Custom folder view question

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Custom folder view question

Post by gilly775 »

I'm checking out the trial version and so far, I like it a lot. However, knowing this is a pretty robust program, I am trying to figure out how to create a custom view on the root of a certain drive and not sure how to do it so hoping one of you might.

I am trying to first, sort by Date Created. That's fine, it's working like it should. But I want to go a step first and then sort by Name/Type which, when you sort by name, Folders come first. I would like to know if you can first sort by created and then sort where folders come first, and files come afterwards. And then, can it be saved so the next time you open the drive it comes up like that? Is that possible?

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Re: Custom folder view question

Post by highend »

Menu - View - Folder View Settings - Define this Folder View as Default

Menu - Tools - Configuration...
Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Sort | [x] Sort folders apart
Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Sort | [x] Keep folders on top

Left click the created column
Shift+left click the name column
Menu - View - Folder View Settings - Save Folder View
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Joined: 23 Feb 2021 00:22

Re: Custom folder view question

Post by gilly775 »

Thank you so much. That worked!

I didn't want to do that for every folder/drive opened; just this one particular drive root, so I didn't do the first step you provided. But this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again!

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