ExpanDrive works in XYPlorer

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ExpanDrive works in XYPlorer

Post by WirlyWirly »

During these weekend sales, I picked up ExpanDrive for -30% and am happy to report it works well in XYPlorer :appl:

If you're looking to access SFTP/FTP/Cloud drives inside of XY, this is a great way to do it. ExpanDrive essentially mounts them as virtual drives which you can access using any program (Or so they claim).


That W volume is an SFTP server I run via a Docker container. The total size isn't accurate, but that's not really a big deal IMO. Now I won't need to switch to WinSCP every time I need to access remote files, I can do it all in XY!

If you're into writing scripts, I've found that the volume will also works inside of terminals such as GitBash and the Python interpreter (I use Pathlib). Pretty clean way to use sftp/cloud drives.

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Re: ExpanDrive works in XYPlorer

Post by admin »

:tup: Thanks for the info!

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