Release 10.80


Release 10.80.0000

XYplorer 10.80 has been released on 19-Jan-2012. Here's a quick introduction to the main new features:

Multi Branch View. Quickly view the complete contents of two or more folders in one list. These folders can even be in totally different locations.

Here's a graphic example (click the thumbnails to zoom):

1. Three folders have been selected in the file list.

2. After clicking the Branch View button in the toolbar the complete contents of the three folders are listed. The full paths are also shown in the Address Bar.

3. To demonstrate the power of such a Multi Branch View we drag a file from one subfolder to another.

4. Voilà, the result is immediately visible. You now see the moved file SchoolOfRock.png in the new subfolder.

Now isn't that the way you always wanted to organize your files? And you can do this across your system just as easily. Here's a shot of a Multi Branch View that combines folders from different ends of the computer in one view:

Two completely unrelated folders in one view.

Of course, these Multi Branch Views are preserved in their tabs and can be opened just like normal folders. Also across sessions. And storable in tabsets if you want to. You can also add them to the Catalog or to the Favorite Folders, filter them, create User Buttons pointing to them, and so on.

Tabsets. Now "Revert to Saved" is supported. Safely play around with a tabset and quickly go back to the original state. (Pro Edition Only)

Here's a graphic example (click the thumbnails to zoom):

1. The current tabset "PlayAround_2" has just been saved (see Status Bar message) using the command Save in menu Tabsets.

2. Now we play around with the tabs, add some, remove others, perform a search, etc. The picture has changed quite a bit.

3. Now, to go back to the original saved state, we click the Tabsets toolbar button and select the command Revert to Saved.

4. Voilà, all is perfectly back to the initial state, even the sort order of the current tab.

Note that the saved state of tabsets is remembered across sessions, so you can always go back to your saved state, even if you saved it months ago.

The new command Revert to Saved is also available in the main menu under Tabsets.

Automatic Rich File Operations. Now, where appropriate, Copy/Move/Paste operations optionally copy the source folder structure as well and thus avoid collisions of the sources in the target location.

Here's a graphic example (click the thumbnails to zoom):

1. In a Multi Branch View three files from different folders have been selected and copied to the clipboard (see Status Bar message).

2. Now we select the folder "Don\Shots" in the tree and trigger a paste (Ctrl+V). XYplorer auto-detects that the sources are "rich" (= come from more than one folder) and offers to do a Rich Copy, i.e. a copy along with the source folder structure, instead of the standard flat operation (where things might collide/merge).

3. After we opted for the Rich Copy, we examine the target folder using a Multi Branch View, and see that the sources indeed have been copied together with their relative source folder structure.

Here's the same operation in writing:

Sources in clipboard:


If the sources are from different drives the operation goes like this:

Sources in clipboard:

Info Panel. A shiny blue button at the right end of the Status Bar makes the Info Panel more accessible to mouse users.

1. Info Panel closed.

2. Info Panel open.

Paste To Selected List Folder. Now you can paste items from clipboard (Ctrl+V) directly into a folder shown in the file list, even in Branch View and Search Results.

1. In a Multi Branch View the folder "movie" is selected as target for a paste from clipboard (Ctrl+V). At this moment the clipboard contains two Brigitte Bardot image files.

2. After the paste from clipboard (Ctrl+V) you see the two image files correctly located in the "movie" folder.

Note that this feature has to be enabled on configuration:

Setting of Paste To Selected List Folder in Tools | Configuration | Advanced.

Minimize Tree. Reduce the folder tree to just the paths of all tabs in the current pane.

Did you ever find that your folder tree shows much more than you actually need to see? Well, minimize it!

1. The tree is crowded, too crowded to even show the locations of the current tabs.

2. This is how the tree looks after being minimized. Much better!

The Minimize Tree command is found in menu View | Mini Tree, or in the right-click menu of the Mini Tree toolbar button. Use the same button to quickly toggle between the Mini Tree and the full Maxi Tree.

Release 10.80.0100

XYplorer 10.80.0100 has been released on 30-Jan-2012. Here's a quick introduction to the main new features:

Safety and Accessibility. Added optional safety belts and wider support for large font sizes.

Safety Belts: Now three optional safety belts protect you from yourself:

These settings are found in Configuration | Extended.

For example, if you tick "Confirm copy and move operations" in Configuration | Extended you will get a confirmation prompt before any move, copy, or backup operation, be it from clipboard, drag and drop, or other means. Here's an example of such a prompt:

Last exit before copy...

Accessibility: Support for larger font sizes has been improved. Now also the tab headers conform to your choice.

Segoe UI 9.

Segoe UI 14. Note that the Status Bar displays current font and font size right after it has been set.

On-the-fly Font Sizing: Use Ctrl+Wheel to quickly change the application's font size.
Scripting. Various enhancements, like a more flexible HereDoc syntax, and an improved increment operator. (Pro Edition Only)

HereDoc: Now the ending identifier can be anywhere in the line if it starts with a "#". For example:

$isOk = Confirm (<<<#FOO
BlahFOO#FOO); echo $isOk;

Increment Operator: Now $i++/$i-- returns the incremented/decremented value and thus can be used as an argument in functions. The value is incremented/decremented *before* it is passed to the function. For example:

echo $i++; echo $i++; echo $i++;  //"1", "2", "3"
Thumbnails. Dimensions are now shown on a semi-transparent background.

To show the dimensions tick Configuration | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original image on thumbnail.

The semi-transparent background lets you see more of Lana Del Rey. Click to zoom.

Release 10.80.0200

XYplorer 10.80.0200 has been released on 06-Feb-2012. It's a promotional special for Giveaway Of The Day.

Release 10.80.0300

XYplorer 10.80.0300 has been released on 08-Feb-2012. Here's a quick introduction to the main new features:

Color-Coding Folders. Now name-based color filters can be applied to folders in Tree and List.

Name-based color filters for folders help you to quickly spot folders in the folder tree. They are super-easy to define and activate. See yourself:

First define some color filters using "dir:" as prefix.

Tree and List before turning Color Filters on.

Tree and List after turning Color Filters on. See the difference?

Note that the shapes at the right end of the colored rectangles are no drawing glitches but done on purpose. Each type of color filter (name, date, size, attr...) has its own distinctive shape if a background color is defined.