Side toolbar example:

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Side toolbar example:

Post by Skettalee »

I was going through the forum and found this image:
toolbar example : download/file.php?id=13698&sid=044dc4b9 ... 5444d1c626

What i am interested in the fact that there are buttons on the left side, i have tons of directories that I have to try to find the fastest ways to get to something ive been using the Favorite Folders and Favorite Apps for but I like that I can make a one click left click to go to that folder and right click or middle click to new tab to that folder or whatever but my list gets pretty big if i try to create buttons on the tool bar for each place i like that you can do multiple toolbars, and i know you can switch using the scroll wheel but if you make the toolbar scrollable you cant quickly switch with scroll wheel, so how else do you get to the different toolbars, in the quickest least amount of steps, like im trying to do with locations on my toolbar buttons... but rather than that if there is a way to have a toolbar made on the left and i can have a button for each location and still have my top toolbar for all the things i have. Just wondering, cant find what it is called so far just searching side toolbar

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Re: Side toolbar example:

Post by highend »

That looks like the Windows task bar^^
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Re: Side toolbar example:

Post by eil »

As an overall advice on your desire: use catalog that is not combined with tree(takes whole vertical size). Yet you can add CEA to react on location change and switch between many pre-made catalogs, basically resembling desired toolbars.
The main drawback is that Catalog can't be made extra-narrow to make it look like a line of buttons.
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