user function index
allstrpos() : Returns all positions of a substring in a string.
arabictoroman() : Convert Arabic (decimal) numbers to Roman numeric system.
comp() : Compares two numbers and returns either the larger or the smaller one.
createplaylist() : Create a playlist out of given files or all mp3 files in current folder.
dectohex() : Returns the hexadecimal form of a decimal number (Note: undocumented builtin dectohex() exists)
debug() : example of a simple debugging method.
dent() : Removes or adds indentation to text, and returns result.
dict() : An example of a dictionary/hashtable function.
dlbtn() : Downloads and adds a CTB from an online snippet URL. Returns ctbindex.
fact() : Factorial function.
flip() : boolean toggle a variable.
frac() : Returns the fractional part of a decimal number.
gethtmltoken() : returns option value or optionlist in an html() GET form submit url.
getlayout() : Returns value of one or more layout element.
getitemindex() : Returns list indexes of given items in current list.
gettabidx() : Returns a tab ID for the given location and pane, optionally creating the tab.
gettabindex() : Returns index of the tab(s) matching given criteria.
gettokenrange() : Returns a range of tokens (eg, tokens 2-5) from a tokenlist.
getvolumeserialnumber() : Returns storage volume serial of storage drive(s).
hextobin() : Returns the binary form of an hexadecimal number.
htmlescape() : Escapes special html characters in an html string.
in() : Checks if a token (or tokens) exists in a list.
(Intended for conditional expressions)
instokenpos() : Inserts a token at a specified position of a tokenlist.
int() : Returns the integer part of a decimal number.
isprocessrunning() : Checks if a particular process is running. Returns 1 if it is.
lipsumgen() : Returns dummy filler text with defined word-length.
listfilter() : Filter a list by testing items against an expression.
luminance() : Change luminance of given hex color.
max() : Returns the largest in a collection of numbers.
max() : Returns the largest of two numbers.
min() : Returns the smallest of two numbers.
mstime() : Converts milliseconds to hh:mm:ss.fff format.
ncr() : Combination function.
Keep input at or below the lower 20's (< 28) for any reliability
npr() : Permutation function.
Keep input at or below the lower 20's (< 28) for any reliability
nthroot() : Returns the nth root of a positive number in base 10.
pad() : Pads two strings or numbers to the same length.
popupnestedpath() : Returns menu-path to the selected item of a popupnested() menu.
range() : Returns a list of numbers by custom steps from a range,
regexescape() : Escapes special regexp characters in a string.
regread() : Reads data from the registry.
regwrite() : Writes data to the registry.
remtoken() : Removes specified tokens from a tokenlist.
remtokenpos() : Removes the token at a specified position of a tokenlist.
reptokenpos() : Replaces the token at a specified position of a tokenlist.
resolvevolumeserialnumber() : Returns driveletter of a storage volume serial.
romantoarabic() : Converts Roman numbers to Arabic, ie, to modern decimal.
selsortlist() : sort a list using Selection Sort.
sendkeyescape() : Escapes a string for use in sendkeys.
sign() : Returns the sign of a decimal number.
sqrt() : Returns the square root of a positive number in base 10.
swap() : Swaps the values of two variables.
swapkeyvalue() : Swap keys and values in a "key:value;key:value" string.
varsize() : Returns the raw byte count of the value of a variable.
xycolorconv : A set of functions to convert between regular hex colors and the decimal color format used in XYplorer.ini.
xypcre : A collection of functions that add PCRE support, including regexp match, capture, replace, split.