The redirection process hides the Explorer window and is normally invisible. The ini file is a configuration file and can be modified according to needs.
CLSID list
v1.0.5: Added wildcard support to excluded lists.
v1.0.4: Added excluded list, one per line not ending with "\".
v1.0.3: Fixed redirection Control Panel.
[AutoHotkey v2] Redirect Explorer Windows
[AutoHotkey v2] Redirect Explorer Windows
Last edited by Norn on 26 Nov 2023 16:30, edited 5 times in total.
Win10, Win11 @100% 2560x1440 22H2
Re: [AutoHotkey v2] Redirect Explorer Windows
This is perfect, thank you for sharing.
Re: [AutoHotkey v2] Redirect Explorer Windows
[AHK] redirecting Windows Explorer to XY, [Script] Mini Tree with open tabs (cur loc expanded, tab folders highlighted), [AHK] customInlineRenameKeys, [AHK] clipboardHelper_and_XYEscToList
Re: [AutoHotkey v2] Redirect Explorer Windows
How to add a list of custom window names to exclude from re-addressing? For example, This PC||myPath?
Re: [AutoHotkey v2] Redirect Explorer Windows
Try v1.0.4.
Code: Select all
Win10, Win11 @100% 2560x1440 22H2
Re: [AutoHotkey v2] Redirect Explorer Windows
It doesn't seem to work, even the control panel doesn't work anymore:
Code: Select all
Questo PC
This PC
Re: [AutoHotkey v2] Redirect Explorer Windows
I added wildcard support in v1.0.5. This PC, Home, etc. need to use CLSID, such as
, or use a script to get it:
Code: Select all
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
f3:: ; Press F3 to get the Explorer Selection
explorerItems := explorerGetSelection()
msgbox("Path Copied!`n" . explorerItems)
A_Clipboard := explorerItems
explorerGetSelection(hwnd := WinExist("A")) { ; by ntepa --
if !RegExMatch(WinGetClass(hwnd), "^((?<Desktop>Progman|WorkerW)|CabinetWClass)$", &Match)
shellWindows := ComObject("Shell.Application").Windows
; get desktop or explorer window.
if Match.Desktop ; 0x13 = VT_UI4, 0x8 = SWC_DESKTOP
window := shellWindows.Item(ComValue(0x13, 0x8)).Document
else {
try activeTab := ControlGetHwnd("ShellTabWindowClass1", hwnd)
for w in shellWindows {
try {
if w.hwnd != hwnd
if IsSet(activeTab) {
IID_IShellBrowser := "{000214E2-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
shellBrowser := ComObjQuery(w, IID_IShellBrowser, IID_IShellBrowser)
ComCall(3, shellBrowser, "uint*", &thisTab:=0)
if thisTab != activeTab
window := w.Document
Items := ""
try for i, in window.SelectedItems {
Items .= (A_Index > 1 ? "`n" : "") i.Path ; append each selected item and add a new line.
return window.Folder.Self.Path
for window in shellWindows
try if (window.hwnd==hwnd)
for i, in window.SelectedItems
Items .= (A_Index > 1 ? "`n" : "") i.Path ; append each selected item and add a new line.
return Items
Win10, Win11 @100% 2560x1440 22H2
Re: [AutoHotkey v2] Redirect Explorer Windows
It works, thank you very much. If there are new versions, I will download them immediately
Re: [AutoHotkey v2] Redirect Explorer Windows
Ah, neat!
[AHK] redirecting Windows Explorer to XY, [Script] Mini Tree with open tabs (cur loc expanded, tab folders highlighted), [AHK] customInlineRenameKeys, [AHK] clipboardHelper_and_XYEscToList