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How to upgrade your current translation:
- Open XYplorer (use a version that is same or newer than the new Reference.lng, optimally the latest BETA version!) and ensure your current translation is loaded.
- Open the Interface Translation Tool (ITT) from menu Help.
- Remember: Always backup your work before upgrading.
- Select File | Upgrade Language File (Download) [Ctrl+D] (this command will probably be translated into your language at this point) in the ITT: It will download the new reference file and upgrade the currently loaded language file.
- Then translate the missing or changed items. The commands in the View menu of the ITT ("Show only...") will help you to quickly identify what has to be done. Note that yellow items ("Mostly Translated") are usually just caused by changed accelerators (underlined letters) in the string. So the translation is still correct but can adjust the accelerator if possible.
- Thanks for your work!