Overview of custom column snippets / scripts

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Overview of custom column snippets / scripts

Post by highend »

It will serve as an overview of user created custom columns snippets / scripts...

How to install a snippet for a custom column

Code: Select all

from the address bar and copy and paste the part inside the code blocks into
this window. After confirming it with the "OK" button, you can use the custom column
after adding a new column to the current view


Title: EXIF GPS coordinates
Description: Show the EXIF GPS coordinates, no external tools required
Link: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=18655
Author: highend
Labels: image, picture, photo

Title: Image size in inches
Description: Show the size of an image in inches instead of pixel
Author: highend
Labels: image, picture, photo

Title: Video length
Description: Show the length of video files via system properties or the external tool MediaInfo
Link: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=18654
Author: highend
Labels: video

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