TBXY - Translation "Terminology Database" files for XY's ITT

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TBXY - Translation "Terminology Database" files for XY's ITT

Post by FluxTorpedoe »

EDIT: Files Updated! (for ease of use, no important change)
- Removed all duplicate entries
- Ordered entries alphabetically
- Added BOM to UTF-8 files

Previous: Modified post presentation and script to clarify things for newcomers and forum search


Here's a repository of "Terminology Database" files for translators:
- Words or segments that are listed as pairs, with the Source language (English) and its translation in the Target language.

:arrow: For their use within XYplorer's Interface Translation Tool (ITT):
- read the XYplorer Translation Guide
- and as of now, the latest beta info
Note: You can also open them in your favorite editor to search for translations.

--- --- ---

Here are the language packs (because the number and size of attachments are limited).

Deutsch, Español:
MicrosoftTermCollection-TBXY (DE, ES).zip
(412.36 KiB) Downloaded 846 times
Français, Polski:
MicrosoftTermCollection-TBXY (FR, PL).zip
(390.59 KiB) Downloaded 728 times
Português, Русский:
MicrosoftTermCollection-TBXY (PT, RU).zip
(418.98 KiB) Downloaded 762 times
Ελληνική, Italiano:
South Slavic Languages (.ba, .bg, .hr, .me, .mk, .rs, .si) with instructions. Dedicated thread by Borut:
ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, Danish, Dutch, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Hindi, Catalan
see here: http://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic. ... 042#p82042 [added by admin 20130202]

Good luck to you all, 8)

--- --- ---

If your language is not listed, you can download it here:
http://www.microsoft.com/Language/en-US ... ology.aspx

Then select your file and run the following script:

Code: Select all

// TBX-XY Cleaner v1.21
// - Removes all non-translation data.
// - Reformats with one entry per line,
//    with Source and Target languages separated by the following delimiter.

  $Delimiter = "|--|"; // Change to suit your needs

  if ((<curext> == "tbx") || (<curext> == "xml") || (<curext> LikeI "*htm*")) {
    status "~~~   Processing   ~~~", , "progress";
    $TBX_file = <curbase>;
    $TBX_content = readfile(<curitem>);
    $TBXY_content = regexreplace($TBX_content, '((?:.|\n)(?!=<term id=))+?<langset(?:.|\n)*?<term id="\d+">([^<]+)(?:.|\n)*?<langset(?:.|\n)*?<term id="\d+">([^<]+)', "$2§§§$3<crlf>");
    $TBXY_content = regexreplace($TBXY_content, "\n<[^\n]+", ""); // Remove last line
    $TBXY_content = regexreplace($TBXY_content, "§§§", $Delimiter); // Note: regex is used because regular replace hangs
    writefile ($TBX_file."-XY.tbxy", $TBXY_content);
    wait 400;
    status "TBX converted successfully";
  } else {
    msg "<crlf>You need to select a TBX Terminology Database file,  <crlf 2>     with the extension: TBX, XML or HTML.  <crlf 2>"
Last edited by FluxTorpedoe on 19 Nov 2012 08:42, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: TBXY - Terminology Database for XYplorer

Post by FluxTorpedoe »

Ελληνική, Italiano:
MicrosoftTermCollection-TBXY (EL, IT).zip
(360.45 KiB) Downloaded 988 times
Last edited by FluxTorpedoe on 19 Nov 2012 08:09, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: TBXY - Terminology Database for XYplorer

Post by FluxTorpedoe »

--- Reserved for new languages ---

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Re: TBXY - Terminology Database for XYplorer

Post by admin »

Fantastic, thanks! :appl: :appl: :appl:

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Re: TBXY - Terminology Database for XYplorer

Post by FluxTorpedoe »

Glad I could help! :D

+ added Italian and Greek

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Re: TBXY - Terminology Database files for XYplorer ITT

Post by SkyFrontier »

There's a problem with encoding in PTBR version. Opening with wordpad clearly shows it.
Yet to determine what's causing it.
Tried some tu/ta variations with writefile among other tricks. Opening with notepad, ctrl+c/v and saving with PSpad did the trick.
If someone can explain it, please do so.
(241.75 KiB) Downloaded 669 times
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Re: TBXY - Terminology Database files for XYplorer ITT

Post by FluxTorpedoe »

SkyFrontier wrote:There's a problem with encoding in PTBR version. Opening with wordpad clearly shows it.
Well, not exactly... (at all!) :wink:
This Português-Brasil file was automatically saved by the script in standard UTF-8 without BOM. The problem comes from Wordpad which doesn't detect them correctly, but that's probably one of the only 'editors' that behaves that way - all other editors should work.
Well, even Notepad does! :twisted:

=> If someone really has to use Wordpad, well, just open the file in Notepad and save it. That's it.

BTW, no need to convert it for PSPad which detects UTF files correctly.
And most importantly, XYplorer ITT correctly detects them too... :wink:

- I had thought of converting/forcing a save in UTF-8 in the script but dropped it after I saw that would raise much more problems depending on the languages and the editors.
- Anyway, thanks for pointing that out, EDIT: I updated the first post to clarify things and warn against Wordpad.

Have a nice day, 8)

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Re: TBXY - Translation "Terminology Database" files for XY's

Post by FluxTorpedoe »

While testing the TBXYs with the new ITT (nice! :D ), I discovered a significant number of duplicate entries, so I've updated all the files without the duplicates, and ordered the entries alphabetically (took this idea from Borut).
And while I was at it --following SkyFrontier's experience-- I added BOM to UTF-8 files (but didn't convert any). As they say, better safe than sorry - though I hope it won't raise new problems. :wink:

Good luck 8)

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Re: TBXY - Translation "Terminology Database" files for XY's

Post by admin »

Here is another "Terminology Database" pack for the following languages, prepared with FluxTorpedoe's script:


Download Pack:
(1.5 MiB) Downloaded 717 times
Usage Example:
In the ITT, select menu Tools / Configuration (F9). Then add the path to your MicrosoftTermCollection manually like this (e.g. Vietnamese).

Code: Select all

Now the ITT will suggest translations from this MicrosoftTermCollection wherever it finds a matching term in XYplorer's strings.

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Re: TBXY - Translation "Terminology Database" files for XY's

Post by Anselma »

I can't seem to download anything. Anyone faces same issue with me?

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Re: TBXY - Translation "Terminology Database" files for XY's

Post by admin »

Works fine here.

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Re: TBXY - Translation "Terminology Database" files for XY's

Post by Anselma »

Then could you please download the Malay (Malaysian) language for me?

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Re: TBXY - Translation "Terminology Database" files for XY's

Post by admin »

Anselma wrote:Then could you please download the Malay (Malaysian) language for me?
Here you are:
(626.74 KiB) Downloaded 584 times

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Re: TBXY - Translation "Terminology Database" files for XY's

Post by Anselma »

Great! :)
Thanks, Don!

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Re: TBXY - Translation "Terminology Database" files for XY's

Post by admin »

Here is the term collection for Turkish:
(228.85 KiB) Downloaded 589 times

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