Install using Standard Windows ID (not admin) could be improved

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Install using Standard Windows ID (not admin) could be improved

Post by John.JCAT »

I run in Windows 10 Domain using an ID which is not an administrator, in order to help protect against vulnerabilities coming from the Internet. I have a second Domain ID which has administrator privileges that I use when needed. Most software installs reach the point where the admin privileges are required and just trigger the windows UAC process that requests me to approve the action using an administrator ID and password. I usually do not need to run the installation starting with an administrator ID.

This causes an unnecessarily complex update process with XYPlorer (I am otherwise very happy with the product and am just submitting this post as a suggestion for possible improvement.). In my environment, an update process with XYPlorer runs as follows:

1. Check for Updates - when present, click "OK" to do the update.
2. Receive a message about using Administrator privileges: "Note that you have to run the installer as Administrator if you want to install XYplorer in a UAC protected location. To do so now press Cancel to exit the installer executable and select "Run as Administrator".
3. Click "OK" and when the first Install Setup screen appears, click "Cancel".
4. Now....where is the installer located? Not in "Downloads" folder.
5. Go to the XYplorer website and download the installation ZIP.
6. Unzip and run the install as Administrator.
7. Restart XYplorer using non-Admin account.

Later I searched for the installer and found it in AppData\Local\Temp

This seems like an unnecessarily complex install process for an update...Comments?

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