Amazingly Brilliant!!

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Amazingly Brilliant!!

Post by BobsYourUncle »

About 6 weeks ago I bought a lifetime license for XY.
I got so sick of Windoze File Exploder and its incessant habit of jumping to the top that I researched, found XY and instantly knew it was a keeper.

I am so over the top impressed with this amazingly brilliant program that there are not enough good words to describe it. Unquestionably the finest piece of software I've ever had the pleasure to have a copy of.

I use XY every day to handle the thousands of files I have for my work. I just love the ability to toggle 1 or 2 pane view, and to have tabs in each one is more brilliance! I have multiple tabs in each pane for the wide selection of folders I need to access daily. It is a huge time saver just with that feature alone. I use Dark Mode - I love it - easy on the eyes and easy to navigate.

I am exploring the program more and learning new features as I go. Beats watching the latest movies! :biggrin:

All I can say is Wow Wow Wow!!

Fantastic work! Donald, you are a genius. :D

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Re: Amazingly Brilliant!!

Post by RalphM »

From your description of workflow I believe you'll add another Wow once you looked into Tabsets (maybe even the Session Manager script - which I haven't used myself though) and all the nifty little things one can do with CFA's and scripts.
Ralph :)
(OS: W11 22H2 Home x64 - XY: Current beta - Office 2019 32-bit - Display: 1920x1080 @ 125%)

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Re: Amazingly Brilliant!!

Post by admin »

Great, thanks! :D :beer: :tup:

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