Much slower workflow than in Windows Explorer!?

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Much slower workflow than in Windows Explorer!?

Post by Helix »

Hi again,

this time I have a question what I can do when XYP takes too much time to update file information's for the enabled viewable columns. In my case, I was trying to use the duration column and show all the duration times of my media / video files. After a while, I found out that some column names seems to use the same functions as Windows Explorer does. I do use the German language file and the duration is called "Länge" in WE. In XYP I can also see the Länge name but when I choose it then it's not showing the time duration. Not sure what it's showing for a value and what it means (no clue). Then I was trying to add another column manually and there I found another entry called "Länge" what does the same as WE do, showing the duration time. Anyway, now I got the right column showing and the problem I want to talk about is the time XYP needs to update all files EACH time when I switch the folder or press F5 / update, so this take a way too long every time and this really sucks of course. Compared to WE, XYP does fail, and it's a different like day & night specially when you have stored many files in same folder. So what can I do to make XYP updating faster or maybe disable the update of duration time reading or to save it or anything? Is there any option in XYP? Also, the same with other columns I do enable. All in all, XYP takes too much time every time. That's horrible. I found no option to make it work better in the config, but maybe you guys have any clue what I can do (don't say disable the columns). Thanks.

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