EDIT: Files Updated! (for ease of use, no important change)
- Removed all duplicate entries
- Ordered entries alphabetically
- Added BOM to UTF-8 files
Previous: Modified post presentation and script to clarify things for newcomers and forum search
Here's a repository of "Terminology Database" files for translators:
- Words or segments that are listed as pairs, with the Source language (English) and its translation in the Target language.
For their use within XYplorer's Interface Translation Tool (ITT):
- read the XYplorer Translation Guide
- and as of now, the latest beta info
Note: You can also open them in your favorite editor to search for translations.
--- --- ---
Here are the language packs (because the number and size of attachments are limited).
• Deutsch, Español: • Français, Polski: • Português, Русский: • Ελληνική, Italiano:
• South Slavic Languages (.ba, .bg, .hr, .me, .mk, .rs, .si) with instructions. Dedicated thread by Borut:MicrosoftTermCollection-TBXY (EL, IT).zip [360.45 KiB]
• ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, Danish, Dutch, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Hindi, Catalan
see here: http://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic. ... 042#p82042 [added by admin 20130202]
Good luck to you all,
--- --- ---
If your language is not listed, you can download it here:
http://www.microsoft.com/Language/en-US ... ology.aspx
Then select your file and run the following script:
Code: Select all
// TBX-XY Cleaner v1.21
// - Removes all non-translation data.
// - Reformats with one entry per line,
// with Source and Target languages separated by the following delimiter.
$Delimiter = "|--|"; // Change to suit your needs
if ((<curext> == "tbx") || (<curext> == "xml") || (<curext> LikeI "*htm*")) {
status "~~~ Processing ~~~", , "progress";
$TBX_file = <curbase>;
$TBX_content = readfile(<curitem>);
$TBXY_content = regexreplace($TBX_content, '((?:.|\n)(?!=<term id=))+?<langset(?:.|\n)*?<term id="\d+">([^<]+)(?:.|\n)*?<langset(?:.|\n)*?<term id="\d+">([^<]+)', "$2§§§$3<crlf>");
$TBXY_content = regexreplace($TBXY_content, "\n<[^\n]+", ""); // Remove last line
$TBXY_content = regexreplace($TBXY_content, "§§§", $Delimiter); // Note: regex is used because regular replace hangs
writefile ($TBX_file."-XY.tbxy", $TBXY_content);
wait 400;
status "TBX converted successfully";
} else {
msg "<crlf>You need to select a TBX Terminology Database file, <crlf 2> with the extension: TBX, XML or HTML. <crlf 2>"