Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by SkyFrontier »

admin wrote:I think the majority of internet users nowadays operate in "TV mode": one-way communication, feed without feedback.
I'm afraid this the way 99,97% (more?) of the people are living their lives, I'm afraid.
WHICH LIFE?, that's the real question...

Oh, yes, my number IS accurate, based off personal experiences. Believe me, you wouldn't like being there to see for yourself, kids.
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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by Marco »

fenixproductions wrote:Does it really discourage you?
Yes it does. When I start a work, I want to complete it in the best way possible. And when I don't know something I ask for opinion and suggestion, to have a better picture of what I'm doing and what should be done. Which is, incidentally, how things work (pretty well, btw) here in XY realm (please Don correct me if you think I'm wrong).
I tend to be practical: I woulnd't translate XY in Klingon because that's a language like the others, but I'd translate in XY in Italian because there could be people having difficulty with English. That's the purpose of a translation in my opinion.
And so far, there doesn't seem to be request for an Italian translation. That's it.
admin wrote:Wow. I think the majority of internet users nowadays operate in "TV mode": one-way communication, feed without feedback.
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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by Flora_RMC »

Hi Don!
In these weeks I've tried the Italian translation (in order to have a taste of the difficulty of a task I've never faced before) and I am now at roughly 85%. Since I've read Marco and others italian users are not willing to participate in this project, can I contribute without offending anyone?
The things that remains to be translated are those more difficult for me - specific expressions about scripting, networks, technical stuff... (I'm a new user of your amazing application, so I am not familiar with the most advanced features). But hopefully, with some research, I don't think this will take me much longer :wink:
Let me know!

Note - Even if (apparently) there isn't request for an italian translation, I think it's because people who don't understand english don't even look or consider installing an application without italian localization. I was one of them years ago - I can say english software scared me because I didn't knew on what I was clicking, what the application was doing... It's like being blind - not funny at all and the panic rises, especialy with something so delicate like a File Manager.
If this is the case, I would be glad to contribute bringing XY new users with a translation :D

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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by admin »

Flora_RMC wrote:Hi Don!
In these weeks I've tried the Italian translation (in order to have a taste of the difficulty of a task I've never faced before) and I am now at roughly 85%. Since I've read Marco and others italian users are not willing to participate in this project, can I contribute without offending anyone?
The things that remains to be translated are those more difficult for me - specific expressions about scripting, networks, technical stuff... (I'm a new user of your amazing application, so I am not familiar with the most advanced features). But hopefully, with some research, I don't think this will take me much longer :wink:
Let me know!

Note - Even if (apparently) there isn't request for an italian translation, I think it's because people who don't understand english don't even look or consider installing an application without italian localization. I was one of them years ago - I can say english software scared me because I didn't knew on what I was clicking, what the application was doing... It's like being blind - not funny at all and the panic rises, especialy with something so delicate like a File Manager.
If this is the case, I would be glad to contribute bringing XY new users with a translation :D
Hi Flora,

wow, that's brilliant! :biggrin: Mille grazie. I'm sure Marco and other italian users are willing to help you with translating specific expressions.

Welcome to the club of translators!


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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by Flora_RMC »

Ok, thank you Don. I'll go ahead, then.
See you soon :biggrin:

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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by ale »

Hello Flora_RMC, if you think you need specific help about some aspects of the translation I think all people writing in this thread are listening and willing to help. I think we were just exchanging some ideas and point of views. Your work is absolutely appreciated :)

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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by Marco »

Benvenuto/a Flora_RMC,
congratulazioni per l'85%! Per quanto mi riguarda sarei ben contento di dare il mio contributo dove posso, anche se non sono familiare con le espressioni riguardo i network.
A quanto pare adesso stiamo raggiungendo un buon numero.
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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by Flora_RMC »

Happy new year everyone!
96 % now!! I see light at the end of the tunnel :D

First, a small thing: in 4984, 5099, 5231 & 5232 there is <pixel;~>s with the 's' out.
Shouldn't it be <pixel;~s> ?
In 4697 there is <failure;> and the 's' is missing.

Now, abot the italian translation...

Grazie ragazzi - Ale, Marco - non avete idea quanto apprezzi la vostra disponibilità, specie in questo periodo festivo :appl:
Scrivo quì le incertezze che ho riguardo alcune espressioni tecniche, con cui non ho familiarità. Qualunque suggerimento o aiuto per una resa migliore è assolutamente apprezzato.

Directory Dump = lasciarlo così o tradurlo, e come?
Query = "interrogazione" o lasciarlo così?
stack = parlando di script, come va tradotto?
Header Item = come tradurlo?
Snippet = lasciare questo termine in tutte le espressioni che lo contengono senza cercare di tradurlo?
file flags = come tradurlo?

Grazie davvero, per la pazienza, il tempo e la passione che dedicate a questo fantastico programma! Appena termino questa prima stesura, la posto quì e, se siete d'accordo, tutti insieme cercheremo di scovare quanti più errori e incongruenze possibili.
Manca poco... :D

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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by admin »

Flora_RMC wrote:First, a small thing: in 4984, 5099, 5231 & 5232 there is <pixel;~>s with the 's' out.
Shouldn't it be <pixel;~s> ?
In 4697 there is <failure;> and the 's' is missing.
Oh, thank you! Will be fixed in next beta.

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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by Marco »

Allora, vediamo un po'...

Directory Dump = "riepilogo (della) cartella". Si potrebbe anche lasciare "dump" volendo, ma "riepilogo" non mi suona malvagio nè forzato
Query = forse "ricerca" suona meglio nelle frasi in cui viene usato
stack = tecnicamente "pila", ma lo lascerei così
Header Item = vedo che ce ne sono due:
3552 - Don, where does it appear?
3876 - "Voce dell'header del file (di) lingua"
Snippet = sì, io lo lascerei tal quale
file flags = Don, I know this appears in the IP > Version tab, but for all files it appears to be (None). What is such field supposed to hold?
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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by admin »

Edit Header Item: Appears right in the ITT when you select a header item (top section of the LNG file).

file flags: I have one file where it is "Private build":

Code: Select all

'  ----- VS_VERSION.dwFileFlags -----
Private Const VS_FF_DEBUG = &H1&
Private Const VS_FF_PRERELEASE = &H2&
Private Const VS_FF_PATCHED = &H4&
Private Const VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD = &H8&
Private Const VS_FF_INFOINFERRED = &H10&
Private Const VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD = &H20&

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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by Marco »

admin wrote:Edit Header Item: Appears right in the ITT when you select a header item (top section of the LNG file).

file flags: I have one file where it is "Private build":

Code: Select all

'  ----- VS_VERSION.dwFileFlags -----
Private Const VS_FF_DEBUG = &H1&
Private Const VS_FF_PRERELEASE = &H2&
Private Const VS_FF_PATCHED = &H4&
Private Const VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD = &H8&
Private Const VS_FF_INFOINFERRED = &H10&
Private Const VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD = &H20&
Oh, silly blind me :oops:
Allora quella si potrebbe tradurre come "Modifica voce dell'header".
Per l'altro la terminologia Microsoft suggerisce "contrassegno" come traduzione di "flag".
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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by ale »

Volendo tradurre snippet, io l'ho visto sempre come "frammento di programma", certo in inglese è molto più conciso.
Per header item, in italiano sarebbe qualcosa tipo "elemento d'intestazione". Language file header item = Elemento d'intestazione del file della lingua. Anche se vale la stessa osservazione di snippet. File flags si potrebbe tradurre come "contrassegni file". Da quello che ha indicato Don sono una specie di marcatori che ne identificano specifiche caratteristiche. Per il resto più o meno condivido quello che ha detto Marco

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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by Flora_RMC »

Finally, Don: 100% completed! :biggrin:

Few places need some more space (but surely there's more I didn't see):

2731 & 4781 Transfer rate
2618 Padding
2592 Use <command> as placeholder... etc.
4673 The settings checked below... etc.
4218 Play once, Play again... etc. --> the Dropdown list needs just a little bit of space

Here an inconsistency:
2962 <#> <$u> not shown according to user settings (see Configuration/General) --> I guess it was an old tab, because nowdays there's no 'General' tab in Configuration.

108 <1:#> new... etc. --> why the singular/plural variables are not working here? If the results are: "1 new, 3 over, 0 skip" using <;> with the correct words, I expect to obtain 'new' (singular), 'over & skip' (plural)...

2931 Color --> (in Configuration | Color) I left it empty because in italian the word 'colore' needs to stay before the others (like "Color of the text", "color of the background" etc.) So letting it empty is less troublesome than keeping it in the wrong order.

Ok, ora che la prima parte del lavoro è finita, anche grazie ai vostri preziosi suggerimenti, spero che proverete a usare un pò XYplorer in italiano, per cercare di scoprire errori, incongruenze, etc.
Io trovo spesso cose che non mi convincono - o che suonerebbero meglio se dette in altro modo.
Continuerò a correggere...
Fatemi sapere, e grazie mille per il tempo dedicato a questo progetto! :)
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Re: Italian/Italiano (it-it; 1040)

Post by Marco »

:appl: :appl: :appl: e già che ci sono, anche chapeau!

I miei suggerimenti:

- nella scheda Proprietà del Pannello informazioni, la terminologia ufficiale Microsoft mi sembra la cosa più adatta
Appunti-20130104.png (27.57 KiB) Viewed 6361 times
Per la traduzione esatta di tutti gli attributi sto ancora cercando una fonte autorevole...

- non ci sono, in generale, un po' troppe maiuscole, all'inglese?
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