### Slideshow v1.7 ###
— Latest version: Slideshow v1.7 — Updated 2020-05-21
Runs a slide show of your images. (doh!)
Various settings available: - define duration between slides - enable loop - slide through all pictures in folder including all subfolders! - choose to run slide show in floating window instead of fullscreen - slide show images in random order Available in three flavors: • a simple "no questions asked" Default SlideShow • a Custom SlideShow, with an input where you can change settings (Note: This is also were you can save settings for the default slideshow) • an extra "Alternate SlideShow" to be run from external source (Script, CKS, Menu, Catalog, etc.) Can be run from: • the filelist (via a button or Custom Keyboard Shortcut [CKS]) — automatically opens fullscreen preview, and closes it on slide show end • directly from the floating or fullscreen preview (via a CKS). Control: • Navigate with arrow/page keys • Zoom/Unzoom with +/- (Tip: don't forget to "lock zoom") • Pause by pressing "ALT" (Note: this disables all other KS) • or Pause with a CKS (Recommended: all other KS will work as usual) (see (#) below in Installation)
• Slide show can be interrupted by pressing ESC, or closing the preview window. • Before running the slide show, the script opens a new tab listing image files only. Tab will be closed automatically on slide show end. • By default, it will only show standard images (jpg, gif, png...). - If you have image codecs (FastPictureViewer CodecPack, SageThumbs...), it can make a slide show of all images. - Or if you use the PowerLauncher script, it can use your image "definitions" from PL's definition file. For that, just add/remove the corresponding comment ("//" sign) in the header of the script.
You can use other file-related Keyboard Shortcuts during the slide show (*).
e.g. Tag or Label your pics on the fly - and more! [pre]
(with CKS assigned to "Edit Tags by List..." or to Labeling, etc.)[/pre]
(*) Requires XY>=v12.40.0213 with FPEnableCKS activated.
• Install the SlideShow script (procedure below)
• Go to a folder that contains images, then
- Left Click on the SlideShow button, or press your CKS (e.g. Shift+Enter), or - Right Click on the SlideShow button and choose "Custom SlideShow", or press your CKS (e.g. Alt+Shift+Enter), In the window, enter e.g. 1SLW (i.e. Duration: 1sec, include Subfolders, Loop, play in floating Window),
• Enjoy the show!
& don't hesitate to post your questions, suggestions, comments...
### Installation ###
Download the script (link above) and copy it into XYplorer scripts folder: <xyscripts> , then:
• Recommended (but optional): Assign Custom Keyboard Shortcuts (CKS) via "User | Manage Command... | Load Script File" Script File: SlideShow.xys Label: SlideShow "Assign Keyboard Shortcut..." e.g. "Shift+Enter" Script File: SlideShow.xys Label: CustomSlideShow "Assign Keyboard Shortcut..." e.g. "Alt+Shift+Enter"
(#) Optional, to correctly pause SlideShow with CKS (instead of "ALT"): Assign a CKS to command "Iconize" (#358)
Menu: "Tools" | "Customize Keyboard Shortcuts..." > Button: "Jump..." > "358"
"Press New Shortcut:" e.g. "SHIFT+P"
And/Or (optional if CKS defined), either:
• Add load "SlideShow.xys"; to the "on click" and load "SlideShow.xys", "CustomSlideShow"; to the "on right-click" of your custom button, or
• Use the following snippet (with Don's litteral instructions):
-a) Paste ::snippet; into the address bar and press ENTER. A text box will open to enter snippet.
-b) And here comes the copy+paste ready snippet. It will create a new button at the right end of your toolbar.
Code: Select all
Snip: CTB 1
XYplorer 12.40.0000, 13-06-09 19:22:29
%winsysdir%\shell32.dll /141
load "SlideShow.xys", "SlideShow";
load "SlideShow.xys", "CustomSlideShow";
Code: Select all
"SlideShow|%winsysdir%\shell32.dll /141"
load "SlideShow.xys", "SlideShow";
"Custom SlideShow"
load "SlideShow.xys", "CustomSlideShow";
### Changelog ###
* Recursing never done when no subfolder exists (prevents thumbnail regeneration)
* Strict code compliance
+++ Added random slideshow ability
+ Define Default Slideshow settings via Custom Slideshow interface (no need to edit script)
* Relocated settings from script header to "INI" section at bottom
* Optimization: Changed order when branch view and filtering take place —depending on XY version (</> 15.00.0504)
v1.0 beta 1
++ Ability to Pause slide show (info in header of script)
++ Run in Window or FullScreen (separate setting for standard, custom, and alternate slide show)
+ All options are now also available for standard slideshow and located in header of script
* Rewrote management of timer for better handling of slide show interruption
+++ ESC cancels slideshow without interrupting script
=> no annoying message, no need to ESCape again to leave preview, no remaining tab
+++ SlideShow accepts all default Floating/Fullscreen Preview Keyboard Shortcuts
(Note: still works well with your own shortcuts via FPEnableCKS)
! Fixed Default SlideShow not ending (bug introduced with last version)
* Optimized visual experience in Recurse Subfolders mode
+ Script remembers last setting used in Custom SlideShow
+ Added an "Alternate SlideShow" for CKS use, i.e. a predefined inputless Custom SlideShow (check bottom of script) (opt.)
* Default slide duration of default SlideShow is now accessible in script header
! Fixed bug where Looped SlideShow would stop when started from last pic
+ Use Left and Right arrows to navigate between files during slide show (opt.)
+ Resume interrupted slide show (smartly reusing SlideShow tab)
! Fixed tab misbehavior (with settings OpenNewTabsNextToCurrent & CycleTabsInRecentlyUsedOrder OFF)
version 1.5: