Short Version
Open Help | Unlock Trial Version... and enter the information exactly as you received it in your registration details. Copy and paste is the best way to avoid typos.
Long Version
In case you are still having problems with the unlock procedure the following information will help you to solve the issue.
These are your registration details. They contain your
Registration Name and your
License Key. You have received them by email:
These are your registration details, containing your Name and Key.
Before unlocking XYplorer you have to
download and install the program on your computer. The version you unlock shouldn’t be much older than your key, as keys aren’t necessarily backward compatible.
You cannot unlock the
Free Version. Download the Pro Version from
here to unlock it.
In 2023 a new key was introduced that cannot be used to unlock versions from before 2023. If your current version is pre-2023 (i.e. pre v23.90.0400) download the latest version from
here to unlock it.
After installation you open the program by dbl-clicking the file XYplorer.exe located in the folder where you installed the application.
Unlock Trial Version dialog is found under menu
Help | Unlock Trial Version... in the main application window of XYplorer.
When you upgrade an existing license the command to open the dialog is called Update Registration Details....
Note that you have to open XYplorer first in order to see this menu. The menu bar is located near the top of the XYplorer window, and the Help menu is the right-most item in this menu bar. Click on the word Help to open the menu. Then you click on the command Unlock Trial Version... (or Update Registration Details... when you upgrade an existing license):
This is the opened Help menu. Unlock Trial Version... is the command to open the Unlock Trial Version dialog. When you upgrade an existing license the command to open the dialog is called Update Registration Details....
The Unlock Trial Version Dialog. Enter the data exactly as you received them in your registration details. Copy-and-Paste is the best method to prevent any typos.
Name is case-sensitive, so please check its spelling and capitalization. Copy-and-Paste is the best method to prevent any typos. Note that the
Name is found in the line starting with "
Name:" (see
image above).
License Key is case-sensitive, so please check its spelling and capitalization. Copy-and-Paste the
License Key (do not type it to avoid typos). Note that the key is found in the line starting with "
Key:" (see
image above).
Finally you click the OK button. Then close and restart XYplorer. The program will now be unlocked.
The folder where XYplorer.ini resides must be writable. If you try to unlock on a CD-ROM it won't work.