BETA version (with detailed history information)

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0006, 24-aug-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0006 - 24.08.04 13:42
    + Preview: added Musepack (MPC, MP+, MPP) files to preview.
      MusePack ( is claimed to be the highest 
      quality lossy audio compression format currently available. Musepack 
      files are smaller than mp3s with the same quality or have better 
      quality at the same size.    
      More infos:
      NOTE: Musepack DirectShow decoder [version or higher] is 
      required for previewing MusePack files (*.mpc, *.mp+, *.mpp). It is 
      included in KLite Codec-Pack 2.27 Full, downloadable from
    * Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P (copy selected filename with path to 
      clipboard) now copies the current tree path if no file is currently 
    * Double-Click on a folder in find results now opens that folder within 
      TrackerV3. Before it was opened by Explorer (resp. the system's default 
      app for opening folders) which I now feel is a bit counter-intuitive.
v3.60.0005 - 23.08.04 18:49
    + Preview: added Monkey’s Audio (APE) files to preview.
      Monkey’s Audio is a lossless audio compression codec.
      More infos:'s_Audio
      NOTE: Monkey's Audio DirectShow decoder 1.00 is required for 
      previewing Monkey's audio files (.ape).
      It is included in KLite Codec-Pack 2.27 Full, downloadable from

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0008, 27-aug-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0008 - 26.08.04 09:51
    + Rename Special: added command "MP3: ID3 tag to Filename (artist - title)".
      Handy feature because it applies to all selected mp3-files at once (if 
      no ID3 tag is found a file is not renamed).
    + Rename Special: added another ID3 tag to Filename command meeting the 
      following MP3 File Naming Conventions:
      Artist - Album - Track# - Title.mp3
    + Info panel jump-sizing (min/max toggling):
      Additional Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl++ (plus). Same function as 
      Ctrl+Numpad+ (plus).

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0011, 29-aug-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0011 - 29.08.04 22:04
    * Focus on empty CD drive: before it was not possible to focus an empty 
      CD/DVD drive (the selection jumped back to the previous location). Now 
      it is possible, making moving through the tree totally smooth. The 
      statusbar will show the message "Drive is currently unavailable."
    ! Find Files using Regular Expressions: results list would go blank 
      after deleting a file from a RegExp search results list. Fixed.
    + Info panel jump-sizing (min/max toggling): added a menu entry
      "Minimize/Maximize Panel" under the View menu.
      New Keyboard shortcut: Shift+12
      The other shortcuts with the same functionality Ctrl++ and 
      Ctrl+Numpad+ have been removed. Why: keep it simple.
    + Rename Special: added another ID3 tag to Filename command:
      MP3: ID3 tag to Filename (Track# - Artist - Title.mp3)
v3.60.0009 - 28.08.04 09:49
    + Preview: managed to parse the WMA stream properties header. Now you see
      information like "Format: 32000 Hz, 48 kBit/s, Stereo" while previewing
      a WMA (Windows Media Audio) file.
    + Preview: idem for ASF files (Advanced Streaming Format).
    ! Favorites Menu: some scenarios would lead to duplicate entries at the 
      bottom of the menu. Fixed.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0012, 30-aug-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0012 - 30.08.04 10:27
    * Menu Edit/New: now all name templates for new files' and folders' 
      names are date/time sensitive. The templates are fully configurable 
      for those who know how to edit INI-files. Here's the INI section and 
      the keys with their default settings:
        Folder0=\N\e\w \F\o\l\d\e\r   'date/time sensitive, shortcut Ctrl+N
        Folder1=yyyymmdd              'date/time sensitive
        Folder2=yyyy-mm-dd            'date/time sensitive
        File0=\N\e\w \T\e\x\t\f\i\l\e 'date/time sensitive, shortcut Ctrl+T
        File1=yyyymmdd                'date/time sensitive
        File2=yyyy-mm-dd              'date/time sensitive
        Version=1                     'internal flag, do NOT change
      Note that you can also define textual parts of the date/time sensitive 
      templates, not just dates. To do that you have to backslash all 
      literals, for example:
        File1=\L\o\g yyyy-mm-dd_hh-nn-ss
      would create a file auto-named "Log 2004-06-07_10-05-25.txt".
    * Menu Edit/New: all items generated by the New command will 
      automatically enter rename-mode after creation.
    + Menu File: added command "Exit without saving". Quits the app without 
      updating the INI file, so that the next start will be exactly as the 
      last one.
    + Find Files: added "Check full path" option. If checked, the search 
      term is not only compared with the file name but with the full 
      For instance, suppose it's very important for you to list all files on 
      your computer related to Dracula. Searching drive C:\ for "*Dracula*" 
      will not find the crucial file C:\Dracula\Blood.doc, but at best the 
      folder C:\Dracula (if you did not exclude Directories from search 
      results via Attributes). Here "Check full path" comes in: if checked 
      then C:\Dracula\Blood.doc will be found, and 
      C:\Downloads\, too!

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0016, 31-aug-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0016 - 31.08.04 11:56
    * Main Window Title, changed order:
      Old: TrackerV3 - E:\VB-Don\TestFiles\
      New: E:\VB-Don\TestFiles\ - TrackerV3
    ! Multiple Location Search (via pipe-separated paths in Location combo): 
      did not work correctly with special paths (Desktop, My Documents). 
    * Tree and List, Navigating with Keyboard: improved algorithm allows for 
      easier navigation to specific targets while perserving the possibility 
      to cycle through a block of items by key-repeating their first letter. 
      Know what I mean?
      Also increased the allowed time gap between two keystrokes in order to 
      be counted as parts of one string from 0.5 to 0.75 seconds. In other 
      words: you may type a bit slower now.   

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0017, 31-aug-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0017 - 31.08.04 18:26
    ! Tree and List, Navigating with Keyboard: scrolling issue in long 
      listings leading to inconsistencies between topindex and scrollbar 
      position. Fixed.
    * Improved Auto-Refresh of find results lists from finds recursing 
      subfolders. Now deletions done by other apps are recognized correctly 
      also in deeper levels.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0020, 01-sep-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0020 - 01.09.04 19:02
    + Image Preview: added field "Made" to JPEG information. Good news for 
      digital photo afficionados: now the EXIF DateTime (that's when you shot 
      the pic) embedded in JPEG files is displayed in the information frame. 
      This works with both Intel and Motorola byte order, the latter being 
      not among the talents of Explorer.
    ! Relative paths were not shown correctly in find results of special 
      folders and their subfolders. Fixed.
    ! Auto-Refresh of find results did not work as expected when the search 
      location was different from the current tree path. Fixed.
v3.60.0018 - 31.08.04 18:26
    * Renaming items: the preselection in the edit box is set to the base 
      name of the item, ie excluding the extension. This has been the case 
      for all items since a couple of years now, and it's a very handy TV3-
      only feature. From now on, however, it is restricted to files only 
      because it just does not make any sense with folders.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0024, 04-sep-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0024 - 04.09.04 12:44
    + Menu View/List Styles/Date Format: added Zodiac! Hoping to attract 
      some eso-folks to the business of file managing. Your files are born 
      under a star now.
    * Menu View/Style List/Alternate Color for Find Results: removed that 
      option and replaced it by a hard-coded "Yes, use Alternate Color for 
      Find Results!". Why: no sane person would ever say no to this.
    + Menu View/List Styles/Date Format: added more formats. The first 2 are 
      determined by your OS-wide userdefined date format configuration (Short 
      Date and Long Date). The other 6 are predefined by TrackerV3, but you 
      can edit them in the INI (Section = "ListDateFormats") at will (only for 
      advanced users!).
    + Menu Go, experimental new history feature: before every browsed 
      location was automatically added to the history, thus packing it with 
      a lot of unimportant transit stop-overs. Now, there's a temporal 
      threshold: only if you stay at least 2 seconds (will be configurable 
      if the feature stands the test of time) in a location it will be 
      permanently stored in the history; if you leave before its entry will 
      be overwritten by the next location.
    ! MP3 Special Rename failed predictably when the filename generated from 
      ID3-tags contained chars that are illegal for filenames. Fixed: those 
      chars are now detected and replaced by spaces.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0025, 05-sep-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0025 - 05.09.04 13:20
    + List and Tree Colors: total revision of color selection ways and 
      possibilities. In Configuration/General (F9) you can now easily change the 
      main interface colors for the tree (background, hilited folder, boxed 
      branch) and the list (background, focused row, sorted column; for all 
      list modes: browse, find, drives).
      The list's color fields are now mode-sensitive. So if you want to 
      change the find results colors, do a find first and then press F9.
      You can also easily switch back to the default colors by right-
      clicking the respective color fields.
      NOTE: some of your current style settings will be reset to factory 
      defaults the first time you run this update.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0027, 06-sep-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0027 - 06.09.04 09:15
    * Find Files Tab Strip: tab captions of selected tabs now shown in blue.
v3.60.0026 - 05.09.04 19:54
    * Filling the list now shows less mouse cursor transmutations: you'll 
      see the hourglass only if the job takes longer than 250 msec.
    ! Rename Special: the three re-capitalization commands refused to work 
      claiming "File already exists", which is true but no reason to skip work, 
      because there won't be any collision. Embarrasing little bug that 
      slipped in some days ago. Fixed.

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Location: Win8.1 @100%, Win10 @100%

Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0028, 06-sep-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0028 - 06.09.04 18:54
    + Tab Strips: the selected tab's header now can have a user-configurable 
      background color. The "can" and the "user-configurable" will be added 
      later... ;) The color is temporarily hardset to the window back color 
      (usually white).
    + Menu Go: added command "Go to Line...". Enter a line number and the 
      file list's focus and selection will jump to that line.
      Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+L
    + Menu View/List Styles/Date Format: added ISO 8601 format, the 
      International Standard for the representation of dates and times. In 
      ISO 8601 the time right now is written "2004-09-06 18:54:46", the 
      general pattern being yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
      In hardcore ISO 8601 it would be written "2004-09-06T18:54:46" but 
      TrackerV3 skips the "T" to improve readability.
      TrackerV3 displays all file times translated into the user's local 
      time. Were it to write times in UTC it should be "2004-09-
      06T16:54:46Z" (the appended Z letter indicates that the time is 
      represented in UTC, Universal Time Coordinated, formerly called 
      Greenwich Mean Time, GMT).
    + Size Format and Date Format are now also accessible as context menus 
      of the respective column headers in the file list.

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Now something interesting. I created a new installer! So this time you get the full package (602 KB). Happy installing (don't worry, your INI file will not be overwritten)!
Before installing you might want to read this little info: How to update your old installation using the new installer

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0030, 08-sep-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0030 - 08.09.04 11:33
    + Menu Go: the complete history (maximum 24 entries) is now 
      remembered between sessions. Before memory was limited to 5 entries.
v3.60.0029 - 06.09.04 23:00
  +++ New Installer. I finally found a great installer, NSIS (Nullsoft 
      Scriptable Install System) and proudly present a much cooler install 
      experience, including a real license agreement, real full 
      install/uninstall support, and other niceties. And it's smaller!
      Also made some blueish bitmaps heavily drawing from the "Orange 
      Modern UI Theme" that was created by MoNKi.    
    * Tab Strips coloring: turned it into a hard-core option. If you need 
      colored tab headers you can go down to edit the INI file here:
      Before you cry: I plan a redesign of the Tab Strip soon...

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Joined: 22 May 2004 16:48
Location: Win8.1 @100%, Win10 @100%

Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Now something interesting. I created a new installer! So this time you get the full package (602 KB). Happy installing (don't worry, your INI file will not be overwritten)!
Before installing you might want to read this little info: How to update your old installation using the new installer

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0032, 09-sep-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0032 - 09.09.04 18:26
    + Drag'n'Drop Context Menu: added command "Copy Here (Postfix 
      Number)". Creates an auto-serial-numbererd duplicate of the dragged 
      file. The command is available only if exactly one file is drag-
      dropped, resp., when triggered by keyboard, applies only to the 
      focused file. Examples:
        My.txt => My-01.txt
        My.txt => My-02.txt (if My-01.txt already exists)
        My.txt => My-03.txt (if My-01.txt and My-02.txt already exist)
      Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+D (think "Duplicate")
v3.60.0031 - 08.09.04 23:07
    + Drag'n'Drop Context Menu: added command "Copy Here As...". Allows you 
      to create a renamed copy of the dragged file. The command is 
      available only if exactly one file is drag-dropped, resp., when 
      triggered by keyboard, applies only to the focused file.
      If source and target path/file are identical, the copy is auto-
      renamed to "Copy of OriginalName" (auto-rename scheme varies 
      depending on OS locale).
      Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+S (think "Save As...")
    % Had a clever idea. Result: further speed up of browse and find 

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Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

See edited previous post: new super feature "Copy Here (Postfix Number)"! For this alone I would buy a license! 8)

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Posts: 59751
Joined: 22 May 2004 16:48
Location: Win8.1 @100%, Win10 @100%

Re: Here's the new BETA

Post by admin »

Download the latest TrackerV3 BETA version (v3.60.0036, 12-sep-2004).

Code: Select all

  +++ major new feature
    + new feature
    * changed feature
    % improved performance
    ! fixed minor bug
  !!! fixed major bug

v3.60.0036 - 12.09.04 19:10
    + From now on, History.txt is part of the distribution package.
    + Drag'n'Drop Context Menu: added commands "Move Here (Postfix 
      Number)" and "Move Here As...". Handy if you want to move several 
      same-named files to one directory without having them overwrite each 
    * Menu Go/Go to Line...: now moves the focus to the file list if it 
      hasn't been there anyway.    
    + File Preview: Extract Text mode (Normal and International) now can 
      wrap lines.
    * Dialog for "Copy Here As...": now only the base of the filename is 
      preselected (just like you know it from TV3's Rename interface).
    ! When you were fast, mean, and determined, you could generate an 
      error when you selected a folder while the list was still loading 
      when Show Folder Sizes was enabled. Fixed.
v3.60.0033 - 10.09.04 10:19
    + Command "Copy Here (Postfix Number)": you can configure the format 
      by editing the following INI keys:
        PostfixSep=-      Separator between filename and number.
                          Make sure all characters are legal in 
                          file names.
        PostfixDigits=2   Valid range: 1 - 4 (i.e. 1, 01, 001, 0001).
      When you think you need more than 4 digits (that's up to 9999 
      versions of one file) you probably have an organization problem 
      and should seek professional advice ;)
