Finally, Don: 100% completed!
Few places need some more space (but surely there's more I didn't see):
2731 & 4781 Transfer rate
2618 Padding
2592 Use <command> as placeholder... etc.
4673 The settings checked below... etc.
4218 Play once, Play again... etc. --> the Dropdown list needs just a little bit of space
Here an inconsistency:
2962 <#> <$u> not shown according to user settings (see Configuration/General) --> I guess it was an old tab, because nowdays there's no 'General' tab in Configuration.
108 <1:#> new... etc. --> why the singular/plural variables are not working here? If the results are: "1 new, 3 over, 0 skip" using <;> with the correct words, I expect to obtain 'new' (singular), 'over & skip' (plural)...
2931 Color --> (in Configuration | Color) I left it empty because in italian the word 'colore' needs to stay before the others (like "Color of the text", "color of the background" etc.) So letting it empty is less troublesome than keeping it in the wrong order.
Ok, ora che la prima parte del lavoro è finita, anche grazie ai vostri preziosi suggerimenti, spero che proverete a usare un pò XYplorer in italiano, per cercare di scoprire errori, incongruenze, etc.
Io trovo spesso cose che non mi convincono - o che suonerebbero meglio se dette in altro modo.
Continuerò a correggere...
Fatemi sapere, e grazie mille per il tempo dedicato a questo progetto!