Catalog item parsing

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Catalog item parsing

Post by jupe »

Since dual loc intro, if I use a catalog item with a script that has a line something like this somewhere near the start/top,

if (1==1 || 2==2) { e 1; }

XY identifies it as a dual loc and sets that icon, as well as interpreting it as paths (probably to be expected since no trailing scolon), but even if I use the explicit script marker, it is still parsed incorrectly and produces a scripting error, and the icon is unchangeable without modifying the script. I know there are ways to avoid this scenario, and/or script around it, but thought I'd mention it anyway, in case you think it can be improved.

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Re: Catalog item parsing

Post by admin »

Ah, of course! :tup: Will work in next beta, even without the explicit script marker.

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