XYplorer 11.20 has been released on 24-May-2012. Here's a quick introduction to the main new features:
Of course, you can configure it to your liking. Simply choose your preferred selection style in Configuration | Colors & Styles | Selections:
The Floating Preview, quickly toggled by F11*, shows the current file in a non-modal preview window whose size and absolute screen position is stored between sessions. It supports all types of images, and snapshot previews for HTML, PDF, MPEG, DWG, etc., everything your system can generate thumbnails for.
* Note: If you are upgrading then F11 will probably still point to Full Screen Preview, which was the default in earlier versions. You can assign F11 to the Floating Preview using Customize Keyboard Shortucts in menu Tools. |
The Floating Preview supports:
Credits for the icon (from the incredibly good Free Vintage Design Icons) go to DesignContest.com.
Full Row Select makes a much larger target for hitting a tree node. To enable it tick "Full Row Select" in menu Tools | Customize Tree.
To add this button to your toolbar use menu Tools | Customize Toolbar. You can further choose between Zebra Striping and a normal grid lines in Configuration | Colors & Styles | Zebra Striping. As you see the grid can add some visual grip to a list in Details view: