SimpleUpdater — Rev. 10.69 / 2016/06/19

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SimpleUpdater — Rev. 10.69 / 2016/06/19

Post by Marco »

[This first post gets updated from time to time, particularly when a new revision is released. You are strongly advised to read this post carefully!]

Fusion of the core concepts of two previous updater scripts (namely Serendipity's SimpleUpdater and Marco's XYplorer Updater): being self-contained and generating as little network traffic as possible. The two users above worked together to develop a new code, built from scratch. All the features you were used to are still here in a brand new, faster and smaller script.

Latest release notes

Code: Select all

Rev. 10.69 / 2016/06/19
 * Added compatibility with the brand new https version of .
Download script [Language files at the very end of this post!]
SimpleUpdater — Rev. 10.69 / 2016/06/19
(49.35 KiB) Downloaded 635 times



☛ English → Image ☛ Italiano → Image

☛ Hrvatski → Image ☛ Dansk → Image

☛ Deutsch → Image ☛ Français → Image

☛ Nederlands → Image ☛ Polski → Image

☛ 繁體中文 - 臺灣 → Image ☛ 简体中文 → Image

☛ Русский → Image ☛ Castellano → Image

☛ Tiếng Việt [soon complete] → Image ☛ Português - Brasil → Image

☛ Čeština → Image ☛ Türkçe → Image


✔ Low network usage: update checks can generate as little as 800 bytes ca. (figure including network overhead)
✔ Highly customizable: you can range from a prompt-for-everything behaviour to a fully automated, one-click-and-wait execution. Function #711 on steroids!
✔ No external dependencies: all the necessary code is contained inside the script. Special actions are performed building VBS scripts on-the-fly. These VBS scripts are compatible with every Windows version, of course. Absolutely no need for an external .zip reader, nor for third party command line utilities.
✔ Future-proof WYSIWDW™ changelog: there's no (re)parsing of the changelog webpage. Thanks to the innovative What You See Is What Don Wrote approach, the webpage is shown as is. This allows way faster script execution as well as no future compatibility problems in case the changelog format/structure changes.
✔ Multilingual: following XYplorer polyglot revolution, now SimpleUpdater too speaks your language.
✔ Small size: size of pure code is reduced by more than 40% (15710 vs 8667 bytes), lines of pure code are reduced by more than 35% (398 loc vs 248 loc). (SimpleUpdater v8 vs SimpleUpdater Rev. 10.00)

General structure

The script is formed by three subscripts. Here is the purpose of each of them.

• Check for Updates: self explanatory. Since all the "functional" code is here and nowhere else, all the explanations are below.
• Open Configuration File…: again, self explanatory.
• Homepage: does what it says. Opens this page in a window inside XYplorer.


When you click on "Check for Updates" the first action is a check of the Internet connection. If it is working correctly then the script proceeds with the following:
- settings import from the configuration file. If not found, then factory defaults are used;
- updates presence is checked by analyzing an HTTP response;
- if updates are present changelog is shown;
Now, unlike older versions, there is no update button, so you have to close the update window to continue update. The window caption is your friend here, since it says "Close the window to perform the update". This is to present the beta log and the main release log in its pure form without any alteration and, as stated above, to ensure that any changes Don makes in the future will not affect this script. Another advantage is that browsing through several pages of change log is possible.
So, bottom line: the changelog window is purely and only "informative" and there's no "active" action to perform on its content, since the script internal logic has already picked the correct update link. Update starts only when you close the window.

- other instances of XYcopy are checked. If found, the script will abort;
- other instances of XYplorer too are checked. If found, you are notified;
- the new release is downloaded;
- all the necessary files are written, executed and deleted;
- and finally XYplorer is restarted;
For detailed working info please refer to the comment blocks inside the script. Since they take up the 55% of the script they probably are there for some purpose… (a more polite way to mean RTFM) :wink:


The best place for this script is probably an user button in the toolbar, and once you have configured SimpleUpdater to fit your habits you most likely want to check for updates with just one click. So here are my steps:
- download SimpleUpdater (and maybe a language file too) and put it (them) in <xyscripts> [Notice: you don't need to download any language file if you want to use SimpleUpdater in English]
- type in the Address Bar

Code: Select all

- in the window that appears paste

Code: Select all

Snip: CTB 1
   load "SimpleUpdater", "_Initialize";
   load "SimpleUpdater", "Updates";
   load "SimpleUpdater", "_Terminate";
   load "SimpleUpdater";
- click OK and you're done!
Upon the first execution I suggest to right click such button and choose "Open Configuration File…", in order to change the behaviour of the script according to your needs. There are comments for each configurable field. Then, simply click on the button to check/perform updates.

Are you a compulsive collector? :mrgreen: Then the new tweak RestartCommandLine may come in handy to you, because thanks to it you can instruct XYplorer to archive the downloaded zip file upon restart. Just set the tweak to

Code: Select all

Upon restart XYplorer will run the Archiver script located in <xyscripts>. If such script contains code like this

Code: Select all

Not much to say this time… except that this code is supposed to work in
tandem with SimpleUpdater, that's why the source path is not customizable.
Customization should involve the variables $name_pattern and $archive_path only.

 setting "BackgroundFileOps", "0";                                              //avoid timing problems by temporarily switching to synchronous file operations mode

// $time = formatdate (property("Write", "<xy>"), "yyyy-mm-dd");       //get the full date and time the running version of XYplorer was compiled on and format them according to ISO 8601

 $time = report("{modified yyyy-mm-dd}", "<xy>");                      //get the full date and time XYplorer was compiled in ISO 8601 format
 $year = substr("$time", 0, 4);                                                 //extract just the year

 $begin = "$year-03-".(31 - ((floor((5 * $year) / 4) + 4) % 7));                //when European DST begins, in ISO 8601 -
 $end = "$year-10-".(31 - ((floor((5 * $year) / 4) + 1) % 7));                  //when European DST ends, in ISO 8601 -

 $offset = (compare($time, $begin, "d") == -1 OR compare($end, $time, "d") == -1) ? -1 : -2;    //if time is NOT during DST, CET is UTC+1, else it is UTC+2
 $time = formatdate($time, "yyyy-mm-dd", "h", $offset);                                //push the time back accordingly

 $hash_zip = hash("sha256", "<xydata>\", "1");                      //calculate the SHA256 of the downloaded .zip file
 $hash_xy = hash("sha256", "<xy>", "1");                                        //calculate the SHA256 of the running version of XYplorer

 $name_pattern = "XYplorer <xyver> [$time] [$hash_zip $hash_xy].zip";           //name of the .zip file once archived
 $archive_path = "<xydata>\Archive";                                            //path of the archive folder

 copyas "$name_pattern", "$archive_path", "<xydata>\";              //copy the downloaded .zip file in the archive folder, renaming it at the same time
 attrstamp("ar", "2", "$archive_path" . "\" . "$name_pattern");                 //set the archived .zip file as archive and read-only
then you'll be able to build your personal local archive of past XYplorer versions.Note that this code will give correct UTC times only in systems whose time zone is set to CET (Central Europe, in other words). The rest of the world can tweak the code above as in the renaming script on the page of The Unofficial XYplorer Archive.

If you're a fan of automatic update checking upon startup then you probably want to simulate the analogous option of XYplorer (Configuration > Startup & Exit) with this script. Well, you can! If you run XYplorer from a link, set this in the Target field

Code: Select all

"C:\path\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe" /script="::load 'SimpleUpdater.xys', '_Initialize'; load 'SimpleUpdater.xys', 'Updates';load 'SimpleUpdater.xys', '_Terminate';"
and when you'll start XYplorer updates will be checked immediately.

Tested on

* Serendipity's old(er) PCs
* Microsoft® Windows® XP SP3 x32 ITA
* Microsoft® Windows® 7 Ultimate SP1 x64 ITA
* Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 Enterprise with Update x64 ITA
* Microsoft® Windows® 10 Pro x64 ENG


+ XYplorer (version 16.80.0006 or greater) with
- scripting enabled
+ Internet connection
+ (suggested) Firewall opened for both XYplorer.exe and HTTP_checker.vbs at least with the following criteria (COMODO Internet Security notation)
- Allow TCP out from any MAC address to IP where source port is any and destination port is 80
+ (suggested) a NTFS partition (see below)


:!: :!: :!: We absolutely take no responsibility for whatever damage, direct or indirect, the usage of this script may cause. This code is provided as-is, use at your own risk. You are advised.

:!: :!: :!: The configuration file used by previous versions of SimpleUpdater (v8 and older) is not compatible anymore.

:!: :!: :!: Regarding the "MajorChangelog" and "BetaChangelog" options: disabling the changelog(s) is absolutely not suggested, unless you always check it before updating through other channels (forum subscription or regular main site browsing, for example). Change at your own risk!!!

:!: :!: :!: Regarding the "PID_gatherer.vbs" code: this code can not see other instances run by other users, unless it is called with elevated rights!!!

:!: :!: :!: Still regarding the "PID_gatherer.vbs" code: once all the running XYplorer instances are found and their PID are written on disk, don't absolutely close them!!! Otherwise other applications might take those PID upon execution and then get shut without any warning later on!!!

* Regarding the "Delay" value: the older the hardware is, and the slower the hard disk is, the higher the delay value should be. Even values as higher as 3000 may be needed on certain configurations. On newer/less older hardware delay may even not be necessary at all.
I don't use any delay at all (on a Intel® Core™ i5-480M laptop with mechanical hard drive and on a Intel® Core™ i7-6500U SSD-equipped laptop), Serendipity uses values like 2000÷2500 on old PCs. Once the XYplorer undocumented function wait() will become documented and supported, Delay won't be necessary anymore.

* This script is able to perform the update even when multiple instances of XYplorer are running; however multiple instances mean multiple possible settings to be saved, too. With this script only the current, focused instance gets its settings saved. Keep this in mind.

* Why we recommend a NTFS partition? Upon first run there's no way to tell for sure if you're running the last version of XYplorer. The best thing we can do is comparing the time the file on server was uploaded/modified with the last modified time of the executable running the script. While NTFS stores this last time in the same format of the HTTP response (i.e. both UTC), on FAT we should take into account the time zone too. Too much hassle for a one-time-only check. So, if you're running XYplorer from a FAT partition, the first run of the script will trigger an update even if you're already up-to-date. Subsequent runs won't have this problem, of course.

Possible future updates

* Script autoupdate routine;
* More smartness in case of multiple instances running;
* Graceful shutdown via WM_QUIT;

:D :D :D Special thanks to…

* Channing, for giving an idea about how solving a bug
* Donald Lessau, just pro forma :mrgreen:
* Flora, for translating in Italiano
* Borut Maričić, for translating in Hrvatski
* Regmos, for translating in Dansk
* tux., for translating in Deutsch
* Jan Van der Borght, for translating in Nederlands
* Karol Kamiński aka fenixproductions, for translating in Polski
* Marc Giraudou, for translating in Français
* Mike Hsiao, for translating in 繁體中文 - 臺灣
* Michael Lu, for translating in 简体中文
* Дмитрий Федоров, for translating in Русский
* Nikou, for translating in Castellano
* Happy Day, for translating in Tiếng Việt
* SkyFrontier aka Helder Muniz, for translating in Português - Brasil
* hogaty, for translating in Čeština
* Sıtkı Evrenkaya, for translating in Türkçe

Previous releases notes

Code: Select all

Rev. 10.68 / 2016/06/01
 * Modified a ternary conditional to cope with the change of
   precedence of the string concatenation operator (.).

 * As a result, full script compatibility is guaranteed with
   XYplorer 16.80.0006 and onwards only.

Rev. 10.67 / 2015/06/14
 * Added compatibility with the new site, namely changed an ".htm"
   extension to ".php".

Rev. 10.66 / 2013/04/24
 * Set "b" to download function to (partially) ensure the
   integrity of downloaded .zip file.

 * Now cscript.exe is called as %SystemRoot%\system32\cscript.exe
   to cope with installations of Windows residing on drives
   other than C: and systems where %PATH% doesn't contain

Rev. 10.65 / 2013/03/12
 * Added the RestartCommandLine tweak: use it to feed command
   line parameters to XYplorer upon restart.

 * Raised "grace time" to 5400 seconds. It shouldn't generate
   false positives especially for upgrades to major versions.

Rev. 10.60 / 2013/03/04
 * Error creating the download link for stable releases.

 * Added version check for language files.

 * Updated multilingual support: slight tweaks in a
   message window and wording.

 * Tweaked end commands: now you can call the main subscript
   directly (no popup menu) and still enjoy multilingual support
   without spreading permanent variables all over. To do so call
   SimpleUpdater in this way:

    load "SimpleUpdater", "_Initialize";
    load "SimpleUpdater", "Updates";
    load "SimpleUpdater", "_Terminate";

 * Removed the SaveSettings tweak: now the behaviour is retrieved
   from XYplorer configuration file.

 * Revamped the code that parses the configuration file: now all
   the comments related to the customizable settings are embedded
   in such file.

Rev. 10.50 / 2013/02/18
 * Added multilingual support. To use SimpleUpdater in your language
   simply download the right .lng file and put it in <xyscripts>

 * Configuration file is created upon request even on first run.

 * Now the message telling you that XYcopy is running and therefore
   SimpleUpdater will abort will be shown in the status bar.

Rev. 10.42 / 2012/12/20
 * Now cscript.exe is called with its full path in order to solve
   a compatibility problem with Windows 8.

Rev. 10.40 / 2012/12/17
 * Backgrounded file operations were disabled after an update.

 * Slight rewording in the prompt asking for user confirmation
   before updating.

Rev. 10.30 / 2012/11/06
 * Date comparison function didn't work on US systems under some
   circumstances, leading uncorrectly to always up-to-date status.
   Note: to correctly return to a working state, the value of the field
   "LastModified" in the configuration file must be deleted!

 * Slightly tweaked some loops with a slow condition to be evaluated
   by nesting it into an easier-to-evaluate one. Albeit less elegant
   and compact, this should lead to faster overall execution.

 * Slight rewording in the prompt asking for user confirmation
   before updating.

 * Slight rewording in the prompt informing that no update will be
   performed due to lack of Internet connectivity.

 * Now the message telling you that XYplorer is already up-to-date
   and the message telling that no update will be performed due to
   lack of Internet connectivity will be shown in the status bar.
   Reason: these message don't require a true user interaction, since
   clicking OK or not doesn't change the future behaviour of the script.

 * Downloading a new version wasn't silently overwriting a colliding
   file. Fixed.

 * Now, whenever possible, a "no-cookies" flag is issued.

Rev. 10.20 / 2012/11/03
 * Date comparison function didn't work on US systems under some
   circumstances, leading uncorrectly to always up-to-date status.
   Fix #1.
   Note: to correctly return to a working state, the value of the field
   "LastModified" in the configuration file must be deleted!

Rev. 10.10 / 2012/10/18
 * In case of missing Internet connection, XYplorer scripting engine
   window does not popup warning about an Error 0 anymore.

 * Fixed quotes on run commands involving .vbs files. Now spaces in
   paths should not be a problem anymore.

 * Renamed the "Beta" field in the configuration file to "Channel".
   This better reflects the script internal logic, which updates
   EITHER to major versions OR beta versions.
   Default is "1", i.e. updates to betas.

 * Split the "Changelog" field in two new fields, namely
   "MajorChangelog" and "BetaChangelog". The names are self-explanatory.
   Defaults are opposite and depending on "Channel" value the way
   you would (probably) expect.

 * Changed the default value for "Deletion" from "1" to "0".
   Reason: in case of new bugs, there's the archive file ready for
   testing a fresh install. No need to re-download, spending time
   and bandwidth.

Rev. 10.00 / 2012/10/15
 * The first version based on the new code.

Download language files
(4.91 KiB) Downloaded 371 times
(4.76 KiB) Downloaded 429 times
Português - Brasil
(4.88 KiB) Downloaded 478 times
Tiếng Việt [soon complete]
(4.78 KiB) Downloaded 490 times
繁體中文 - 臺灣
(4.13 KiB) Downloaded 530 times
(4.11 KiB) Downloaded 522 times
(4.77 KiB) Downloaded 481 times
(4.84 KiB) Downloaded 494 times
(4.97 KiB) Downloaded 485 times
(4.83 KiB) Downloaded 490 times
(4.89 KiB) Downloaded 494 times
(5.05 KiB) Downloaded 532 times
(4.63 KiB) Downloaded 490 times
(4.82 KiB) Downloaded 476 times
(4.95 KiB) Downloaded 499 times
English / Reference
(4.81 KiB) Downloaded 568 times
Last edited by Marco on 10 Oct 2016 22:37, edited 74 times in total.
Tag Backup - SimpleUpdater - XYplorer Messenger - The Unofficial XYplorer Archive - Everything in XYplorer
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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10 / 2012/10/15

Post by highend »

If there is a newer beta available (than the current stable build), let the user choose (via another setting option) if he really wants to see the html page of the stable version. For beta users it's not necessary imho.
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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10 / 2012/10/15

Post by Marco »

highend wrote:If there is a newer beta available (than the current stable build), let the user choose (via another setting option) if he really wants to see the html page of the stable version. For beta users it's not necessary imho.
Thanks for the suggestion. Just had an elegant idea to do so. Will be fully customizable in next version.
Tag Backup - SimpleUpdater - XYplorer Messenger - The Unofficial XYplorer Archive - Everything in XYplorer
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Location: NJ/NY

Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10 / 2012/10/15

Post by serendipity »

Thanks Marco, for putting this together.
One more thing to add, unlike old version there is no update button, you have to close the update window to continue update.
Reason: We want to present the beta log and the main release log in its pure form without any alteration. As Marco mentioned, this is to ensure that any changes Don makes in the future will not affect this script.
Another advantage is that you can browse through several pages of change log as you would do in the forum.
Update starts only when you close the window.

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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10 / 2012/10/15

Post by Filehero »

Hi Marco, hi serendipity,

I'm glad both of you have joined to a common route. :)

Let me start with a couple of praises:
- very fine conceptual foundation
- beautiful code: well structured and formatted, seams very easy to read at first sight
- professional release notes

In brief: absolutely great work, thanks a lot to both of you. :appl:

Before I post my first feature requests I have to come back to an issue I already reported to serendipity: I initially have mentioned an observation that the update does not work in a company network.
This still holds true for this joint script.
I did some more analysis and now I'm quite sure that this problem is due to SC readurl not considering the "standard system proxy settings". All other non-browser (portable) programs (I am allowed to install to C:\Temp) which happen to establish internet connections successfully obviously respect those company-wide proxy settings.
Conclusio: As long as SC readurl does not support proxie settings in some way this cannot work, so this "script-issue" is closed.

Feature request:
- make the temp download dir path an explicit ini-setting
- make deletion of the download update file an optional ini-setting

Benefit: I could establish a local beta history which could be very helpful for hunting bugs of any kind. Of course, sweeping the archive would become my very own task.

Again, great work! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Thanks & cheers,

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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10 / 2012/10/15

Post by LittleBiG »

I know, this is the issue of XYplorer, but I don't really like, when I try to check for updates, and accidentaly I don't have internet connection, first the XY generates an error message, I have to click continue script and just then I receive the programmed error message. :-(

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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10.00 / 2012/10/15

Post by Marco »

6 thanks (3 praises * 2 developers) :biggrin:

Re proxy: I'm sorry it doesn't work with proxy. My suggestion (even if I'm 99% sure you already tried that): does changing IE proxy settings help? Because as far as I can see XY relies on IE engine for some things. Who knows...
Re deletion: that's easy, it's already customizable! Deletion=0 for no deletion, Deletion=1 for deletion.
Re temporary download path: may I ask why? I mean, if this is for building your beta archive I suppose you would also identify the zip with their version number, which this updater doesn't provide, for example. Wouldn't be adding this customization something beyond the original scope and more an overlap/shift to your personal routine? Let's see if other users may need this.

Thanks for reporting that. I'll see if I can swap some lines of code or add a switch somewhere.
EDIT: fixed!
Tag Backup - SimpleUpdater - XYplorer Messenger - The Unofficial XYplorer Archive - Everything in XYplorer
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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10.00 / 2012/10/15

Post by PeterH »

Marco wrote:Re proxy: I'm sorry it doesn't work with proxy. My suggestion (even if I'm 99% sure you already tried that): does changing IE proxy settings help? Because as far as I can see XY relies on IE engine for some things. Who knows...
Isn't this a question to Don? (<<-- Eye catcher!)
If he doesn't answer because he's not reading here you maybe should question this in Tips'n'Tricks?
W7(x64) SP1 German
( +WXP SP3 )

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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10.00 / 2012/10/15

Post by admin »

PeterH wrote:
Marco wrote:Re proxy: I'm sorry it doesn't work with proxy. My suggestion (even if I'm 99% sure you already tried that): does changing IE proxy settings help? Because as far as I can see XY relies on IE engine for some things. Who knows...
Isn't this a question to Don? (<<-- Eye catcher!)
If he doesn't answer because he's not reading here you maybe should question this in Tips'n'Tricks?
XY relies on IE when previewing HTML and Office files (apart from DOC).

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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10.00 / 2012/10/15

Post by Filehero »

Marco wrote:@Filehero
6 thanks (3 praises * 2 developers) :biggrin:
You're welcome. :)
Marco wrote: Re proxy: I'm sorry it doesn't work with proxy. My suggestion (even if I'm 99% sure you already tried that): does changing IE proxy settings help? Because as far as I can see XY relies on IE engine for some things. Who knows...
I always get an "URL not found. Error 407" when

Code: Select all

$major_version = readurl("");
is run whereas IE displays the current release number. But as you said, who knows....
Marco wrote: Re deletion: that's easy, it's already customizable! Deletion=0 for no deletion, Deletion=1 for deletion.
Re temporary download path: may I ask why? I mean, if this is for building your beta archive I suppose you would also identify the zip with their version number, which this updater doesn't provide, for example. Wouldn't be adding this customization something beyond the original scope and more an overlap/shift to your personal routine? Let's see if other users may need this.!
Thanks for explaining the Deletion-flag. :oops:

As for the "beta archive": On the one hand you're right, that task may indeed be beyond the original scope. So I agree to wait for others to +1. :wink:


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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10.10 / 2012/10/17

Post by Marco »

Release 10.10 is out. Check the first post for more info.
Tag Backup - SimpleUpdater - XYplorer Messenger - The Unofficial XYplorer Archive - Everything in XYplorer
Don sees all [cit. from viewtopic.php?p=124094#p124094]

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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10.10 / 2012/10/17

Post by klownboy »

Hi Marco and Serendipity, has anyone else been getting "XYplorer is already up to date" message for the last 2 or 3 betas? I'm using version 10.10. For the previous beta 11.70.0103 I ended up doing a manual the old days, but I haven't done that with this last beta 10.70.0104 released today Nov 2 incase there is some information you may want me to pass on.
Windows 11, 22H2 Build 22621.1555 at 100% 2560x1440

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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10.10 / 2012/10/17

Post by serendipity »

klownboy wrote:Hi Marco and Serendipity, has anyone else been getting "XYplorer is already up to date" message for the last 2 or 3 betas? I'm using version 10.10. For the previous beta 11.70.0103 I ended up doing a manual the old days, but I haven't done that with this last beta 10.70.0104 released today Nov 2 incase there is some information you may want me to pass on.
Yes, there is a small glitch with date formats between US and rest of the world, we will fix it soon.

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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10.10 / 2012/10/17

Post by klownboy »

Thanks serendipity.
Windows 11, 22H2 Build 22621.1555 at 100% 2560x1440

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Re: SimpleUpdater - Rev. 10.20 / 2012/11/03

Post by Marco »

Release 10.20 is out. Check the first post for more info.

Unfortunately this is a temporary fix, I post it anyway but turns out that the problem is far more complex than it seems. The fix I created is a bit cheaty, so to speak.

PS: If you think you can help with fixing the bug, please refer to the thread here,
Tag Backup - SimpleUpdater - XYplorer Messenger - The Unofficial XYplorer Archive - Everything in XYplorer
Don sees all [cit. from viewtopic.php?p=124094#p124094]

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