This thread aims to make the life of translators for South Slavic languages easier.
According to RFC5646 (Tags for Identifying Languages) and the following links: ... hort-codes
one can define the following uncomplete list of relevant South Slavic language codes:
Code: Select all
bg-BG Bulgarian (only Cyrillic alphabet)
bs-Cyrl-BA Bosnian (Cyrillic alphabet)
bs-Latn-BA Bosnian (Latin alphabet)
hr-HR Croatian (only Latin alphabet)
mk-MK Macedonian (only Cyrillic alphabet)
sl-SI Slovene (only Latin alphabet)
sr-Cyrl-RS Serbian (Cyrillic alphabet)
sr-Latn-RS Serbian (Latin alphabet)
Microsoft Terminology Collections (in a TBX format) and its Licence Agreement can be found here: ... ology.aspx
Microsoft Style Guides (mostly in a PDF format) can be found here: ... uides.aspx
There are two zip files attached to this message. Both contain language dictionaries - Unicode UTF-8 encoded text files - for the upper languages, based on MS Terminology Collections, but reformated (thanks to FluxTorpedoe's script, see ... 868#p78983) and hence made suitable for a direct use with XYplorer's Interface Translation Tool (ITT). Dictionary entries have additionally been sorted in alphabetic order.
MicrosoftTerminologyCollection_XY_SortedStrings (bs, hr, sr).zip contains dictionaries for Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian (in both Latin and Cyrillic script, where applicable).
MicrosoftTerminologyCollection_XY_SortedStrings (bg, mk, sl).zip contains dictionaries for Bulgarian, Macedonian and Slovene.
XYplorer's documentation for translators explains how to use dictionary files of this kind in ITT.
If translators show up, this thread could serve as a platform for posting questions; showing examples; creating a kind of a knowledge base about IT terms, additional dictionaries, translation sources, etc.
I actually think that most of the XYplorer users coming from the South Slavic Languages speaking area would prefer to use the original English version of XYplorer. However, I might be wrong. Let's see...