Excuse me, as an ordinary user, I noted that there is a clear discrepancy. I twist the mouse wheel, the status bar in section 3 tells me that size of the image in the hover box is changing, but in fact it is not.
Before that, I received an answer: it says, my friend, turn on the option "adjust size" and you will be happy. I don't know why I need to enable this option at all. In principle, everything should work without it. In addition, an ico file differs from a regular image file only in that it has a lot of images, a lot of icons.
When solving even a very simple question, there can be a lot of nuances and it is better not to discuss them, because I will not be able to take into account all the nuances.
My first task is to inform you that there is a clear blunder, and if it is not so, then write to me that it is not so.
Chm; idh_short.htm (Hover Box)
B Cycle Background color
D Reset to Default size (500 x 500)
F Cycle image Frame
I Toggle Icon display
O Cycle sort Order
P Toggle show Photo data
R Cycle scrolling/scaling (think "Roll")
S Cycle Status display
W Toggle Word wrap
Numpad Add (or Wheel Up) Increase size by 10 pixels
Numpad Subtract (or Wheel Down) Decrease size by 10 pixels
in tip to Hover box button in Reference_8.169.lng
we have other stuff:
F1 - This message box
B - Cycle background color
C - Copy image to clipboard
D - Reset to default size
F - Cycle image frame
I - Toggle icon display
K - Toggle key scrolling
L - Toggle scrolling
O - Cycle sort order
P - Toggle show photo data
R - Toggle resizing
S - Cycle status display
T - Cycle transparency background
W - Toggle word wrap
Z - Zoom to fit
Numpad Add (or Wheel Up) - Increase size by 8 pixels
Numpad Subtract (or Wheel Down) - Decrease size by 8 pixels
Hold down SHIFT to make it 64 pixels
Space - Select item
Ctrl+Space - Toggle selection
no items C, K, T, Z. Item R is different, and plus to that 8 pixels and 10 pixels