl; ocx; scr; icl; bpl; wlx; wfx; wcx; wdx; acm). Example: %winsysdir%\shell32.dll /14 ! Custom File Icons (and some other places): Support for icons extracted from icon resources (exe; dll; cpl; ocx; scr; icl; bpl; wlx; wfx; wcx; wdx; acm) only worked for exe, dll, icl. Fixed. ! Icons extracted from icon resources: There was a drawing problem all along where small icons (16x16) were drawn by shrinking large icons (32x32), resulting in poor quality and often missing pixels around the edge. Fixed. No more shrinking involved. > BTW, if you're interested in embedded icons, check out these semi-documented commands: sysicons "%winsysdir%\shell32.dll", , "e"; //16 x 16 sysicons "%winsysdir%\shell32.dll", 0, "e"; //32 x 32 sysicons "%winsysdir%\shell32.dll", 1, "e"; //16 x 16 v24.50.0006 - 2023-06-10 18:49 * Tweak InterfaceColor: Renamed it to InterfaceColors, and Dark Mode is now completely unaffected by the tweak. But who needs a tweak when there is a scripting command... + Scripting got a new function. Name: InterfaceColors Action: Sets or gets custom interface colors. Syntax: interfacecolors([colors]) colors: New custom interface colors. Format: RRGGBB[|RRGGBB] (backcolor|textcolor) Empty: reset interface colors to Windows defaults Missing: just return current custom interface colors return: Current custom interface colors. Remarks: - Colors are to be stated in hexadecimal RRGGBB format (red, green, blue). - If you set the textcolor then checkboxes and radio buttons lose their Windows Theme Style. It's the only way to change their text color. - It is recommended to choose a backcolor that is lighter than the textcolor, otherwise you will have readability problems in some areas of the interface. - Dark Mode is completely unaffected by the colors defined here. - Raises tweak InterfaceColor to scripting. Example: echo interfacecolors(); //show current custom interface colors interfacecolors(""); //reset interface colors to Windows defaults interfacecolors("E9E6E3|124578"); //set backcolor and textcolor interfacecolors("EC8F32|C07532"); //New York City smoke mode interfacecolors("|124578"); //set textcolor only interfacecolors("E9E6E3|"); //set backcolor only interfacecolors("E9E6E3"); //set backcolor only v24.50.0005 - 2023-06-10 11:21 ! Tweak InterfaceColor: Checkboxes and radio buttons did not take the textcolor. Fixed. As with Dark Mode, the textcolor of these controls can only be changed if the theme is turned off for them. ! Tweak InterfaceColor: Tab colors were not yet set correctly. Fixed. v24.50.0003 - 2023-06-09 18:09 + Stepping through a Script Dialog: Now you can right-click the lines in the upper section to pop a menu that allows you to copy them to clipboard. * Tweak ButtonFaceColor: Renamed it to InterfaceColor. In the next paragraph you'll see why. + Tweak InterfaceColor: Now you can also specify a custom textcolor, separated from the custom backcolor by a | character, general form: RRGGBB[|RRGGBB] (Back|Text). This, for example, defines a dark blue on a warm grey: InterfaceColor=E9E6E3|124578 To tweak one color only, omit the other part: InterfaceColor=E9E6E3| //only backcolor InterfaceColor=|124578 //only textcolor If no second color is defined then just the backcolor is tweaked: InterfaceColor=E9E6E3 ! Folder View Settings: A Visual Filter defined via FVS could not be overwritten by a VF passed directly with the location (appended after |). Fixed. v24.50.0002 - 2023-06-09 12:43 + Added a tweak to customize to so-called "Button Face Color" which Microsoft describes as the "Background color of controls" (controls with variable content like Edit Boxes and Lists are not included here). The default color in Win 8.1, 10, and 11 (AFAIK) is F0F0F0. This now, for example, makes for a slightly darker and warmer color (colors are to be stated in hexadecimal RRGGBB format): ButtonFaceColor=E9E6E3 v24.50.0001 - 2023-06-08 17:14 + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Highlight hovered items: Now in Tiles and Thumbnails views, the background color of selected items is highlighted when hovered. Makes it easier to see the highlight effect. ! Content-Based Folder Icons: Did not always update to reflect changed content. Fixed. v24.50.0000 - 2023-06-06 21:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Folder Icons Based On Content. Now you can define custom icons for empty, full and Access Denied folders. These icons are used everywhere, in the folder tree, file list, all menus and drop-down lists, breadcrumb bars, address bar, etc., so you can immediately see whether a folder has contents or not. +++ Quick Boolean Filter. Now the Live Filter Box can treat space-separated items as ANDed Boolean operands. This makes filtering simple, fast, and effective in a way that feels natural. +++ Wrap-Around List. Now you can have the file list wrap around the edges, i.e. if you press UP at the top of the list, you go to the bottom of the list, and if you press DOWN at the bottom of the list, you go to the top of the list. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. +++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Orgōne. .......... XYplorer ver 24.40 ..................................................... v24.40.0213 - 2023-06-06 13:05 ! Floating Preview: If you opened the Floating Preview with a text file, for example, and then selected an image, the FP context menu for the image preview didn't appear. Fixed. v24.40.0212 - 2023-06-05 11:49 * Updated the help file. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.167. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.167.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 ! Custom File Icons: The new switches /e /f /x didn't work yet for the currently selected tree node. Fixed. v24.40.0211 - 2023-06-04 20:37 ! List: In the List, Small Icons, Small Tiles, and Large Tiles views, the width of the Name column could inherit across tab switches when it should not. Fixed. v24.40.0210 - 2023-06-04 15:47 * Thumbnails: Icons for items without thumbnails are now always drawn slightly smaller than the thumbnails. ! Custom File Icons: Shortcuts (LNK) to folders didn't work well yet with the new switches /e /f /x. Fixed. The LNK files now get the same icons as their target folders. v24.40.0209 - 2023-06-03 20:21 * Interface Translation Tool: Now the preview of text with many lines can be scrolled. ! Portable Devices: A name ambiguity between a portable device and a special user folder (e.g. both are called "Donald") was inconsistently resolved. Now the special folder has priority everywhere. v24.40.0208 - 2023-06-03 14:30 ! Tabs: A search results tab could get very sluggish on being repainted after searching through a list of many items (hundreds or more). For example: goto "?/ln"; Bizarrely, the bottleneck was drawing the caption of the tab, not the list itself. Fixed. ! Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Show the real System32 directory: When this was enabled, when searching a list of items that contained "C:\Windows\System32\", this item was always missing from the search results. Example: goto "?/ln"; Fixed. ! Tags: Under certain conditions an unnecessary "tags database reloaded" message showed up in the status bar. Fixed. v24.40.0207 - 2023-06-02 19:28 + Custom File Icons: Now you can define a special icon for folders that are "Access Denied", using the new switch /x, appended to the generic folder pattern "*\". Example: *\ /x>ExclamationBubble.ico //all access denied folders ! Custom File Icons: Some of the many Windows junctions on drive C:\ were seen as "Access Denied" although their targets are accessible, in which case it makes more sense to see the junction itself as accessible as well. Fixed. * Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Save changes to disk immediately: Previously, there was a status bar message for each and every automatic save. Not anymore. Now the saving is silent. v24.40.0206 - 2023-06-02 13:32 ! Paper Folders: When "Explicit Save Only" was enabled and a PF was opened in a new tab (SC tab), the list was empty. Fixed. ! Configuration | Information | Tags | Copy tags on copy operations: Since 20230211, it didn't reliably work on Rich Copy (Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Miscellaneous | Recreate source folder structure). Fixed. ! Hover Box: Didn't work over Breadcrumb Bar dropdowns of Paper Folders. Fixed. Now the contents of each hovered Paper Folder are shown (if "Breadcrumb Bar Drop-Down Menus" is ticked in "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context..."). v24.40.0205 - 2023-06-01 15:00 + Configuration | General | Tree and List | List: Added option "Wrap-around list". Check this box to jump to the first/last item on KeyDown/Up when the focus is currently on the last/first item. Note that KeyPageDown/Up behaves the same way in this situation. * Configuration | General | Tree and List: To make room for the above option, I reorganized the whole page. Enjoy. Note that the previous outsider "Hide protected OS files" is now logically reversed: a check mark means "Show". v24.40.0204 - 2023-05-31 19:50 * Help | Online Support | Check for Updates: The status bar message during the update ("updating, please wait...") is now white on blue, a new status bar trick that can also be useful in other contexts. ! Hover Box for Texts: Since 20230416, word wrapping would often break words in the middle. Fixed. v24.40.0203 - 2023-05-31 10:15 ! Tools | List Management | Tagged Items...: With "Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Save changes to disk immediately | Tags" ticked, the changes were actually not saved. Fixed. ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context...: With "Breadcrumb Bar Drop-Down Menus" ticked Hover Boxes in the Breadcrumb dropdowns could not be scrolled by wheel. Fixed. ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Item Types...: If "Folders" was unticked you couldn't scroll Hover Boxes in the Breadcrumb dropdowns anymore. Fixed. v24.40.0202 - 2023-05-30 20:55 ! SC replace: An invalid start value (value < 1) resulted in a runtime error 5. Fixed. Now you get an "invalid parameter" error message. ! SC listpane: Since 20230119 the returned items were ABC-sorted instead of returned as-is. Fixed. v24.40.0201 - 2023-05-30 15:23 + Custom File Icons: Now you can define special icons for empty and filled folders using two new switches, /e and /f, created just for this purpose and appended to the generic folder pattern "*\". Typically you will use just one of the switches in your CFI definitions, either /e or /f (makes no difference for performance); on no-match it will fall back to the generic folder icon (either system default, or custom-defined by "*\" without switches). Examples: *\ /e>cup_coffee_empty.ico //matches all empty folders *\ /f>cup_coffee_full.ico //matches all filled folders Note that determining whether a folder is empty or not is work and takes some time. So you pay a small price, but what you get might be worth it: everywhere, even in drop-down lists, menus, breadcrumbs, address bar etc, you can now immediately see whether a folder has contents or not. And that includes the tree and all list views, and it works independently of showing folder thumbnails. By default, network locations (UNC or mapped) are not checked for contents (they can be quite slow). You can, however, include them by adding "n" to the switch: *\ /en>cup_coffee_empty.ico //matches all empty folders (also checks network locations) *\ /fn>cup_coffee_full.ico //matches all filled folders (also checks network locations) Folders with "Access Denied" will show the generic folder icon (empty or filled can not be decided). - Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: The recent change in v24.40.0107 wasn't a good solution after all. Undid it. You may have to update your thumbnail cache to get rid of those yellow background squares without an image. ! Tweak LiveFilterBooleanOR (affects Live Filter Box in small dialogs): Did not work if "Use space character for Boolean AND" was enabled. Fixed. v24.40.0200 - 2023-05-25 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.40.0108 - 2023-05-25 13:04 ! Folder Thumbnails: Since 20230515 the default 5 pixel margin around the image in a folder thumbnail was reduced to only 1 pixel. Fixed. v24.40.0107 - 2023-05-23 13:30 + Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: If a folder is not empty, but does not contain anything that can be used to generate a folder thumbnail, it will now display the yellow background square without an image, as opposed to empty folders, which only display the folder icon. This way you can immediately see if a folder has contents or not. ! Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live Filter Box | Highlight matches: Did not work in This PC (drives listing), Network, and Recycle Bin. Fixed. ! Live Filter Box: Disabling the Live Filter on Paper Folders did not always update the list correctly if "Explicit Save Only" was enabled. Fixed. v24.40.0106 - 2023-05-22 17:06 ! Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters and Live Filter Box | Use space character for Boolean AND: The service was also applied to fields other than "Name", which of course led to doom. Fixed. v24.40.0105 - 2023-05-22 11:00 * Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters and Live Filter Box | Use space character for Boolean AND: This is now the factory default, so you'll get it in a fresh instance. * Live Filter Box in Small Dialogs | Context Menu | Use space character for Boolean AND: This is now the factory default, so you'll get it in a fresh instance. * Updated the help file. v24.40.0104 - 2023-05-20 19:14 * Find Files | Dupes: When sorting by the Dupes column, the secondary sort is now always by path, no matter what kind of dupes were searched for. This keeps the groups in the same order. ! Configuration | Preview | Preview | Preview delay: You could still get a preview after dragging a file was canceled, or if you quickly selected another file while the preview of the previous file was delayed. Fixed. ! Auto-Refresh: The Recycle Bin in the back pane was not always auto-refreshed after a deletion. Fixed. ! Find Files | Dupes: If Google Drive hijacked your PNG thumbnails creation (DriveFS Thumbnail Provider), the dupe-by-image finder did not work anymore for PNG files. WTF. Fixed. v24.40.0103 - 2023-05-19 12:43 * SC get("previewhandler"): Now the extension parameter defaults to the extension of the currently selected list item, unless a preview handler is currently in use in which case this preview handler is displayed. Most of the times the currently selected list item IS the previewed file so it will make no difference anyway. * SC get("thumbnailprovider"): Now the extension parameter defaults to the extension of the currently selected list item. * Configuration | Preview | Preview | Preview delay: When dragging Document files, the preview was still triggered after the drag was aborted. Not anymore. Either you drag, or you preview. ! Tabsets | Open...: The dialog height was unlimited and could extend the screen height. Fixed. v24.40.0102 - 2023-05-17 19:36 + Small dialogs with a Live Filter Box: Now the filter icon in the LFB has a right-click menu where you can toggle the new option "Use space character for Boolean AND". This option only affects filtering in small dialogs. Some examples for supported small dialogs: - Help | List All Commands... - Go | Recent Locations... - All List Management dialogs Note that this functionality is identical to the "Fat Gun" tweak added in v20.60.0007 - 2019-11-24 12:40, making it obsolete and marked for removal. v24.40.0101 - 2023-05-17 13:17 + Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters and Live Filter Box: Added option "Use space character for Boolean AND". Tick it to greatly simplify your Boolean filter terms. Instead of Chuck AND Berry Chuck & Berry you can simply do: Chuck Berry It will match all items containing Chuck and Berry, regardless of their order. % Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live Filter Box | Highlight matches: Now the parts of Boolean terms are individually highlighted. + Info Panel | Find Files | Contents: Added option "Metadata". Tick it to search any embedded metadata in image and media files. This can be e.g. EXIF data. Note that metadata extraction here depends on the applied IFilter. XYplorer does not natively extract metadata. FYI, this raises the recently added tweak FindContentMetadata to GUI. The tweak has been removed. + Find Files and Quick Search: Added value "m" to the "options" section of the /contflags switch by which you can modify the content search triggered by /contents. Syntax: /contflags=[mode=n];[type=t];[options] options (any combination) c = match case i = invert h = hex string m = metadata <--- the NEW part For example (Quick Search, or Name field in Find Files), find all files containing "fuji" in the extracted text, and include any embedded metadata in the search: * /contents=fuji /contflags=;;m * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.166. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.166.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v24.40.0100 - 2023-05-16 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.40.0007 - 2023-05-16 13:21 * Info Panel | Report | Current List | Path (Find settings): Slightly revamped the search report. * SC vartype: Change the return value "not a variable" to "novar". * Updated the help file. v24.40.0006 - 2023-05-15 15:04 * Undo: Now Undo is allowed for deletions on mapped network drives. Note that whether this actually works depends on your Windows settings. By default, Windows doesn't currently allow undo here, but you can manually edit the registry to change that. v24.40.0005 - 2023-05-14 10:15 * Find Files | Contents: Since v14.10.0118 - 2014-06-05 18:17 the search for contents of type "Text" includes media files (scan metadata) and image files (scan metadata and exif data). Depending on the search location, this can slow down the entire content search enormously, while often yielding no results and probably rarely being wanted. From now on, metadata is no longer scanned by default for contents of type "Text", making content searches much faster. You can tweak back the old behavior though (and it will be a GUI checkbox soon): FindContentMetadata=1 ! Content Search: The number of "failed" files (files for which the IFilter could not extract any text) shown in the status bar was too high. It included files that did not fail but simply contained no text. Fixed. ! SC vartype: Negative integers were seen as float. Fixed. v24.40.0004 - 2023-05-13 15:06 + Native Context Menu: Now it allows right-clicking the menu items. It also allows Left Mouse Up after rocker-click. + Shell Context Menu (32-bit): Now it allows Left Mouse Up after rocker-click. + SC get got a new named argument "stepping" to return whether the script is currently in step mode. Syntax: get("stepping") return: 0 = step mode OFF 1 = step mode ON Remark: The return is not identical to the current setting of "Scripting | Step Mode". This is only one factor that affects whether you are actually in step mode. Examples: echo get("stepping"); echo ; + Scripting got a new function. Name: VarType Action: Returns the state of a variable. Syntax: vartype(variable) variable: Variable, e.g. $a or $a[0]. return: One of these states: array empty float integer not a variable string undefined Examples: $a = 0; echo vartype($a); //integer $a = 4; echo vartype($a); //integer $a = "4"; echo vartype($a); //integer (!) $a = 4.1; echo vartype($a); //float $a = 4.0; echo vartype($a); //float (!) $a = "b"; echo vartype($a); //string $a = "b"; echo vartype($b); //undefined $a = ""; echo vartype($a); //empty $a = array(); echo vartype($a); //array $a[9] = 1.1; echo vartype($a); //array $a[9] = 1.1; echo vartype($a[9]); //float $a = "b"; echo vartype(a); //not a variable $a = "b"; $b = "b"; echo vartype($a . $b); //not a variable v24.40.0002 - 2023-05-12 18:02 + Event Sounds: Added one more, played when the clipboard is updated while XYplorer is the top window, so usually when you copy or cut items or text to the clipboard, or when you clear the clipboard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event Default Sound SC ces key ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clipboard update --- CLP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Currently there is no default sound defined, so it's up to you to organize a sound file and add it using SC ces(). + Event Sounds: Now, just like normal rename operations, the Rename Special operations will also trigger the "Item renamed" sound (once, after the whole batch has been processed and at least one rename happened). + Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | New tab path: Now XY variables are supported, eg . ! Color Filters: Since 20230428, a Color Filter with background color was fully hidden by the selection rect in Details view if "Full name column select" was disabled. Fixed. Now part of it is peeking out again on the right side. ! Document Preview: The fix from v24.30.0001 - 2023-04-13 17:36 had some undesired side effects with certain PDF preview handlers. Should be fixed. v24.40.0001 - 2023-05-11 19:16 % Portable Devices: Copying/Moving list items (by Edit | Copy To... and similar commands) from a portable device to a hard disk should be notably faster now. ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Folders only: If the single-clicked folder was already selected, some pre-slow-double-click-rename stuff would be done unnecessarily, wasting time. Fixed. v24.40.0000 - 2023-04-29 20:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Mobile Hover Box. Now you can easily move the Hover Box (instant file preview on mouse over) from file to file with the navigation keys. Cool and useful. +++ Custom Event Sounds. Now supports all playable audio formats. +++ Open Folders with a Single Click. Now you can optionally open folders in the file list with a single click, just like in the folder tree. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 24.30 ..................................................... v24.30.0128 - 2023-04-28 20:15 ! Thumbnails: Small drawing glitch with Color Filters in focused captions. Fixed. v24.30.0127 - 2023-04-28 12:04 + Custom Copy: In the Overwrite and Error prompts, you can now use a small right-click menu to copy the paths of the source and target files. + Scripting: Now you can copy arrays with a simple statement (appending [] to the variable name is optional): $b[] = $a[]; $b = $a; //$a is an array Example: $a = array("cat", "dog", "skunk"); $b = $a; $c = $b; echo $a[0] . ", " . $b[1] . ", " . $c[2]; //cat, dog, skunk $c[2] = "horse"; $a = $c; echo implode($a, , ", "); //cat, dog, horse * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0219. ! Thumbnails: Small drawing glitch with Color Filters in selected captions. Fixed. v24.30.0126 - 2023-04-27 15:21 ! Configuration | Preview | Preview | Audio preview | Seamless wave looping: Broken since v24.30.0109 - 2023-04-20 12:34. Fixed. v24.30.0125 - 2023-04-27 10:10 + Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box: Added a "Tips..." button that shows you the "Keyboard Shortcuts for the Hover Box (Use these keys while the hover box is displayed)". * Updated the help file. v24.30.0124 - 2023-04-26 14:40 + Mobile Hover Box: The MHB navigation keys now also work when the focus is in the Live Filter Box. ! List: The list could lose the input focus after an inline rename failed due to the file being locked. Fixed. ! Miscellaneous | Focus Functions | Trigger Mouse Move: Did not work yet in Breadcrumb Bars and Tab Bars. Fixed. v24.30.0123 - 2023-04-25 17:00 + Configuration | General | Tree and List | Tree: Added option "Expand tree nodes on drag-over". Tick it to auto-expand tree nodes when you drag stuff over them. Allows you to drop the stuff into previously invisible subfolders. Factory default is ON. Raises tweak TreeExpandOnDragOver to UI. - Configuration | General | Tree and List | Tree | Expand destination node in tree: Removed that setting from Config but kept it as a tweak. It's a very old setting (v4.50.0055 - 2006-03-30 19:05) that feels a bit weird today, the caption is confusing users, it was off by default, it never worked in Mini Tree anyway by design, and I needed the space. The tweak is: ExpandOnBrowse=1 ! Auto-Refresh: The other pane was not auto-refreshed after a deletion when both panes pointed to the same physical location, one real and one through a junction (Win10 and later only). Fixed. v24.30.0122 - 2023-04-25 11:03 + Hover Box: Now while the Hover Box is showing, Ctrl+Space (toggle select) and Shift+Space (pivot select) work as expected. Nice! * Mobile Hover Box: If a scrollable Hover Box is shown and you "K"-enable key scrolling then this box becomes scrollable with keys (although Mobile Hover Boxes by default suppress key scrolling). * Hover Box: Split key "R" in two, "L" and "R". OLD: R: Cycle scrolling/scaling (0=none,1=scroll text,2=scale image,3=both). NEW: L: Toggle scrolling (text; with wheel and keys). R: Toggle resizing (images; with wheel and keys). * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.165. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.165.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v24.30.0121 - 2023-04-24 17:24 + Hover Box: While the Hover Box is showing, you can now toggle key scrolling by pressing the "K" key. K: Toggle key scrolling (i.e. scrolling with the navigation keys). FYI, scrollable Hover Boxes show either the textual contents of files, or the items contained in folders. Factory default is off (you can still scroll by wheel). The main reason for this new setting is that you can now, when key scrolling is disabled, begin moving a Mobile Hover Box also from a scrollable Hover Box. % Default Event Sounds: The sounds got another makeover. v24.30.0120 - 2023-04-24 12:26 ! Custom File Associations: Fixed again. v24.30.0119 - 2023-04-24 11:21 % Scripting: Rewrote the speed booster added in v24.30.0113, this time it should work better, and all the goodies are back: - Loading large script files over and over is now much faster. - Calling subs over and over in huge script resources is now much faster. ! Custom File Associations: On 20230121 a logic was implemented to open files in the default browser when their path was a URL: - https:\\www.xyplorer.com\download\xyplorer_23.90.0429_beta.zip --> open in default browser - E:\Test\xyplorer_23.90.0429_beta.zip --> open in associated app However the new logic destroyed opening non-file-URLs in an associated browser: - https:\\www.xyplorer.com --> open in associated browser Fixed. v24.30.0118 - 2023-04-23 20:15 ! Scripting: v24.30.0116 had a NOWDOC issue. Fixed. v24.30.0117 - 2023-04-23 18:58 ! Scripting: Attempt to fix a v24.30.0116 issue. v24.30.0116 - 2023-04-23 12:28 % Scripting: Loading script files with huge HEREDOC blocks is much faster now. ! Scripting: Attempt to fix a recent and intermittent error 9. ! Scripting: Since v23.50.0018 - 2022-08-17 12:42, if several empty arrays were declared one after the other, they all pointed to the same address. Fixed. v24.30.0115 - 2023-04-22 18:25 - Scripting: Loading large script files over and over is now much faster. This part of the speed booster did not work well. Removed. ! Custom File Icons: Custom icons defined for all folders were not applied to encrypted folders and links to encrypted folders in all situations. Fixed. v24.30.0114 - 2023-04-22 15:37 ! Scripting: The recent speed boost caused some problems. Fixed. v24.30.0113 - 2023-04-22 11:08 % Scripting: Loading large script files over and over is now much faster. % Scripting: Processing subs over and over in huge script resources has become much faster. v24.30.0112 - 2023-04-21 21:02 + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Single-click to open an item: Added option "Folders only". Tick it to single-click open only folders, not files. ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Point to select: Stopped working since 20230419. Fixed. v24.30.0111 - 2023-04-21 17:21 + View | Tab | Rename Tab...: Now you can assign icons extracted from icon resources (exe; dll; cpl; ocx; scr; icl; bpl; wlx; wfx; wcx; wdx; acm). The icon is appended to the (optional) name after a | (pipe). Examples: Charlie|%winsysdir%\shell32.dll /160 |C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll /160 + SC extlist enhanced: Added another list, raising it from tweak to semi-tweak. Syntax: extlist(type, [extensionlist], [switches]) type: Which extension list to customize. HoverBoxSkip: File types for which no Hover Box should be displayed. Examples: echo extlist("HoverBoxSkip", "?"); //show current Hover Box Skip file extensions extlist("HoverBoxSkip", "ai.eps.svg"); //set Hover Box Skip to these extensions extlist("HoverBoxSkip", ""); //reset any Hover Box Skip extensions + Content Search: Now the number of files for which the IFilter could not extract any text (either because the IFilter could not be loaded or because the file contained no extractable text) is displayed in the final status bar report when the search is completed. A detailed search log is planned. ! SC extlist: Resetting all extensions by passing "" did not work. Fixed. ! SC extlist: The new a/r switches were implemented only for thumbs64. Fixed. ! Configuration | General | Controls & More | Miscellaneous | Allow zombies in the Mini Tree: If enabled, encrypted folders were not recognized as such in the Mini Tree on startup, so they lacked the lock icon overlay in Win10 and later, and also lacked any color filter on the ENCRYPTED file attribute. Fixed. ! Custom File Icons: Custom icons defined for all folders were not applied to encrypted folders. Fixed. v24.30.0110 - 2023-04-20 16:27 % Default Event Sounds: The sounds got a makeover. ! CEA | Middle-click on white in folder tree: Action "Go up" did not work. Fixed. ! CEA | Middle-click on white in file list: Action "Go up" did not work. Fixed. ! File Info Tips: Since 24.30.0107 InfoTips over the columns like Size, Date etc in the pane were no longer showing unless they were clipped. Fixed. ! Default Event Sounds: Didn't play in v24.30.0109. Fixed. v24.30.0109 - 2023-04-20 12:34 + Custom Event Sounds: Experimentally now all audio formats are supported that Quartz.dll (aka DirectX) can play. For example: *.aac; *.ac3; *.aif; *.aiff; *.ape; *.asf; *.au; *.flac; *.m4a; *.mid; *.mp3; *.mp4; *.mpc; *.ogg; *.opus; *.rm; *.ts; *.wav; *.wma + Custom Event Sounds: You now can also specify system event sounds. The event label, eg SystemAsterisk, has to be prefixed with *. Example: ces("REN", "*SystemAsterisk"); //play "SystemAsterisk" after a rename Note: Event labels can be found in your registry here: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\EventLabels\ > Tip: To stop any playing Custom Event Sound, you can use this command: sound ""; //stop any sound Also any new Custom Event Sound will stop the previous one. + SC sound: Also this command now supports all audio formats that Quartz.dll (aka DirectX) can play. sound "E:\Test\Media\Audio\Two Channel Audio\ff-16b-2c-44100hz.flac"; * Hover Box: Revised the recent changes (v24.30.0107). I had forgotten about the option to actively disable the hover box for certain file types. I now restored the previous way for normal mouse-triggered HBs, and kept the new way only for key-triggered HBs. ! Thumbnails: Error 6 (overflow) possible with certain EXIF data. Fixed. ! Custom File Icons: Links to folders should get the same CFI as the target folder. Fixed. v24.30.0108 - 2023-04-19 20:25 ! Paper Folders: Since 20220531, deleting (really, from the file system) one or more items in a Paper Folder would empty the whole list instead of just removing the deleted item(s). Just a drawing glitch, but a shocking one. Fixed. v24.30.0107 - 2023-04-19 14:57 + Custom Event Sounds: Experimentally now also MP3 files are supported. The very first call might take a little because the decoder has to be loaded and initialized. + Event Sounds: Now also played for Undo/Redo operations. + Default Event Sounds: FOP (File Operation Prompt) is now also played for background operations. * Hover Box: Previously, if a Hover Box wasn't possible because there was no preview for this file type, or the file type was excluded form preview by user settings, or the preview failed, the fallback strategy was to show the File Info Tip instead. Not anymore. A fallback should change the method, not the goal. So now you see a Hover Box that tells you about the situation. * Mobile Hover Box: As a welcome side effect of the previous change, moving the Hover Box will no longer be interrupted by items that, for whatever reason, do not show a preview in the box. * Mobile Hover Box: Now when a scrollable Hover Box is opened by navigation key action, it will not be scrollable by navigation key but only by wheel. That way moving the Hover Box will no longer be interrupted by items that show a scrollable Hover Box. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0218. ! SC previewcheck: Some failures were falsely reportet as successes. Fixed. ! Thumbnails: Some formats, eg CLIP, did not get any thumbnails. Fixed. v24.30.0106 - 2023-04-18 20:22 + Default Event Sounds: Added one more, played when a prompt (overwrite on collision, or some error) is shown during a Custom Copy file operation. It's a boing! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event Default Sound SC ces key ------------------------------------------------------------------------ File operation prompt *5 FOP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Currently implemented for foreground operations only. Background later. * Window | Show Status Bar: Now, if you hide the Status Bar, the Live Filter Box will also disappear if it is in the Status Bar (Window | Arrangement | Live Filter Box in Status Bar). Previously, it remained visible in an otherwise empty Status Bar. ! Event Sounds | Item renamed: Was wrongly played when a folder was intra-volume moved. Fixed. v24.30.0105 - 2023-04-18 14:41 + Scripting got a new command. Name: PreviewCheck Action: Checks various ways to preview a file and displays a final report. Syntax: previewcheck [file] file: Full path of file to preview. Defaults to the currently focused file. Remarks: It automatically cycles through all modes supported by SC Preview. Example: previewcheck; //check the currently focused file ! Moving Hover Box: Some minor refinements to the key actions. ! List: PageUp/PageDown had a small error that made it take a different course when going back up after going down. Fixed. Now the behavior is correct and perfectly in sync with the Moving Hover Box key actions. v24.30.0104 - 2023-04-17 21:43 ! Miscellaneous | Focus Functions | Trigger Mouse Move: Did not work in Win 10 and later due to subtle changes in the dark art of message queue sequencing. Fixed. v24.30.0102 - 2023-04-17 11:03 + Miscellaneous | Focus Functions: Added command "Trigger Mouse Move". Triggers a fake mouse move at the current mouse position. Allows you, for example, to open a Hover Box or File Info Tip using the keyboard if the current mouse position is suitable. FYI, I personally assigned Shift+Esc to it (to reverse HB-hiding Esc). + Hover Box: Now you can press SPACE while the Hover Box is showing to select the currently hovered item. This allows you to display it in a larger preview area, for example, or to open it (ENTER) without using the mouse. + Moving Hover Box: Now it also works in the back pane. + Moving Hover Box: Now all key actions also work in List view. ! Moving Hover Box: Fixed some glitches with key actions. v24.30.0101 - 2023-04-16 17:57 + Scripting got a new function. Name: Conf Action: Sets or gets certain settings otherwise only accessible through the configuration dialog (F9). Syntax: conf([setting], [value1], [value2]) setting: Setting to configure. Currently implemented: middletruncation: = "Truncate filenames in the middle" sortheadersalways: = "Show sort headers in all views" value1: 1st value. empty: Toggle values 0/1. missing: Only return the current value. value2: 2nd value, used for toggling value1/value2. return: Current value. Remarks: It's the official bro of the unofficial tweak(). Examples for middletruncation: echo conf("middletruncation"); //get (value is also shown in status bar) conf("middletruncation"); //get (value is shown in status bar) conf("middletruncation", 1); //set conf("middletruncation", 0); //unset conf("middletruncation", 0, 1); //toggle 0/1 conf("middletruncation", ""); //toggle 0/1, alt syntax Examples for sortheadersalways: conf("sortheadersalways", 0, 1); //toggle 0/1 etc ... - Scripting removed SC middletruncation (added v20.90.0807 - 2020-08-15 16:00). Replaced by conf("middletruncation"). + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Truncate filenames in the middle: Now this setting also affects the printing of filenames in the Hover Box status area. + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Truncate filenames in the middle: Now this setting also affects the printing of multiline filenames in thumbnails views. + Moving Hover Box: All the still missing key actions work now, except in List view. * Moving Hover Box: Now the arrow key driven Hover Box omits the initial delay of the the mouse driven Hover Box (Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Initial delay in milliseconds) and updates instantly. % Moving Hover Box: Now key repetition works without losing the box. Brilliant, killer. ! Moving Hover Box: Did not work when the focus was in the Address Bar or any other edit box. Fixed. v24.30.0100 - 2023-04-15 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.30.0003 - 2023-04-15 14:27 + SC gettokenindex enhanced: Added an optional start parameter. Syntax: gettokenindex(token, tokenlist, [separator=|], [flags=iw], [start=1]); start: Token index from which to start searching. The index returned is still relative to the beginning of the tokenlist. Defaults to 1 (= 1st index). Examples: echo gettokenindex("e", "a,b,e,d,e", ","); //3 echo gettokenindex("e", "a,b,e,d,e", ",", , 3); //3 echo gettokenindex("e", "a,b,e,d,e", ",", , 4); //5 echo gettokenindex("e", "a,b,e,d,e", ",", , 5); //5 echo gettokenindex("e", "a,b,e,d,e", ",", , 6); //0 (not found) ! SC gettokenindex: Ignored separators that were within quotes. Fixed. Doesn't do it anymore since SC gettoken doesn't do it either. echo gettokenindex("e", "a,b,c"",""d,e", ","); // 5 v24.30.0002 - 2023-04-15 10:46 + SC extlist enhanced. Now you can directly add/remove extensions to/from the current list. Name: ExtList Action: Lets you customize certain extension lists. Syntax: extlist(type, [extensionlist], [switches]) switches: a: Add extensionlist to the current list. r: Remove extensionlist from the current list. Examples: extlist("thumbs64", "ai.eps.svg", "a"); //add these extensions to the 64-bit Thumbnails extlist("thumbs64", "ai.eps.svg", "r"); //remove these extensions from the 64-bit Thumbnails v24.30.0001 - 2023-04-13 17:36 + Hover Box: Now you can move the Hover Box to another item using the arrow keys (Left, Right, Up, Down, PageUp, PageDown). Conditions: - Hover Box is currently showing. - But it's not showing a text preview and Hover Box scrolling is enabled (in that case those keys control the scrolling). What works: - The mouse pointer will magically jump from item to item and update the Hover Box accordingly. - Supports all list views. - Automatically scrolls the list as needed. What doesn't yet work: - Keys Home and End. - PageUp and PageDown do nothing when no more scrolling can happen. - PageUp and PageDown in non-Details views. Notes: - If you repeat too fast (while the Hover Box is still loading a new preview) you will break the magic since it ONLY works if the Hover Box is currently showing. % Document Preview: Some preview handlers steal the application focus. Now XY steals it back. ! Configuration | General | Tree and List | Tree | Auto-optimize tree: Error 9 (Subscript out of range) was possible on systems (or accounts) without a Links special folder. Fixed. ! Edit | Compare | Compare Current File with Previous File: Error 6 (Overflow) when comparing two files larger than 2GB. Fixed. v24.30.0000 - 2023-04-12 18:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Event Sounds. Tired of staring at a progress bar until a file operation is finally finished? Starting from this version you can have a short sound playing that tells you when the operation is finished and if it was finished successfully. There is also a pop sound for deletes, which are usually instantaneous. This was added just for fun. You may find that completing an operation with a sonic event generally gives you a strange sense of primal satisfaction. +++ Custom Event Sounds. If you don't like the default sounds, and/or have better ones, you can easily add them to the soundscape. Yes, you can have the application play an entire song when your backup is complete. +++ Background Dragging. Now you can drag files from a background XYplorer window to another application window in the foreground. A long awaited feature is finally implemented. +++ Go Now. If you're a habitual scripter, you'll love the new ability to launch a script from the address bar with a keyboard shortcut of your choice. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 24.20 ..................................................... v24.20.0538 - 2023-04-12 10:52 ! Allow dragging from a background window: Wasn't perfect yet. Fixed. v24.20.0536 - 2023-04-11 12:25 + SC rename enhanced: Added a new value to the "flags" parameter for "Process in reverse order". Syntax: rename [mode (b|r|s|k|e)], pattern, [preview (p)], _ [itemlist], [flags=1], [illegalcharsreplacewith] flags: (binary field, defaults to 1) 256: Process in reverse order. Notes: - This flag is especially interesting when automatic increments are added when renaming multiple items at the same time. It allows you to number the items from the bottom up which is nice and natural when the list is sorted by Modified descending. Examples: rename b, , p, , 256; //Process in reverse order; preview rename b, , 4:=256; //Process in reverse order * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.164. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.164.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 ! Miscellaneous | Tree | Optimize Tree: Error 9 (Subscript out of range) possible under unclear conditions. Probably fixed. ! SC tab: The data (location) parameter on operation "new" did not support relative path syntax. Fixed. tab(new, "\.."); //new tab points to parent of v24.20.0534 - 2023-04-10 11:56 + SC inputselect | Style 1024: Now you can use "*." to specify the generic folder icon, for example: $sel = inputselect("Go", "Home|Desktop;Home|Desktop|*.;Home|Desktop|:ghost", ";", 1+1024); goto $sel; ! SC paperfolder: Since 20230110, with "Explicit Save Only" enabled, you could not add items to a new Paper Folder ("n" switch) anymore via script. Fixed. v24.20.0532 - 2023-04-09 17:13 % Allow dragging from a background window: Improved logic. ! Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions: Since v24.20.0527, the Script column was a bit whacky. Fixed. v24.20.0527 - 2023-04-08 12:24 + Network: Extended the support for WSL. Now "\\wsl.?*\" is accepted as valid server name (?*\ stands for at least one following character before the next \). * Configuration | General | Controls & More | Miscellaneous | Play a sound at the end of certain operations: Renamed to "Play a sound on certain events". % SC ces enhanced: Improved the "Edit Event Sounds" dialog. ces(); //show "Edit Event Sounds" dialog - Now the defined sound is played when you double-click the Event cell. - The dialog will move to Configuration once the feature is in a solid state. * Custom Event Sounds: Changes in terms and keys (incl INI keys this time): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event Default Sound SC ces key ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foreground copy/move done *1 FOF Foreground copy/move done (errors) *2 FOFE Background copy/move done *1 FOB Background copy/move done (errors) *2 FOBE Background copy/move queue done FOQ Background copy/move queue done (errors) FOQE New item created NEW Item renamed REN Item deleted *4 DEL Search finished *3 FIND ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Custom Event Sounds | FIND: The sound is not played anymore for Branch Views, nor on switching toward a search results tab (I found that confusing). v24.20.0526 - 2023-04-07 12:54 * Custom Event Sounds: Rewrote the whole thing. There are 10 events now (totally changed the internal order and added a new one), and some of them are set by factory default to one of 4 internal sounds (the Default Event Sounds) using the *# syntax. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event Default Sound SC ces key ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foreground Copy/Move Done *1 FFOC Foreground Copy/Move Done (Errors) *2 FFOCE Background Copy/Move Done *1 BFOC Background Copy/Move Done (Errors) *2 BFOCE All Background Copy/Move Done ABFOC All Background Copy/Move Done (Errors) ABFOCE New Item Created NEW Item Renamed REN Item Deleted *4 DEL Search Finished *3 FIND ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The upgrade should work smoothly though since the INI keys use names, not numbers. + Default Event Sounds: Added one more (plop!), played when an item is deleted. + SC ces enhanced: Added another event. Syntax: ces(event, [soundfile], [threshold]) event: abfoce: All Background Copy/Move Done (Errors). Example: ces("abfoce", "honk.wav"); //all back jobs done, there were errors + SC ces: Experimentally added a GUI access to Custom Event Sounds. Spare me bug reports, I know it's still raw. ces(); //show "Edit Event Sounds" dialog v24.20.0524 - 2023-04-06 21:00 + Configuration | General | Controls & More | Miscellaneous: Added "Play a sound at the end of certain operations". Tick it to get what it says. By default it plays a sound after Copy/Move operations, and when a file search has finished. + Default Event Sounds: Added one more, played when a file search has finished. - Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Miscellaneous | Play a sound at the end of a file operation: Removed. v24.20.0523 - 2023-04-06 18:34 + SC ces enhanced: Added another event. Syntax: ces(event, [soundfile], [threshold]) event: find: A search operation has finished. Example: ces("find", "cash_register_x.wav", 5); //sound on search finished after 5+ seconds ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Native context menu: Did not show (but the shell menu instead) when right-clicking the Name column to the right of the item caption with "Full name column select" enabled. Fixed. v24.20.0522 - 2023-04-05 10:58 ! Thumbnails: Tried to fix an issue where 64-bit thumbnails were not created under certain conditions. ! Scripting | HEREDOC: Fixed again. v24.20.0521 - 2023-04-04 22:48 ! Thumbnails: Too many errors shown since v24.20.0519. Fixed. v24.20.0520 - 2023-04-04 19:48 ! Scripting | HEREDOC: The HEREDOC marker <<< was recognized even when inside a multi-line block comment. Fixed. v24.20.0519 - 2023-04-04 12:56 + SC sound enhanced: Now you can refer to the embedded Default Event Sounds. sound "*1"; //play internal sound #1 sound "*2"; //play internal sound #2 + Stepping through a Script Dialog: Added button Options. It opens the little options menu that up to now was quite hidden in the right-click of any of the other buttons. + Stepping through a Script Dialog: Now you can right-click the lines in the lower section to pop a menu that allows you to copy them to clipboard. ! Calculating Folder Sizes: Fixed a rare but possible error 9. ! SC preview: Sometimes previous previews were not completely cleared. Fixed. ! Screen @125%: Fixed some layout issues. v24.20.0518 - 2023-04-03 13:46 + SC ces enhanced: Now you can refer to the embedded Default Event Sounds. Syntax: ces(event, [soundfile], [threshold]) soundfile: *1: use internal sound #1 *2: use internal sound #2 Examples: ces("ffoc", "*1"); //use internal sound #1 ces("ffoc", "*2"); //use internal sound #2 + SC ces enhanced: Added a few more events just because a little audible feedback might give you the same weird satisfaction as it did me. Syntax: ces(event, [soundfile], [threshold]) event: new: A new item was created. ren: An item was renamed. del: An item was deleted. Examples: ces("new", "typewriter_click.wav"); //sound on create new ces("ren", "gun-reload-1.wav"); //sound on rename ces("del", "bottle_pop_2.wav"); //sound on delete * Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Miscellaneous | Play a sound at the end of a file operation: Changed the logic. This is now the master switch for all event sounds. If it's off you will hear no sound, including those defined by SC ces. v24.20.0517 - 2023-04-02 20:02 + Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Miscellaneous: Added option "Play a sound at the end of a file operation". Tick it to get what it says. Remarks: - There are two embedded (via resource) Default Event Sounds now for completed file operations, one for "all went well", one for "there were errors". One of the two will always play if the setting is enabled, for foreground as well as for background operations, and regardless of how long the operation lasted. - Custom Event Sounds defined by SC ces() override the setting of "Play a sound at the end of a file operation" and replace the Default Event Sounds. * Custom Event Sounds: Changed the default path from to \Sounds. * SC ces: Now the sound is played after you set it, or when you just show the definition: echo ces("ffoc"); //show the current settings, and play the sound v24.20.0516 - 2023-04-02 11:24 + Custom Event Sounds: Added event FFOCE. Played when a foreground file operation finished with errors or was cancelled (i.e. when FFOC is not played). ces("ffoce", "Cowbell.wav", 0); + Custom Event Sounds: Added event BFOCE. Played when a background file operation finished with errors or was cancelled (i.e. when BFOC is not played). ces("bfoce", "Cowbell.wav", 0); * Custom Event Sounds | FFOC: Now it always comes when an operation finished without errors and without being cancelled, even if no actual file operations happened, e.g. because an overwrite was skipped according to user settings. * SC CES: The return now is "EVENT: soundfile | threshold", for example: echo ces("ffoc"); // FFOC: Blurp.wav | 0 * SC CES: Now there is feedback in the status bar, eg: FFOCE: Cowbell.wav | 0 * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0217. ! SC copyto, moveto: Since v24.00.0604 - 2023-02-08 14:34 all files in the destination were selected after an operation using wildcards. Fixed. Jobs like this will not change the current selections in the destination anymore: copyto "E:\TempPhotos", "R:\TEMP\!TEST\*.*", , , , 2, 1; v24.20.0514 - 2023-04-01 19:00 + Scripting got a new function. Name: ExtList Action: Lets you customize certain extension lists. Syntax: extlist(type, [extensionlist]) type: Which extension list to customize. thumbs64: File types for which thumbnails are generated in a 64-bit process, i.e. file types that rely on a 64-bit thumbnail provider. folderthumbs: File types that can be used for folder thumbnails. extensionlist: List of extensions, dot-separated. ?: Just return the old extension list. Missing: Open list management dialog to customize the list in a GUI. return: Old extension list. Examples: extlist("thumbs64"); //open "64-bit Thumbnails - File Extensions" dialog echo extlist("thumbs64", "?"); //show current 64-bit Thumbnails File Extensions extlist("thumbs64", "ai.eps.svg"); //set 64-bit Thumbnails to these extensions extlist("folderthumbs"); //open "Folder Thumbnails - File Extensions" dialog echo extlist("folderthumbs", "?"); //show current Folder Thumbnails File Extensions extlist("folderthumbs", "ai.eps.svg"); //set Folder Thumbnails to these extensions - SC ext_FolderThumbs: Removed, replaced by SC extlist("folderthumbs"). - SC ext_Thumbs64: Removed, replaced by SC extlist("thumbs64"). + Scripting got a new function. Name: CES ("Custom Event Sound") Action: Lets you define a sound that will be played on certain events. Syntax: ces(event, [soundfile], [threshold]) event: Event that triggers the sound. Currently the following events are supported: ffoc: Foreground file operation completed. bfoc: Background file operation completed. abfoc: All background file operations completed. soundfile: Full or relative path to a WAV file. Path defaults to app data path (). Missing: Setting remains unchanged. threshold: Number of seconds the operation has to take at least in order to trigger the sound. Set it to 0 to always play the sound regardless of the duration of the operation. Set it to -1 so as not to play the sound. Missing: Setting remains unchanged. return: Current "soundfile|threshold". Examples: ces("ffoc", "Blurp.wav", 0); //always play "/Blurp.wav" after a foreground job ces("ffoc", ""); //remove the soundfile setting: don't play anything at this event ces("ffoc", , -1); //keep the soundfile setting but don't play it ces("ffoc", , 60); //keep the soundfile, set the threshold to 60 seconds echo ces("ffoc"); //just show the current settings Remarks: - This raises the sound-related tweaks FJSoundJobDone etc to scripting-level. While doing this the keys have been changed to "SoundFFOC", "SoundFFOC_t", etc. - I finally decided to change the default path for the older tweaks BJSoundJobDone and BJSoundAllDone from to . After all they were just tweaks. * Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Background Processing: Renamed label "Copy Handler" to "Background Copy Handler". Reduces confusion. v24.20.0513 - 2023-04-01 11:04 + Added tweak to define a sound to be played after the completion of each foreground job if the job was at least of a configurable duration. FJSoundJobDone= FJSoundJobDuration= FJSoundJobDuration defines the number of seconds a job has to take at least in order to trigger the sound defined in FJSoundJobDone. For example: FJSoundJobDone="Blurp.wav" FJSoundJobDuration=66 Now each background file operation that takes at least 66 seconds would trigger playing "\Blurp.wav" on completion. Notes: - The sound is played right after the completion a file operation and before the interface (tree, list) is refreshed to reflect the new realities. - It is not played if the file operation has been completely canceled, or if it is only a sync preview. - Set FJSoundJobDuration=0 to always play the sound regardless of the duration of the file operation. - Sounds for completed *background* operations were already added in v9.50.0112 - 2010-09-30 12:03, but there is one little difference: The default path for the foreground sounds is , whereas the default path for the background sounds is which was a stupid decision (because this is usually an UAC-protected path) but it's too late to correct it now. ! Allow dragging from a background window: The v24.20.0505 fix concerning dbl-click-opened apps destroyed an important part of the feature's functionality, namely to bring XY up to the foreground on mouseup when *no* dragging happened. Fixed better. v24.20.0511 - 2023-03-31 13:09 + Scripting got a new command. Name: ext_FolderThumbs Action: Lets you manage the additional file types which can be used for folder thumbnails. Syntax: ext_folderthumbs Example: ext_folderthumbs; Remarks: - Opens a dialog called "Folder Thumbnails - File Extensions". See ext_Thumbs64 for some more details. - The list here forms the last priority class (class 6) for folder thumbnails (see Help under "Show folder thumbnails"): - Factory default: pdf * SC Thumbs64: Renamed it to ext_Thumbs64. ! Video Preview: Changed some things with the Quartz process (aka ActiveMovie). ! Hover Box: EMF/WMF handling was poor. Fixed. v24.20.0510 - 2023-03-30 15:15 + Scripting got a new command. Name: Thumbs64 Action: Lets you manage the file types for which thumbnails are generated in a 64-bit process, i.e. file types that relie a 64-bit thumbnail provider. Syntax: thumbs64 Example: thumbs64; Remarks: - Opens a dialog called "64-bit Thumbnail File Extensions" in the style of a List Management dialog, where you can add, remove, edit, and sort the file extensions. - The file extensions should be entered in "*.xxx" format. You can also do "xxx" but then you'll get no icon. - If the list is completely cleared it will load the factory default on next startup, which currently looks like this: afphoto.afdesign.afpub.c4d.epub.layout.mobi.skp.sldasm.slddrw.sldprt.xar.3mf.fbx.ai.eps.svg - This lifts Thumbs64Ext from tweak to semi-tweak. * Semi-Tweak Thumbs64Ext: The following from v24.10.0004 - 2023-02-20 12:25 is NOT necessary anymore: Additionally tick at least one of these: - Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Use 64-bit preview handlers for preview - Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Fall back to preview handlers of the other bitness So, 64-bit thumbnails are now created independently of these settings (which obviously should always have been the case since these settings refer to preview, not thumbnails). v24.20.0509 - 2023-03-29 18:52 ! List | Inline Rename Box: An empty box would stay open in a fixed place when the list was scrolled. Fixed. Now it auto-closes and no renaming is committed. ! Scripting | Foreach Loop: Parameter MsgOnEmpty has not worked as planned since 20220816. Fixed. v24.20.0508 - 2023-03-29 12:20 ! Tree and List | Inline Rename Box: A new name is either accepted with ENTER or rejected with ESC. Both actions close the box. But what happens when the box is closed implicitly, e.g. by moving the focus to another control? The result was quite erratic, depending on where you clicked, without any meaningful pattern. Fixed: Now (and File Explorer works the same) an implicit close always results in accepting the new name as if you pressed ENTER. ! Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions | Middle-click on folder: Action "Open in new background tab" was not handled correctly in Tree. Fixed. v24.20.0507 - 2023-03-27 19:47 ! Various minor fixes. v24.20.0506 - 2023-03-27 13:08 + SC font: Now you'll see live changes of the Regular Expression font size in the Name box of Info Panel | Find Files | Name & Location, if it shows a Regular Expression: font("r", , "-0.25"); //call repeatedly, only valid sizes take effect BTW, font() supports "r" for a while but this was still missing in the Help. + SC font enhanced: Now you can pass simply "+" or "-" as size parameter, and the next valid font size is automatically set, and it's shown in the status bar. Examples: font("r", , "+"); //increase RegExp font size font("r", , "-"); //decrease RegExp font size font(";;+"); //increase main font size, alternate syntax font(";;-"); //decrease main font size, alternate syntax Notes: - The algorithm steps by 0.25 until it hits a valid value. - Does not work well for multiple areas (eg "mcer") at once since what is a valid size depends on the font. ! SC font: Did not process fractional values correctly, they were internally converted to the nearest integer. Fixed. v24.20.0505 - 2023-03-26 20:32 * Regular Expressions: Auto-switch to fixed width font now only if marker > is in first position. ! Regular Expressions: The Quick Search (F3) dialog was still lacking the auto-switch to fixed width font. Fixed. ! Higher Res: Message box sometimes wrapped lines when they should not. Fixed. ! Higher Res: Message box icons misaligned vertically at resolutions > 100% and < 150%. Fixed. ! Since v24.20.0504 apps opened by double-click ended up in the background (on mouseup XY came to the foreground). Fixed. v24.20.0504 - 2023-03-26 11:03 + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse: Added option "Allow dragging from a background window". Tick it to allow dragging items from the file list without moving the XYplorer window to the foreground on mousedown. You would usually want this behavior when dragging items to another, foreground, application. Notes: - You may see a short flicker in the titlebar of the foreground window. - The setting is ignored if "Configuration | General | Safety Belts, Network | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from file list" is ticked. - Since this is the standard behavior in File Explorer, the factory default is ON. Upgraders, however, have to actively enable the feature. v24.20.0501 - 2023-03-25 15:43 * View | Tab | Iconize: Renamed to "Iconized Tab". Better reflects its toggle nature. % Color Filters: Tiny drawing adjustment in List and Small Icons view. v24.20.0500 - 2023-03-24 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.20.0404 - 2023-03-24 16:43 + Configuration | General | Startup & Exit: Added option "Include beta versions". Tick it to include beta versions when checking if there are any updates (aka beta channel). This affects the check on startup (Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Check for updates on startup) as well the manual check via menu Help | Online Support | Check for Updates. > Tip: Even if "Include beta versions" is OFF you can force checking for beta versions by holding CTRL while clicking Help | Online Support | Check for Updates (since 20171031). * Updated the help file. v24.20.0403 - 2023-03-24 10:58 + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | File List...: Added option "Copy/Move to Other Pane". So here is now an independent way to control the commands "Move to Other Pane" and "Copy to Other Pane". They are no longer tied to "Move/Copy/Backup To". - Go | Go to from Here...: Removed. Useless bloat. ! Go | Go to...: Did not support auto-include for scripts yet. Fixed. ! List: May have fixed an error 9 related to alternate grouping in the sorted column (Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Grid style). v24.20.0402 - 2023-03-23 17:56 ! Drag and Drop: Since v24.20.0305 drag and drop to another app via taskbar did not work anymore. Fixed. v24.20.0401 - 2023-03-23 12:45 + Menu Go: Added command "Go Now". Functionally identical to pressing ENTER in the Address Bar, it allows you to re-run the current Address Bar contents without the need to focus the Address Bar first. Highly useful when running small scripts here. I immediately assigned Ctrl+G to this command and my life is a piece of cake now. * Toolbar: Renamed button "Address Bar Go" to "Go Now". * Preview Pane: Now, when "Configuration | Preview | Preview | Image/Video preview | No border" is selected, previews have no more top and bottom padding. Gives you 8 pixels in height, and looks better. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.163. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.163.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 ! Tools | Customize List | Autosize Columns: Columns came out a little too small in screen resolution 125% and higher. Fixed. v24.20.0400 - 2023-03-22 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.20.0305 - 2023-03-22 12:08 * Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Category: Preview as Thumbnail: Removed OpenOffice extensions .odt .ods .odp from the factory defaults. With the recent version of OpenOffice there is a real preview, not just a thumbnail. * List | Selections Context Menu: In v18.00.0005 - 2017-06-14 17:39 the commands "Move to Other Pane" and "Copy to Other Pane" were added to the menu if Dual Pane was enabled. Now their visibility is also tied to Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | File List... | Move/Copy/Backup To. * Updated the help file. ! Tools | Configuration...: Crashed when the tags DB loaded thru Admin.ini did not have any color labels defined. Fixed. v24.20.0303 - 2023-03-21 11:38 + SC preview: Added mode "tg32". Syntax: preview [file], [mode], [guid] mode: How the preview is generated. tg32: Use 32-bit GDI+ (Graphics Device Interface). Tip: Only works for image files. * SC preview: Apart from mode "n", all modes ignore the settings in "Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats". Every file type is attempted to be previewed. * SC preview: Modes "tf32", "tf64", "te32" ignore tweak PreviewEarlyFactory. Not new, but forgot to mention yesterday. * Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors | Apply colors: Now these colors are also applied to the selected tab of the back pane, but slightly desaturated to mark the backness. v24.20.0302 - 2023-03-20 12:23 + Scripting got a new command. Name: Preview Action: Previews a file in the Preview Pane. Syntax: preview [file], [mode], [guid] file: Full path of file to preview. Defaults to the currently focused file. mode: How the preview is generated. n: [Default] Normal UI preview as if you selected the file. p: Use PreviewHandler, bitness depends on current user settings (incl. possible fallback to other bitness). p32: Use 32-bit PreviewHandler. p64: Use 64-bit PreviewHandler. t: Use ThumbnailProvider, method and bitness depend on current user settings. tf32: Use 32-bit IShellItemImageFactory. tf64: Use 64-bit IShellItemImageFactory. te32: Use 32-bit IExtractImage (currently not implemented in 64-bit). x: Close the Preview Pane. guid: CLSID of the PreviewHandler to use, eg {CF822AB4-6DB5-4FDA-BC28-E61DF36D2583}. Only used with modes p, p32, p64. Remarks: - The command ensures that the Preview Pane is visible. - The time needed is displayed in the status bar. - Live resizing, MDBU, and tooltip are supported. - A powerful command that allows you to preview files that are not currently listed. - Also useful as a debugging device for shell-generated previews and thumbnails, and as a test bed for CLSIDs. Examples: preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf"; //normal preview preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", p; //PreviewHandler (bitness depends) preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", p32; //PreviewHandler (32-bit) preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", p64; //PreviewHandler (64-bit) preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", t; //ThumbnailProvider (bitness depends) preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", tf32; //ThumbnailProvider IShellItemImageFactory (32-bit) preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", tf64; //ThumbnailProvider IShellItemImageFactory (64-bit) preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", te32; //ThumbnailProvider IExtractImage (32-bit) preview; //normal preview of current file preview , x; //close the preview pane //PreviewHandler (32-bit), GUID of PDF-XChange PDF Preview Provider: preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", p32, "{CF822AB4-6DB5-4FDA-BC28-E61DF36D2583}"; v24.20.0301 - 2023-03-19 11:12 + Scripting got a new function. Name: HtmlEncode Action: Converts non-ANSI Unicode characters to numeric HTML entities. Syntax: htmlencode(text) text: String of characters to convert. Remarks: - The general entity format returned is: &#xHHHH; HHHH here stands for the hexadecimal Unicode code point - ANSI characters (ordinal 0-255) remain unchanged. Examples: text chr(0x5FEB) . " -> " . htmlencode(chr(0x5FEB)); //快 -> 快 text htmlencode("快速入门指南"); //快速入门指南 copytext htmlencode(); //convert current clipboard contents * Help | Various Information: Removed the line OS Uptime: ..., eg: OS Uptime: 5 days, 19 hrs, 40 mins, 39 secs Retrieving that information was the only reason this dialog was loading so slowly, and it was pretty much useless anyway. So this dialog is now MUCH faster, aka instant. ! SC tagcheck: Did not mark the tags as dirty when necessary, nor did it update the dirty count. Fixed. ! SC tagcheck: Did not refresh the file list when needed after correcting the capitalization of tags in memory: tagcheck(8); //correct capitalization, returns count corrected items Fixed. v24.20.0300 - 2023-03-18 12:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.20.0212 - 2023-03-18 11:06 - unpublished ! SC charview: Chinese characters with unicode DEC number > 32767 were displayed with a wrong HEX number. Fixed. v24.20.0211 - 2023-03-17 20:26 * Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters | Draw background colors in distinctive shapes: Now the size of the shapes is adjusted to the screen resolution, i.e. the shapes get bigger with higher resolution. ! SC freshhere: Used the real path (C:\Users\Donald\Desktop) even when "here" was a special path (Desktop). Fixed. ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Full name column select: Selection rectangles in Details views were too wide when Age Circles (Tools | Customize List | Date Column Format | Circles) were shown in the Name column. Fixed. v24.20.0209 - 2023-03-17 11:32 % List: Slight speed gains (speedvolution never stops). Apart from a quicker startup and increased snappiness, browsing times are now more consistent. ! Custom File Associations: Executable files (eg EXE, AHK) could not really be associated with other executables to open them with (eg Notepad). They just stubbornly opened by themselves instead. Surfaced v24.20.0110 - 2023-03-15. The fix also affects "Open With: ..." in Extra File Info Tips (Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | Extra fields) which now shows e.g. "Notepad" for executables when it should. ! Breadcrumb Bars: Probably since 20180913 the focus jumped to the Address Bar after going to a new location via a dropdown menu. Fixed. v24.20.0207 - 2023-03-16 12:57 * Image Columns: Now if "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips" is disabled (and Hover Box for Image Columns as well), you won't get a tooltip with the textual contents of the hovered cell anymore. However, you can still force this tooltip by holding down the CTRL key. * List: Column header tooltips on Ctrl+Hover now come faster, always, and update on the fly when you resize the column by Ctrl+Left/Right. ! Title Bar: Since v24.20.0110, a Virtual Folder with a name was not shown with that name in the title bar. Fixed. v24.20.0200 - 2023-03-15 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.20.0110 - 2023-03-15 11:10 * Configuration | Preview | Preview | Image preview | Limit original preview size: Reduced the factory default from 2000 to 1600. Experiments showed that 1600 x 1600 is still blindingly fast whereas from 1601 x 1601 onwards things slow down dramatically. A little glimpse into the black box ShellImageFactory. Note that this setting also affects huge JPEGs that are "Previewed as thumbnail" (which means: previewed by the ShellImageFactory) because other methods failed. ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Templates | Title Bar: Native variables like were internally updated only *after* the title bar was written and hence always resolved to the *previous* location. Fixed. Now the title bar is written again after the list work is completed. v24.20.0109 - 2023-03-14 20:31 ! Custom Toolbar Buttons, Hamburger: In a multi-monitor situation, a CTB or Hamburger menu refused to pop up at the correct position if it had negative coordinates. Fixed. > Removed the related debug logging added in v24.20.0021 - 2023-03-11 11:06. * Updated the help file. v24.20.0108 - 2023-03-14 17:12 % Portable Devices: Expanding tree nodes with many subnodes should be notably faster now. * Updated the help file. ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Full name column select: Changing the setting did not trigger an immediate repaint of the list which should be done now due to recent changes in this feature. Fixed. ! Tree: Error 9 with full CRASH was possible when switching between Maxi and Mini Tree, and also on auto-refreshing a tree, both under certain other conditions. Fixed. v24.20.0107 - 2023-03-14 13:08 + SC text, SC inputselect: Now they support Unicode window captions: $utf = "日本人"; text 3:=$utf; inputselect(7:=$utf); * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0215. v24.20.0106 - 2023-03-14 11:45 ! Refresh after Delete: In the Chinese locale these two files are seen as differently named (and they are: it's the parentheses that are different) but Windows sees them as same-named when looking at them case-insensitively: Hello(XYP).txt Hello(XYP).txt One effect was: If you deleted one of them the other one disappeared from the file list as well (but luckily not from the file system). This should be fixed now. ! Virtual Folders: Since v24.20.0102 - 2023-03-13 12:09 VFOs with dynamic definitions (eg ) were not correctly updated anymore after file operations. Fixed. ! Autosize Columns: Since 20230304 the columns turned out 2 pixels too narrow in List and Small Icons views. Fixed. v24.20.0104 - 2023-03-13 21:55 * SC runret: Major rewrite. Should support Unicode characters now regardless of the regional settings. All the recent debug flags were removed, just call it plain like this: text runret("cmd /c dir c:\"); //ANSI text runret("cmd /c chcp 65001 & cmd /c dir E:\Path-to-Test", , 65001); //UTF-8 v24.20.0103 - 2023-03-13 14:51 + SC load: If the load command is within a loaded script file, you now can omit the path of the loaded file. If will default to the path of the containing script file. load "test.xys"; This is probably a bug fix because it was always meant to be like this. It is perfectly natural and allows you to move the parent script and loaded file together without any adjustments. > SC runret: Added another alternate route to the output, flags 24. v24.20.0102 - 2023-03-13 12:09 + Help | Online Support: Added command "Quick Start Guide". Goes to https://www.xyplorer.com/quickstart.php where the newbie is shown how to unleash the power of XY. > SC runret: Added some alternate routes to the output, flags bit 4 and 8. ! Time-Stamping: Since time-stamping ensures that the archive bit is set (v23.80.0207 - 2022-12-15 10:57), any read-only bit in the stamped file has been lost. Fixed. ! SC runret: The recent fix made things only worse. Undone. ! Virtual Folders: Lost scroll position and selection on an auto-refresh (under certain conditions). Fixed. ! Virtual Folders: A script _goto "vi:";_ could throw a " could not be accessed" error msg. Fixed. ! Scripting: User functions in UTF-8-encoded include files were not UTF-8-decoded. Fixed. v24.20.0101 - 2023-03-12 15:02 * Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Category: Renamed "Office Files" to "Document Files" here and everywhere else in the GUI. - Some related INI keys (PreviewOffice, NoPrevOffice, OfficePreviewCustomExtensions, ShowHoverBoxOffice) remain as they were for backward compatibility. - The generic file type {:Office} is kept alongside "{:Document}" for backward compatibility. Since it's deprecated now, you should use "{:Document}" instead. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.162. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.162.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 - Removed the following menu commands because they are pointless in today's Windows: - Favorites | Special System Folders | Start Menu - Favorites | Special System Folders | Start Menu (All Users) ! SC runret: Under certain regional settings there was a conversion issue with CP_UTF8 (65001) and Unicode characters in the listed item names, for example: text runret("cmd /c chcp 65001 & cmd /c dir E:\Path-to-Test", , 65001); Fixed. v24.20.0100 - 2023-03-11 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. +++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the Starcrawler Acoustic Sessions. v24.20.0021 - 2023-03-11 11:06 ! Scripting: Since v24.20.0020 single-quoted strings were not handled properly anymore in all contexts. Fixed. > Added some debug logging regarding menu position in multi-monitor situations. v24.20.0020 - 2023-03-10 18:22 ! SC freshhere: Using it on a Virtual Folder led to mayhem including a crash. Fixed. Now it will use the common real path of that virtual folder. And even if there is none, the crash won't happen anymore. ! Scripting | Arrays: Global associative arrays with variables as indices were not correctly processed in certain contexts. Fixed. v24.20.0019 - 2023-03-10 11:36 * List | Permanent Custom Sort Order: When refreshing lists, PCSO is now confined to lists of up to 5000 items. Larger lists forget their custom sort order on refresh. v24.20.0018 - 2023-03-09 20:52 ! Thumbnails: Large resolution JPGs (e.g. 10824 x 8118 pixels) would not get any thumbnails. Fixed. v24.20.0017 - 2023-03-09 19:00 * List | Permanent Custom Sort Order: When introduced in v16.50.0204 - 2016-04-07 13:37 the service was limited to the top 5000 items in lists of any length. It turned out that in really huge lists restoring the sort order that way takes a LOT OF TIME. So to make it simple, the whole PCSO business is now confined to lists up to 5000 items. Larger lists forget their custom sort order on a tab switch or across sessions. * View | Tab | Type Stats and Filter...: Now when there are 32 or more items the interface is a list instead of a menu. Better to handle. - Removed the v24.20.0016 fix. Wrong track. v24.20.0016 - 2023-03-08 16:05 ! Auto-Refresh: Fixed a rare 390 error probably related to MOTW (Mark of the Web). v24.20.0015 - 2023-03-08 11:54 ! Virtual Folders: When auto-refreshing, the list sometimes reverted to a previous state, e.g. a previous sort order. Fixed. v24.20.0014 - 2023-03-07 19:38 * SC readurl: Removed a bit value from "flags". Syntax: readurl(url, [nocookies], [StripHTML], [flags], [codepage]) flags (bit field) 1: fail gently if offline ----> This bit is now ignored because the test for being online was unreliable. * SC readurlutf8: The same change as above applies to SC readurlutf8. ! SC update: Could falsely fail with "You are Offline". Fixed. v24.20.0013 - 2023-03-07 13:25 * Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Full name column select: - Now drag-select still can be initiated in List and Small Icons views when you start it in the empty area of the Name column of a non-selected item. - You can also force the List's white space context menu by Ctrl+Right-Click on the empty area of the Name column in List and Small Icons views even if "Full name column select" is enabled. BTW, Full Row Select has the same solutions for the same problems for a long time. * Virtual Folders: Deletions are generally blocked in VFOs, but an exception was made for SC delete in v24.00.0601 - 2023-02-03 19:47. This exception is now limited to cases where the item(s) to delete are passed as argument. v24.20.0012 - 2023-03-06 19:12 * Updated the help file. v24.20.0011 - 2023-03-06 11:47 ! Custom File Associations: Unregistered executables with long or overlong names were shown wrongly in the CFA menu depending on the volume settings. Fixed. ! Thumbnails: Symbolic Links (symlinks) to files showed no thumbnails. Fixed. ! Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show film strip overlay on video thumbnails: Did not work for shortcuts (LNK) to video files. Fixed. ! Hover Box: Videos were not horizontally centered when smaller than the box. Fixed. v24.20.0010 - 2023-03-05 18:06 + Tools | Customize File Associations... (and its alias "Tools | List Management | Custom File Associations..."): Now you can assign icons extracted from icon resources (exe; dll; cpl; ocx; scr; icl; bpl; wlx; wfx; wcx; wdx; acm). For example: "No extension|%winsysdir%\shell32.dll /160" *.>Notepad BTW, also toolbat icons are supported (not in the Help yet): "No extension|:dice" *.>Notepad ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters | Draw background colors in distinctive shapes: In some views, the shapes were cut off at the right end under certain conditions. Fixed. ! Toolbar | Hotlist: Virtual Folders were displayed wrongly. Fixed. v24.20.0009 - 2023-03-04 18:56 * Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Full name column select: Now the focus line, selection rectangle, and color filter backgrounds are drawn as wide as the Name column in Details, List, and Small Icons views if this setting is enabled. It's an experiment but I think it makes a lot of sense. * Updated the help file. v24.20.0008 - 2023-03-04 12:09 ! Virtual Folders: Using SC delete on a VFO completely cleared the list. Fixed. ! Custom File Associations: Unregistered executables without file version info were shown with full path in the CFA menu when they shouldn't. Fixed. v24.20.0007 - 2023-03-03 17:36 ! License Key: The new 2023 License key had an extremely rare problem with certain Unicode characters in the user name. Fixed. v24.20.0006 - 2023-03-03 13:17 + Favorite Folders / Files: Now you can assign icons extracted from icon resources (exe; dll; cpl; ocx; scr; icl; bpl; wlx; wfx; wcx; wdx; acm). For example: "Test 1|C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll /160" E:\Test "Test 2|%winsysdir%\shell32.dll /160" E:\Test + SC ThumbsConf enhanced: Now you can limit the number of returned values. This makes it easier to create future-safe scripts while the command adds ever more values to its return. Syntax: thumbsconf([settings], [separator=","]) settings: If numeric: Return this number of values (counted from left). Examples: echo thumbsconf(); //1,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,1 echo thumbsconf(4); //1,0,0,2 Example for a Custom Toolbar Button script (with pushed state): "Toggle Wall of Pictures" $on = '0,1,0,0'; $off = '1,0,0,2'; thumbsconf((thumbsconf(4) == $on) ? $off : $on); ctbstate(thumbsconf(4) == $on); v24.20.0005 - 2023-03-03 09:50 + Custom Event Actions: Added a variable that can be used in scripts called by event "Drive added or removed" (and only there): . It is resolved to the drive root path prefixed by "+" or "-" depending on whether it was added or removed. For example: Script: echo "Drive added or removed: "; Possible result on adding a drive: Drive added or removed: +G:\ Possible result on removing a drive: Drive added or removed: -G:\ ! List: Left/Right keys did not work in some views anymore since v24.20.0004. Fixed. v24.20.0004 - 2023-03-02 17:27 + List: Now when the mouse pointer is over a column header you can resize that column by Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right. The exact new width is shown in the status bar. Works also in non-Details views if column headers are visible. + Virtual Folders: In Virtual Folders duplicate items in one list are possible. Now you can have the list deduped by passing switch "d". This, for example, guarantees that XY is listed, but only once: vi:|d|| % Speed: A new discovery lead to an overall increase in snappiness. v24.20.0002 - 2023-03-01 19:54 + Image Columns: Now when you hold CTRL while hovering an image you'll see the textual contents of that cell in a tooltip (typically the path to the image). v24.20.0001 - 2023-03-01 11:13 ! Custom Copy | Progress Dialog: Since v24.10.0009 - 2023-02-23 20:17 the Reports button menu wasn't translated to non-English interface languages on backgrounded file operations. Fixed. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0215. ! Image Columns: Hover Box did not work for files of type mp3, flac, or ogg. Fixed. v24.20.0000 - 2023-02-28 20:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Image Columns. So far a data record in a file listing consisted of an icon, maybe a thumbnail, and various bits of text. The signature look of a details view in a file manager. Those days are over. Now you can add images to the mix. And not just one per file, but many: Up to 80 different pics per file, all in one list! These images can be arbitrarily assigned to a file (and recorded in a database), or based on rules (e.g. based on the file name or other file properties). Typical use cases would be showing wave forms for sounds, or album covers for songs, or different states or angles of people or designs. And that's just the beginning. Since columns can be scripted, the possibilities are endless. A column could even create the image it's about to show. By the way, if you move your mouse over these images, you'll optionally get an enlarged view, the so-called Hover Box. Absolutely massive new feature. Ground-breaking. +++ SketchUp Preview. Now previews and thumbnails are supported for SketchUp Pro (3D CAD software) *.skp and *.layout files. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 24.10 ..................................................... v24.10.0018 - 2023-02-28 18:00 * Image Columns: Now the image path defaults to the item path. So, if you just state the image file name without the full path, and the images are located where the items are, both can be moved together without need for adjustments. Portability... v24.10.0016 - 2023-02-28 12:43 * Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors | Match selected tab with breadcrumb bar: If ticked then the v24.10.0015 change is now also applied to the selected tab in left-most position when *not* touching the left window border. v24.10.0015 - 2023-02-28 10:59 * Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Visual style: In Windows Theme Style, when the left-most tab header touches the left window border, no left tab header border is drawn anymore for that tab. Neat little improvement to the overall look. v24.10.0014 - 2023-02-27 18:31 * Updated the help file. v24.10.0012 - 2023-02-26 11:47 * Hover Box on Image Columns: For this to happen you now need to tick: - "Images" in Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Item Types... - "Image Columns" in Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context... Yes, "Images" is not implied here to keep a fast way to turn off all Image Hover Boxes. ! Hover Box in Tree: Since 20230107 it didn't work anymore for the "This PC" and "Network" nodes. Fixed. ! SC zip_list2: This fix from v23.50.0211 - 2022-08-28 11:15 did not really get it right. Returned superfluous prefixes on filenames. Fixed. Actually there *should* be prefixes on filenames IF the archive contains folders and flags has bit 2 (Recurse folders). Otherwise the CSV columns of the returned data are messed up. Fixed again. v24.10.0011 - 2023-02-25 09:28 * Configure Extra Column / Configure Custom Column dialogs: Increased the width of the input boxes. * Configure Extra Column dialog: Input boxes now set to "Edit Text" font. * SC inputselect: Style 65536 (Move window to mouse pointer) now ensures that all of the dialog is within the screen. * Hover Box on Breadcrumb Bar Drop-Down Menus: Now it works also when "Folders" is not ticked in "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Item Types...". * Drop from Outside: When dropping stuff onto a backgrounded XYplorer, sometimes (on some systems) XYplorer was not automatically foregrounded by Windows, and dialogs could end up hidden under other windows. Now XYplorer actively puts itself in the foreground when something is dropped on it. ! Custom File Icons: A specific LNK file icon assigned via Shell Context Menu Properties was overwritten by the generic CFI file type icon. It shouldn't be. Fixed. v24.10.0010 - 2023-02-24 16:13 + SC inputselect enhanced: Now you can position the window at the mouse pointer. Syntax: inputselect(header, listdata, [separator="|"], [style=1], [cancel], _ [width=800], [height=400], [windowcaption], [preselectprefix], [icon], [preselectitem]) style: 65536 = Position window at mouse pointer. Example: return inputselect("Select Country", , ";", 32 + 65536, 10:=); + Scripted Extra Columns: A new variable is set to the full path of the right-clicked item. Totally useful, here's just one example: return inputselect("Select Country", , ";", 32, 10:=); * Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context...: The context "Breadcrumb Bars" (added v23.90.0407 - 2023-01-07 20:12) changed name and function: It's now called "Breadcrumb Bar Drop-Down Menus" and gives you a Hover Box with the contents of the hovered icon (yes, analogous to MUSD only the icon is the hot area) in the dropdown menu. Notes: - This new functionality deems me much more useful than the old one. - Works only for "Custom Menu" and "Colored Menu". - If unchecked you still can force the Hover Box by holding CTRL. ! Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Show the 64-bit context menu: Sometimes when calling it the first time in a session the 32-bit menu came instead of the 64-bit one. Fixed. This will happen much less likely now, and this kind of fallback won't happen anymore. When the 64-bit menu fails for whatever reason, then no menu comes at all. The fix also applies to calling the menu via script, eg: popupcontextmenu "C:\", 64; //force 64-bit menu ! Action Log: The Undo/Redo caption of "New Shortcut" actions contained a misleading path info. Fixed. ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context...: The toggle "Folder Contents Preview" was dysfunctional, the Hover Box was always shown for items in Mouse Up Show Down lists. Fixed. ! Breadcrumb Bars | Drop Menu on Hover: The menu auto-undropped when you hovered a tiny 1-pixel wide area right at the top of the menu. Fixed. ! Hover Box: Probably fixed a rare bogus "Item not found" message. v24.10.0009 - 2023-02-23 20:17 ! Custom Copy | Progress Dialog: The Reports button menu didn't pop when the file operation was triggered via a menu button of the toolbar. Fixed. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0214. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.161. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.161.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 ! Catalog: Command "Remove Tag" in the item context menu in category "Click and Tag: Tags" reported a removal in the status bar even if nothing was removed. Fixed. v24.10.0008 - 2023-02-23 14:19 + SC inputselect enhanced. Now you can specify an item to preselect. Syntax: inputselect(header, listdata, [separator="|"], [style=1], [cancel], _ [width=800], [height=400], [windowcaption], [preselectprefix], [icon], [preselectitem]) preselectitem: This item in listdata will be preselected. The first match wins (checked from left to right), any following matches are ignored. Anything set in preselectprefix is overridden by preselectitem. Example: // flag 32: if preselectitem has no match the first item is preselected echo inputselect("Select Country", "Afghanistan;Albania;Algeria;Andorra;Angola", ";", 32, 10:="Angola"); * SC inputselect: The preselected item is now centered vertically in the visible portion of the list, allowing you to see adjacent items above and below. + Scripted Extra Columns: A new variable (it's set to the contents of the right-clicked cell), along with the SC inputselect extension above, allows pre-selecting the current cell data in : return inputselect("Select Country", , ";", 32, , 400, 600, 10:=); + Preview of SketchUp Files: Now also the *.layout extension is supported. % Preview of SketchUp Files: Better performance by making use of the Windows thumbnails cache. ! Hover Box: The status section was largely gone since v24.10.0007. Fixed. v24.10.0007 - 2023-02-22 20:53 + Scripted Extra Columns: The scripts now support Step Mode. * Scripted Extra Columns: Variable is now handled like all other variables and does not need to be quoted anymore. This works now as expected: return inputselect("Select Country", , ";", 32, , 400, 600); v24.10.0006 - 2023-02-22 15:57 +++ Extra Columns: Added a new column type "Script". The script you specify here (via the Configure Extra Column dialog which is accessible by right-clicking the column header) is run whenever you right-click a cell in that column. If that script calls the command "return" the "data" argument is used to fill the cell. Such a Scripted Extra Column provides wonderful and countless new ways to easily generate or select data to be placed in a cell and thus to be assigned to a file. Notes: - The script should not contain the | character unless it is quoted, because that character is already used to separate extra fields in the tags database. - There is a new special variable only available in this context: . When used in the script it is resolved to the contents of the "Pop-up List" field of that same column, CRLF line breaks being replaced by ";". Examples: 1) This script fills the cell with a super-exact timestamp: return now("yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.fffffff"); 2) This script pops an inputselect interface filled with some hard-coded data: return inputselect("Select Country", "Afghanistan;Albania;Algeria;Andorra;Angola", ";", 32, , 400, 600); 3) This script pops an inputselect interface filled with the data present in the "Pop-up List" field of this Extra column: return inputselect("Select Country", "", ";", 32, , 400, 600); If the data is many this interface is far superior to the menu that is popped by a "Pop-up List" type Extra column. And using the "Pop-up List" field as data store via makes the script much easier to handle, and makes it shareable between columns and users. ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips: File info tips were shown in the tree if "Show file info tips" was off but "In tree as well" was on. Fixed. v24.10.0005 - 2023-02-21 12:26 % Preview of SketchUp Files: An unnecessary 500ms wait has been eliminated, so the preview is now displayed immediately. ! Empty Cell Defaults: Wrong colors in selected items on Full Row Select. Fixed. ! SC sync: When passing switches "cp" the Preview button was not pre-focused. Fixed. v24.10.0004 - 2023-02-20 12:25 + Preview / Thumbnails: Now SKP files (SketchUp Pro) are supported. The needed configuration it preset now in the factory defaults (= it works out of the freshly opened box), but when upgrading you have to take care yourself: - Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Categories | Office Files: add/tick *.skp - Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Categories | Preview as Thumbnail: add/tick *.skp Additionally tick at least one of these: - Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Use 64-bit preview handlers for preview - Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Fall back to preview handlers of the other bitness And tweak Thumbs64Ext needs "skp" as well: Thumbs64Ext=afphoto.afdesign.afpub.c4d.skp.sldasm.slddrw.sldprt.xar And ensure that tweak Thumbs64Skip is 0: Thumbs64Skip=0 * XY64: Updated to + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Use empty cell defaults | Configure: Added an additional row for the Label column. It deserves it. v24.10.0002 - 2023-02-18 11:22 + Virtual Folders: Now you can enforce a check for existence on all listed items. This is useful for commands the return potentially stale data, for example: vi: To enforce a check for existence prefix the new switch "e" surrounded by | like this: vi:|e| Notes: - URLs and scripts will always pass the test. ! SC strpos: Other than stated in the docs, an empty needle returned 0 instead of -1. Fixed. Example: echo strpos("abcAbc", ""); // -1 (not found) ! List: Secondary sorting scrambled the primary sort order if it was a date column and tweak SortSecondaryByExactDate=0 (which is factory default). Fixed by using BubbleSort for the secondary sorting in this case. ! List: Secondary sorting scrambled the secondary sort order if it was a date column and tweak SortSecondaryByExactDate=0 (which is factory default). This was due to an internal tertiary sorting by Name. Fixed by ignoring SortSecondaryByExactDate=0 in this case. ! Breadcrumb Bars: Could get geometrically confused after waking up from hibernation in a multi-monitor setup. Fixed. v24.10.0001 - 2023-02-17 15:10 * Virtual Folders: Now pasting into Virtual Folders is allowed if the Virtual Folder has one common path (if all its items are in the same location). Obviously pasting then goes into this path. * Startup.ini: From now on it is distributed in UTF-16LE-BOM encoding. ! Admin Settings | TagsList: You could bypass the TagsList restrictions using "Tags | Add Last Tags" if the LastTags key still contained other tags from a previous session. Fixed. ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Clipboard Markers | Colored lines: Didn't work in Paper Folders and Virtual Folders. Fixed. v24.10.0000 - 2023-02-16 20:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Empty Cell Defaults. If you suffer from fear of the void you will be glad that this version offers easy ways to fill the void. The marking of the different types of emptiness can actually serve a better overview. +++ Fake Right-Drag-and-Drop. Now you can fake a right-drag-and-drop by holding down CTRL and SHIFT while doing a left-drag-and-drop. That way you can have the drag-and-drop context menu on left-drag-and-drop, which is pretty cool in limited hardware and software contexts. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 24.00 ..................................................... v24.00.0712 - 2023-02-16 14:07 * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.160. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.160.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Use empty cell defaults: Fixed some minor issues with Image Columns. v24.00.0711 - 2023-02-16 10:57 ! Hover Box on Image Columns: Did not work for images assigned to folders. Fixed. v24.00.0710 - 2023-02-15 12:17 % Image Columns: Again MUCH better speed. The display size of images in columns is now limited to 400 x 100 (width x height) which makes the rendering pretty fluid even with a greater number of images, especially notable where the original images are large. The use of memory was also greatly reduced. * Image Columns: To show the Hover Box here you now have to tick "Tiles and Thumbnails" in "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context...". v24.00.0709 - 2023-02-14 22:28 % Image Columns: Better speed. Now each image file is read from disk only once per listing, then kept in memory until the location changes or is refreshed. ! Hover Box on Image Columns: Resize did not work as it should. Fixed. v24.00.0708 - 2023-02-14 18:48 + Custom Columns: Added column format "Image". Via variables in the template you can now define a column to show images in a systematic relation to each listed file. Perfect e.g. for waveform images whose filename matches the wave filename (e.g. ".png"). + Image Columns: Now the images support the Hover Box. Awesome. v24.00.0707 - 2023-02-14 13:13 +++ Extra Columns: Added a new column type "Image". If you specify any of the image types BMP, GIF, PNG, JFIF, JPG, JPEG, JPE as column data (via right-clicking the cell), those images are displayed right in the cell. This is quite something! It opens up a world of possibilities. For example, you can now attach waveform images (created by some 3rd party app) to WAV files, and have them shown right in the list. And not only one. You can have a couple of Extra/Image columns, each with its own image. So here we are: Image Columns! Notes: - The images can be resized on-the-fly just by changing the column width. - Of course, if you want to see more than very tiny miniatures, you need some row height. Currently the best way to achieve an acceptable row height is by using the "Details with Thumbnails" view. - There is no caching for those images. They are always live. So you can increase performance by providing not too large source images. - These images have no Hover Box or MDBU. * Updated the help file. ! SC setthumb: Injecting a thumbnail into an existing cache could mess up the cache if the new image was larger than the original. Fixed. ! Hover Box: The status info in Hover Boxes for injected thumbnails was referring to the original image while showing the injected image. Fixed. Now the status also refers to the injected image. Only relevant if deep injection is set, see SC setthumb. v24.00.0706 - 2023-02-13 17:33 + Custom Event Actions | Exit: Now you can have the script cancel the exit process and keep the app open. To do this call the special new scripting command cancelexit, for example like this: if (confirm("Exit app?") == 0) {cancelexit;} SC cancelexit does nothing visible when called, but when the script is completed, the app will stay open. Useful for prompts on exit. + Scripting got a new command. Name: CancelExit Action: Lets you cancel the exit process and keep the app open. Syntax: cancelexit Remarks: Only effective in the "Custom Event Actions | Exit" script. Example: if (confirm("Exit app?") == 0) {cancelexit;} * Custom Event Actions | After file operation: Replaced variable by the more precise : //total duration of the operation in milliseconds * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0213. v24.00.0705 - 2023-02-12 12:04 + Custom Event Actions | After file operation: Added another variable: //total duration of the operation in seconds (including all waiting at prompts) * Updated the help file. ! Undo/Redo: A fix in v24.00.0704 had a negative side-effect on Undo/Redo. Fixed. v24.00.0704 - 2023-02-11 14:37 + Custom Event Actions: Added a new event "After file operation" to the new section "File Operations". It is fired when a file operation, including refresh of the current listings, is complete. The summary report window of a Custom Copy/Move might still be showing at this time. Supported file operations are "Move", "Copy", "Delete", "Backup", "CustomCopy", "CustomMove", "Sync". Note that "Rename" and "New" are currently not among them. The only possible action is "Run Script". The following new variables can be used in the script: //type of operation (always in English) //source path, without trailing slash //target path, without trailing slash //list of source items, |-separated //list of target items, |-separated Proof of concept script (paste into Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions | After file operation | Script): text << Source Path: Target Path: Source List: Target List: DOC; Notes: - You can use this event for example to do automatic check-ups after file operations and display status messages, or do some automated logging, or play a sound after a file operation has completed. - I would not recommend to run follow-up file operations from the script because you might run into recursion issues. - It's recommended to use this CEA only with XYplorer's Custom Copy/Move, because the standard Windows Shell Copy/Move has a somewhat unreliable status notification system where you cannot be totally sure whether an operation actually took place or was skipped or canceled, or which items have been renamed to avoid collisions, and all of this varies between Windows versions, brilliant (the same issue also affects Undo/Redo). * Updated the help file. v24.00.0703 - 2023-02-10 14:24 + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns: Added option "Use empty cell defaults". Tick it to use certain default values for certain empty cells in the list. The actual values can be freely configured under the button "Configure...". To handle this I created a new type of interface, a list with editable cell values. This will come in handy in other places as well. To edit a value either click into the cell, or select an item and press F2. Serial rename by Up/Down is supported. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cell Factory Default Description INI Key ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ext (Folder) Ext column for folders ListEmptyCellExtDir Ext (File) Ext column for files ListEmptyCellExtFile Size -- Size column ListEmptyCellSize Other -- All other columns ListEmptyCellOther ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Obviously, empty cell defaults only apply to Details views. v24.00.0701 - 2023-02-09 12:58 + Drag and Drop: Experimentally you can now fake a right-drag-drop by holding down CTRL and SHIFT while doing a left-drag-drop. That way you can have the Drag and Drop context menu on left-drag-drop, which is pretty cool in some hardware and software contexts. Applies to drops on Tree, List, Catalog, Breadcrumbs, and Tabs. ! Floating Preview: Scrolling through files by wheel, and with "Zoom by Wheel" turned off, failed with Text, Office, Web, Font, and Icon files. Fixed. ! Breadcrumb Bars | Hamburger: Sometimes needed two clicks to open. Fixed. v24.00.0700 - 2023-02-08 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.00.0605 - 2023-02-08 17:02 ! Info Panel | Preview: Since 20230122, files in the drive root would not be previewed anymore. Fixed. v24.00.0604 - 2023-02-08 14:34 + Admin Settings: Added some settings concerning Multi-User Tagging. Most of them have been added already a while ago, but they weren't documented yet. These are the keys currently available in the Tags section of Admin.ini, each with an example value: [Tags] Description TagsList=a,b,c Limits the tags the user can apply to this comma-separated tags list. TagDatOpenTryMsecs=5000 Time (in ms) the app attempts to open the shared tags DB before giving up. Note that the DB is locked while any other user is writing to it. TagDatSafeSave=1 SafeSave mode: 0=never, 1=when necessary [Default], 2=always SafeSave means: Before writing, the current saved state of the database is read and matched with the tags in memory. Can be useful in a multi-user tagging context if for some reason your current tags in memory do not match the status of the database on disk. TagFlags=1 Bit field: 1 = tags DB headers are read-only 2 = tags DB is read-only TagDatModCheckMsecs=2000 Time (in ms) between checking if the shared tags DB has been modified by another user and needs to be (and will be) auto-reloaded. Note that these settings are only included in the Enterprise Edition. They only make sense in a corporate environment. + Edit | Select | Select Items...: Now you can state wildcard patterns in the list. Examples: *.png select all PNG files Car* select all files beginning with "Car" *e* select all files containing "e" in the name e select all files called "e" (no auto-asterisks) Notes: - The comparison is case-insensitive (A==a). - No auto-asterisks are applied to a pattern without any wildcards. + SC selectitems: Now you can state wildcard patterns in the list (see above). Examples: selectitems "*.png"; //select all PNG files selectitems "*.png|4*"; //select all PNG files and files beginning with "4" + Breadcrumb Bars: Now concatenated Virtual Folders are supported in the Hamburger. Example: vi:E:\Test\a|E:\Test\b //"Double Loc" Internally, and also in the INI (key CrumbHamburger), the itemlist separator "|" is replaced by a TAB character. ! Breadcrumb Bars | Hamburger: Had lost its ability to unpop at the second click. Fixed. ! Breadcrumb Bars | Triangles: On "Standard Menu" the triangles did not flip to the downward orientation anymore when clicked. Fixed. ! SC popupmenu: The checked state did not work anymore since about 20230117. Fixed: popupmenu("cap;;;1|cap;;;2|cap;;;4"); v24.00.0603 - 2023-02-07 13:36 + Favorites | Favorite Folders: Now Virtual Folders are supported. * File | Duplicate | Copy Here As...: Now when items with multiple extensions are selected (or right-mouse dropped) the preset default uses a special pseudo extension "?" which ensures that each of the copied items retains its original extension. * Edit | Paste Special: The submenu was disabled when a Virtual Folder was being shown. Not anymore. There are commands in the menu that should always be available, e.g. "Edit Clipboard...". ! SC popupmenu, popupnested: Accelerators not correctly processed for items containing spaces. Fixed. ! Tools | List Management | Instant Color Filters...: Any changes to the current filter became only visible after switching to another filter and then back to the current one. Fixed. Now the changes become visible right away. ! Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Tab captions: A custom pattern like ": " was not applied to drives roots. Fixed. ! Rename Preview: The zebra grid colors went wrong in Dark Mode when "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Dark mode | Adaptive colors" was turned off. Fixed. v24.00.0602 - 2023-02-05 10:54 + Paper Folders: Now scripts and URLs are allowed in Paper Folders just like they are in Virtual Folders. v24.00.0601 - 2023-02-03 19:47 - Windows 7 / Windows Classic (non-themed): A cosmetic service for some outdated environments has been removed, which had led to problems in today's environments. ! Virtual Folders: Deleting by script did not work while a Virtual Folder was showing in the front pane. Fixed. v24.00.0600 - 2023-02-01 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.00.0503 - 2023-02-01 16:03 + Joker Tabs: Some enhancements to a still unofficial new killer feature. v24.00.0502 - 2023-02-01 11:57 ! Tabs: A tab could lose its Visual Filter (and other properties) when being auto-selected after another tab has been actively closed. Since 20230112. Fixed. v24.00.0500 - 2023-01-31 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.00.0401 - 2023-01-31 12:31 ! Quick Search: Since 20230129 multi location searches like this: c:\test|z:\temp? /fn got confused about the path of the found items. Fixed. ! Portable Devices: The custom commands "Open in New Tab" (etc) in a List item's context menu did not work from a Portable Device location. Fixed. ! Floating Preview: Scrolling through images, ICO files were treated apart from all other image files in a weird way. Fixed. v24.00.0400 - 2023-01-30 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.00.0301 - 2023-01-30 14:11 * SC get pick: Filters from generic file types were far too tolerant because they used eg "*txt*" instead of "*.txt", or worse "*c*" instead of "*.c". Fixed. Example: vi:"> % Tabsets: Switching between tabsets should now be much smoother. ! Breadcrumb Bars: Since 20230125, when "Standard Menu" was selected you could jump to a new path anymore by clicking any of the components. Fixed. v24.00.0300 - 2023-01-29 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.00.0201 - 2023-01-29 15:38 ! Toolbar | Recent File Operations: Did not yet work from VFOs. Fixed. ! Thumbnails: Since 20230127, no new folder thumbnails could be created. Fixed. v24.00.0200 - 2023-01-28 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.00.0104 - 2023-01-28 13:34 * Virtual Folders: The commands in submenu "File | Duplicate" are now allowed in VFOs *if* the common path or branch of the contained items supports it. * Updated the help file. ! Configuration | General | Tree and List | Tree | Auto-optimize tree: Did not work under "Network" anymore since about 20211023. Fixed. v24.00.0103 - 2023-01-28 09:38 * SC get pick: Renamed switch "s" (*s*ort alphabetically) to "n" (sort by *n*ame). Examples (using the short form without get): vi: //VFO listing the first (ABC) 12 files from the current folder vi: //VFO listing the last (ABC) 12 files from the current folder ! Network: Since 20230108, network browsing via the List failed on systems without a Links or OneDrive folder. Fixed. ! Custom File Icons: This and various other contexts could not handle drive-less paths anymore (eg "\Windows\") on systems without a Links or OneDrive folder. Fixed. > Concerning the above seemingly bizarre bugs: A certain fundamental routine did not expect that the variable pointing to the Links or OneDrive folder could ever be completely empty. This failure could surface in surprising places. It's fixed now. v24.00.0102 - 2023-01-27 19:54 + Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Auto-Refresh: Added option "Include virtual folders". Factory default is OFF. Note: Auto-Refresh in Virtual Folders works only *if* the common path or branch of the contained items supports it. That path is displayed in the Turkish Rose colored Information Bar; if no path is displayed then you get no Auto-Refresh. FYI, this setting raises tweak WatchVirtual to UI. ! Portable Devices: When the list was showing a Portable Device path, right-clicking any tree folder popped a reduced menu as if that folder was on a Portable Device. Fixed. ! Native Context Menu | Metadata: Didn't work with items on Portable Devices. Fixed. v24.00.0101 - 2023-01-27 13:29 + SC get pick: Added "*_list" variants to pick items from the current list instead of the current folder. This makes picking work in Search Results, Branch View, Visual or Live Filtered lists, or Virtual Folders (one VFO can pick from another!). pick_list: pick all files from the current list pickfiles_list: pick all files from the current list pickdirs_list: pick all folders from the current list pickall_list: pick all files and folders from the current list Examples (using the short form without get): text ; //all items from the current list, one per line text ; //all items starting with a* from the current list, one per line vi: //VFO listing the newest 12 items from the current list + SC get pick: Added sort options .s (sort alphabetically) and .x (no sorting). Examples (using the short form without get): vi: //VFO listing the top 12 items from the current list (sorted alphabetically) vi: //VFO listing the top 12 items from the current list (no sorting) vi: //VFO listing the bottom 12 items from the current list (no sorting) * Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Open new tab: When set to "Next to current tab" doing "New Tab" or "Clone Tab" via right-click from a background tab created the new tab to the right of the current tab. Although it sounds right, I think it is unexpected. It will now open the new tab to the right of the right-clicked tab. ! Tabs: Doing "Clone Tab" via right-click menu from a background tab resulted in a new foreground tab with the contents of the previous foreground tab. Complete mess. Fixed. Now the clone remains in the background. v24.00.0100 - 2023-01-26 22:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v24.00.0008 - 2023-01-26 19:20 * SC obfuscate: Some more special characters are now excluded from obfuscation: .\|/<>"".,;:()[]{}+-*%^$@?! and Space and CR and LF Before it was only: .\: and Space and CR and LF These excluded characters help to understand the structure without revealing private information. ! SC obfuscate: Did not yet obfuscate the Information Bars. Fixed. v24.00.0007 - 2023-01-26 15:03 + Virtual Folders: Now they optionally support Auto-Refresh, *if* the common path or branch of the contained items supports it. That path is displayed in the Turkish Rose colored Information Bar; if no path is displayed then you get no Auto-Refresh. For now the option is only implemented as a tweak: WatchVirtual=1 v24.00.0006 - 2023-01-26 12:03 + SC get pick: The "pick" argument got two cousins, "pickall" and "pickdirs". I also added "pickfiles" as an alternative to "pick" for symmetry and completeness. pick: pick all files pickfiles: pick all files pickdirs: pick all folders pickall: pick all files and folders Examples (using the short form without get): text ; //all items, one per line text ; //all items starting with a*, one per line vi: //VFO listing the newest 12 items from the current folder + SC selectitems enhanced. Now you can push the focused and selected item. Syntax: selectitems itemlist, [flags], [focus=1], [mode], [pane] focus: (bit field) 0: Keep the focus where it is. 1: [Default] Auto-move the focus to the first selected file. 2: Push the focused and selected item. Remarks: Push here means that the focused and selected item is treated as if it had been actively clicked on by the user. It becomes the "current item" internally, which means the Info Panel is filled with its properties, and the Preview is triggered. Push only works on items that are focused *and* selected. Examples: selectitems "Test.jpg", , 3; //select, focus, push selectitems "Test.jpg",2:=3; //(same) v24.00.0005 - 2023-01-25 21:39 % Breadcrumb Bars: Improved drop/undrop logic and feel. v24.00.0004 - 2023-01-25 15:14 * Toolbar | Recent Locations: Changed the icon to a blue-grey dartboard with a dart. Better distinction from the other bluish rounded icons. v24.00.0003 - 2023-01-25 10:58 * Toolbar | Recent Locations: Now Virtual Folders are shown with their caption (if any). The full path is shown in the status bar while hovering the menu item. * Toolbar | Back, Forward: Now Virtual Folders are shown with their caption. ! Virtual Folders: Scripts did not work on ENTER. Fixed. Example: vi:echo "hi!"; v24.00.0002 - 2023-01-24 21:16 % Breadcrumb Bars | Drop Menu on Hover: Now the undrop is timer-controlled as well (delay again defined by "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Initial delay in milliseconds"), feels more natural. * Breadcrumb Bars | Drop Menu on Hover: If the mouse leaves the bar northbound any dropdown is now immediately undropped. v24.00.0001 - 2023-01-24 13:11 ! SC listfolder and listpane: Since v23.90.0418 - 2023-01-15 19:27 the pattern argument was case-sensitive. Ouch. Fixed. ! SC get pick: The above bug also affected the filter argument here. Fixed. v24.00.0000 - 2023-01-23 18:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Virtual Folders. Virtual Folders are folders where you define the content directly in the folder name. You can directly "create" such a folder by typing it into the Address Bar. Nothing is created on disk, it's all in the name. And it's super fast because almost no file system browsing is involved. A revolutionary new concept that adds a number of interesting possibilities to your file management. +++ Drop Menu on Hover. Now the menus optionally auto-drop on hovering a component separator. No more clicking. Smooth and comfortable. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 23.90 ..................................................... v23.90.0432 - 2023-01-23 10:59 ! Info Panel | Properties: Since v23.60.0113 - 2022-09-25 14:08, the item name wasn't displayed in bold anymore. Fixed. ! Startup: "Invalid Property Value" possible in case of an error in the MLS language file. Fixed. v23.90.0431 - 2023-01-22 18:52 * Updated the help file. ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips: With a certain combination of settings the tip came when it shouldn't. Fixed. v23.90.0430 - 2023-01-21 14:45 + Virtual Folders: Now URLs listed in a VFO are previewed in the Preview Tab, Preview Pane, and in the Floating Preview. vi:https://www.xyplorer.com vi:https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/index.php //"XY Beta Club" vi:https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4&sd=d //"Latest Beta Release Notes" vi:https://www.xyplorer.com/version_beta.php //shows last beta version number in the preview Even works with downloads: When previewed this VFO item prompts to download, when double-clicked it downloads directly (via opening the browser): vi:https://www.xyplorer.com/download/xyplorer_23.90.0429_beta.zip Pretty awesome. + File | Quick File View: Now URLs shown in Virtual Folders are supported. You will see the source code of the page. + Info Panel | Raw View: Now URLs shown in Virtual Folders are supported. You will see the source code of the page. Hex view does not work though. The setting is ignored. v23.90.0429 - 2023-01-21 10:25 * Virtual Folders: Changed the comment/caption syntax. Now the first piece of text in quotation marks in the comment is used as a caption of the VFO: vi:%tmp%* /f //list all files in TEMP ("Tmp Files") vi:C:*|D:*|E:* //"C, D, E" (files and folders) vi: //caption: "3 newest pics" (by modified) ! Virtual Folders: VFOs such as did not work when switching from a search tab (the list was empty). Fixed. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.159. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.159.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 * Updated the help file. v23.90.0428 - 2023-01-20 17:35 * SC pathvirtual: Renamed to "pathspecial". The old name is deprecated (but kept). * Updated the help file. v23.90.0427 - 2023-01-20 09:57 + SC get pick: Now you can reverse the pick order by adding "r" (reverse) to the sort field: vi: //pick the oldest (by modified) 12 files from here text get("pick", "4.mr", "Desktop"); //pick the oldest 4 files from Desktop + Virtual Folders: Now you can customize the icon using "Tools | Customize File Icons...". You have to be a bit creative to join VFO and CFI syntax in a working way (you cannot use variables here), but it can be done: vi:*pick*>cup_coffee.ico vi:*>omelet.ico + Virtual Folders: Now all reports are supported apart from "Tree Structure". v23.90.0426 - 2023-01-19 19:32 + Virtual Folders: Now the information bar shows the real path from which the currently listed items come (or the common branch when they come from several places). + Variable : Experimentally the short form can now be used for , and for . text ; //pick the latest 3 image files vi: //pick any 8 files from the current folder vi: //pick all files from the current folder ! Help | Online Support | Check for Updates: Did not work correctly for Standard licenses. Popped a message "However, your current license is not valid for this upgrade." when this wasn't the case. Fixed. ! SC update: Same problem as above. Fixed. v23.90.0425 - 2023-01-19 13:13 + SC get pick: Now you can select a certain number of the latest files according to Modified, Created or Accessed date. Syntax: filter: if numeric: Number of files (not folders) to pick. -1 [Default]: pick all files. Append .m, .c, or .a to the number to pick the latest files by Modified, Created, or Accessed date. if textual: Simple filename pattern (case-insensitive: A==a). Automatically surrounded by asterisks if there are no wildcards. A list of patterns separated by | or ; is okay, too. Examples: text ; //pick the latest 3 files of the current folder text ; //the latest 3 files (by modified date) in C:\Windows vi: //the same as above as VFO + SC get pick: Now you can combine number and patterns, separated by /, to select a random set of files of a specific type. Examples (all pick from the current folder): text ; //pick all files text ; //pick any 8 files text ; //pick the latest 8 files text ; //pick all TXT files text ; //pick any 7 TXT files text ; //pick the latest 7 TXT files text ; //pick all image files text ; //pick any 3 image files text ; //pick the latest 3 image files The same as VFOs: vi: //pick all files vi: //pick any 8 files vi: //pick the latest 8 files vi: //pick all TXT files vi: //pick any 7 TXT files vi: //pick the latest 7 TXT files vi: //pick all image files vi: //pick any 3 image files vi: //pick the latest 3 image files Remarks: Simply cool! Are you kidding me? + Virtual Folders: Now environment variables are supported: vi:%tmp%* + Virtual Folders: Now you can append a final comment to your VFO, separated by " //" (one or more spaces before //): vi:%tmp%* /f //list all files in TEMP If the comment is quoted it is used as the caption of the VFO in many places where the name of the VFO is displayed (Title Bar, Info Bar, Status Bar, Tab Headers, Catalog): vi:%tmp%* /f //"list all files in TEMP" vi:C:*|D:*|E:* //"C/D/E" vi: //"3 newest pics" * Virtual Folders: Changed the syntax introduced in v23.90.0422 - 2023-01-17 19:02: Now you can specify folders so that the *items* (not just the files) contained are listed. Simply append an asterisk (*) as final character to the path. Examples: vi:E:\Test\Text* //list all items in E:\Test\Text vi:E:\Test\Text\* //the same (final backslash is optional) vi:C:*|D:*|E:* //list all items in C:\ and D:\ and E:\ vi:\\VEGA\shared*|T:\shared* //list all items in those two locations You can limit the listing to only files or only folders by appending a switch to the definition. Note that at least one space must precede the / character: vi:E:\Test\Text* /d //list all folders in E:\Test\Text vi:E:\Test\Text* /f //list all files in E:\Test\Text The switch can/must be set per part; vi:C:* /f|D:* /f|E:* /f //list all files in C:\ and D:\ and E:\ Remarks: - No recursion, just first level. - This gives you ultrafast treeless browsing of any location, and it gives you an easy and fast way to list the joined contents of several locations. - For example, pointing a locked tab to such a VFO gives you quick and indestructive access to files you often need to work with. ! Scripting: Block comments (/* ... */) were tolerated without the closing part (*/), everything after /* was removed. Not anymore. This worked previously, now it will fail: ::echo "hi!" /* comment; Now you have to close it: ::echo "hi!" /* comment; */ Or use the other comment style: ::echo "hi!" // comment; ! Scripting: Using generic file types like {:Image} within a script and unprotected by quotes did not work: text ; //FAILED, but works now text ; //always worked Now both ways work. v23.90.0424 - 2023-01-18 19:05 + SC get pick: Now generic file types are supported, e.g. {:Image}. Here, for example, in a VFO: vi: % Thumbnails: The number of futile retries has been reduced to zero. If thumbnail creation failed for a specific file or folder, it will now not try again unless an update is specifically requested (Refresh All/Selected Thumbnails). Of course, the above assumes that thumbnail caching is enabled. * Thumbnails: Experimentally image types that are present but excluded (unchecked) in "Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Category: Image Files" are now also excluded from thumbnails creation. Should reduce some unwanted work. ! Small Lists: In a filtered small list the next visible item was not always auto-selected after deleting the current item. Fixed. ! Paper Folders / Virtual Folders: When sorted by Name there should have been an implicit secondary sort order by Path. Fix #2. v23.90.0423 - 2023-01-18 13:09 + Virtual Folders: Now Find Files and Quick Search work on Virtual Folders. But note that a Quick Search per Address Bar (query appended to path after "?") does not work on Virtual Folders. In this case the "?" is taken to be part of the folder. Virtual Folders are made to tolerate weird stuff. + Virtual Folders: Now Folder View Settings are supported. * Virtual Folders: Now the tab header tooltip says "Path: ..." if all items listed in the VFO are in the same folder, and "Branch: ..." if not (the branch is then the nearest common ancestor). ! Paper Folders / Virtual Folders: When sorted by Name there should have been an implicit secondary sort order by Path. Done. ! Virtual Folders: Fixed countless little glitches. ! SC listfolder, listpane: Since 23.90.0418, they returned nothing when no pattern was passed. Fixed. v23.90.0422 - 2023-01-17 19:02 + Virtual Folders: Now you can specify folders so that the files contained are listed. Simply append an asterisk (*) as final character to the path. Examples: vi:E:\Test\Text* //list all files in E:\Test\Text vi:E:\Test\Text\* //the same (final backslash is optional) vi:C:*|D:*|E:* //list all files in C:\ and D:\ and E:\ vi:\\VEGA\shared*|T:\shared* //list all files in those two locations Remarks: - Only files are listed, not folders. - No recursion, just first level. - This gives you ultrafast treeless browsing of any location, and it gives you an easy and fast way to list the joined contents of several locations. - For example, pointing a locked tab to such a VFO gives you quick and indestructive access to files you often need to work with. * Virtual Folders: Now a Visual Filter remains intact when you refresh a VFO tab (F5). * Virtual Folders: Now the tab header tooltip tells you the "Common Path" (the nearest common ancestor) of all items listed in the VFO. v23.90.0421 - 2023-01-17 10:49 * Breadcrumb Bars | Hamburger Menu: Now trailing ";" are tolerated in the menu item definitions. * Breadcrumb Bars | Hamburger Menu: Now multiple default (bold) items are tolerated. Only the first of them will be bold, but at least the others are shown now. Previously, they were suppressed because Windows does not allow more than one bold element per level. * Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus: Renamed the "Copy Virtual Path" command to "Copy Special Path". This is more in line with how it's called elsewhere in the app and the docs, and it avoids confusion with the new Virtual Folders. ! Tree | Context Menu: Hovering "Copy Special Path" showed the wrong path in the status bar when the menu was not from the current node. Fixed. ! Tree / List | Context Menu | Copy Special Path: Did not work alright when in the real path for which also a special path exists. Fixed. v23.90.0420 - 2023-01-16 19:21 + Breadcrumb Bars | Hamburger Menu: Now it supports Paper Folders and Virtual Folders as menu items. + SC get selecteditemsnames: Added alternative shorthand "sin": . + SC get selecteditemspathnamesslashed: Added alternative shorthand "sips": . * Virtual Folders: They got a little more picky about the possible contents. You cannot just do "vi:junk" and expect "junk" to be shown in the file list. It's a *file* list after all. But there are exceptions: Apart from files and folders, one-line scripts are currently tolerated (and run on double-click) and URLs (opened in browser on double-click): vi:echo "a";|echo "b"; vi:https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?p=206572#p206572 Note: "tolerated" here means "not documented", "not recommended", and "might be removed later"! v23.90.0419 - 2023-01-16 12:20 + SC get selecteditemspathnames: Added alternative shorthand "sip": . ! Thumbnails: Since 20220806, when switching from Details to Thumbnails, the Details view would sometimes get stuck while the thumbnails were being created. Fixed. ! Thumbnails: Fixed a nasty bug where having just one invalid image file (where thumbnail creation failed for some reason) would mess up the cache and lots of thumbnails in the folder and also cause the cache to keep regenerating. ! Virtual Folders: XY native variables in the title bad were not resolved on Virtual Folders. Fixed. v23.90.0418 - 2023-01-15 19:27 * Virtual Folders: Changed the prefix from "virtual:" to "vi:". Saves the planet. + SC get pick: Instead of the number, you can now pass a simple pattern to filter the returns. Syntax: filter: if numeric: Number of files (not folders) to pick. -1 [Default]: pick all files. if textual: Simple filename pattern (case-insensitive: A==a). Automatically surrounded by asterisks if there are no wildcards. A list of patterns separated by | or ; is okay, too. Remarks: Cool feature! Allows you, for example, to have locked tabs with the sole purpose to show you a particular subsection of the items in the current tab's folder, say all PNG files: vi: Examples: vi: //pick all TXT files in the current folder vi: //pick all TXT files in C:\ vi: //pick all files in C:\ with "y" in the name vi: //pick all JPG, JPEG, and PNG files in the current folder vi: //pick all files in C:\ with "a", "b", or "c" in the name % Virtual Folders: Now VFOs use the thumbnails cache of normal folders if the paths match. This is a major breakthrough when using VFOs like vi: for image management. Virtual Folders finally enter the XYplorer highlight zone! In multi-location VFOs, now the cache of the largest common path is used. Once again, this largely increases the reuse of existing caches. + SC listfolder and listpane enhanced: Now you can pass a list of patterns separated by | or ;. Examples: List all items in %windir% that contain "x" or "y" in the name: text listfolder(%windir%, "x;y", , ); List all items in this pane that contain "fly" or "swim" in the name: text listpane(, "fly;swim", , ); + List Management: Now the Editor Mode supports Ctrl+F to open a Find dialog. v23.90.0417 - 2023-01-15 10:55 + SC get pick: Now you can pick all files (no folders) by passing -1 as number, which is also the new default value. Syntax: number: Number of files (not folders) to pick. -1 [Default]: pick all files. Examples: virtual: //pick all files in the current folder virtual: //pick all files in C:\ virtual: //pick all files in C:\ (parameter omitted, hence 2 spaces) + SC get pick: Now the path can be soft: virtual: virtual:> + SC get pick: Now it also supports Paper Folders: virtual: ! Virtual Folders: Live Filtering did not work (anymore?). Fixed. v23.90.0416 - 2023-01-14 19:07 + Hover Box | Cycle Status Display: Pressing key "S" while the Hover Box is shown now has a 4th state: Show the *full path* of the hovered item in the status area. ! Virtual Folders: Fixed some glitches. v23.90.0415 - 2023-01-13 17:18 + Scripting: Added auto-include for scripts that are run directly from the address bar (and only from there). This way you can also use user functions from the address bar (which doesn't allow a proper include statement). It works like this: - Create a file named "xy-autoinclude.xys" in . - Fill it with the user functions you intend to use. For example: function half($a) {return $a/2} function sum($x, $y) { $z = $x + $y; return "$x + $y = $z"; } - Now you can run these commands right from the address bar: echo half(7); //returns 3.5 echo sum(172,428); //returns "172 + 428 = 600" - Note: If "xy-autoinclude.xys" is not found when running a script from the address bar, XY will not try again during that session. Saves speed, energy and material. ! Address Bar: Since 20140309 the dropdown matchlist could be one row short. Fixed. v23.90.0414 - 2023-01-13 13:24 * Hover Box: Now it can be as small as 64 x 64 pixels. Was previously 100x100 (x screen resolution factor). ! Thumbnails and Preview: Since 20211023, EPS files got neither. Fixed. v23.90.0413 - 2023-01-12 18:34 + Virtual Folders (VFO), phase 2: - Tabs pointing to VFOs now support the Hover Box on the tab icon (if Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context... is enabled for Tabs). So if you have tabs pointing e.g. to these locations, just hovering the tab icon (even when the tab is in the background, even in the back-pane) will show a Hover Box with the VFO contents: virtual: virtual: - Concerning virtual: The Hover Box and the file list assume they are fed with file and folder items. But of course "virtual:" can contain *anything*. While it shouldn't crash the app, it's certainly not guaranteed to make sense. - Virtual Folders are now added to the Recent Locations list and to the History. The danger of endless recursion is now averted. - Now you can convert a Virtual Folder to a Paper Folder using View | Paper Folders | Toggle Paper Folder. + SC get got a new named argument "pick" to return a random set of files from a given folder. Syntax: number: Number of files (not folders) to pick. folder: Folder to pick files from. Final backslash is optional. Defaults to the current tree folder. return: Random set of files, one per line, each with full path. Remarks: - This has been specially tailored for the new Virtual Folders and is a sheer delight. - Within a Virtual Folder just press F5 to pick a new set. Examples: virtual: //pick 4 from the current tree folder virtual: //pick 12 from E:\Test\Text echo get("pick", 2, "E:\Test\Text"); //same as script ! Thumbnails: In "High Speed" quality there could be black lines at the right or bottom side of a thumbnail, due to rounding errors. Fixed. v23.90.0412 - 2023-01-11 20:27 + Virtual Folders (VFO): The magic prefix is "virtual:", analogous to "paper:" in Paper Folders. Here is what you can do with it: - Prefix it to one or more items (full path), and you have a virtual location term that you can browse as a Virtual Folder. The simplest VFO has just one item, e.g.: virtual: It only lists one file and is ultra fast as there is no need to browse folders in tree or list. - For more than one item you need an item separator. The primary separator is CRLF, the secondary separator is |. So you can pass multiple items in one line like this: virtual:Desktop\Desk\T-XYplorer.JPG|D:\Thor\0706.jpg Or in a multiline block: virtual:Desktop\Desk\T-XYplorer.JPG D:\Thor\0706.jpg Or also like this: virtual: Desktop\Desk\T-XYplorer.JPG D:\Thor\0706.jpg - All variables are supported. For example, if you have files on the clipboard, this simple line will present them to you in a VFO: virtual: Lets you list your clipboard as if it was a folder. - Other interesting VFOs: virtual: virtual: virtual: The latter provides you with a snapshot of the currently selected items. Works great as a locked tab. You switch to it and see just the selections from the previous tab. Cool! That VFO tab can offer a different view on those selected files, e.g. Thumbnails or Tiles. And yes, even the thumbnails cache works for such a VFO! - You can also read contents of a file using the variable: virtual: Quite similar to a Paper Folder then, but read-only. That file is never changed by the Virtual Folder. - You can even list URLs. Double-click will open them in the default browser: virtual:https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?p=206411#p206411 - In Virtual Folders zombies are always welcome. - Virtual Folders are currently not added to the Recent Locations list nor to the History. During testing there was too much trouble with recursion. - You cannot drag into a VFO, but you can drag from it. Note that you are dragging real files, not virtual files. Only the folder, the current collection in one place, is virtual. - A good place to keep VFOs handy is in the Catalog, Locked Tabs, or Hamburger. - This is work in progress. Expect lots of bugs. ! Virtual Folder "Recent": Error 9 on some systems when the wrong "Recent" path is passed. Fixed. v23.90.0411 - 2023-01-10 19:53 +++ Virtual Folders: The next big revolutionary feature! Think of it as Paper Folders without the paper. Memory only and totally volatile. It will take a while to get things going properly but for a humble start I (ab)used a first virtual folder to represent the Windows "Recent" folder, which in reality is a bloody mess and needs some layer of smartness to become usable. The perfect job for a virtual folder, in this case an internal virtual folder! There are many paths to this "Recent" folder since Windows is a madhouse of shortcuts and junctions. The simplest form is probably this: %USER%\Recent. Try it to see the new virtual folder in action. Notes: - While the folder is virtual, its contents are not. They are real. To prevent disaster I've disallowed deleting items from virtual folders for now. All of this needs further fine-tuning and time. - The real path is %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent. This path is not virtualized, so here you can see the real files in that folder. - You will have noticed the paper folder icon. I have yet to find a custom icon for the virtual folders. - Tested only on Win8.1 for now. ! Breadcrumb Bars | Drop Menu on Hover: Fixed a couple of glitches. ! Hover Box on Breadcrumb Bars: Fixed a couple of glitches. v23.90.0410 - 2023-01-09 18:07 ! Breadcrumb Bars | Drop Menu on Hover: The recent rewrite had some unwanted side effects. Fixed. v23.90.0409 - 2023-01-09 13:23 % Breadcrumb Bars | Drop Menu on Hover: Now the drop is timed (initial delay controlled by "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Initial delay in milliseconds"), providing a much smoother user experience. * Breadcrumb Bars | Hamburger Menu: Now it drops right under the Hamburger button (not at the mouse pointer). ! Breadcrumb Bars | Drop Menu on Hover: Fixed some glitches. ! Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Background Processing | Queue file operations: When using the command "Start Job Now" from the "Background Jobs" dialog, this new job initialized another queue. Fixed. Now it will do nothing after it's completed. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0212. v23.90.0408 - 2023-01-08 15:22 + Breadcrumb Bars | Context Menu: Added toggle "Drop Menu on Hover". Tick it to auto-drop the menu on hovering a component separator (typically a triangle symbol), and auto-undrop when moving away. No more clicking. Notes: - The auto-drop doesn't work on the "Breadcrumb Bars | Context Menu | Standard Menu" option, because this type of menu captures all mouse actions, so there is no automatic undrop. - The auto-drop won't happen in the background pane as it would then become the foreground pane and that shouldn't be done just by moving the mouse. ! Hover Box on Breadcrumb Bars: Scrolling by key and wheel didn't work yet. Fixed. ! Breadcrumb Bars: The Links special folder had no working dropdown menu. Fixed. v23.90.0407 - 2023-01-07 20:12 + Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context...: Added "Breadcrumb Bars". Tick it to show a Hover Box avec Folder Contents Preview for any path component in the Breadcrumb Bars. Might save you a click if you just want to quickly see what's in the path. Tip: If unchecked you still can force the Hover Box by holding CTRL. ! Links | Recent: Fixed some glitches. ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | In network locations as well: Was not honored in the tree (still showed them when it shouldn't). Fixed. v23.90.0406 - 2023-01-06 20:20 + Links: Now the Links folder can contain the item "Recent" (or "Recent places" or "Recent folders" or "Recent Items", the actual name depends on Windows version and locale, or on how you call it). When you select it the complete contents of the shortcut/junction target of that link (%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent) are listed in the file list and, other than with other Links items, the tree focus stays on the "Recent" item. The listed contents are mostly shortcuts (LNK files) to recent files and folders. Tip: For the "Recent" item to appear under Links it may be necessary to create a shortcut to "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent" in the Links folder (%USER%\Links\). Notes: - In the Win 8.1 File Explorer this folder gets an extra smart treatment: Only the shortcuts to folders are listed, the rest is silently suppressed. I have not yet decided whether I should replicate this extraordinary treatment. For now I leave it in the raw list-it-all state. - In the Win 10/11 File Explorer the whole thing is under a virtual folder "Quick Access" and lists frequently used folders and recently used files, not as shortcuts but in a format that reminds to an XY Paper Folder. It is currently unclear where those data come from, but a connection to these folders is likely: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\CustomDestinations ! OneDrive: Fixed more glitches, incl an error 9. v23.90.0405 - 2023-01-06 11:36 ! OneDrive: Fixed more glitches. v23.90.0404 - 2023-01-05 18:24 + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Custom items in the context menu: When hovering over the "Copy Path" commands, the path to be copied is now displayed in the status bar. ! OneDrive: Fixed a couple of glitches. v23.90.0403 - 2023-01-05 14:42 + Tree: Now the OneDrive folder can be shown as a virtual top folder right under the Downloads folder. Needs Win 8 or later. + Configuration | General | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List: Added option "Show OneDrive folder". ! Rename Special | Batch Rename: The simple /cut switch (e.g. "/cut 2") had stopped working since the enhancements added in v23.70.0324 - 2022-11-13 16:38. Fixed. v23.90.0402 - 2023-01-04 18:25 ! Configuration | Information | Tags | Options... | Edit Orphans: Manually edited tags weren't saved to disk anymore since a couple of weeks ago if "Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Save changes to disk immediately" was enabled. Fixed. v23.90.0401 - 2023-01-04 18:03 + Tabs: Added a tweak that effectively allows you to start each session with the same tabs, regardless of what changes you made to the tabs during the last session. TabsetsExplicitSaveOnly=1 As the name suggests, the tweak protects the current tabset from changes made by "Save Configuration". Now the only way to change the current tabset permanently (i.e. on disk) is the command Tabsets | Save. If I find a catchy name for it, I'll add it to UI soon. * Live Filter Boxes: Changed the icon from "looking glass" to "filter" in all small dialogs. In the main Live Filter Box this has been done already in v19.30.0007 - 2018-11-02 17:11. * Updated the help file. ! Help File: Fixed countless little errors. v23.90.0400 - 2023-01-03 21:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.90.0303 - 2023-01-03 11:47 ! Customize Toolbar | Options | Toolbar Zoom: The submenu didn't yet reflect the new 0.05 steps. Fixed. Now it also shows the resulting button image sizes. ! Lic.ini: Since probably 20221211 Lic.ini was only read and used when Admin.ini was present as well. Fixed. ! License Key: The new 2023 Standard License key did not unlock the app. Fixed. v23.90.0302 - 2023-01-02 17:48 + Variables: Added a new date variable to extract the shell property "Media created" from media files: . Syntactically it can do everything can do. Remarks: The data is pulled from the Shell Extended Property System.Media.DateEncoded, which stores the date in UTC. The variable silently converts the date to your local time zone. Examples: echo ; // 11/1/2020 5:26:07 PM echo ; // 2015 To set the created date of all selected items to their "media created" date, you can do this (note that the single quotes are essential here, otherwise all items get the date of the focused item): timestamp c, ''; //set created date of all selected items to their "media created" date v23.90.0301 - 2023-01-02 13:07 + SC inputselect enhanced: Now you can pre-check all checkboxes. Syntax: inputselect(header, listdata, [separator="|"], [style=1], [cancel], _ [width=800], [height=400], [windowcaption], [preselect], [icon]) style: 2 = Show checkboxes; prefix items with "+" to pre-check them. 32768 = Pre-check all checkboxes. Examples: text inputselect("Select Food", "Soup|Cheese|+Cake",, 2); //Cake pre-checked text inputselect("Select Food", "Soup|Cheese|+Cake",, 2+32768); //all pre-checked ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Show verbatim tooltips: Since 20220810 it did not work in the tree anymore. Fixed. ! Tiles Views: When copying text from the inline rename field, that item's tile data disappeared from the list. Funny little bug. Fixed. ! Paper Folders: Refreshing (F5) a search result list from a Paper Folder search reset the list to the current tree folder instead of the Paper Folder. Fixed. v23.90.0300 - 2022-12-31 18:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.90.0209 - 2022-12-31 15:06 + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | File List...: Now, the "Copy Path" command is accompanied by a "Copy Virtual Path" command, if applicable. It will copy e.g. "Desktop\EnglishBritish.zip" instead of "C:\Users\Donald\Desktop\EnglishBritish.zip". + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Folder Tree...: Now, the "Copy Path" command is accompanied by a "Copy Virtual Path" command, if applicable. It will copy e.g. "Desktop" instead of "C:\Users\Donald\Desktop". ! View | Views | Dark Mode: Since 20220806 the switch has not been so smooth depending on certain conditions. Fixed. v23.90.0208 - 2022-12-31 11:06 + Help | Various Information: If Admin Settings (usually Admin.ini) were read and used, you now find the path to the used file under "Admin Settings:". * Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Hold Ctrl to invert the above selection: From now on this setting only makes a difference in the file list. In the folder tree CTRL / rocker-click will always invert the menu setting. This is possible because in the tree there is no competition with "Hold Ctrl to show cell context menu". v23.90.0207 - 2022-12-30 18:58 + Hover Box: Now it supports text files in BOM-less UTF-16 LE encoding. v23.90.0206 - 2022-12-30 16:14 * Customize Toolbar: Toolbar Zoom now works in 0.05 steps (was 0.1 steps before). ! Interface Translation Tool: Saving got the encoding wrong since v23.90.0202. Fixed. v23.90.0205 - 2022-12-30 11:14 * Updated the help file. ! User-Defined Preview Handlers: The background color was left undefined and came out pitch black in preview where parts of the background are visible. Fixed. v23.90.0204 - 2022-12-29 18:35 + Native Context Menu: Added a second open command, "Open by Shell". It will open the selected items exactly as if they were opened via the Shell Context Menu. Especially when using Custom File Associations, you now have quick access to two alternative open commands. Note that even if both commands point to the same opening application, there may be subtle (and undocumented by Microsoft) differences in the opening process. * Configuration | Information | Report & Data | Info Panel / Report: Rearranged. * Tools | Customize List | Date Column Format: When switching the date column format, "Show Age" was automatically set to unchecked. Not anymore. ! Native Context Menu: Wrong Open status for tree folders. Fixed. ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips: With factory default settings the Name line was shown twice since 20221201. Fixed. v23.90.0203 - 2022-12-28 20:50 ! Folder Size Calculation: Since the "Check existence of subfolders" optimization in v23.90.0007 - 2022-12-22 12:59, calculating folder sizes on startup got mixed up with the "Check existence of subfolders" process creating a confusing situation in the status bar. Now it's done one after the other, first check existence of subfolders, then calculate folder sizes for pane 1 and 2 (if necessary). Both processes can be aborted by ESC. v23.90.0202 - 2022-12-28 15:49 + Configuration | Information | Report & Data | Output file options: Added setting "Encoding" with 5 options to choose from: - ANSI (the actual encoding, e.g. Windows-1252, depends on the active codepage) - UFT-8 - UFT-8 BOM - UFT-16 LE - UFT-16 LE BOM (factory default and previously hard-coded) v23.90.0201 - 2022-12-27 14:15 + Native Context Menu: Experimentally the "Open" command is now also shown for folders (not just for files). In a typical setup, selecting this command should open folders in Windows File Explorer. ! File | Properties: Since 20221226 this command did not work anymore for folders in the tree. Fixed. ! Native Context Menu: In the tree, the Metadata command acted on the current tree folder instead of the right-clicked one. Fixed. ! Tools | List Management: Since 20221203, the New button incorrectly placed the new item at the end of the list under certain conditions. Fixed. ! Info Panel | Properties: Timestamp boxes were too high. Fixed. v23.90.0200 - 2022-12-26 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.90.0104 - 2022-12-26 18:44 - unpublished * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.158. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.158.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v23.90.0103 - 2022-12-26 18:40 ! Network: Since the "Check existence of subfolders" optimization in v23.90.0007 - 2022-12-22 12:59 the network folder was not expandable anymore in the Maxi Tree. Brilliant. Fixed. v23.90.0102 - 2022-12-26 17:40 * Native Context Menu: Moved the Properties item to the bottom. Looks more context menu like. ! Native Context Menu: Did not work as it should in Tiles View. Fixed. ! Tabs: Under certain conditions closing a tab raised "error 9". Fixed. v23.90.0101 - 2022-12-26 14:25 + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus: Added option "Native context menu". Tick it to show the Native Context Menu by default, untick it to show the Shell Context Menu by default. * Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Hold Ctrl to show the native context menu: Renamed it to "Hold Ctrl to invert the above selection" and expanded the functionality. So now you can show the Native Context Menu by default and the Shell Context Menu by holding CTRL. * Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Custom items in shell context menu: Renamed it to "Custom items in the context menu". * Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Custom drag and drop context menu: Renamed it to "Native drag and drop context menu". v23.90.0100 - 2022-12-24 15:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Opens With. Now File Info Tip and Native Context Menu tell you which application opens a file when you double-click it. No more surprises. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.90.0021 - 2022-12-24 11:46 ! Quick Search and Find Files: When stating the /t switch, searches by date or age or attributes as part of a Boolean term did not work correctly. Fixed. v23.90.0012 - 2022-12-23 15:00 + File | Metadata: Now it also lists all available Tags and Special Properties. * Native Context Menu | Extended Properties: Renamed it to "Metadata", and now it's identical to File | Metadata. FYI, the popup dialog remembers its size and position. v23.90.0011 - 2022-12-23 13:25 * Native Context Menu | Extended Properties: Revised the formatting. BTW, not sure yet whether to join it somehow with File | Metadata. v23.90.0010 - 2022-12-23 12:50 + Native Context Menu: Added command "Extended Properties". It displays all available Tags, Special Properties, and Shell Properties for the right-clicked file. It may take a few seconds, but then you will see everything. * SC get("properties"): Simplified the header of the returned data. * SC text: Increased the default height from 400 to 600. Screens are getting bigger. v23.90.0009 - 2022-12-22 18:50 ! Portable Devices: Depending on the manufacturer, there could be a "Type Mismatch" error that would prevent the device folders from listing. Fixed. v23.90.0007 - 2022-12-22 12:59 % Configuration | General | Tree and List | Tree | Check existence of subfolders in tree: Experimentally the checking is now done *after* the main window is shown. This task is sometimes a bit time-consuming depending on the state of the Windows file cache. So now you can already see where you are while the hard work is going on. ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Tooltip zoom (%): Since 20220531, zoom was lost when switching between dark and light mode. Fixed. ! Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Up on Folder Icons | Folder contents preview: The font used in the file info tips in the contents menu was never set to the font used in the parent control, nor did it honor tooltip zoom. Fixed. v23.90.0004 - 2022-12-22 09:51 + Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | Extra fields: Now "Opened with" and "Bitness" are optional. v23.90.0003 - 2022-12-21 23:26 + Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | Extra fields: Now the opening application for each file item is shown in the last extra field as "Opened with". v23.90.0002 - 2022-12-21 20:46 % Native Context Menu: Improvements to the "Open" status bar message. > The new "Open" message in the status bar is a cool feature. I never really liked the surprise of opening an image file and then being confronted with Lightroom opening for 2 minutes. v23.90.0001 - 2022-12-21 13:34 + Native Context Menu: Now when hovering the "Open" command the status bar displays (if possible) the app that will be used to open the right-clicked item. Only for single selections and not for folders, just for files. ! Audio Properties: Since 20221207, audio properties were no longer displayed for most MP4 files, and incorrect audio properties were displayed for some MP4 files. Fixed. ! Native Context Menu: Didn't work in non-Details views. Fixed. v23.90.0000 - 2022-12-20 20:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Native Context Menu. Now you can replace the normally slow shell context menu with a blazing fast native one. +++ AIFF Audio Properties. Now AIFF files (Audio Interchange File Format: *.aif, *.aiff, *.aifc) are supported natively, i.e. you get Length, Sample Rate, Bit Depth, Bit Rate and Channels, each in its own column. +++ Media Length Custom Format. The context menu of the Length column header now offers the toggles "Show Hours" and "Show Milliseconds". Lets you format the length display the way you like it. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 23.80 ..................................................... v23.80.0305 - 2022-12-20 12:22 + Address Bar: Now the context menu of the icon features the commands "Paste and Go" and "Paste and Search". + Tabs: Now the context menu of the icon features the commands "Copy Path" and "Copy Item", and if it is the currently selected tab also the commands "Paste and Go" and "Paste and Search". * Status Bar: Now the hover status of the above mentioned menu commands comes with a fitting icon. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.157. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.157.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v23.80.0304 - 2022-12-19 16:27 ! Interface Translation Tool: Fixed some layout issues. v23.80.0303 - 2022-12-18 12:56 + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Hold Ctrl to show the native context menu: Now the menu can be opened one-handedly using the "rocker-click" (Left-Mouse-Down + Right-Mouse-Click). + Native Context Menu: Now it has a "Properties" command. It is equivalent to File | Properties (Alt+Enter). * Native Context Menu: Now it's the factory default. * Updated the help file. v23.80.0302 - 2022-12-17 12:17 + Native Context Menu: Now it has an "Open" command. It is equivalent to File | Open Selected Item(s) (Enter). + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | File List...: Added "Copy Path" to the available commands. It is identical to the "File | To clipboard | object path/name(s)" command, but due to its popularity I have decided to give it a more prominent alternative position. + File | File Special | Add to Zip...: If at least one of the files to be compressed has a name that is longer than 259 characters, you will now receive a message about how many files could not be compressed. ! Registration: Specifying the license data via "Lic.ini" stopped working since v23.80.0204. Fixed. !!! Fixed a mysterious crash bug (error 9 message with special debug compilation, no message at all without it) that some users have reported off and on over the years. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.156. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.156.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v23.80.0301 - 2022-12-16 17:25 + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus: Added option "Hold Ctrl to show the native context menu". Tick it to replace the shell context menu by a lightning fast native one when you hold the Ctrl key down while right-clicking an item. Works in tree and list. In the list, this setting overrides "Hold Ctrl to show cell context menu" for the Name column (which is pretty much the only reason this is optional and not hardcoded out of the box). By the way, this has worked in the tree by default already since v21.50.0137 - 2021-03-10 12:02. Now the new option needs to be checked. ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Autosize columns maximum width (0 = unlimited): The "0 = unlimited" promise had not been kept. Fixed. ! User-Defined Commands: The size of scripts in UDC has been internally limited to 32767 characters. If a script got longer, you were greeted with an overflow error. Not anymore. Now scripts can have 2 giga characters (2,147,483,648). ! Tweak PreviewEarlyFactory: On PreviewEarlyFactory=2, since 20221208, WEBP images (and probably other image formats that need a preview handler), were previewed in a limited size even if "Configuration | Preview | Preview | Image preview | Limit original preview size" was not ticked. Fixed. v23.80.0300 - 2022-12-15 19:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.80.0207 - 2022-12-15 10:57 + Time-Stamping: Time-stamping a file now ensures that the archive bit is set in that file. * Thumbnails: The old DAT2 files (out of business since v23.50.0012 - 2022-08-14 16:14, but still supported till v23.80.0205 - 2022-12-13 18:55) are not compatible anymore with the new internal thumbnails structures introduced with v23.80.0206 - 2022-12-14 16:10, and the support ends here. If you want to migrate old DAT2 thumbnails caches you can use a version from v23.50.0012 to v23.80.0205 to convert DAT2 to the now used INI format. v23.80.0206 - 2022-12-14 16:10 % Thumbnails: Writing the thumbnails cache is now much faster (the more files, the more noticeable). % Shutdown: Writing the various INI files on shutdown is now a little faster, too. ! Thumbnails: Overflow (error 6) when the sum of all current thumbnail pixels went above 2GB. Fixed. The limit is now around 4.6 exapixels, which means your thumbnail folders can now hold around 4 billion times more thumbnails than in previous versions. Should be enough for a while. FYI, this was already fixed in 20140919, but some remnants of older code resulted in the overflow error. Thumbnail generation is now fully stream-based and finally no longer reliant on large amounts of RAM. v23.80.0205 - 2022-12-13 18:55 * Eaten Mouse Clicks: I stopped liking the changes from v23.60.0011 - 2022-09-12 13:50 and the days before. Too many clicks are eaten for my personal workflow. So, for my own benefit, I made it optional by a new tweak: EatAlienMouseDown=1 It's now turned off by default because I enjoy the fantasy of other people being like me. v23.80.0204 - 2022-12-12 09:18 $ Enterprise Edition: Beginning in 2023, you will need an Enterprise Edition license to enable Access Control and Multi-User Tagging, features that only make sense in a corporate network. All Professional Edition licenses (i.e. all except Home licenses) purchased before 2023 will be internally upgraded to the Enterprise Edition at no extra charge. ! Paper Folders: Folder View Settings with Visual Filters and "Explicit Save Only" enabled could cause the Visual Filter to get stuck when it was supposed to be removed. Fixed. v23.80.0202 - 2022-12-08 15:33 + AIFF Properties: Now AIFF files with the following sample rates are supported: 8000 Hz, 22050 Hz, 24000 Hz, 48000 Hz, 44100 Hz. * SC obfuscate changed and enhanced: Now you can obfuscate the Name and Path columns, but keep all other columns unobfuscated. Syntax: obfuscate [mode], [bullet], [list], [flags] mode: (bit field) 0: No obfuscation. 1: Obfuscation of all path/file names visible on the surface (excl. the Ext column). 2: Obfuscation of all tooltips and dropdowns. 4: Obfuscation of all special columns (Properties, Special Properties, Custom Columns, Ext column). Remark: Before, mode=1 included the special columns. Examples: obfuscate 1; //obfuscate all path/file names (excl. the Ext column) obfuscate 4; //obfuscate all special columns (incl. the Ext column) obfuscate 5; //obfuscate all path/file names and all special columns ! Video Thumbnails: Since 20221204, some video thumbnails displayed the wrong dimensions on the thumbnails. Fixed. v23.80.0201 - 2022-12-07 17:01 + Special Properties | Audio Properties: Now AIFF files (*.aif, *.aiff, *.aifc) are natively supported (Audio Interchange File Format), i.e. you will get Length, Sample Rate, Bit Depth, Bit Rate, and Channels. * Info Panel | Raw View: Now the *target* of a LNK file is raw-viewed, not the LNK file itself. Just like it's already done on the Preview Tab. v23.80.0200 - 2022-12-06 21:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.80.0106 - 2022-12-06 20:12 - unpublished * License Names: Dropped the "Pro", a silly outdated buzzword from the '90s. v23.80.0105 - 2022-12-06 13:21 + Info Panel | Report | Current Folder: Now you can generate reports ("directory dump") about the special folder "Recycle Bin". But note that currently this report will be hard-coded to the Recycle Bin on drive C: (C:\$Recycle.Bin\), and, if "Include Subfolders" is ticked, it reports just the first level, i.e. it will list the contents of the direct subfolders of C:\$Recycle.Bin\. It's a makeshift solution that's just a little bit better than the previous "Folder not found: Recycle Bin". ! Special Properties: The audio props of some WAV files were not displayed. Fixed. ! Tweak SyncFilterGlobal: Using the tweak caused too much filtering when going through Panes | Sync Folders. Fixed. ! SC report: Fixed some issues with Recycle Bin. v23.80.0104 - 2022-12-05 16:15 * Updated the help file. v23.80.0103 - 2022-12-04 12:46 + Sync Folders: Added a tweak to define a global filter that is applied to all Sync Folders operations, including SC sync. You can use it to exclude folders that you probably won't want to sync, for example: SyncFilterGlobal=-?:\$Recycle.Bin\|-?:\System Volume Information\ It's a list of patterns or full paths, separated by "|", used to include or exclude files or folders in/from the operation by name. The syntax is identical to that of the filter argument in SC sync. If defined then SyncFilterGlobal is displayed in the Sync Folders dialog within square brackets. Will probably become part of the UI later. + Configuration | Preview | Preview | Image preview: Added option "Limit original preview size", accompanied by an edit box for the size of the square bounding box, factory default 2000 pixels. Notes: - This limit only affects the preview of RAW images and other formats that need a special preview handler (eg WEBP). Normal image formats (jpg, png, gif, bmp) and PDF are currently not affected (meditation in progress). - This limit affects the "Original Size" in all previews that can show the original size, like Floating Preview and Mouse Down Blow Up. - This is actually an important addition, almost a bug fix, because since v23.70.0321 - 2022-11-12 15:51, and real 100% preview of those image formats was not possible anymore without manual tweaking. - FYI, this setting raises tweak ShellPreviewMaxSize to UI. % Thumbnails Creation: RAW thumbnails faster, especially for large originals. - Configuration | Preview | Preview | Floating and full screen preview: All settings have been removed here as they were just a duplicate of the settings available in Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview. ! Edit | New | New Folder "New Folder": For some, the app crashed when this command was invoked repeatedly. Fix attempt. v23.80.0102 - 2022-12-03 21:00 ! Tools | Customize Tree | Tree Path Tracing: The combination of Full Row Select and Lock Tree could lead to a painting glitch that destroyed parts of the TPT snake. Fixed. ! Network Browsing: Fixed an issue related to RDP shared drives (\\tsclient) and maybe others. v23.80.0101 - 2022-12-03 16:48 % List Views: Now the column views (List and Small Icons) remember their Name column width separately from the tiles & thumbs views. * View | Columns | Autosize Columns Now: Now in non-detail views only the name column is automatically adjusted. Previously, all other columns that are visible in detail views but invisible in non-detail views were also automatically resized. A waste of time and probably undesired. * Configuration | Preview | Find Files & Branch View | Columns | Autosize Name column right margin (0 = none): This setting now also affects the List and Small Icons views. IMO it's equally useful here, and the Help kind of implies it anyway. So now it affects both Details views and both Column views. Not affected are Tiles views and Thumbs views. > Network: Added some debug logs to improve the support for RDP shared drives (\\tsclient). ! Small Lists: If no item is selected, adding a new item should happen at the focus position, not at the end. Fixed. v23.80.0100 - 2022-12-02 18:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.80.0020 - 2022-12-02 15:24 * Toolbar: Now all right-click menus are displayed exactly at the mouse pointer instead of being aligned with the button that was clicked. AFAIK, that's the expected behavior. v23.80.0019 - 2022-12-01 18:56 + Network: Improved the support for RDP shared drives (\\tsclient). * Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | For executables as well: Now if unticked, you'll still see all the information that can be gathered without triggering an AV-induced delay, which was the original intention of this setting. ! Toolbar | Toggle Active Pane, Dual Pane: Buttons didn't really update when they should. Fixed. v23.80.0018 - 2022-12-01 08:58 + Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: Now also PDF files are used as folder thumbnails if all other options fail. 1. - 5. ... 6. The first PDF file among the alphabetically first 50 files. ! Special Property | Length: The length of audio files > 2GB was not displayed. Fixed. ! Network Browsing: Fixed a crash bug related to \\tsclient servers. v23.80.0017 - 2022-11-30 19:24 > More traps to slay a nasty crash bug. v23.80.0016 - 2022-11-30 14:50 + Scripting got a new function. Name: TagCheck Action: Checks and repairs the state of the current tags. Syntax: tagcheck(flags, [include_removables]) flags: (bit field) 1 = Count orphans. 2 = Remove orphans. 4 = Remove dupes. 8 = Correct capitalization. include_removables: 1 = Also scan items located on removable drives. Background: You normally don't want to throw items out of your DB just because a particular USB drive isn't plugged in. return: Count of removed, if none count of corrected, if none count of orphans. Remark: This function does not change any data on disk, just the tags in memory. Examples: echo tagcheck(1); //returns count of orphans echo tagcheck(2); //remove orphans, returns count of removed orphans echo tagcheck(4); //remove dupes, returns count of removed dupes echo tagcheck(8); //correct capitalization, returns count corrected items echo tagcheck(14, 1); //remove orphans and dupes, correct capitalization, include removables //meaning of return value depends on what happened + Scripting got a new function. Name: TagSave Action: Saves the current tags to a file. Syntax: tagsave([file], [flags]) file: Full path to database file. If the path or file doesn't exist it will be created without asking questions. Defaults to the currently loaded database (). flags: (bit field) 1,2,4 = [reserved]. 8 = SafeSave: This value is only useful in Multi-User Tagging. Before writing, the current saved state of the database is read and matched with the tags in memory. Can be useful in a multi-user tagging context if for some reason your current tags in memory do not match the status of the database on disk. Note that whether database is actually read is also controlled by the value of the Admin.ini key TagDatSafeSave. If no Admin.ini exists TagDatSafeSave is 0 and the database is not read. This flag is ignored if "file" is set to a DB different from the currently loaded database. return: "1" on success, else "". Examples: tagsave(); //save tags now (typically to "\tag.dat") tagsave(, 8); //save tags now, using the SafeSave strategy tagsave("E:\Test\TagsDB\Test.dat"); //save the current tags to this file + Tagging: The tag database now gets the author (Windows User ID) and the timestamp (Now) in the first line every time it is written. OLD: XYplorer File Tags v5 NEW: XYplorer File Tags v5 - last modified by Donald, 2022-11-30 09:19:29 This line is intentionally not translated into non-English languages to make it machine-processable. + Special Property | Length: The context menu of the column header now offers the toggles "Show Hours" and "Show Milliseconds". Lets you format the length display the way you like it. ! Special Property | Length: Sorting failed on media 1 hour or longer. Fixed. v23.80.0015 - 2022-11-29 21:21 % Toolbar: Even smarter positioning of extra long drop-down menus. ! Toolbar | Back / Forward: Since v21.10.0016 - 2020-09-25 13:18 the dropdown menu was not placed exactly under the buttons anymore. Fixed. ! LNK: LNK files pointing to executables in System32 were opened in System32 instead of in the defined working directory. Fixed. v23.80.0014 - 2022-11-29 14:39 + Small Lists: With no item selected, you can now use Ctrl+Up/Down to move the focus. Windows standard. % Toolbar: Smarter positioning of extra long drop-down menus so the menu doesn't appear directly under the mouse pointer. It's not always possible to avoid it, but often it is. ! Sync Folders: Sync Folders never supported portable devices, but a corresponding message was missing and you just encountered an error. Fixed. This info was also missing from the Help. Fixed as well (comes with next Help update). v23.80.0013 - 2022-11-28 19:58 + Tools | List Management | Tagged Items...: Experimentally, dirty items (items with unsaved tags) are now shown with a yellow background color (brown in dark mode). ! Configuration | Information | Tags | Copy tags on copy operations: Newly tagged items created this way were not yet added to the dirty count. Fixed. v23.80.0012 - 2022-11-28 14:23 + Catalog: Added another value to the tweak CatalogFlags (bit field): 32: No drag without CTRL/SHIFT. Protects your Catalog from accidental dragging. * Admin Settings: The key "TagsFlags" has been renamed to "TagFlags" and been moved to the new [Tags] section just to keep everything together. NEW: [Tags] TagFlags=1 'bit 1 = tags DB headers are read-only OLD: [AccessControl] TagsFlags=1 'bit 1 = tags DB headers are read-only Note that TagsFlags will still work in [AccessControl] for backward compatibility. % Multi-User Tagging: Now if TagDatSafeSave=1, a superfluous DB reload after self-notification will be skipped. [Tags] TagDatSafeSave=1 ! Multi-User Tagging: When another client renamed a tagged item, your instance would hear from the rename via Auto-Refresh, but it did not automatically update the tags-in-memory to be attached to the new name. Fixed. v23.80.0007 - 2022-11-27 19:54 * Multi-User Tagging: A safety mechanism (called "SafeSave" internally) was implemented on 20221109 where when saving tags, the database was first read, matched to the tags in memory, and only then saved. This mechanism was activated when either a shared database was defined via admin settings ("FileTagDat" key) or when "Configuration | Information | Tags | Auto-refresh tags" was enabled. This latter condition has now been dropped. "SafeSave" is only executed if "FileTagDat" is defined. + Admin Settings: Added a new section Tags with a new key TagDatSafeSave which defaults to 1 (if Admin.ini exists but the key is missing). [Tags] TagDatSafeSave=1 This key allows the admin to control whether "SafeSave" is used when saving your tags. Meaning of the values: 0=never 1=when necessary [Default] 2=always The default 1 ("when necessary") means that the DB will only be read if it has been modified (by someone else) since this instance last read or wrote it. v23.80.0006 - 2022-11-27 09:40 ! SC inputselect: Since yesterday generic icons were shown for file system items where specific icons should be shown. Fixed. v23.80.0005 - 2022-11-26 18:50 ! Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Custom Copy Operations | Check beforehand whether there is enough space: When unticked then the real-time free space calculation of target paths that are junctions or mount points was incorrect. Fixed. ! Main Menu: When the main menu was hidden and one of the submenus was displayed via the right-click menu of the toolbar button "Show Menu Bar", some items in those submenus were not updated correctly, were missing, or were not translated in the case of a non-English UI. Fixed. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0211. v23.80.0004 - 2022-11-26 11:49 + SC resolvepath: Now it resolves the wildcard * in the path parameter. The first matching item is used according to NTFS item order: In a typical installation, the following two lines return "C:\Program Files (x86)\XYplorer\LicenseXY.txt": text resolvepath("\*.txt"); text resolvepath("*.txt"); //resolvepath defaults to * Tools | List Management | Tagged Items...: For performance reasons, you now only see generic icons when your database contains more than 65,536 items. ! Tools | List Management | Tagged Items...: Since 20221121 icons were missing for lists larger than 1000 items. Fixed. ! Tags: Moving or renaming selected items did not set the dirty flags for those items and did not increase the dirty count. Fixed. ! Multi-User Tagging: If you deleted a tagged file, and then renamed another file to the name of the deleted file, after close and restart the renamed file would inherit the tags of the deleted file. Fixed. v23.80.0003 - 2022-11-25 18:32 + New variable: Returns the full path to the actual Admin.ini file used (which differs from the default "\Admin.ini" in case of redirection): echo ; //actually used Admin.ini file text readfile(); //show the contents of the actual Admin.ini + SC readfile: Now it supports the wildcard * in the filename parameter. The first matching item is used according to NTFS item order. text readfile("\*.txt"); //opens the first TXT file text readfile("\XY*.txt"); //opens the first matching TXT file % Custom Copy: The progress dialog now works better for 12 point fonts. No more clipped descenders. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0210. v23.80.0002 - 2022-11-24 14:51 >>> This beta version was compiled with special DEBUG code that will pop error messages where in earlier versions it would just crash. Helps to track down a crash bug. The code will remain in there until further notice. v23.80.0001 - 2022-11-24 14:40 ! Multi-User Tagging: Added another bit of logging. v23.80.0000 - 2022-11-24 14:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Multi-User Tagging. Significantly improved and reinforced to withstand fast-acting, high-impact environments on shaky networks. +++ Access Control. Many additional user access control options to increase corporate security in a multi-user tagging context. +++ Batch Renumbering. Now you can easily update numbering in files with serial numbers. +++ RAW Photo Preview and Thumbnails. Faster. Much faster. +++ App Icon. Back to the old icon. It's just too iconic to be replaced. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. .......... XYplorer ver 23.70 ..................................................... v23.70.0356 - 2022-11-23 19:56 ! Multi-User Tagging: Added a bit of logging. v23.70.0353 - 2022-11-23 14:46 * Toolbar: The recently added faster opening of drop-down menus is now bound to a tweak: PopupMenusGenericIcons=1 v23.70.0352 - 2022-11-22 19:38 ! Info Panel | Properties: On a custom screen resolution, icons were drawn poorly, the wrong size, or truncated. Fixed. v23.70.0351 - 2022-11-22 11:51 % Toolbar: Two more drop-down menus open faster now and do not wake up a sleeping drive. ! Tags | Sorting the Database: Fixed a rare but brutal crash bug. The crash was more likely the more items had to be sorted. v23.70.0346 - 2022-11-21 16:20 % Toolbar: Now various drop-down menus with paths open faster and do not wake up a sleeping drive. The price: Shell custom icons for folders are not shown in those menus, nor the "?" icon for unavailable locations. % Multi-User Tagging: Speed improvements when reading and writing the DB. ! Multi-User Tagging: The DB was not locked as tightly as it should have been. Fixed. v23.70.0344 - 2022-11-20 20:49 + Sleeping Drives: Now it's shown in various places if a drive is currently sleeping. - Tree: Drive name tooltip. - List | Drives Listing (aka This PC): Drive name tooltip. - Breadcrumb: Drives dropdown items. - Go | Drives...: Menu items. v23.70.0343 - 2022-11-20 13:00 ! Moving Files: Since 20210919, files that were skipped during a move operation did not remain selected in the source location. Fixed. ! Action Log: Some newly created folders were not correctly listed in the log. Fixed. v23.70.0342 - 2022-11-19 14:51 ! Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Open files from 64-bit process: If ticked then ISO files could not be opened by ENTER or double-click. Fixed. v23.70.0341 - 2022-11-18 11:52 + Show Folder Sizes: Added a tweak to delay the folder size calculation when navigating to a new location. This would delay it by 2 seconds: ShowFolderSizeDelayMsecs=2000 ! Scripting | Arrays: You could not pass an array to a user function. Fixed. Now this works as expected: $a = array("cat", "dog"); Test($a); echo $a[0]; //tiger function Test(&$array){ echo count($array); //2 echo $array[0]; //cat $array[0] = "tiger"; } v23.70.0340 - 2022-11-17 18:25 ! Multi-User Tagging: Fixed a possible race condition. v23.70.0339 - 2022-11-17 15:40 * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.155. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.155.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v23.70.0335 - 2022-11-17 08:40 + Toolbar | Save Tags: The tooltip now shows the number of unsaved changes in tags. - Multi-User Tagging: Removed the change from v23.70.0334. Not helpful and superfluous. ! Multi-User Tagging: On "Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Save changes to disk immediately" there was a way to skip the new safe save strategy and overwrite the shared tags DB with your own data when moving or copying tagged items. Fixed. v23.70.0334 - 2022-11-16 22:23 * Multi-User Tagging: If the shared database fails to load for any reason, this client is now not allowed to tag anything. She can always try "Tags | Reload Tags Database" to get back in business. v23.70.0333 - 2022-11-16 13:16 + Color Filters: A filter can now be defined that matches items where any of the tags (Label, Tags, Comment, Extra) are dirty (i.e. not yet saved to disk). The pseudo pattern used for this is "*": tags:"*" //dirty tags v23.70.0332 - 2022-11-16 10:43 ! Preview as Thumbnails: Fixed an alignment and information issue associated with PDF. ! RAW Photo Preview: Fixed further information issues. v23.70.0331 - 2022-11-15 23:04 * Updated the help file. ! RAW Photo Preview: Fixed an alignment and information issue associated with unknown image dimensions. v23.70.0330 - 2022-11-14 17:42 + SC get got a new named argument "saveonexit". It returns the current setting of "Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Save settings on exit": echo get("saveonexit"); //0 = unticked, 1 = ticked * Multi-User Tagging: Some message boxes have been changed to status bar messages (plus some more info in debug log) to be less intrusive. ! Sorting: Fixed a rare but brutal crash bug related to a little optimization in v17.30.0202 - 2016-11-17 20:51. The crash was more likely the more items had to be sorted. v23.70.0327 - 2022-11-14 08:52 ! Multi-User-Tagging: Fixed a rare auto-update glitch in fast-action multi-user situations. v23.70.0324 - 2022-11-13 16:38 + Rename Special | Batch Rename: The /cut switch now can be combined with serial numbering. This is especially useful when you want to replace old numbers by new ones. For example, you have these files: DSC00032 Banana.jpg DSC00047 Blue.jpg DSC00123 Passion.jpg Now applying this pattern will cut the first 9 characters (start at position 10, keep all the rest), then prefix the new number: DSC<#00001> */cut 10,0 Result: DSC00001 Banana.jpg DSC00002 Blue.jpg DSC00003 Passion jpg But there is a cooler way now, too. See next paragraph. + Rename Special | Batch Rename: Now you can Prefix-Overwrite and Suffix-Overwrite. Both | and * must be present in the pattern. The |-character is used to mark the cut, and the * character stands for the original filename (which is cut and affixed). 1) Prefix-Overwrite: This pattern means: Overwrite the beginning of the base name with "NEW-". NEW-|* Result (applied to above files): NEW-0001 Banana.jpg NEW-0002 Blue.jpg NEW-0003 Passion.jpg 2) Suffix-Overwrite: This pattern means: Overwrite the end of the base name with "-NEW". *|-NEW Result (applied to above files): DSC00001 Ba-NEW.jpg DSC00002 -NEW.jpg DSC00003 Pas-NEW.jpg Obviously, this new option is perfect for replacing old numbers. To update the numbers in these files: DSC00032 Banana.jpg DSC00047 Blue.jpg DSC00123 Passion.jpg Use this Prefix-Overwrite pattern: DSC<#00001> |* Result: DSC00001 Banana.jpg DSC00002 Blue.jpg DSC00003 Passion.jpg v23.70.0322 - 2022-11-13 11:51 + New variable: = XYplorer tags database file (without path) % SC savethumb: The quality of scaled images with transparency was not always the highest possible. It is now. This, for example, creates of copy of the currently selected image (which should be a PNG to have some transparency) scaled to fit a 256 x 256 bounding box, and named with "_256" appended to the original name: savethumb(, "*_", 256, , "png", 7:=-1); ! Image Preview: Due to a possible rounding error, scaled image previews could be one pixel too small in one of the dimensions anywhere in the app (including thumbnails), and thus minimally disproportionate. Fixed. v23.70.0321 - 2022-11-12 15:51 + Admin Settings: Added a new key TagsFlags to AccessControl where you can control what you can do with tags. Currently just the 1st bit has any meaning: [AccessControl] TagsFlags=1 'bit 1 = tags DB headers are read-only So when this bit is set, the user cannot modify the label colors or names, or the extra column definitions, or the storage method (Configuration | Information | Tags | Storage). Also SCs extratag() and tagsave() are disabled (ATM tagsave() is not yet documented). * Tweaks ShellPreviewMaxWidth, ShellPreviewMaxHeight: Replaced by a single tweak ShellPreviewMaxSize which defines a square bounding box. Two dimensions are not needed here. Factory default: ShellPreviewMaxSize=2000 * Tweaks ShellPreviewPdfMaxWidth, ShellPreviewPdfMaxHeight: Replaced by a single tweak ShellPreviewPdfMaxSize which defines a square bounding box. Factory default is 0. v23.70.0320 - 2022-11-11 16:03 ! Multi-User-Tagging: Ghost tagged items got stuck in the DB forever. Fixed. Now they are kicked out when it is appropriate. Exactly when this happens depends on the sequence of events in a multi-user situation, but eventually they will all disappear from the DB. v23.70.0315 - 2022-11-11 12:24 * Configuration | Information | Tags | Auto-refresh tags: Added an error message for the case that the watch fails for whatever reason (the reason might be shown in the error message). ! Multi-User-Tagging: The ghost tag was not removed when it should be removed on importing tags data from disk to the current tags state in memory. Fixed. ! Multi-User-Tagging: Tags could not be removed under certain conditions. Fixed. v23.70.0312 - 2022-11-11 10:09 * Toolbar | Edit Clipboard: Fresh new icon. * Multi-User-Tagging: Changed ghost tag index to -888 (internal reasons). ! Multi-User-Tagging: Removing all tags from an item has not yet been fully propagated across the network. Fixed. ! Multi-User-Tagging: Changes in the column definitions could no longer be saved since yesterday. Fixed. ! SC savethumb: This example from the Help did not work as it should (it created an empty 1 x 1 pixel file): savethumb(, "*_t", 256, , "png", 7:=-1); //Preserve transparency Fixed. Now it creates a 256 x 256 pixel file. v23.70.0305 - 2022-11-10 15:58 ! Multi-User-Tagging: Small bug fix regarding recent changes. v23.70.0304 - 2022-11-10 10:45 + The old but undocumented tweaks ShellPreviewMaxWidth and ShellPreviewMaxHeight can now be used to define a bounding box for shell previews which can dramatically increase the preview speed for large RAW images (that was always the idea with these tweaks but they had been poorly implemented). This, for example, would limit the preview to 2000 x 2000 pixels: ShellPreviewMaxWidth=2000 ShellPreviewMaxHeight=2000 Previewing a 6240 x 4160 RAF image now takes about 200ms instead of 8 seconds, that's 40 times faster! Surprisingly even larger values perform extremely good up to a magic value of 4416: - 4416 x 4416 -> 500ms - 4417 x 4417 -> 8000ms ! That could be a peculiarity of this particular thumbnail handler, and/or probably the size of the embedded JPEG preview, but the effect of limiting the bounding box is so impressive that I decided to set those tweaks by factory default to 2000 x 2000 pixels (and also when upgrading to this version). Of course, this setting can later be raised to UI. % Thumbnails: Due to the above change thumbnail creation for RAW camera images is much faster now. Only tested with RAF files (Fuji). Of course, a suitable preview handler must be installed. v23.70.0303 - 2022-11-09 18:21 * Multi-User-Tagging: Implemented a new way to safely handle the removal of tags in Multi-User-Tagging. When an item is completely stripped of any tags then internally a ghost tag (label index -999) is attached to it and spread across the network like any other normal tags. The presence of the ghost tag means "this item is not tagged". When the DB is loaded the next time such an item will just be skipped (along with the ghost tag). So here we have an ephemeral intermediate state in the transition from tagged to untagged, which serves to spread the news and update the interfaces of all team members. All of this works under the hood, so you really don't have to worry about it. This is about security in Multi-User-Tagging, and security here means making sure no work is accidentally lost. - Toolbar | Save Tags: What was added in v23.70.0302 has been removed. v23.70.0302 - 2022-11-09 13:15 + Toolbar | Save Tags: The button now has a small context menu that offers an additional command that's useful in Multi-User-Tagging contexts. I gave it a verbose name to make pretty clear what it means: "Save Tags and Remove All Untagged Items from the Database". So, if there is an item in the tags database and you removed all tags from it, then using this command will remove that item from the shared database for all users. This command is only shown when "Configuration | Information | Tags | Auto-refresh tags" is enabled (which is taken as a sign that we are in a Multi-User-Tagging context), and it is the only way to remove an item from a shared DB in a MUT network. The background here is safety. You don't want to let users remove items from the shared DB too easily. FYI, if you use the normal "Save Tags" in that situation then the tags present in the DB would be merged with your local state of affairs and the result would be that your tagless item would be retagged to its state in the shared DB. * Tags: Now if no tags or tags settings have been changed during the session the Tags DB is not written at all when doing Saving Settings and Save Tags. The status bar will say "no saving required" in that case. Saves some time, energy and life cycles. ! Multi-User-Tagging: The possibility of a race condition has been reduced to zero where an unfortunate coincidence of activities could result in the loss of tags that should not be lost. Note that "Configuration | Information | tags | Auto-refresh tags” must be enabled to enable the required measurements (this setting is taken as a sign that we are in a multi-user tagging context). v23.70.0301 - 2022-11-08 17:21 ! TAB Sequence: Was broken since about 5 weeks ago. Fixed. ! SCs sortby, selfilter: The columns were not matched with the "column" argument from left to right by their current position (as is stated in the help file) but by some internal order. Fixed. v23.70.0300 - 2022-11-07 17:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ App Icon. Back to the old icon. It's just too iconic to be replaced. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. +++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Jerry Lee Lewis. v23.70.0209 - 2022-11-07 12:35 * Updated the help file. ! Catalog: After editing the 'Click and Tag' header once, even without changes, the Category wouldn't allow to create new Tag items, and any existing Tag item you tried to edit would turn into a default catalog item. Fixed. ! Paper Folders: When opening a paper folder in a background tab, the tab showed a generic question mark icon. Fixed. v23.70.0208 - 2022-11-06 15:03 ! SC quicksearch: Certain selectors were not correctly identified when the search triggered by quicksearch was the first search of the session. Fixed. ! Panes | Sync Select...: Did not work as it should when one of the lists was filled by Quick Search over a list of items (Search In List). Fixed. ! Catalog | Right-Click Menu | Insert As New Category Here | Tabs: If the active tab had a Visual Filter applied when you added the Tabs Category, all the Catalog items that are created in the category had the Visual Filter appended to them. Fixed. ! Edit | Paste Special | Paste As Hard Link(s): Since 20221001 it failed with a bogus error "Different drive. Target has to be on the same drive.". Fixed. v23.70.0207 - 2022-11-05 10:47 ! Floating Preview: Some inconsistencies with "Zoom to Fit" enabled. Fixed. ! Image and Video Preview: Undid that change from v23.70.0206. It brought new problems. Since these problems differ with each Windows version and configuration (installed preview handlers) each user has to find the setting that suits him best. These are the 3 options, available as one-line scripts that can be run through the XYplorer address bar: tweak("PreviewEarlyFactory", 0); //early factory for pdf, ttf, webp, for videos, //and for shell folder thumbnails (= XY Factory Default) tweak("PreviewEarlyFactory", 1); //early factory for all file types tweak("PreviewEarlyFactory", 2); //early factory for no file types To find out the current setting do this and look at the status bar: tweak("PreviewEarlyFactory"); FYI, "factory" refers to the IShellItemImageFactory interface (from Vista onwards). "Early factory" means: try the factory first, then fall back to other methods. v23.70.0206 - 2022-11-04 18:29 + Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context...: Added "Portable Devices". Tick it to show a Hover Box also for items on portable devices. Often a preview doesn't work on portable devices and the unsuccessful attempt takes a long time. Now you can avoid this waste of time. By factory default this setting is OFF. * Portable Devices: Now you can stop a slow pre-processing operation by pressing ESC when copying files from a PD to some other location. This pre-processing can be so slow (depending on the mood of Windows) that sometimes it's better to just give up. ! Image and Video Preview: The internal order of preview attempts (there are many different ways to preview in Windows) has been changed to work around some rare and weird issues with Windows 11 and also get rid of the infamous "Switch to/Retry" dialog. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.154. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.154.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v23.70.0205 - 2022-11-04 14:48 * SCs sortby, selfilter: Now partial match is used only as a fall back if there is no full match for the "column" parameter. Previously, the first partial match from the left was used even if a full match was available further to the right. * Toolbar | Save Tags: Old icons. v23.70.0204 - 2022-11-04 10:54 * Toolbar | Save Tags: New icons. ! Info Panel | Find Files | Name & Location: This did not work anymore for : (Boolean), quoting Help: Note that you can alternatively select the Boolean and RegExp modes by prefixing the name pattern with : or > and thereby *overwrite* the setting of the Mode dropdown! If you do, the dropdown will be replaced by a static label reflecting the current mode. Fixed. ! Find Files: Fixed some glitches with Search In List (SIL). v23.70.0203 - 2022-11-03 19:47 ! Toolbar | Save Tags: Button had a small logical glitch that made it stay red under certain conditions. Fixed. v23.70.0202 - 2022-11-03 18:04 + Toolbar: Added button "Save Tags". The function is identical to "File | Settings Special | Save Tags" but it gives you a handy visual feedback about the dirtyness of the situation. If there are any unsaved tags the button icon is red, else it is blue. Additionally the icon is rotated to make it work for red-green-blind users. v23.70.0201 - 2022-11-03 10:34 * Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Save changes to disk immediately: Improved the handling of an unavailable shared tags database. You now get an immediate error message when the saving failed, and Tags are then shown as "dirty" (= prefixed with an asterisk) in the "File | Settings Special" submenu. * App Icon: I changed my mind about the icon change. It was a stupid idea. The old icon is too deeply rooted in the internet, it can no longer be replaced. So I went back to the old icon. The iconic one. ;) > Note that the Windows Desktop reacts slowly to icon changes. It might take days till all caches are updated and you actually see the new (old) icon in the task bar. * SC appicon: Adjusted to the new state of the internal icon resource. Syntax: appicon [selector] selector: "AAA": Use the classic standard icon, aka BlackOrange. "ABA": Use the red version of the new icon, aka BlueBox. "ABB": Use the blue version of the new icon, aka BlueBox. other: Same as "AAA". missing: Pop a dialog showing the choices. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0209. v23.70.0200 - 2022-10-02 18:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.70.0112 - 2022-10-02 14:46 ! EXIF Properties: In a particularly strange anomaly, the GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude properties sometimes returned invalid values for the same files on the same calls (this shouldn't happen on a computer). Instead of "521623793/11930464 0/1 0/1" something like "8388609/1 1/107206800 24/0" was returned. echo get("exif", 0x0002); //GPSLatitude echo get("exif", 0x0004); //GPSLongitude Fixed in a crude way. I keep calling (up to 5 times) that value until it looks good. v23.70.0106 - 2022-10-02 09:59 + Tree: Added a tweak to control whether tree nodes auto-expand when you drag things over them. The factory setting has always been Yes. Now you can turn it off: TreeExpandOnDragOver=0 * Updated the help file. v23.70.0105 - 2022-10-01 10:50 * Toolbar | Undo / Redo: Now the paths shown in the button tooltip are no longer truncated if they are too long. Here it is not necessary. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0208. ! File Operations: UNC paths with different case were considered different paths (cross-volume) in some contexts. Fixed. v23.70.0104 - 2022-09-30 09:44 % App Icon: The colors were a bit garish. Here's a slightly milder version, plus some subtle geometric corrections. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0207. v23.70.0102 - 2022-09-29 14:57 % App Icon: Now the 16x16, 20x20 and 24x24 front-only versions are a bit bigger. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0206. v23.70.0101 - 2022-09-29 10:50 ! Thumbnail Creation: In v23.60.0016 - 2022-09-15 13:01 I experimentally started using the flag SIIGBF_BIGGERSIZEOK. This experiment failed. It lead to weird jumpy sizes with PDF Hover Boxes and MDBU (very small when bounding box <= 256, else very large). Fixed by removing the flag again. It didn't bring anything good anyway. v23.70.0100 - 2022-09-28 12:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.70.0007 - 2022-09-27 20:07 + Color Filters: Now the no-extension pattern is supported here as well (as already in Visual Filters, Live Filters, Ghost Filters, Custom File Icons, Quick Search, and File Find). This pattern matches all files without extension: *. % App Icon: Now the 20x20 and 24x24 versions are also front-only (like the 16x16) instead of the whole box. So the title bar icons in 125% and 150% now all look like the 16x16 one in 100%. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0205. v23.70.0002 - 2022-09-27 11:45 + App Icon: Now also the blue version of the new icon is embedded in the exe. + SC appicon: Added the blue version of the new icon. Syntax: appicon [selector] selector: "AAA": Use the standard icon (the new icon). "AAB": Use the blue version of the new icon. "BBB": Use the alternative icon (the old icon). other: Same as "AAA". missing: Pop a dialog showing the choices. % App Icon: Polished some more pixels in the 16x16 version. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0203. * List: Now when sorting by a Type that combines various extensions, eg "JPEG image", then all files with the same extensions (eg first all JPG, then all JPEG) are grouped together and then (secondary-)sorted by the filename. Previously, they were all mixed and just (secondary-)sorted by the filename. ! SC appicon: Dialog did not scale with custom scaling. Should be fixed (air code). ! Custom File Icons: Since 20220915 some icons, e.g. those from exectuables, were not replaced by any defined CFIs anymore. Fixed. ! Admin Settings | Fixed Mini Tree: FixedMiniTree=1 crashed on startup since 20220914. Fixed. v23.70.0000 - 2022-09-26 16:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ App Icon. New. +++ App Icon. Old. In case you feel an unbearably strong emotional attachment to the old icon, you can either go to your shrink or switch back to the old icon through a handy little dialogue. +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log. +++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Starcrawler (again). .......... XYplorer ver 23.60 ..................................................... v23.60.0117 - 2022-09-26 09:47 ! Color Filters: Since 20220921 the filter attr:junction did not work anymore. Fixed. This was related to the change of the letter from J to L. Now it works again with "junction" or any word starting with L (or l). :) >>> Removed special debug code. v23.60.0115 - 2022-09-25 21:53 + Scripting got a new command. Name: AppIcon Action: Lets you pick the app icon on the fly. Syntax: appicon [selector] selector: "BBB": Use the alternative icon (the old icon). "AAA" or anything else: Use the standard icon (the new icon). missing: Pop a dialog showing the choices. Remarks: - You have a choice between the old and the new icon. Both are icon resources embedded in the executable. - The choice is remembered across sessions. - This setting uses the INI key "IconFile". Examples: appicon; //pop a dialog showing the choices appicon "AAA"; //select new icon appicon "BBB"; //select old icon * Tweak IconFile: Now used by the above resource selector. You can still use it in the old way (state a file spec, cf v9.00.0017 - 2010-04-16 16:00), but it will be overwritten if you OK SC appicon. v23.60.0113 - 2022-09-25 14:08 + Tweak IconFile: Now you can specify the selector for the embedded icon resource. The default is "AAA", but now you can tweak it to "BBB" to use the old BlackOrange icon within the app interface (i.e. mainly in all the window title bars; it won't change the icon associated with the executable file when seen from the outside; however, at least in Win 8.1, the alternative icon is also inherited by the task bar). IconFile=BBB ! Fonts: Fixed some display and configuration bugs related to bold, semibold, and regular fonts and switching between them. v23.60.0111 - 2022-09-24 17:26 + Preview Tab and Preview Pane | Icon Preview and Font Preview: Now you can scroll the preview using the mouse wheel (if there is something to scroll, ie if scrollbars are visible). The horizontal wheel is supported as well, and horizontal scrolling can be enforced by holding SHIFT while wheeling over the preview pane. + Catalog: Now when you click on a catalog item, the icon is updated automatically. Indicates whether a file has been deleted in the meantime (icon changes to a question mark) or restored. Keeps the icon of used items fresh without having to manually update catalog icons completely. % App Icon: Polished some more pixels in the 16x16 version. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0202. ! Help | About XYplorer: The copyright sign © did not work with the Chinese and some other code pages; it just showed as ?. Fixed. ! Status Bar | Vertical Swipe Toggles the Info Panel: Up-swipe did not work well when the Info Panel was showing the Preview or the Raw View tab. Fixed. v23.60.0110 - 2022-09-23 15:47 * Hover Blacklist: Improved (empowered and simplified) the syntax. Now you can use wildcards in the standard way for whole paths (identified by the presence of / or : in the resolved pattern) or just item names. Some examples (no surprises here, all pretty standard): A:\* //match all items on drive A: (and A: itself) A:\slow //match A:\slow A:\slow* //match all items in and under A:\slow\ (and A:\slow itself) A:\slow\ //match all items in A:\slow\ (but not in folders below) A:\slow\* //match all items in and under A:\slow\ (but not A:\slow itself) %HOMEDRIVE% //match %HOMEDRIVE% and all items in the root folder on %HOMEDRIVE% F:\Sl?th\ //match all items in paths called F:\Slath\, F:\Sloth\ ... (but not in folders below) *\backup\* //match all items in folders called "backup" *.webp //match all WEBP items D:\*.webp //match all WEBP items on drive D: k* //match all items starting with k (or K) readme.txt //match all items named "readme.txt" % App Icon: Polished some pixels in the 16x16 version. And generally improved the adjustment of the app icon to various screen resolutions. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0201. v23.60.0108 - 2022-09-22 17:44 ! Hover Blacklist: Wasn't working yet. Fixed. v23.60.0107 - 2022-09-22 13:01 + File Info Tips and Hover Box: Now you can specify a "Hover Blacklist" containing any number of target paths to be excluded from the File Info Tips and Hover Box, i.e. excluded from file access on mouse hover. Usually you want to exclude slow paths, e.g. cloud folders. The data should be provided in a file placed in and named "HoverBlacklist.txt". The paths should be listed one per line in any order. All sorts of variables and portable syntax are supported. To exclude whole branches you have to append an * (asterisk) to mark a folder as being blacklisted including all subfolders. The Hover Blacklist supports comments after //. So far the syntax is identical to "CustomCopyBlacklist.dat". But there's more: You can also exclude certain file types via wildcards * and ?, eg "*.mov". Example for contents of HoverBlacklist.txt: A:\* //strange noises when accessing files %HOMEDRIVE% //boring %ALLUSERSPROFILE%* //who cares F:\Sloth\ //slow by nature *.mov //not interested in MOV videos k** //who needs files or folders starting with k (or K) Note how "k**" needs a double asterisk to resolve the ambiguity with the branch marking final asterisk. + Catalog: Now you can assign icons extracted from icon resources (exe; dll; cpl; ocx; scr; icl; bpl; wlx; wfx; wcx; wdx; acm). For example (Item Properties | Caption): Desk|C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll /222 Home|C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll /163 * App Icon: Now also embedded the previous icon in 32-bit color depth. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0200. New icon, here it's the all-blue version. Also embedded the previous icon in 32-bit color depth. ! Lock Tree: Upgrading from a version older than v23.60.0015 (where the "Lock Tree" toggle moved to menu Tools | Customize Tree) the Lock Tree setting was lost. Fixed. v23.60.0106 - 2022-09-21 17:39 * Updated the help file. ! Filters: Selectors attr: and attrlist: did not know yet about the recent letter change: - FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT is now "L" (Junction / Link). - FILE_ATTRIBUTE_RECALL_ON_DATA_ACCESS is now "J". Fixed. ! SC thumbsconf: The setting for FolderThumbs was not present in the return string yet. Fixed. v23.60.0105 - 2022-09-20 19:26 * App Icon: The "BlueBox" was too blue. Now the front is red. Also corrected some minor pixel inaccuracies. v23.60.0101 - 2022-09-19 10:44 * App Icon: New ("BlueBox"). The old one ("BlackOrange") was from 2010-04-16. Time for change. * Catalog | Tabs Category: Clicking on an item here will now open the tab in that position on the first click (if not open already), and go to the location (as it is stored in the Catalog item) on the second click (if not there already). > Tip: To open a Tabs Category item in a new tab, just do Shift+Click. >>> This beta version was compiled with special debug code that will pop error messages where in earlier versions it would just crash. Helps tracking down a crash bug. v23.60.0100 - 2022-09-16 12:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.60.0018 - 2022-09-15 19:28 ! Toolbar Menu: Vanished when overlapping the toolbar itself and moving the mouse over that overlap. Fixed. v23.60.0016 - 2022-09-15 13:01 + Catalog | Tabs Category: Now its right-click menu offers the command "Update Category". It will re-sync the category with the reality of the current tab bar. * Catalog | Tabs Category: Now when you select a category item and the tab at the selected position does not match the original path anymore (as stored in the Catalog), it is looked for (and selected) at the other positions, and if still not found, it is created as a new tab. % Thumbnail Creation: Experimentally use the flag SIIGBF_BIGGERSIZEOK now. The documentation is mysterious. I'm hunting a long-standing issue with the infamous "This action cannot be completed because the other application is busy." dialog which is haunting Win 10 and 11. ! Startup: App could crash on startup (error 11 - "Division by zero") when selecting a file via command line while the list was in view "List". Fixed. ! File | File Special | Extract Here: Could result in a crash since 20220828. Fixed. v23.60.0015 - 2022-09-14 17:50 + Catalog | Right-Click Menu | Insert As New Category Here | Tabs: Now all tabs are added (also locked tabs and search tabs). Custom tab captions and icons are carried over now. And when you click an item in the Tabs category, it tries and usually succeeds in opening the correct tab. So there you have it: Vertical Tabs. :) > Note that the "Tabs" category does not smartly react on any changes in the tabs: it's just a snapshot in case you quickly need vertical tabs. If a tab's location or position has changed, the tab that is now in this position will be selected no matter which location it is pointing to. So it's the *position* in the "Tabs" category that controls which tab is selected, not the path. That gives you a chance to manually adapt the category to any changes if you have the time. > You cannot manually create a "Tabs" category with the same functionality. Some internal flags are set only when going via "Insert As New Category Here | Tabs". ! Color Filters: Filter "size:0" didn't work reliably anymore for folders (on Show Folder Sizes) since Color Filters are cached (v23.50.0024 - 2022-08-18 17:40). Fixed. - Menu View: Removed toggle "Lock Tree" (see below). + Menu Tools | Customize Tree: Added toggle "Lock Tree". Replaces the old "View | Lock Tree" that was a bit out of place in this menu. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.153. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.153.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 ! Scripting | Arrays: The parser shockingly failed at this line: $n = 4; $a[$n+4] = $n * 4; $temp = $a[$n+4]; echo $temp; Fixed. v23.60.0014 - 2022-09-13 19:07 ! Tree and List Clicking: Fixed some glitches after today's rewrite. > Tree and List Clicking: Generally speaking, if "Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Ease of Use | Ease of Use | Highlight Hovered Items" is checked, I should get it all pretty watertight. If unchecked then there are ways for the mouse to subvert the "Popup Menu Shown" handling (all the rest should work fine). Of course that could be fixed as well, but it's a can full of worms I don't have time for right now. v23.60.0013 - 2022-09-13 12:21 + List | Size Column: The setting "Show Cached Folder Sizes Only" is now also shown in the column header's context menu. Might give you an idea why some of your folder sizes are not shown. ;) * Tree and List: Now dragging works as expected (as in File Explorer) when coming from states "Popup Menu Shown" (dragging not allowed) and "Focus In Other App" (dragging allowed). ! Tree and List: Rewrote everything related to focus, click and selection. Needed a more thorough approach. Fixes some remaining issues. v23.60.0012 - 2022-09-12 17:24 ! Thumbnails Cache: v23.60.0011 went a bit too far with the fixing. Unfixed. ! List: Click on inactive pane in backgrounded app did not select item. Fixed. v23.60.0011 - 2022-09-12 13:50 * List: Minor changes, now we have this picture: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ State Action Selections Item Focus ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Popup Menu Shown Click Selected Unchanged Unchanged Click Unselected Unchanged Unchanged Click White Unchanged Unchanged Focus In Other Control Click Selected Unchanged Clicked One Click Unselected Clicked One Clicked One Click White Unchanged Unchanged Focus In Other App (same as Focus In Other Control) List Context Menu Shown Click Selected Clicked One Clicked One Click Unselected Clicked One Clicked One Click White Lost Unchanged Focus In List (same as List Context Menu Shown) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Attribute Pinned: For some days FILE_ATTRIBUTE_PINNED was wrongly shown (or not shown) because of an error in a typelib. Fixed in v23.60.0009, forgot to mention. ! Edit | Select | Select By Selected Type(s): Since v23.60.0007 it toggled the selections. Fixed. ! Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Cache path | Resolve cache path from current folder: The portability of relative caches was not where it should be due to a stupid bug from 20211111. Fixed. Now you can actually move those thumb folders around without any recreation of thumbnails. + Thumbnails Cache: The INI file has a new key "SoftPath" just for your eyes (the app doesn't need it). Here you can see which path is actually used for the file hash. It can even be totally empty if the cache is right where the files are. FYI, the size is also used in the (MD5) hash, separated by an asterisk, so it's eg: MD5("SoftPath*96x96"), or MD5("SoftPath*96x96z") for ZoomToFill. ! List: Pressing Ctrl+Alt+M and other shortcuts using the Alt key created a situation where a selection was not removable by the first click on white. This uncovered a weird Windows anomaly concerning the Alt key, which could be worked around now. v23.60.0010 - 2022-09-11 20:11 ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Highlight hovered items: If unticked you could not multi-select list items using Ctrl+Click anymore since v23.60.0009. Fixed. Apparently in Win 10 and higher this issue lived independently of that highlight setting. Should be fixed there as well. v23.60.0009 - 2022-09-11 15:11 * Main Window: Changed the TAB sequence: OLD: Tree > Catalog > List 1 > List 2 > Live Filter Box > Address Bar NEW: Tree > List 1 > List 2 > Live Filter Box > Catalog > Address Bar * SC property: The return format of was controlled by the style of the Attr column. Not anymore. It's now always in narrow style (not DOS style). + SC property: If you want DOS style you can use the new property #AttrDOS. Also added #AttrDec (decimal value) and #AttrHex (hexadecimal value): echo ; //RATOI echo ; //R---A-T--OI-------- echo ; //12577 echo ; //0x00003121 * List | Attr Column, Special Property #Attr: Two letters had to be changed (actually swapped): - FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT is now "L". It was "J" (for "Junction") before but "L" appears to be the standard (for "Link" probably). - As a consequence, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_RECALL_ON_DATA_ACCESS cannot be "L" anymore, so I gave the "J" to it. There is no information about any standard available. > FYI, in Win 10 it looks like "" returns the "L" attribute also for items that are below a junction folder (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) without having that attribute themselves. XYplorer's native doesn't do this. * List: Clicking the list while a main menu item is opened now just results in closing that menu item. No selections in the list are changed. In accordance with File Explorer, this is different when this menu is a context menu of the list. Then the click will change the current selections. v23.60.0008 - 2022-09-10 14:26 * List: Focusing the list by clicking one of many selected items now preserves that multiple selection. Previously only the clicked element was selected, the other selections were lost. The new behavior is broadly the same as in File Explorer. ! Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions | Clicking on Line Numbers | Double-click on line number: The "Like White" action was not processed correctly when "Left-click on line number" was not "None". Fixed. v23.60.0007 - 2022-09-09 11:49 + Custom Event Actions (CEA): Similar to there is now a new variable that can be used in a CEA script on changing locations. + SC selfilter enhanced: Now it can also remove items from the current selection, and toggle the current selection state. The parameter "add" is now called "mode", and in analogy to SC selectitems it also accepts letters as alternative to numbers. Syntax: selfilter [pattern], [type (f|d)], [column], [mode], [flags] mode: 0,n: [Default] New selection (drop current selections). 1,a: Add the matches to any current selections. 2,r: Remove the matches from any current selections. <----- NEW 3,t: Toggle the selection state of the matches. <----- NEW Example: selfilter "*.jpg", 3:=r; //remove all JPG files from the current selection selfilter "*.jpg", 3:=2; //same selfilter "o*", 3:=t; //toggle the selection state of all items starting with "o" selfilter "o*", 3:=3; //same + SC get got a new named argument "itemspathnamesslashed". Identical to "itemspathnames" but returned folders come with a trailing backslash. Syntax 1: get("itemspathnamesslashed", [separator=CRLF], [pane]) Syntax 1: Examples: echo get("itemspathnamesslashed"); text ; * Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions | Clicking on Line Numbers | Left-click on line number: Doesn't wait on possible dbl-click anymore since v22.60.0007 - 2021-12-14 14:06. But now I think it should wait IF a dbl-click action (Double-click on line number) is defined. Changed it like this. ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips: For certain rare EXE files attempting to retrieve the bitness resulted in a full app crash. Fixed. v23.60.0006 - 2022-09-08 13:05 + SC selectitems enhanced. Now you can toggle the selection state of the items. Syntax: selectitems itemlist, [flags], [focusfirst=1], [mode], [pane] mode: n: [Default] New selection (drop current selections). a: Add the matches to any current selections. r: Remove the matches from any current selections. t: Toggle the selection state of the matches. <----- NEW Examples: selectitems "test.txt", 3:=t; selectitems "", 3:=t; * Live Filter Box: Now when a list is filtered and no items are selected and "Auto-select first match" is off then the first item gets the focus. Previously, it was some random item (depending on which item has the focus in the list before this filter). * Tabsets: Now when you (re)open the tabset that's currently in use in this pane, then it is reverted to its saved state without further questions. I think this is the expected behavior. Previously, this move just resulted in a status bar message "tabset already opened". * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0199. ! List: Click on empty while context menu was showing did not deselect the current selections anymore (since v23.60.0001). Fixed. v23.60.0005 - 2022-09-07 21:47 + Native Variables: Added and to return the so-called "string file version" (eg "23.60.0005") as opposed to and which return the so-called "fixed file version" (eg ""). + Live Filter Box: Now when the filter is removed, the last scroll position of the unfiltered list is restored (it's even remembered across tab switches and sessions). Exception: If an item is focused AND selected at the moment the filter is removed, that item will be scrolled into view. ! Live Filter Box: Under certain conditions a random item in a freshly live-filtered list was auto-selected. Fixed: No more auto-selections here, unless you tick Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live Filter Box | Auto-select first match. v23.60.0004 - 2022-09-07 09:51 + Floating Preview: The right-click menu of the Floating Preview's status bar now has a toggle "Place Status Bar Over Image". If ticked the image preview is not shrunk/moved upwards anymore to make space for the status bar. Logically the bottom of large previews will be convered by the status bar. ! SC confirm: Since yesterday the return was always 0 (zero). Fixed. >>> This beta version was compiled with special debug code that will pop error messages where in earlier versions it would just crash. Helps tracking down a crash bug. v23.60.0003 - 2022-09-06 19:43 * SC delete: Now it behaves like pressing DEL on Paper Folders. When the List is a showing Paper Folder and "On Delete Remove Items from Paper Folder" is ON these will behave like pressing DEL now and remove the selected items from the Paper Folder, not from the file system: delete 1, 1, ":list"; //with prompt delete 1, 0, ":list"; //without prompt If the List has the focus, it also work without the ":list" argument: delete 1, 1; //with prompt delete 1, 0; //without prompt + SC confirm enhanced. Now you can specify the icon in the buttons parameter (now called buttons_icons). The same is already supported by SC msg. Syntax: confirm(text, [linebreaker="
"], [default_button=1], [buttons_icons=1]) buttons_icons: (bit field) Defines what buttons and icons to show in the dialog: 0: [Default] Only one button, "Ok". 1: Two buttons, "Ok" and "Cancel". When you press "Cancel", the script execution will end there (useful for confirmations). 16: Critical 32: [Default] Question 48: Exclamation (sic: 16 + 32, MS invented that) 64: Information Example: echo confirm("Click Yes if you like this dialog.", , , 4+64); //information icon ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts | Main Contents: Fonts like "Segoe UI Semibold" could not be preselected, it only worked for the weights "Regular" and "Bold". Fixed. v23.60.0002 - 2022-09-06 11:04 * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0198. ! Paper Folders: Visual glitch after info bar context menu call. Fixed. ! Custom Copy: After canceling a single-item job at the overwrite prompt, the final dialog reported "Custom Copy Completed" instead of "Custom Copy Canceled". Fixed. ! Custom Copy: If you have a tagged file and you move it and there is a collision, if you apply one of the affix/suffixes in the dialog, the tags still get moved over to the original destination filename. Since 20211127. Fixed. v23.60.0001 - 2022-09-05 11:13 + File Attributes: Added 4 new file attributes to the attributes that can be shown in the "Attr" column, and filtered/searched using the "attr:" and "attrlist:" selectors, and returned by . Nick Name Full Name Value Letter - Integrity FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INTEGRITY_STREAM 0x8000 M - Virtual FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL 0x10000 V - NoScrub FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NO_SCRUB_DATA 0x20000 X - RecallOpen FILE_ATTRIBUTE_RECALL_ON_OPEN 0x40000 K Note that these new attributes are NOT shown on the Properties tab or on the Attributes tab (Find Files). There is no space left. Nevertheless they can be used in filters and searches. For example, (Visual Filters, Color Filters, Quick Search): attr:K = RecallOpen attribute set attrlist:KUL = RecallOpen AND Unpinned AND Recall attribute set * Hover Box: Now it will attempt to show the textual contents of any file that appears to be a text file, regardless of the file name. % Tree and List: Now you can activate the app (bring it to the foreground) by clicking onto selected item *without* triggering a slow double-click (which usually opens the inline rename box). Solution #2. Better. ! Special Properties | #image.datetaken: A Boolean expression like this: prop:#image.datetaken: >= 4/9/2007 AND prop:#image.datetaken: <= 4/9/2012 ... could fail with error 13 (Type Mismatch). Fixed. v23.60.0000 - 2022-09-02 18:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ This is a BIG maintenance release. Numerous minor fixes and improvements have been made since the last major release. +++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of PJ Harvey. .......... XYplorer ver 23.50 ..................................................... v23.50.0307 - 2022-09-02 14:17 % Tree and List: Now you can activate the app (bring it to the foreground) by clicking onto selected item *without* triggering a slow double-click (which usually opens the inline rename box). ! Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Sort | Sort filenames by base: Fix #2. v23.50.0306 - 2022-09-01 19:42 ! Thumbnails: Error 13 (Type mismatch) possible. Reasons still vague. Might be fixed. If not then the next error message will help. ! Locked Mini Tree: Under certain conditions the startup path could become part of a locked Mini Tree. Fixed. ! Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Sort | Sort filenames by base: If ticked the sort order of folders and files with the same base could be undefined (almost chaotic). Fixed. v23.50.0305 - 2022-09-01 16:26 * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.152. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.152.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 * Updated the help file. ! Color Filters: Text color not drawn in sub details columns on switches f and b. Fixed. v23.50.0304 - 2022-08-31 20:01 + Special Properties | #image.datetaken: Now it supports comparison operators (>, >=, <=, >), which means you can define date ranges in your searches. Examples: prop:#image.datetaken: >= 4/9/2007 //match all photos taken on or after that date prop:#image.datetaken: <= 4/9/2012 //match all photos taken on or before that date //match all photos taken between those two dates: prop:#image.datetaken: >= 4/9/2007 AND prop:#image.datetaken: <= 4/9/2012 * Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Custom items in shell context menu: Now the descriptions that appear in the status bar when you hover over the menu items are shown with the first letter in upper case and with a trailing period. v23.50.0303 - 2022-08-31 12:12 * SC WriteFile: Added two parameters to control the position and length of the data written to the file. Syntax: writefile(filename, data, [on_exist], [mode], [start=1], [numbytes=-1]) start: Start writing at this byte position. Defaults to 1 which is the very beginning. Note: Writing here is always overwriting, not inserting! numbytes: Write this number of bytes. Defaults to -1 which means: write everything passed in the data argument. Example: writefile(, "abc", , , 3, 2); //writes "ab" at pos 3 to the currently selected file * Searching for Date Properties: Now the comparison got smarter. When the pattern has no time part then only the day part is compared, when the pattern has no seconds then only the minutes are compared. Also the pattern now can be stated in the local date format, or in ISO 8601. Here are some Quick Search terms: prop:#image.datetaken:2005-06-28 //will match 2005-06-28 19:51:58 (and any other time on that day) prop:#image.datetaken:6/28/2005 //will match 2005-06-28 19:51:58 (and any other time on that day) prop:#image.datetaken:6/28/2005 07:51 PM //will match 2005-06-28 19:51:58 (and any other second in that minute) ! Special Properties: On AM/PM systems the special property #image.datetaken returned ISO format for PM times, and the regional format for AM times. Fixed: Now #image.datetaken returns ISO format for all times, and regardless of the regional date settings. This greatly simplifies handling in scripting. Example: echo ; //returns ISO format, e.g. 2010-07-03 02:02:27 ! Paper Folders: Duplicate items were possible due to different letter case. Fixed. v23.50.0302 - 2022-08-30 20:07 + Scripting | For Loops: Now nested For loops are supported: For example, these nested For loops: for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { for ($j = 1; $j <= 3; $j++) { echo "$i.$j"; } } ... are internally converted to these nested While loops: $i = 1; while ($i <= 3) { $j = 1; while ($j <= 3) { echo "$i.$j"; $j++; } $i++; } + Scripting | For Loops: Now the For loops can contain other control structures, for example: for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { if ($i % 2 == 0) { echo $i; } } v23.50.0301 - 2022-08-30 14:45 + Scripting: Added experimental support for For loops. For loops can be thought of as shorthand for While loops, and that's how they're supported now: For loops are internally converted to While loops. If you step through your scripts, you'll see that. For example, this For loop: for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { echo $i; } ... is internally converted to this While loop: $i = 1; while ($i <= 3) { echo $i; $i++; } ! Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Cache path | Clear...: Did not kill the new *.ini files yet. Did not kill "XYThumbs.txt" yet. Raised error 70 (Permission denied) when the cache was currently active (thumbnails showing). All fixed. ! Info Panel | Find Files | Dupes: The captions of the bold checkboxes were chopped off on certain font settings. Fixed. v23.50.0300 - 2022-08-29 17:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.50.0213 - 2022-08-29 16:20 - unpublished ! Hover Box: Word wrap indicator disappeared when scrolling to the bottom. Fixed. v23.50.0212 - 2022-08-29 09:40 + Hover Box: When viewing text content, the status area now shows a "Leftwards Arrow with Hook" (U+21A9) in the right bottom corner when word wrap is enabled. ! Windows Version: Version detection for Windows 10 and later was out of sync with Microsoft's crazy development of a versioning system that's as messy as possible. Fixed. For example: - OLD: Windows 10 Professional, 64-bit, Release 2009, Build 17134.1706 (6.4), .NET v4.8.04084 - NEW: Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit, Version 21H1, Build 19043.1706 (6.4), .NET v4.8.04084 v23.50.0211 - 2022-08-28 11:15 + Hover Box: Added tweak to exclude certain file types (identified by extension) from the Hover Box. Extensions are separated by . (dot), for example: HoverBoxSkipExt=txt.wim ! Hover Box: Since 20220806, text content could skip a line when word wrapping was enabled. Fixed. ! Floating Preview: Toggle Zoom (G) did not work with "Zoom to Fit" enabled. Fixed. ! SC zip_list2: Returned superfluous prefixes on filenames. Fixed. ! SC zip_extract: When WinRAR/7z is used as extractor and a single item filename with spaces is passed it needed to be extra-quoted: zip_extract(, , """a b.txt"""); Fixed. No more extra-quotes needed: zip_extract(, , "a b.txt"); //OK with both rar/7z and zipfldr v23.50.0210 - 2022-08-27 12:27 + Floating Preview | Context Menu: Added toggle "Zoom by Wheel" (Y). - If ticked then Wheel zooms in and out, and Ctrl+Wheel browses through the files. - If unticked then Ctrl+Wheel zooms in and out, and Wheel browses through the files. The new factory default (not for upgraders) is ticked. The Windows image preview does it, too. ! Floating Preview: LMB-panning an enlarged preview did not work anymore with "Zoom to Fit" enabled. Fixed. ! Extended Shell Properties: Could trigger an unwanted error message. Fixed. ! Custom Toolbar Buttons: Since 20220818 SC button would not work anymore from a CTB. Fixed. v23.50.0208 - 2022-08-26 21:22 + SC property enhanced: Added argument "#Attr" to return the file attributes of an item in the usual letter format. #Attr = File Attributes as Letters, e.g. "AI" or "DJI" Examples: text property("#Attr"); //defaults to current list item text property("#Attr", "E:\Test\funstuff\goodfellas.jpg"); Also available as variable: text ; //case doesn't matter - Undid this change from v23.50.0006 - 2022-08-11 21:10: ! Hard Links: Retrieving the number of Hard Links did not work correctly with junctions (they were always shown as having zero Hard Links). Now the returns refer to the number of Hard Links of the target paths of the junctions. Shitty idea, and the statement is wrong too. Forget it. v23.50.0207 - 2022-08-26 17:52 % Floating Preview: Resizing the preview window with "Zoom to Fit" enabled is now ultra-smooth. ! Floating Preview: Since the v23.50.0203 "Zoom to Fit" fix the zoom did not work anymore when "Zoom to Fit" was enabled. Fixed. ! MLS: Some menu items remained untranslated when their keyboard shortcut was removed. Fixed. ! Color Filters: Since they are cached in the list, adding or removing drives was missing a necessary cache refresh. Fixed. ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Visible time in milliseconds: Change was not applied to tips for clipped tree and list items. Fixed. v23.50.0206 - 2022-08-26 09:41 + Catalog: Added another value to tweak CatalogFlags (bit field): 16: Left single-click expands/collapses categories. * Info Panel | Find Files | Name & Location | Find hidden: Now it also ignores any active Ghost Filter. ! Encrypted Items Icon Overlays: Now the overlays are also shown for Custom File Icons (Win 10 and later). v23.50.0205 - 2022-08-25 19:28 + Toolbar | Random Order: Now the button's context menu features the toggle "Include Folders". Tick it to also shuffle the folders. This setting also affects the command "View | Sort By | Random Order". ! List Icons: Re-did and improved my own fix attempts. v23.50.0203 - 2022-08-25 12:36 ! SC unset: Since 20220815, unsetting a variable that didn't exist (so unset was totally unnecessary) resulted in that variable actually being created. Fixed. ! Floating Preview: "Zoom to Fit" did not work anymore. Fixed. ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Templates | Status Bar: Fixed various issues. ! List Icons: Looks like they fixed it. Undid my own fix attempts. ! SC exists: Did not support items on portable devices. Fixed. v23.50.0202 - 2022-08-24 19:42 ! List Icons: Icons no longer work in the latest Win 11 versions. Now it should also be fixed for files. Fix #2. v23.50.0201 - 2022-08-24 17:42 ! List Icons: Icons no longer work in the latest Win 11 versions. A fix from MS is not in sight, nor is there any documentation. So I'm shooting in the dark here. Fix #1. v23.50.0200 - 2022-08-23 21:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.50.0103 - 2022-08-23 17:07 ! List | Color Filters: Since caching the color was not immediately refreshed after a rename. Fixed. v23.50.0102 - 2022-08-23 13:55 * SC hash enhanced. Now you can have Unicode strings converted to UTF8 first. This should be the way to go for Unicode strings, although it's difficult to find authoritative information about it. Syntax: hash([algo="md5"], [string], [flags]) flags: (bit field) 4 = Convert Unicode strings to UTF8 before hashing. Remarks: While Flag 4 is probably the way to go, it's not being made the default because it would break old code. Example: text hash("md5", "李振藩", 0); //0d1b08c34858921bc7c662b228acb7ba = probably incorrect text hash("md5", "李振藩", 4); //5f5f4736a7c75238c23f8c9601c796cf = probably correct * File Info Tips & Hover Box: Now if both compete and SHIFT is held done, the one with "Only while the shift key is held down" wins if there is only one. v23.50.0101 - 2022-08-23 12:16 * Hover Box: Now "Files: " is prefixed to the byte count in a Hover Box on folders. Previously, the bytes info was potentially misleading. ! Thumbnails: The pixel dirt fix from v23.50.0029 lead to unnecessarily small icons under some conditions. Fixed. ! UTF8: The v23.50.0019 fix invalidated some user licenses with Unicode characters in their names. Fixed. ! List: Icon overlays were not shown for encrypted folders (e.g. the EFS padlock icon overlay). Fixed. v23.50.0100 - 2022-08-22 20:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.50.0029 - 2022-08-22 12:53 + SC property #contains: Now on "Accessed Denied" the return value is "X". Example: text property("#contains.*.jpg", "C:\System Volume Information\"); Previously, such folders returned the same values as if they contained no match. ! SC property #contains: Did not work correctly with junctions (they were always shown as if they contained no match). Fixed. Now the returns refer to the target paths of the junctions. ! Thumbnails: In Win 10 (and probably later) folder links showed some pixel dirt below the folder thumbnails. That dirt stemmed from the link arrow overlay. Should be cleaned now. * Updated the help file (apart from Admin Settings and Scripting Arrays which are still in progress). v23.50.0028 - 2022-08-21 15:53 + SC ThumbsConf enhanced: Added field "FolderThumbs" to the "settings" argument: Syntax: thumbsconf([settings="ShowCaption,ZoomToFill,Style,Padding,Transparency, _ ShowIcon,ShowDimensions,OverlayCaption,FolderThumbs"], [separator=","]) settings: FolderThumbs: 0 or 1 or ! (toggle 0/1) = Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails Example: thumbsconf(",,,,,,,,!"); //toggle FolderThumbs + Tab Bars | Context Menu: The right-click on empty menu now features a command "Close this Pane". Does what it says. * Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Resort list immediately after rename: Now this ticked setting will be ignored when the current sort order is manual or random. % Dark Mode: Improved the contrast of the Size Circles and Size Bars. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0197. ! List: Icon overlays were not shown for encrypted files (e.g. the EFS padlock icon overlay). Fixed. ! Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: LNKs to folders did not obey. Fixed. ! Links Folder: Did not list links with non-lowercase extension (e.g. *.LNK). Fixed. ! List | Color Filters: Since they are cached (v23.50.0024 - 2022-08-18 17:40) a list update was sometimes missing. Fixed. v23.50.0027 - 2022-08-20 12:38 + SC sysicons enhanced (not in Help because it's just for debugging and curiosity): Now it can get and display system icons for a specific file item in different ways. You can pass a specific file: sysicons "E:\Text\Text.txt", 1, 1; sysicons , 1, 1; sysicons , 1, 1; You can also pass a generic file spec: sysicons "*.txt", 1, 1; The first three points are always the same because otherwise they are difficult to reference. CFI are turned off and on during the process. Original state is restored. FYI, the 2nd parameter controls the icon size in the returned listing. The 3rd parameter just turns on this new feature. v23.50.0026 - 2022-08-19 21:25 ! Admin Settings | Managed Tree: Some "Custom items in shell context menu", e.g. "Hide Folder from Tree", should only be available for items *below* those items that are allowed. Done. ! Scripting: Constants (true, false), hex numbers (0xABCEDF12) and binary numbers (0b11111111) stopped cooperating since 20220816. Fixed. ! List | Permanent Custom Sort Order: It could get lost after dropping items on a ZIP file. Fixed. v23.50.0025 - 2022-08-19 11:15 + Admin Settings: Added a way to read the admin settings from a file other than Admin.ini. Add this section to the beginning of Admin.ini (the path is an example): [Redirect] Path=\\ANDROMEDA_CORP\XYplorer\AdminCentral.ini If this key is found, and if the file exists and can be read, the rest of this Admin.ini file is ignored and all admin settings are read from the new file. This allows managing a multi-user setup from one central location. + Startup Settings: Added a way to read the startup settings from a file other than Startup.ini. Add this section to the beginning of Startup.ini (the path is an example): [Redirect] Path=\\ANDROMEDA_CORP\XYplorer\StartupCentral.ini If this key is found, and if the file exists and can be read, the rest of this Startup.ini file is ignored and all startup settings are read from the new file. This allows managing a multi-user setup from one central location. + Admin Settings: Added a way to hide and disallow updating (and checking for updates) to a new version from within the app: eAPDisallow_Update = 32768 In the "Admin.ini" file (located where "XYplorer.exe" is) add the following: [Settings] Profile=32768 It will also hide and ignore the setting of "Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Check for updates on startup". * Admin Settings | Managed Tree: Some "Custom items in shell context menu", e.g. "Hide Folder from Tree", are now available for those items that are allowed. ! Admin Settings | Managed Tree: If none of the allowed locations are actually available, the Tree could be fully expanded (although none of the locations could be listed in the file list). Fixed. Now the tree is not expandable in that case. v23.50.0024 - 2022-08-18 17:40 %%% List | Color Filters: Now the List colors derived from Color Filters are cached (in memory). Depending on your color filters (shell properties and folder contents are particularly heavy) this will reduce the work drastically (energy, time, and wear), especially noticeable when scrolling large lists, in some cases even when moving the mouse across the list, in fact every time the list is drawn (and that happens a lot). Now caching is a risky business as the cache needs to be aware of changes in order not to become stale. Might take a little while until it's all perfect. FYI, the Tree has been doing this type of caching for 9 years now. ! Preview Pane: In a specific layout, resizing the preview pane by dragging the splitter also resized the catalog pane (since 20220610). Fixed. ! Folder Thumbnails: Did not work as they should when the candidate files had upper case extensions. Fixed. ! Buttons In Catalog: Left-clicking a Button In Catalog that pops a menu showed the menu at the toolbar button instead of at the mouse position. Fixed. v23.50.0022 - 2022-08-18 11:40 + Scripting | Foreach: Now Flag "e" (skip empty) is also supported when looping associative arrays. Example: $a = array("name" => "pussy", "color" => "", "legs" => "4"); foreach($a as $key => $value, "e") { $b[$i] = "$key: $value"; $i++; } text implode($b,,", "); //name: pussy, legs: 4 * List | Information Bars | Context Menu: Normalized the command captions. Now they are the same as in the main menu. ! Configuration | General | Safety Belts, Network | Safety Belts | Confirm delete operations: Showed a misleading prompt when deleting a junction. In more recent Windows version (probably from Win8 onwards), deleting junction (thankfully!) does not delete the junction target anymore. Fixed: The new prompt reflects that new behavior. ! Buttons In Catalog: Since 20220206 if a Custom Toolbar Button popped a menu it showed up at the toolbar button instead of at the mouse position. Fixed. ! Buttons In Catalog: Right-clicking the icon of a Button In Catalog showed the menu at the toolbar button instead of at the mouse position. Fixed. ! Buttons In Catalog: A Custom Toolbar Button with a text icon did not work from the Catalog. Fixed. v23.50.0020 - 2022-08-17 19:28 ! Scripting | Foreach: The normal Foreach loop did not work anymore since v23.50.0019. Fixed. v23.50.0019 - 2022-08-17 18:12 + Scripting got a new function. Name: Explode Action: Maps a list onto an array. Syntax: explode($array, list, [separator="|"], [flags]) $array: Bare variable name of the array (no square brackets). list: List of items separated by separator. separator: Separator of received list items. Defaults to |. flags: e = skip empty return: Number of items in the array. Examples: explode($a, "a,b,c", ","); echo $a[0]; //a explode($a, "a,,c", ","); echo implode($a); //a||c explode($a, "a,,c", ",", "e"); echo implode($a); //a|c + Scripting got a new function. Name: Implode Action: Maps an array onto a list. Syntax: implode($array, [$list], [separator="|"], [flags]) $array: Bare variable name of the array (no square brackets). $list: Bare variable name of the list. If omitted, the function returns the list. separator: Separator of the returned list items. Defaults to |. flags: e = skip empty return: Number of items in the list, or the list itself if $list is omitted. Examples: explode($a, "a,b,c", ","); $a[1] = "X"; echo implode($a); //a|X|c explode($a, "a,,c", ","); echo implode($a); //a||c explode($a, "a,,c", ","); echo implode($a,,, "e"); //a|c * Scripting | Arrays | Foreach: Now the key variable is set to the numeric index if you do 'foreach($array as $key => $value)' on an non-associative array: $key="FOO"; $a = array("cat", "dog", "bat"); foreach($a as $key => $value) { //always overwrites $key $b[$key] = "$key=$value"; } text implode($b); //0=cat|1=dog|2=bat ! SC utf8encode: Failed with certain inputs, for example: text utf8encode("Грузия"); //Грузия = WRONG! text utf8decode(utf8encode("Грузия")); //�?�?�?зия = WRONG! Fixed: text utf8encode("Грузия"); //Грузия = RIGHT! text utf8decode(utf8encode("Грузия")); //Грузия = RIGHT! v23.50.0018 - 2022-08-17 12:42 + Scripting | Arrays: Now the foreach loop supports associative arrays. General form: foreach($array as $key => $value, [flags]) { statement(s) using $key and $value; } Remarks: - Flag "r" (reverse order) is supported. - Flag "e" (skip empty) is not supported (it is ignored) else keys and values could go out of sync, because keys are never empty. Example: // make associative array $freelancer = array( "name" => "Eric", "email" => "Eric@gmail.com", "age" => 22, "gender" => "male" ); // loop through array foreach($freelancer as $key => $value) { echo "$key: $value"; } FYI: If you do it with a non-associative array the key variable is not set in foreach but remains whatever it is: $key="KEY"; $a = array("cat", "dog", "bat"); foreach($a as $key => $value) {echo "$key: $value";}; + Scripting | Arrays: You can use array() without any values to completely reset an array: $a = array("cat", "dog"); $a = array(); echo $a[0]; //$a[0] After "$a = array();" the variable $a is an array with zero elements: $a = array("cat", "dog"); $a = array(); echo count($a); //0 The root variable is not affected: $a = "I am Groot!"; $a = array(); echo $a; //I am Groot! * SC array_count: Renamed it to count. Just more standard. Changed the return values for "no array" and "no variable" to something that's probably easier to code and more international. Name: Count Action: Retrieves the number of elements of an array. Syntax: count(variable) variable: Bare variable name of the array (no square brackets). return: Count of elements. If variable is no array: -1. If variable does not exist: -2. Examples: $a = array("Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"); $b = "b"; echo count($a); //3 $a = array("Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"); $b = "b"; echo count($b); //-1 (no array) $a = array("Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"); $b = "b"; echo count($c); //-2 (no variable) $a[5] ="cat"; echo count($a); //6 (they first 5 elements have been silently created) * Scripting | Arrays: Now you can refer to an element in an associative array also by its index if you happen to know it: $a["pussy"]="cat"; echo $a[0]; //cat v23.50.0017 - 2022-08-16 20:10 + Scripting | Arrays: Now the foreach loop supports arrays. The syntax is a bit different from the old token-list loop syntax: General form token-list (still valid): foreach($variable, ListOfTokens, [separator="|"], [flags], [MsgOnEmpty]) { statement(s) using $variable; } Example: // foreach token in list foreach($token, "moon,sun,venus", ",") { echo $token; } The new value-array loop is closer to how it's done in PHP: General form value-array: foreach($array as $value, [flags]) { statement(s) using $value; } Examples: // foreach value in array $a = array("cat", "dog", "bat"); foreach($a as $value) { echo $value; } Reversing the order is supported: // foreach value in array, reversed order $a = array("cat", "dog", "bat"); foreach($a as $value, "r") { echo $value; } Skipping empty items is also supported: // foreach value in array, reversed order and skipping empty items $a = array("cat", "", "bat"); foreach($a as $value, "re") { echo $value; } + Scripting | Arrays: Now the index can be a complex expression: $n = 4; $a[$n+4] = $n * 4; echo $a[$n+4]; //16 $b[0] = "pus"; $b[1] = "sy"; $a[$b[0] . $b[1]] = "cat"; echo $a[$b[0] . $b[1]]; //cat % Scripting: Had an idea for a little performance booster. Especially notable with arrays. v23.50.0016 - 2022-08-16 13:09 + Scripting | Arrays: Globals arrays were poorly done. Revised version: "_Initialize" global $a[]; $a = "I am Groot!"; //root variable $a[0] = "Hi!"; $a[1] = "Bye!"; "Say Hi" global $a[]; echo $a[0]; "Say Bye" global $a[]; echo $a[1]; "_Terminate" global $a[]; echo $a; + Scripting: Added special function array() to populate arrays. Non-existing arrays are created, dimensioned and populated, existing arrays are redimensioned and overwritten. $a = array("cat", "dog"); echo $a[0]; $a = array("dog"); echo $a[0]; //cat, dog Notes: - You can only pass literal strings as values, not variables. Values are separated by commas. - The values can be in double quotes (which will be removed), or also without quotes (fine if you are not using any commas or flanking spaces within the values): $a = array(cat, dog); echo $a[0]; - The values can also be in single quotes but those will not be removed. - If you like you can append [] to the variable, it makes no difference: $a[] = array("cat", "dog"); echo $a[0]; - The values are added to the array in the order they are listed, starting with element [0]. - So far the indexed arrays, but you can also populate associative arrays using array(): $name = array("cat" => "pussy", "dog" => "rex"); echo $name["cat"]; //pussy General syntax: ... = array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2") Again, you can get away with stripping the quotes and the spaces: $name = array(cat=>pussy,dog=>rex); echo $name["dog"]; //rex + Scripting got a new function. Name: array_count Action: Retrieves the number of elements of an array. Syntax: array_count(variable) variable: Bare variable name of the array. Remarks: - If the variable is no array, the function returns "no array". - If the variable does not exist, the function returns "no variable". Example: $a = array("Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"); $b = "b"; echo array_count($a); //3 $a = array("Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"); $b = "b"; echo array_count($b); //no array $a = array("Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"); $b = "b"; echo array_count($c); //no variable $a[5] ="cat"; echo array_count($a); //6 (they first 5 elements have been silently created) v23.50.0015 - 2022-08-15 16:56 + Scripting | Arrays: No new features, but completely rewritten with scalabililty and future in mind. Some rules emerged along the way: - Array elements also work within quotes: $a[0] ="cat"; echo "It is a $a[0]!"; //It is a cat! - If the index or key is invalid the variable is seen just as a bit of text: $a[0] ="cat"; echo "It is a $a[1]!"; //It is a $a[1]! $a["pussy"] ="cat"; echo "It is a $a['fussy']!"; //It is a $a['fussy']! - Also a missing key makes the variable invalid: $a[0] ="cat"; echo "It is a $a[]!"; //It is a $a[]! - Allowed range of elements per array: 0 to 32767 (= 32768 max count for assoc arrays). This limit is arbitrary. I just had to give it some limit. - Array variables and normal variables with the same base name can be used side by side like different variables: $a ="cat"; $a[0] = "dog"; echo $a; echo $a[0]; //"cat", "dog" $a[0] ="cat"; $a = "dog"; echo $a[0]; echo $a; //"cat", "dog" But they share the same perm/global properties, so think of this $a as $a[-1], as just one more place to store a value in. - If you assign a non-first element in a new or smaller indexed array, all previous elements starting with [0] are automatically created (with value ""): $a[1] ="cat"; echo $a[0]; //"" ($a[0] is implicitly created and set to "") $a[0] ="cat"; echo $a[1]; //$a[1] ($a[1] does not exist as variable) - The global command is supported by arrays. Just like with normal variables the global command must be used in the source and the target location (it's weird but I copied that from PHP years ago): "_Initialize" global $a[0] = "Hi!"; global $a[1] = "Bye!"; $a[2] = "Uhm"; //not global, won't work below "Say Hi" global $a[0]; echo $a[0]; //"Hi!" "Say Bye" global $a[1]; echo $a[1]; //"Bye!" "Say Uhm 1" global $a[2]; echo $a[2]; //"" "Say Uhm 2" echo $a[2]; //$a[2] "_Terminate" global $a[1]; echo $a[1]; //"Bye!" - The perm command is not supported by arrays but is simply ignored: Arrays cannot be permanent. - No performance tests have been done yet, but I wouldn't expect miracles. Larger arrays will likely be damn slow. >>> There have been some RADICAL CHANGES in scripting related code. Test with CARE! v23.50.0013 - 2022-08-14 18:54 ! Thumbnails Cache: Fixed some minor things with the recent change. v23.50.0012 - 2022-08-14 16:14 !!! Thumbnails Cache: The cache would not work if Unicode characters were in the cache path (not the cached path!), and that could even result in a crash on start up. Shocking flaw! To make it work I had to completely rewrite the data file structure. The old DAT2 files were binary files and not human readable. The new INI files have the classic INI-file format, are fully Unicode compliant, and can be visually checked easily and even manually edited (though that needs some knowledge and is not really necessary unless you are very bored). The old DAT2 files are still read (so in theory the transition should be smooth), and then killed and replaced by the new INI files whenever the cache is updated. After a while all DAT2 files should be gone. + Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Cache path: Now you can leave the field empty and tick "Resolve cache path from current folder", and your cache files will be right where your cached images are. This did not work before (the cache ended up in the drive root... rubbish). > Remember: You can always retrieve the currently used cache path by this script: echo get("thumbs_cache"); * Tree Context Menus: Two commands renamed to something cooler and more universally applicable: - Hide Folder from Mini Tree -> Hide Folder from Tree - Hide Siblings from Mini Tree -> Hide Siblings from Tree ! Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | For videos as well: Wrong dimensions shown for videos where the dimensions could not be retrieved. Fixed: Now no dimensions are shown in that case. Note that this fix will not work for cached thumbnails, only for freshly made ones. ! Color Filters: Fixed another readability issue related to the p and f and b switches. ! Custom Event Actions: CEA-triggered menus didn't always pop at the mouse pos. Fixed. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.151. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.151.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v23.50.0011 - 2022-08-13 15:12 + Admin Settings: Added a way to define a default profile path in Admin.ini, e.g. (final backslash is optional): [Paths] DefaultProfilePath=C:\XYplorerVirginSetup\ Now, when XY starts and does not find a file XYplorer.ini in its app data path, then the complete contents of C:\XYplorerVirginSetup\ are copied to XY's app data path (it is debug-logged). No questions will be asked on collisions. Then, right after defloration, XY starts with these prepared settings. This function can be very useful in companies. It lets the administrator cleanly define how XYplorer is first launched, and this ability extends to ALL settings out there (even the thumbnail cache could be prefilled). And as you know, there are many. ! Admin Settings | Managed Tree: Fixed various glitches. ! Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | For videos as well: Wrong dimensions shown for videos where the dimensions could not be retrieved. Tried an air fix. v23.50.0009 - 2022-08-13 10:52 + Admin Settings | Managed Tree: Now, if bits 1 and 2 of FixedMiniTree are set (FixedMiniTree=3), the "Fixed Mini Tree" turns into a "Managed Tree" which is a Mini Tree with the following properties: - It only shows the folders allowed by AllowedDirs, DisallowedDirs, and DisallowedDirsExcept. - Within the AllowedDirs, you can freely expand and collapse nodes, add and remove folders, rename folders, drag and drop stuff. These areas are flexible. - Above the AllowedDirs (incl. the AllowedDirs themselves), nothing is allowed. These areas are fixed. ! Tweak TabIPUseCustomColors: Was not yet Dark Mode compatible. Fixed. v23.50.0008 - 2022-08-12 19:34 + Scripting | Arrays: Now the named keys in associative arrays can also be double-quoted, it does not make a difference ATM: $a["pussy"]="cat"; $b="pussy"; echo $a[$b]; //cat $a["pussy"]="cat"; echo $a['pussy']; //cat $a['pussy']="cat"; echo $a["pussy"]; //cat ! Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Backup settings on save: This feature was poorly designed and ultimately buggy. The idea was to always have a backup that is at least 24 hours old (to be able to recover from today's errors). However, what actually happened was that the backup files were overwritten (and therefore lost) by the current fresh data when they were determined to be 24 hours or older. Fixed: Now a backup of every file that is at least 24 hours old is kept in the "24" subfolder of the AutoBackup folder (\AutoBackup\24\). v23.50.0007 - 2022-08-12 14:35 + Admin Settings | Fixed Mini Tree: Now, if bit 2 of FixedMiniTree is set, the loaded Mini Tree auto-adjusts to the allowed locations as specified in AllowedDirs. For example, on this setup in Admin.ini... AllowedDirs=C:|E:\Test|X: FixedMiniTree=3 ... all paths that are not within the allowed branches ("C:", "E:\Test", and "X:") are removed from the Mini Tree and it is ensured that the allowed branches are part of the Mini Tree. + Scripting | Arrays: Now associative arrays are supported. The named keys have to be put in single quotes: $a['pussy']="cat"; $b="pussy"; echo $a[$b]; //cat * Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original image on thumbnail: Renamed it to "Show dimensions of original", to save some space, and it makes more sense since also videos are included. + Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails: Added option "For videos as well" as a suboption of "Show dimensions of original". The main reason to turn it off speed. Retrieving this info can take time. ! Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original: Worked for videos only if "Overlay caption" was enabled. Fixed. Now it works independently of that. ! Color Filters: Fixed another readability issue related to the p and f switches in selected thumbnails. Fixed. ! Video Thumbnails: Error 6 could happen on some systems since 20220806. Tried a fix. ! Hover Box: Photo Data (if you don't see them: press P while the box is showing) were shown without any space since 20211130. Fixed. v23.50.0006 - 2022-08-11 21:10 +++ Scripting: Started adding arrays. It already seems to be working at a basic level: $a[2]="cat"; $b=1; echo $a[$b+$b]; //cat + SC property #Empty and #NoSubs: Now on "Accessed Denied" the return value is "X". Previously, such folders returned the same values as if they were empty. ! SC property #Empty and #NoSubs: Did not work correctly with junctions (they were always shown as empty). Fixed. Now the returns refer to the target paths of the junctions. ! Hard Links: Retrieving the number of Hard Links did not work correctly with junctions (they were always shown as having zero Hard Links). Now the returns refer to the number of Hard Links of the target paths of the junctions. ! Color Filters: Two separate issues related to the p and f switches resulted in wrong colors in dark mode. Fixed. - Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Dark mode: Removed the option "Enable dark mode". Putting it here was a design flaw. The functionality is already present in the main window (View | Views | Dark Mode, and Toolbar button Dark Mode), and that's where it belongs. ! Configuration | Apply button: Did not work well with changing Dark Mode settings. Removing "Enable dark mode" from Configuration fixed that. v23.50.0004 - 2022-08-11 15:15 + Admin Settings: Added a way to completely fix the last saved Mini Tree to its current state: [AccessControl] FixedMiniTree=1 These are the effects of this setting: - The tree will be the last saved Mini Tree, and cannot be turned to a Maxi Tree. - It is locked and the expansion state is locked, both cannot be unlocked. - You cannot drag anything from the tree. - You cannot rename anything in the tree. - View | Mini Tree | - submenu - is gone. - Tools | List Management | Mini Tree... is gone. - Tree changing commands like "Hide Folder from Mini Tree" or "Flatten Folder" are not available anymore. - The "Mini Tree" toolbar button is gone. - SC button "minitree" does not work anymore. - SC loadtree does not work anymore. The Fixed Mini Tree is only useful for picking a location or dropping items in a location. ! Info Tips in Tree: Didn't work correctly on items on Links folder and some other special items (This PC, etc). Fixed. ! Info Tips in Tree: Only worked if "Show tips for clipped tree and list items" was ticked. Fixed. v23.50.0003 - 2022-08-10 19:17 + Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips: Added option "In tree as well". Tick it to show File Info Tips also for the items in the folder tree. FYI, this raises tweak ShowInfoTipTree to UI. + Info Tips in Tree: Now it supports the Extra fields (Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | Extra fields). Of particular interest here is the Color Filter field, which tells you the meaning of the colors you see. + Info Tips in Tree: Now it obeys to "Only while the shift key is held down". v23.50.0002 - 2022-08-10 10:32 + Status Bar: Reordered the right-click menu and added two toggles: - Horizontal Swipe Toggles the Preview Pane - Vertical Swipe Toggles the Info Panel So these recently added mouse functions can now be deactivated at will. The factory default is ON for both, but upgraders need to turn them on themselves. + View | Columns | Grow Name Column (Ctrl+Shift+Numpad Add): In thumbnails, this command now toggles "Overlay Captions". Maybe not very logical given the command's name, but since Autosize Columns Now (Ctrl+Numpad Add) is abused in a similar way (since v14.50.0308 - 2014-11-17), it's easy to remember. Previously, this command just did nothing when used in Thumbnails views. + Tree: Added tweak to show standard shell file info tips for tree folders when you hover the caption: ShowInfoTipTree=1 The contents are controlled by "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | Select Standard Fields..." just like in the file list. Will add Color Filter info later, which is the main reason for adding this. Setting will go to UI later. ! Overlaid Thumbnail Captions: Links to folders showed the thumbnail filename instead of the folder name as the caption. Fixed. ! Status Bar: After a swipe a Status Bar CEA "Left-click on status bar" could be triggered. Fixed. After a swipe nothing else should happen on MouseUp. v23.50.0001 - 2022-08-09 18:10 + Status Bar: Now you can left-button-drag the Status Bar up/down to open/close the Info Panel. The action is fired when you drag more than 8 pixels vertically. + Status Bar: Now you can left-button-drag the Status Bar left/right to open/close the Preview Pane. The action is fired when you drag more than 8 pixels horizontally. - If "Window | Arrangement | Preview Pane to the Left" is ticked then of course you drag to the right to open the pane, and to the left to close it. - You can undo/redo the last action while the mouse is held down, so you can quickly open and close the Preview Pane by a slick mouse move (or finger move if you have a touch screen). > Status Bar Dragging: The first direction that triggers an action automatically (and intentionally) disables the other direction, so you can't do both actions in one diagonal move. It's better like this, I made lots of tests. * Configuration: Various color labels and textboxes will not increase the font size anymore beyond 9 point, especially those on Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors. The larger sizes just looked ugly and broke the layout. v23.50.0000 - 2022-08-08 18:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Overlaid Thumbnail Captions. Thumbnail captions can now be superimposed over the image like subtitles in a movie. Saves space and looks cool. +++ Color-Code Folders by Content. Now color filters can be applied to folders in tree and list depending on what items they contain. .......... XYplorer ver 23.40 ..................................................... v23.40.0013 - 2022-08-08 12:50 + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Selections: Now "XYplorer Classic Style" is the factory default. - List: Undid the change from v23.40.0011. Now tweak ListHighlightFocusedSelection is NOT bound anymore to the setting of "Tools | Customize List | Highlight Focused Item". % Thumbnails: The list does not change the scroll position anymore when you just toggle "Show Captions" (Ctrl+Numpad Add). v23.40.0012 - 2022-08-08 10:09 + Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Overlay caption: Now also items without a thumbnail show the overlaid caption. + Breadcrumb Bars | Context Menu | Paste and Go: Now you can also paste relative paths. They will be resolved relative to the current list path. - Info Panel | Report: Removed the "To Printer..." buttons. The results were just below average. For a good print you need an editor with font options and preview, let alone print options like line height, paper size and margins. That would be overkill for a file manager. * Updated the help file. v23.40.0011 - 2022-08-07 11:46 + Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails: Added option "Overlay caption". Enable it to display the caption on the thumbnail instead of underneath it. This is was yesterday was called "subtitles". Slightly changed the logic, overlays are now bound to "Show Caption" and you cannot have both simultaneously anymore: Show Caption Show Overlay Show normal captions ON OFF Show overlaid captions ON ON Show no caption OFF ON or OFF > Tip: Ctrl+Numpad Add toggles "Show Caption" in thumbnails. * Thumbnail Overlays: Now the overlaid filenames obey to obfuscation level 1 (SC obfuscate). + Folder Sizes: Now you get a final feedback in the Status Bar, e.g. "folder sizes done in 52.5 ms (scanned 22 folders with 64 files)". These stats exclude any cached values, so if everything was cached there will just the time. * List: Since v23.40.0002 - 2022-08-02 12:15 there is a tweak to control whether the focused element within a multi-selection is drawn slightly lighter to make it stand out: ListHighlightFocusedSelection=1 From now on this behavior is also controlled by "Tools | Customize List | Highlight Focused Item". Both need to be ON to make it happen. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.150. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.150.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v23.40.0010 - 2022-08-06 15:04 + Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original image on thumbnail: Now it's also done for videos. + Thumbnails: Added a tweak to customize the subtitle and dimensions overlays. You can define the text color (RRGGBB), the back color (RRGGBB), and opaqueness (0-255), where 0 is fully transparent and 255 is fully opaque. Example for a dark-grey on semi-transparent white overlay: ThumbsOverlaySpecs=333333,FFFFFF,128 The current factory default is FFFFF,000000,80, but you won't see it in the tweak. It is used for each field that's missing in the tweak. More examples: ThumbsOverlaySpecs=,FF0000, //just make the background red ThumbsOverlaySpecs=,,0 //just completely remove the background % Experimentally reduced paint work in the list and hence an erratic flicker when switching list views or using SC thumbsconf. v23.40.0008 - 2022-08-06 12:14 + Thumbnails: Added a tweak (but see SC ThumbsConf below) to overlay the filename on the thumbnail like subtitles in a movie. ShowSubtitles=1 That way you can hide the captions (Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show caption), save screen space, and still see the filenames. - Note that the subtitles are provided only for items that have a thumbnail. - It's done only in the three Thumbnails views, not in Tiles or Details with Thumbs. - The max number of lines is controlled by "Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Caption lines". The overlay height will then adjust to the lines needed. - With small thumbnails and long filenames you will, of course, meet the limits of this concept. - The dimensions on "Show dimensions of original image on thumbnail" are appended to the subtitle in parentheses. + SC ThumbsConf enhanced. Added field "OverlayCaption" to the "settings" argument: Syntax: thumbsconf([settings="ShowCaption,ZoomToFill,Style,Padding,Transparency,ShowIcon,ShowDimensions,OverlayCaption"], [separator=","]) settings: ShowSubtitles: 0 or 1 or ! (toggle 0/1) = Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Overlay caption (PLANNED) Example: thumbsconf(",,,,,,,!"); //toggle OverlayCaption v23.40.0006 - 2022-08-05 20:18 + SC property enhanced: Added argument #contains.[pattern] to return whether a folder contains files matching a simple wildcard pattern. Contains here means: in the 1st level, not within any subfolders. The pattern can contain the wildcards * and ?. Return values: - Folder does not contain matching files: 0 - Folder contains matching files: 1 - Item is not a folder: 2 For example, this would be a Color Filter definition to match all folders in Tree and List that contain a file "desktop.ini" (yes, the pattern can be without wildcards): B:prop:#contains.desktop.ini:1 And this would match all folders containing any JPG files: B:prop:#contains.*.jpg:1 And this would match all folders NOT containing any JPG files: B:prop:#contains.*.jpg:0 Note that you cannot have sequences of patterns: B:prop:#contains.*.jpg;*.png:1 //NOPE, DOES NOT WORK! Instead you have to do it this way: B:prop:#contains.*.jpg:1;B:prop:#contains.*.png:1 //works Of course, it does not have to be Color Filters. In a Quick Search, e.g., this will find all folders containing TXT files: prop:#contains.*.txt:1 And so on. Find Files, Live Filter Box, Visual Filters, Instant Color Filters ... v23.40.0005 - 2022-08-05 10:08 + 32-bit Shell Context Menu: Since 20220729 you could not select a menu item by right-click anymore. Didn't think anyone would care. Well, it's back. Mysteriously (it's clearly not a Windows standard) many users seem to love it. + 64-bit Shell Context Menu: Now also this menu supports right-click selection. That was never possible before. v23.40.0004 - 2022-08-04 12:04 * Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original image on thumbnail: Previously the dimensions were not shown for thumbs that were smaller than 32 pixels in any dimensions. Now the dimensions are shown for all thumbs, no matter how small. Also improved the placement of the dimensions label. ! Color Filters: Property-driven color filters (eg B:prop:#empty:2|s) were not always auto-updated in Tree when necessary. Fixed. ! SC renameitem: Overwriting with flag 8 (Silent overwrite on name collision) did not work for folders, just for files. Fixed. Now it works, but only if the overwritten folder is empty. For example, this will work if the folder "ExistingFolder" is empty: renameitem("ExistingFolder", , 8); //rename selected folder to "ExistingFolder" v23.40.0003 - 2022-08-02 19:22 + Cache Folder Sizes: Added a tweak to control which subfolder sizes are automatically added to the cache while a folder size is calculated. CacheFolderSizesAutoAddFrom=256 //auto-add subfolders containing at least 256 items CacheFolderSizesAutoAddFrom=0 //auto-add all subfolders CacheFolderSizesAutoAddFrom=-1 //do NOT auto-add any subfolders Notes: - This tweak only concerns the levels beyond the first sublevel of the folder being calculated. Subfolders directly below the folder being calculated are always auto-added. - Empty subfolders are never auto-added. - The previously hard-coded value of 256 is now the factory default (and the value for upgraders). The idea here is to limit the size of the cache by only auto-caching larger folders that are actually worth caching. * View | Sort By | Random Order: Now, experimentally, if "Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Sort | Sort folders apart" is enabled then only the order of the files is randomized whereas the other items (folders or drives) are kept on top in alphabetically ascending order. % Special Columns for Hash: These calculations can take a while when dealing with huge files. Now the app will be more responsive while the calculations are in progress and you can stop them instantly at any time by pressing ESC. ! Hamburger: The new prefixed separator syntax failed when it was used in the very first item. Fixed. v23.40.0002 - 2022-08-02 12:15 + Hamburger, SC popupmenu, SC popupnested: A new alternative item syntax is supported, where you can define the item separator per item, and have script items with a custom caption, icon, and mouse-over-status. Defining the separator: If the second character of the item definition is ">" then the first character is the separator. The icon and status fields are optional. These are the three general forms: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Definition Default values for non-defined fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |>caption|::script icon = script icon; status = the script |>caption|::script|icon status = the script |>caption|::script|icon|status ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Or using e.g. / as separator: />caption/::script />caption/::script/icon />caption/::script/icon/status Example definitions as used in Hamburger: |>Green|::tag 4 |>Blue|::tag 5|:labels |>Purple|::tag 6|:labels|make it purple Example for popupnested (here you can pass the separator, no need to prefix it): $menu = << TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.149.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v23.30.0204 - 2022-07-22 12:50 + Configuration | General | Tree and List | List | Cache folder sizes: Added a tweak that allows you to avoid automatic folder size calculation. CachedFolderSizesShowCachedOnly=1 If set to 1 then, if "Cache folder sizes" is ON, only folder sizes already present in the cache are displayed in the list, no automatic (and probably time-consuming) calculation will kick in. Notes: - You still can explicitly trigger a calculation by View | Calculate Folder Sizes (Shift+F5) or by "Refresh Folder Sizes" from the Size Column Context Menu. - If successful the setting will be added to the UI later. * Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: Now the yellow margin is fatter to clearly distinguish a folder thumb from a file thumb. This is expecially helpful where the thumbnail is a perfect square. * Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: Slightly changed the yellow color. * Batch Rename Preview: Now the full path of the original items is shown if they are from different locations. ! SC recase: Title Case was not applied to the component after the last dot even if the "set extensions to lower case" bit was not set. Fixed. v23.30.0203 - 2022-07-21 11:45 + Scripting got a new command. Name: SkipUndo Action: Skips adding actions to the Action Log. Syntax: skipundo [skip=1] skip: 0=don't skip 1=skip [Default] Remarks: - While set to skip, nothing will be added to the Action Log while the script is running. - An action that's not in the Action Log cannot be undone. - It's automatically reset to "don't skip" when the script is done. - If this user setting is OFF then SkipUndo has no effect: Configuration | File Operations | Undo & Action Log | Log actions and enable undo/redo Examples: skipundo; //skip Action Log from now on skipundo 1; //skip Action Log from now on skipundo 0; //stop skipping Action Log from now on ! File | Rename Special | Batch Rename...: Renaming files in different locations to a simple name, e.g. "cover.jpg", resulted in excessive incremental affixes. Fixed. v23.30.0202 - 2022-07-20 12:19 ! List | Special Property Column "Length": The list was not sorted correctly for media with a length >= 1 hour. Fixed. ! Toolbar: Since 20220626, the tooltip of the clipboard buttons "Edit clipboard" and "Paste" no longer showed files on the clipboard. Fixed. ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Clipboard Markers: Since v23.10.0006, when using the 64-bit context menu, clipboard markers were not updated until you refreshed (F5). The graphics of the clipboard toolbar buttons didn't update at all. Fixed. v23.30.0201 - 2022-07-19 13:57 + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Clipboard Markers | Colored lines: Added a tweak to customize the items indent, e.g. set it to zero (no indent): ClipboardMarkersIndent=0 Allowed range is 0 to 16. The new factory default is 5 (pixels); before it was hard 7. ! Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Expand in tree: This option should even work on a locked tree but recently stopped doing so. Fixed. v23.30.0200 - 2022-07-18 18:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. +++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Hollie Cook. v23.30.0104 - 2022-07-18 16:28 - unpublished * Updated the help file. v23.30.0103 - 2022-07-18 09:18 + Scripting got a new function. Name: FileTime Action: Retrieves any of the three filetimes of the specified file. Syntax: filetime([filename], [type="m"]) filename: Full path/name, or relative to current path. Defaults to the current file. type: m: Modified [Default] c: Created a: Accessed return: File date/time in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss). Examples: echo filetime(); //modified date of current file echo filetime("C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe", "c"); * Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: Now image files with the same name as the folder are used for the thumbnail (if no other file wins the bid). This is now the order of precedence when asked which file from within the folder is used for the folder's thumbnail: 1. desktop.ini [ViewState] Logo=[this file] 2. folder.jpg, folder.jpeg, folder.png, or folder.gif (in that order). 3. .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .gif (in that order). 4. The first image file among the alphabetically first 50 files. 5. The first video file among the alphabetically first 50 files. The limitation of only checking 50 files is due to performance reasons (imagine a folder of 50,000 TXT files, we don't want to waste too much time on this). ! Action Log and Undo Button Dropdowns: Some operations would be shown with the wrong path. Fixed. v23.30.0102 - 2022-07-16 15:55 * Paper Folders In Tree: Some minor improvements to the upcoming but still unofficial and incomplete feature. ! View | Tab | Type Stats and Filter...: The popup could get stale on a tab with the same location but different Visual Filter than the previous tab. Fixed. v23.30.0101 - 2022-07-15 14:10 * Configuration | Colors and Styles | Templates | Dropped Messages | Auto-increment filenames on collision: Now this setting is also honored when you copy-n-paste messages, not just when you drag-n-drop them. * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0196. ! Custom Copy: Clicking the X close button during a copy operation crashed the app with error 91. Fixed. ! Paper Folders: With "Explicit Save Only" enabled, on saving a Paper Folder after renaming an item in it, that item was shown with its previous name (or disappeared from the list if Allow Zombies was off). Fixed. > It's upload #5555 :) v23.30.0100 - 2022-07-01 16:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. v23.30.0005 - 2022-07-01 09:45 ! Startup: Implemented a better fix for the v23.30.0004 issue. v23.30.0004 - 2022-06-30 22:01 !!! Startup: Since v22.30.0210 - 2021-10-25 12:05, the combination of unticked "View | Show Items | Show Folders in List" AND ticked "View | Lock Tree" would lead to a complete startup failure without any error message. Fixed. v23.30.0003 - 2022-06-30 20:40 * Locked Tree: The default background color is a bit brighter now. ! Locked Tree: The background color did not survive switching to or from dark mode. Fixed. ! List | Size Column | Bars: Since v23.20.0109 - 2022-06-22 15:02, the bars were nearly invisible on Full Row Select with "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Selections" set to "Windows Theme Style". Fixed. v23.30.0002 - 2022-06-30 15:01 ! Address Bar: Since 20220620, special paths entered via the address bar have been unconditionally and unnecessarily converted to real paths. Fixed. ! Tree: since 20220625, the Locked Tree background color could get stuck after unlocking the tree. Fixed. v23.30.0001 - 2022-06-29 17:51 * Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Highlight hovered items: Now the highlight starts 1 pixel from the left edge. Just looks better. ! Find Files: Error 94 (and some internal flags not reset) when searching for generic file type {:Executable} and some others. Fixed. ! Tools | Customize List: The menu disappeared from the menu Tools after being called with Shift+RMB if the main menu was hidden at that moment. Fixed. v23.30.0000 - 2022-06-28 20:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Ordinal Date. The new Ordinal Date option for the date format eliminates the months from the equation and only displays years and days. This makes it easier to estimate a date difference at a glance. For example, today would be "2022-179" (year 2022, day 179). The Ordinal Date format is used by the military in some contexts, so it's safe to assume it has its uses. +++ Preview Pane to the Left. Now you can show the Preview Pane to the left of the file list. The obvious advantage is that the previews then are nearer to the name column, which is where you usually look and click. +++ Duplicate File Finder Can Ignore Numbers. Now it can optionally ignore serial numbers and strings like "Copy of" that are auto-attached by Windows to the name of a file copied in the same place. If "Ignore numbers" is enabled, the file names "Fred.txt", "Fred (1).txt", "Fred (2).txt" and "Fred - Copy (2).txt" are considered duplicates. +++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to "(I'm) Stranded" of The Saints. .......... XYplorer ver 23.20 ..................................................... v23.20.0119 - 2022-06-28 13:00 + Status Bar: Just like with the Breadcrumb Bars, you can now independently customize the font size of the Status Bar by Ctrl+Wheel over the Status Bar. In case you don't have a mouse wheel (or if "Enable zoom by Ctrl+mouse wheel (Fonts)" is disabled) you can tweak it here (note that this value is the actual font size multiplied by 1000): StatusBarFontMilliSize=9000 * Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts | Enable zoom by Ctrl+mouse wheel: Now Ctrl+Wheel anywhere over the Info Panel will modify the "Buttons and Labels" font size. Previously, this modified the "Main Contents" font size. ! Shell Properties: The "File version" property (and hence the "File version" column) did not work in Win10 and later. Fixed. v23.20.0117 - 2022-06-27 11:45 + Scripting got a new function. Name: Font Action: Sets or gets any of the main application fonts. Syntax 1: font([area=m], [name], [size], [bold], [italics]) area: m: Main font [default]. Only this font supports arguments "bold" and "italics". c: Controls font (aka "Buttons and Labels"). e: Editor font. The switches can be combined, e.g. "mc". name: Font name. size: Font size. Either absolute value (fractional values work), or increase or decrease amount prefixed with + or -. bold: Font bold (only for Main font). 0=off, 1=on; [omit]=keep italics: Font italics (only for Main font). 0=off, 1=on; [omit]=keep return: Definition of the current font (before any change). Format: area;name;size;bold;italics Syntax 2: font(definition) definition: ;-separated string of font properties as returned by this function. area;name;size;bold;italics Examples for Syntax 1: text font("m", "Consolas", 12, 0, 1); //set main font to Consolas 12 italics, show old font font(, "Segoe UI", 9, 0, 0); //set main font to the current factory default font("e", , 12); //just change the size of the editor font font("e", , "+2"); //just increase the size of the editor font ("+2" needs the quotes!) font("mce", , 12); //yep, you can even set all 3 areas at once status font(); //just show the current main font in the status bar Examples for Syntax 2: font("m;Consolas;12;0;1"); //set main font to Consolas 12 italics font("m;Segoe UI;9;0;0"); //set main font to the current factory default font("e;Courier New;9.75"); //set editor font name and size font(";Courier New"); //set main font name font(";Courier New;12"); //set main font name and size font(";;12"); //set main font size font(";;+2"); //increase main font size by 2 points font(";;-2"); //decrease main font size by 2 points font(";;;0;0"); //main font turn off bold and italics font("mce;;9"); //yep, you can even set all 3 areas at once v23.20.0116 - 2022-06-26 18:40 ! Tools | Customize List | Date Column Format | Show Weekday: Did not work well together with "Ordinal Date". Fixed. v23.20.0115 - 2022-06-26 14:07 * Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Serial rename by Up and Down keys: Now the caret always tries to keep the original position. Before, the position was forgotten when a shorter filename forced the caret to the left. ! Toolbar: Large tooltips could flicker depending on the font size. Tried a fix. ! SC selfilter: Didn't work with custom/prop/special columns captions. Fixed. v23.20.0114 - 2022-06-25 16:58 % Tree: Now the lines color auto-adjusts to changes of the tree background color to ensure that the lines are always discernible. * Window | Arrangement | Preview Pane Left: Renamed it to "Preview Pane to the Left". * Updated the help file. v23.20.0113 - 2022-06-24 18:21 - Tools | Customize List | Date Column Format | (Zodiac): Removed the Zodiac date format added in v3.60.0024 - 2004-09-04 12:44. I've never heard of anyone using it anyway. Which is a good sign (pun intended). ! CEA: The "Changing Locations | After painting the file list" event was not fired on creating a new tab from a Search Results or Branch View tab whereas it was fired when doing this from a normal tab. Fixed. Now it's fired on all of those events. v23.20.0112 - 2022-06-24 11:22 + Duplicate File Finder | Ignore Numbers: Now it also ignores strings that are auto-attached by Windows to the name of a file copied in the same place, e.g. "Copy of " or " - Copy". It also ignores any accompanying serial numbers, e.g. "Copy (3) of " or " - Copy (3)". FYI, these templates apparently can be modified here (probably from Win 7 onwards)(did not try): HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\NamingTemplates\CopyNameTemplate However, currently XY does not read this registry setting but works with the Windows defaults (in English, German, French, Spanish; more on request). For example, all of these names are considered identical, namely "Fred.vcf": Copy (2) of Fred.vcf Copy of Fred.vcf Fred - Copy (2).vcf Fred - Copy (3).vcf Fred - Copy (99999).vcf Fred - Copy.vcf Fred - Kopie (4).vcf Fred(1) - Copy.vcf Fred(1).txt Fred(1).vcf Fred(2) - Copy.vcf Fred(2).vcf Fred(3) - Copy.vcf Fred(4) - Copy.vcf Fred.vcf Kopie (2) von Fred.vcf Note that the presence of the word "copy" is not mandatory for extended ignore; also these are now considered identical (which is really nice): Gustavo.zip Gustavo (1).zip And these: Gustavo.txt Gustavo-01.txt Gustavo-02.txt v23.20.0111 - 2022-06-23 19:36 ! Duplicate File Finder: Alternate group coloring was not perfect yet in dark mode. Fixed. v23.20.0110 - 2022-06-23 09:45 * Duplicate File Finder: Now the dupe groups in the results list are distinguished by slightly different, alternating background colors. ! List | Extended Multi-Selection By Keyboard: Fixed another inconsistency with File Explorer. ! File | Rename Special | Batch Rename...: The Rename Preview could crash if in rename was done in Branch View. Fixed. v23.20.0109 - 2022-06-22 15:02 + Tools | Customize List | Date Column Format: Added "Ordinal Date" as a new date format option. Today would be "2022-173" ([year]-[number of day of the year]). Eliminates the moon from the equation (or the months, which are just pseudo-moons anyway) and makes it easier to estimate the date difference at a glance. The format "yyyy-ddd" is actually part of ISO 8601. It seems to be used by the military in some contexts, so it's safe to assume it has its uses. > List | Extended Multi-Selection By Keyboard: Revised and simplified the code. Should work just like before. * List | Size Column | Circles / Bars: Improved visibility in selected items on Full Row Select with "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Selections" set to "XYplorer Classic Style". * Duplicate File Finder | Ignore numbers: The previous logic returned too many dupes. Now the amount of digits is also important. - "Fred(1).txt" and "Fred(2).txt" -> dupes - "1979.png" and "2022.png" -> dupes - "1979.png" and "20200103015144244.png" -> NOT dupes ! Duplicate File Finder: A cached dupes search did not show the correct number of groups in the status bar. Fixed. v23.20.0108 - 2022-06-21 12:28 + Breadcrumb Bars | Context Menu: Added option "Resolve Junctions". Tick it to resolve junctions when navigating via Breadcrumb Bars. Then when you click a path component that is a junction, or go to one via one of the arrow dropdowns, you will be taken to the target of that junction. FYI, this makes optional what was hard-changed in v22.10.0101 - 2021-08-17 13:43. + Breadcrumb Bars | Context Menu of Components: Now if the component is a junction, the menu offers the command "Copy Junction Target". ! List: Extended multi-selection by keyboard. Fixed another glitch. v23.20.0107 - 2022-06-20 12:49 + SC EditConf: Now it also handles files with newlines other than CRLF. ! List: Extended multi-selection by keyboard did not work as in File Explorer. Fixed. Now it works like this (pivot is the last explicitly selected single item by Ctrl+Click or Ctrl+Space): - Shift+Space: Select all from the last pivot to here; remove all other selections. - Ctrl+Shift+Space: Select all from the last pivot to here; keep all other selections. ! SC inputselect: Since 20220609 the Live Filter Box partially covered the OK button in very narrow windows. Fixed. ! Configuration | General | Controls & More | Miscellaneous | Resolve junctions: Did not work for special paths (aka virtual paths), e.g. "[user]\OneDrive". Fixed. v23.20.0106 - 2022-06-17 20:03 + Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find: Added option "Skip single spaces". Enable it (it's actually the factory default) to keep the default functionality of the spacebar in the List: to select the currently focused item when it is not selected. To make the spacebar work like any other key in Type Ahead Find, uncheck the option. As the name suggests, it only affects single spaces. Within a fast-typed string of letters, spaces work like any other key, e.g. "y " or " y". FYI, this raises tweak TAFSkipSingleSpaces to GUI. ! Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find | Enable type ahead find: If disabled selecting the currently focused item with the spacebar did not work. Fixed. v23.20.0105 - 2022-06-17 11:12 + Duplicate File Finder: Added option "Ignore numbers", mainly meant to ignore serial numbers when searching for Dupes by Name. This first experimental approach to the problem will simply ignore all numbers (0 - 9) in a filename when comparing it to the other filenames. As a result, for example, the files "Fred(1).txt" and "Fred(2).txt" are seen as dupes, but also "1979.png" and "20200103015144244.png". I personally find the results surprisingly meaningful. v23.20.0104 - 2022-06-14 14:47 + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters: Now the effects of the switches f (frame) and b (bold frame) are implemented in the filter listing. A little WYSIWYG. ! List: If there is more than one selection, the focused should be a bit brighter than the others. This did not work anymore in all contexts. Fixed. v23.20.0103 - 2022-06-13 18:38 ! Edit | Select | Toggle Selection: Whoops, bug. Fixed. v23.20.0102 - 2022-06-13 18:29 + Edit | Select: Added toggle command "Toggle Selection", default keyboard shortcut is INS (upgraders have to assign it manually). It toggles the selection of the focused list item (the list has to be in focus as well). Note that multi-selection is supported: Any other selections are not automatically unselected. So functionally it's identical to the hard-built-in Windows standard shortcut Ctrl+Space. + Window | Arrangement: Added toggle command "Preview Pane on the Left". Tick it to show the Preview Pane to the left of the List. * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.148. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.148.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648 v23.20.0101 - 2022-06-12 18:52 + Help | List All Commands...: Now there are column headers and a grid. + SC get("dimensions"): Changed and enhanced. Now the following placeholders are supported in the template: Syntax: get("dimensions", [file], [template="%w% x %h%"]) template: Format of the returned string. Supports the following variables: %w% = width %h% = height %r% = aspect ratio term, e.g. "1:2" (CHANGED, was %a% before!) %rq% = aspect ratio quotient, e.g. "0.5" %a% = area raw, e.g. "1048576" %af% = area formatted or friendly, e.g. "1,048,576" Defaults to "%w% x %h%". Examples, using the syntax: text ; //1200 x 1600 text ; //1200 x 1600 [3:4] text ; //ratio=0.75 echo ; //1920000 echo ; //1,920,000 square pixels ! Custom Columns: Mixed type columns incorrectly displayed some internal data used to sort by dimensions and aspect ratio, since the latter recently learned how to sort properly. Fixed. Now "Mixed" columns don't support this particular sorting anymore. It is rather meaningless for "Mixed" columns anyway. ! SC copytext: Default linebreaker
did not work anymore since 20220603. Fixed. v23.20.0100 - 2022-06-11 18:00 = MAINTENANCE RELEASE. +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements. +++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Djo Music. v23.20.0006 - 2022-06-11 17:19 - unpublished ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Point to select: Did not select when moving to caption via icon. Fixed. v23.20.0005 - 2022-06-11 11:21 * Configuration | Preview | Preview | Text preview | Display Tabs as spaces: Now if you select a number other than 0, the TAB characters will not simply be replaced with that number of spaces, they will be expanded in the correct way to form vertically aligned columns. Example for tab width = 4: Input (> = TAB): >a>ab>abc>abcd>abcde>abcdef>abcdefg Columns: 1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---A---B---C--- Output (. = SPACE): ....a...ab..abc.abcd....abcde...abcdef..abcdefg v23.20.0003 - 2022-06-10 20:36 ! Preview Pane: Fixed some more layout glitches with the new position. ! Tweak UnitBytes had stopped working around 20211116. Fixed. ! Mouse Down Blow Up: Could make the app hang when done an archive file. Fixed. Now MDBU shows the beginning of the file in hex format. v23.20.0002 - 2022-06-10 14:34 ! Preview Pane: Fixed some layout glitches with the new position. v23.20.0001 - 2022-06-09 20:18 + Preview Pane: Experimentally added the option to show the Preview Pane to the left of the file list instead of to the right. The obvious advantage is that the previews then are nearer to the Name column, which is where you usually look and click. To toggle the position hold CTRL while using the command "Window | Arrangement | Live Filter Box in Status Bar". Later it will get its own command, of course. + SC get got a new named argument "dimensions" by which you can retrieve the dimensions and/or aspect ratio of an image or video file. Syntax: get("dimensions", [file], [template="%w% x %h%"]) file: The file. Defaults to the currently focused file. template: Format of the returned string. Supports the following variables: %w% = width, %h% = height, %a% = aspectratio. Defaults to "%w% x %h%". return: Dimensions and/or aspect ratio, depending on the template. Examples, using variable syntax: text ; //720 x 480 // note the two spaces where the "file" argument is omitted! text ; //720 x 480 [3:2] Examples, using script syntax: text get("dimensions"); //720 x 480 text get("dimensions", , "%w% x %h% [%a%]"); //720 x 480 [3:2] % Tabs: Smoother switch to a tab where the focused file will be previewed. Now the list is first painted, then the preview is fired. * Type Ahead Find: Now a single Space will by factory default select the focused list item. To make Space work in TAF just like any other key, use this tweak: TAFSkipSingleSpaces=0 FYI, this changes the default behavior introduced in v22.10.0103 - 2021-08-19 13:27. I decided to go with the expected standard. Muscle memory rules. ! Live Filters and Visual Filters: Since 20220527 any trailing or leading spaces in filter patterns were simply ignored. Fixed. v23.20.0000 - 2022-06-08 20:00 = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release: +++ Filter Images By Aspect Ratio. You can now filter or find all images that are equal to or wider than 3:2, for example. +++ Sort Images By Aspect Ratio. You can also sort your image folders by aspect ratio, for example from tall and narrow (portrait) to wide and flat (landscape). +++ Filter Images By Area. You can now filter or find all images larger than a million square pixels, for example. +++ Sort Images By Area. You can as well sort your image folders by the area covered by the images. +++ Make The Name Column Stand Out. Now you can dim the other columns slightly to highlight the name column. A helpful feature for column messies. +++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Brothers Comatose. .......... XYplorer ver 23.10 ..................................................... v23.10.0057 - 2022-06-08 13:18 ! PDF Preview: In Win 10 and later, with a screen scaling of more than 100%, the PDF preview was wrongly aligned, with larger parts being hidden. This can also depend on the preview handler, but appears to be solved for the more frequent cases. v23.10.0046 - 2022-06-07 18:21 + Configuration | Text Boxes: Now CTRL+A selects all text. * XY64: Updated to ! Toolbar: Dropdown arrows were misplaced when button captions were shown. Fixed. v23.10.0032 - 2022-06-06 18:15 % Aspect Ratio: Better formula, faster and nicer results. v23.10.0031 - 2022-06-04 18:39 * List | Tiles and Thumbs views: Stopped liking the way icons were positioned near to the image. It looks more relaxed when all icons are in the same relative place. ! List: A horizontally scrolled list maintained its scrolling position but lost the scrollbar after maximizing the window (since v23.00.0321 - 2022-05-19 16:37). Fixed. v23.10.0030 - 2022-06-03 18:12 ! Quick Search | Aspect Ratio: A wildcard pattern like "Aspect Ratio: 1:*" did not work (anymore) without any visible "Aspect Ratio" column. Fixed. ! Hover Box: Since about 20220523 the Hover Box for 1-character texts would be empty. Fixed. ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | Show audio info and tags: Didn't always show up when it should. Fixed. v23.10.0029 - 2022-06-03 12:25 + Live Filter and Quick Search | Aspect Ratio: Now you can also specify the ratio directly instead of using the "3:2" format. Aspect Ratio: 2 Aspect Ratio: √2 Aspect Ratio: 0.25 Aspect Ratio: <= 1.5 Aspect Ratio: >= 4 ! Live Filter and Quick Search | Aspect Ratio and Dimensions: Wildcard patterns stopped working in recent developments, for example: Dimensions: 222 x * 'match width 222 Aspect Ratio: 1:* 'match ratio 1:... Fixed. * Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | Search results inherit current columns: Improved list property inheritance when switching between Browse and Find modes. Now any styles (e.g. Checkboxes) you set in Find mode are remembered next time you switch to Find mode. The same is now true for "Branch View inherits current columns" (which can be toggled in the context menu of the Branch View toolbar button). * Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | Persist quick search across folders: Now a quick search will not persist when you change locations via an item's Context Menu | Go to Focused Item. v23.10.0028 - 2022-06-02 20:03 ! Aspect Ratio and Dimensions: Fixed some rounding-related glitches. v23.10.0026 - 2022-06-02 18:04 % Columns | Aspect Ratio and Dimensions: Painting of the list even faster (you won't note it, but a fly maybe would). ! Custom Columns: The green click trigger icons were drawn much