what's your favorite media player?

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what's your favorite media player?

Post by yusef88 »

For me:
2-Media Player Classic
3-MPUI-hcb https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpui-hcb/
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Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by bdeshi »

Music -- foobar2000
Video -- No favorites really, using MPC now
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Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by SkyFrontier »

Winamp for music.
VLC Player for anything else.
Winning pair for many years now.

*I tried a very, very good player in the past, revolutionary to say the least, but can't recall its name as of now. Will post here if/when the ring bells.
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Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by calude »

for my music collection: MusicBee
Video: Media player classic
musical transcription: Amazing Slow Downer



Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by grindax »

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Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by Papoulka »

For audio files on a PC I rely on "1by1 Player" (freeware):


It plays all common music formats and works in an "explorer-like" folder tree setting. This is great for navigating around big collections. It has an Automatic Volume Control option so you can have music remain at a relatively constant loudness eg for background listening.

An excellent program by Martin Pesch. You want this available even if you normally use something else.

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Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by Enternal »

foobar2000 for music.
MPC-HD (Media Player Classic) for videos.
VLC for everything else.
GOM Player as backup player.

I used to love WinAmp but eventually, I love the simplicity of foobar2000. However, I still love WinAmp enough to backup and keep installation files for it. AIMP is not so bad either...

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Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by SkyFrontier »

NeuView Media Player, that's the one I mentioned.
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Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by tux. »

MPC-BE for video, AIMP (sorry, Winamp, but you crashed last time I checked) for audio.


Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by Stef123 »

My main requirement: browsing directories without playlists and intricate setups.
My fav player http://resonic.at/
Because of the waveform display that makes it easy to spot positions within a file.
Portable, of course, nothing else qualifies in my world.

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Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by Dustydog »

I've dropped Foobar in favor of AIMP lately. I like the "Infinite" skin, for what it's worth. I find it very simple and straight-forward to use. It has a very good remote in the Google store for Android users. It's very good with playlists. It has a good Audio Converter that can convert pretty much anything it can play, including some rather difficult ones.

I also use Neutron from the Windows Store, as that's what I use on my Android phone. It has an excellent compressor with an intuitive graphic, as well as a very good parametric equalizer. It is, however, a Windows Store app with all the lovely things that come from that - but it is usable from a touch screen, so there's that if it makes you happy.

Were you aware that VLC also has a built-in compressor?

A compressor is useful for listening late at night or when there are things like a fan running in the background. On a portable device - it's available for iOS too - a compressor is a part of my daily listening. It makes it so you don't have to keep your hand on the volume knob to happily listen to, for instance, classical music with a very wide dynamic range in the car.

Updated 6/11/19
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Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by carlos986aguilar »

Winamp and VLC for movies

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Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by Yirran »

J River Media Center. It has the most flexible media library I have ever found. It's not free, but if you want things cataloged and sorted your way. This outshines every program I ever tried.

It has Audio, Video, TV, and Documents support. I have about 40 different views setup that categorizes and sort files the way I want them along with Smart playlists that update dynamically as you get new files.

Sounds like a commercial for them, but i's not. IMHO, it's hands down the best program for handling media I have ever seen.

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Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by TechHarmony »

For audio, I find myself using "1by1" a directory folder player a lot.
Reason being that it does not create a playlist nor add it to any library or history -- it just plays all the music in a particular folder.
That way I can listen to some of my less often listened music without altering my iTunes library, which I am pretty selective about what goes in there.
It's especially useful as I am trying to work my way through encoding a lot of old CDs and cassette tapes (though I think I need a better system for cassette tape converting...)
If I decide the music is likely something I wish to listen to more often, then I will add it to iTunes.
(Which I use mostly because of the required pairing with the iPhone.)

For video VLC is my most used.
I've tried some other video players (Zoom, PotPlayer, etc.) but mostly I use VLC.
(I could never get Media Player Classic to work well, for video, probably just something I did wrong... I gave up on that a while back.)
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Re: what's your favorite media player?

Post by Mehler »

Isn't it weird that VLC player has been dominating the video part of the market for so long and it's still free, simple and convenient? More power to those devs!

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