XY + Sandboxie locations = strange behavior.

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XY + Sandboxie locations = strange behavior.

Post by eil »

I hope the Sandboxie app is well known so there is no need to explain what is it. XY has a very strange side-effect when dealing with in-Sandboxie locations: if XY has current tab with location that is inside a sandbox(like: C:\Sandbox\user\DefaultBox\drive\D\Programs), any way you launch apps(catalog, scripting menu) - those will be launched inside the sandbox automatically.! Like say if i open any TXT file in example path above, it will be opened in sandboxed-notepad automatically.
While somebody may even find this useful, i dealt with results in a bad way. Like say i launched a browser; Sanboxie silently copied everything, so it started just like it normally is; i made some useful researches and some downloads, thinking that i'm working as usual; only later i found that all that was in a sandbox, and was auto-deleted, as i have sandbox auto-cleaning enabled.
Surely, the loss described above is a coincidence, but main problem is Why does any app launch, while sandbox location is opened in current Xy's tab, results in sandboxed-launch?! I even can't check if Explorer has same side-effect and it's a Sandboxie's bug, as i don't know how to directly launch an app from simply an Explorer window...

Is there something that can be done to control/forbid this auto-sandbox? There is a context menu command to launch app sandboxed, so i definitely don't want this over-smartness. For the moment, i had to modify all apps launch items in catalog to first check if current tab is in sandbox location. Plus it's very uncomfortable to each time switch tab to some non-sandbox location, just to make a normal launch of some app that i need for working with files in sandbox location.
Win 7 SP1 x64 100% 1366x768

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