I just wanted to say thanks to the developer(s) and the community for all the years of dedication, and top notch dependability in advancing productivty for file management. All the personal touches I'm able to make to customize the program for what works best for me has allowed me to excel in daily routines as well as each specialized purpose that I use Xyplorer for, saving time and reducing much of the frustration in the messy world of filesystems. The example set by the passion of the developer to meet an endless vision of possibilities by staying connected to the products users, and vice versa from the community is one that other software endeavours can only dream to achieve. Of all the other software licenses I purchased because the product had serious potential to solve a major productivity problem, almost always ends up with an abandoned product once a stable major version is released and support vanishes. Xyplorer will probably stand up to be the one of the best purchases I'll ever make, oh except for my weed eater.
Keep killin it'
10 years of Xyplorer
Re: 10 years of Xyplorer
Excellent post.
Don't know what I would do without this program.
Don't know what I would do without this program.
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Windows 10 on six computers
Windows 10 on six computers