Unfortunately it is a universal app, if that's what they call it now. Because of that there seems to be no way you can call it out with a parameter like current file <curitem> to use it in a script. But, it is listed under the "Open with" listing in the context menu (Microsoft's not XY). I spend way too much time Googling that possibility and found out it's not possible. What I ended up doing was placing a shortcut command in my startup AHK file similar to this such that when I hit "Control key and `, the current image file is loaded in "Photos". You can start the app with ms-photos: or Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App if that all you want to do, but it should be in startup apps.
Code: Select all
If ( HWND := WinExist("ahk_class ThunderRT6FormDC") )
SendInput {AppsKey}{h}{Down 5}{Enter}