Code: Select all
$ccPath = listfolder($iten,input("Folder to Find",,,e,300,300),2,||);
$pArray[] = array($ccPath);
Code: Select all
$ccPath = listfolder($iten,input("Folder to Find",,,e,300,300),2,||);
$pArray[] = array($ccPath);
Code: Select all
$i = 0;
$ccPath = listfolder($iten,input("Folder to Find",,,e,300,300),2,||);
$pArray[$i] = $ccPath;
$i += 1;
which worked already before that version?Code: Select all
$folders = "D:\Users\Highend\Development\C#|D:\Users\Highend\Development\Dart";
$i = 0;
foreach($folder, $folders, "|", "e") {
$subs = listfolder($folder, , 2, "||");
explode($toAdd, $subs, "||", "e");
$pArray[$i] = $toAdd;
$i += 1;
It was not the expectation from the opIt is fulfilling a very natural expectation
Except when Ihighend wrote: ↑22 Dec 2023 17:18 Adding to an array is possible but it seems arrays can't contain subarrays...
Code: Select all
$i = 0; foreach($iten,$askusr){ $ccPath = listfolder($iten,input("Folder to Find",,,e,300,300),2,||); $pArray[$i] = $ccPath; $i += 1; }
Code: Select all
echo $pArray
text implode($pArray);
Code: Select all
text implode($pArray,$i,||,,)
Code: Select all
implode(,0,||,,) goto B:\~~~~~
I want to show the list without the output showing the actual implode() function within the output.
Code: Select all
//$ccPath = listfolder($iten,input("Folder to Find",,,e,300,300),2,||);
$ccPath = listfolder($iten,*,2,||);
$pArray[$i] = $iten;
$gPath = pathreal($ccPath);
text implode($pArray,$i,||,,)
I hope this helps.implode(,0,||,,) goto B:\Cloud\Sync\.autosave||B:\Cloud\Sync\DesignerPaths||B:\Cloud\Sync\FF~~~~~~~
Code: Select all
$askusr = inputfolder("C:\","Choose Source Folder");
//$mvfld = input("Enter folder ",,,e,500,400); // Destination Folder for which the files are to be moved too from the Source Folder
$i = 0;
//$ccPath = listfolder($iten,input("Folder to Find",,,e,300,300),2,||);
$ccPath = listfolder($iten,*,2,||);
$pArray[$i] = $iten;
$gPath = pathreal($ccPath);
text implode($pArray,$i,||,,)
goto $gPath;
$i += 1;