Line and Overall spacing

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Line and Overall spacing

Post by DmFedorov »

Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles: Added dropdown "General spacing".
..General spacing: Renamed to "Overall spacing"
..Overall spacing: No longer requires a restart to take effect.

Line spacing
"Applies to Tree, List, Catalog, and all small lists."
(Applies to lists in dialogs that have list, including Configuration dialog and such controls of main window as dropdown of Address bar)

Overall spacing
"Controls the density of the user interface of the main window" it means only Tree, List and Catalog
(on drop-down list in the address bar, this setting, for example, also has an effect, but much less than Line spacing)
Thus the name "Overall spacing" seems illogical because it only applies to the part to which "Line spacing" is applied.

Please change the name "Overall spacing" on
"Base spacing of main window" or
"Extra spacing for main window" or
"Extra base spacing of main window" or
"Extra overall spacing of main window" or
"Extra General spacing of main window"

After dropdown "Line spacing" the following name will confirm that it is an additional adjustment, which for a long time was actually not adjustable at all, but was always only added to a part of what the main first adjustment was applied to.

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