Release 22.00

XYplorer © 2024 · File Manager for Windows

XYplorer 22.00 has been released on 29-Jun-2021. Here’s a quick introduction to the main new features:

  • Column Layouts. Now you can load predefined and custom column layouts with just one click. Instead of laboriously collecting special columns, the photo column layout, for example, shows the date the photo was taken, dimensions, aspect ratio, exposure time, exposure compensation, F-stop, focal length, ISO sensitivity and camera model in no time at all. The audio column layout gives you length, sample rate, bit depth, bit rate and channels. You can adapt the column layouts to your particular needs.

    You will find the "Column Layouts" button in the toolbar. If not, add it via Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9).

    Now, here’s what the button can do for you, as a picture story:

    Normal column layout. Tree hidden to have the full width. Mouse hovering the "Column Layouts" button. (Click to zoom)

    This is the menu you’ll see when you click the "Column Layouts" button. Select "Photo Column Layout". (Click to zoom)

    And this is the Photo Column Layout. (Click to zoom)

    These are the columns of the predefined layouts:

    Standard Column Layout: Name, Size, Type, Modified (= what File Explorer offers by default).
    Extended Column Layout: Name, Ext, Size, Type, Modified, Created (= what XYplorer offers by default).
    Photo Column Layout: Name, Ext, Size, Modified, Created, Date Taken, Dimensions, Aspect Ratio, Exposure Time, Exposure Bias, F-Stop, Focal Length, ISO Speed, Camera Model.
    Audio Column Layout: Name, Ext, Size, Modified, Created, Length, Sample Rate, Bit Depth, Bit Rate, Channels.
    Audio Tags Column Layout: Name, Ext, Size, Modified, Created, Tag Title, Tag Artist, Tag Album, Tag Track, Tag Year, Tag Genre, Tag Comments.
    User Tags Column Layout: Name, Ext, Size, Modified, Created, Label, Tags, Comment, Extra 1, Extra 2, Extra 3, Extra 4, Extra 5.
  • Maximum Depth. Now you can easily narrow the search recursion depth. E.g. maximum depth 2 means: Search at the current location and 2 levels deeper.

    Open the Info Panel (F12), select the Find Files tab, and you’ll see the Maximum Depth dropdown at the bottom of the Name & Location tab.

    Let’s tick the Maximum Depth checkbox and select depth 1:

    Selecting depth 1. (Click to zoom)

    The search returns all hits in the current folder and one level below:

    Search results at maximum depth 1. (Click to zoom)

    Now we do the same search at depth 2. In the Path column you see that it goes deeper now. In the status bar you see that more items have been found:

    Search results at maximum depth 2. (Click to zoom)

    Now we untick the Maximum Depth checkbox to let the search go to unlimited depths. Again Path column and status bar show the differences:

    Search results at unlimited depths. (Click to zoom)

  • Sorting Search Results. The new "Always sort search results this way" option lets you control exactly how all of your search results are initially sorted. Sorting column, sorting direction and even secondary sorting are supported.

    You find the toggle "Always sort search results this way" in the right-click menu of the Find Information Bar. To show that bar ensure that this is ticked: Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | Show search information in list.

    Sort the search results according to your needs, then right-click on the Find Information Bar and enable the new option:

    Select it to always sort a search like this in the future. (Click to zoom)

    To return to the default state (i.e., to accept the sort order from the list before the search), simply remove this check mark.

  • Add Tabs Using Drag & Drop. Now you can turn a folder into a new tab by simply dragging and dropping it onto the empty part of the tab bar or the gaps between two tabs.

    To activate the function, check the following: Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Add tabs via drag and drop on tab bar

    Now you can drag a folder onto the empty part of the tab bar or the gaps between two tabs:

    Turning a folder into a new tab by dropping it between two old tabs. (Click to zoom)

    Turning a folder into a new tab by dropping it onto the empty part of the tab bar. (Click to zoom)

  • Autosize Columns Here. Now you can limit the automatic adjustment of the column sizes to the currently visible rows. This has two advantages: You don’t get super-wide columns for something that’s miles out of sight, and it’s much faster with long lists.

    This is a new little power trick for power users. You will need the following things for it to work:

    Show the Line Numbers column (menu View | Columns | Line Numbers).
    Ensure that Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions | Double-click on line numbers header is set to Autosize columns now.

    With the above settings in place, a double-click on the column heading of the line numbers (caption: #) will trigger the automatic adjustment of all column widths to their content (including any content that is scrolled out of view).

    Now to the new feature: If you now hold down the CTRL key while double-clicking on that column heading, the automatic adjustment of the column size is limited to the currently visible lines. The advantage is obvious:

    Autosize Columns, the traditional way, done for all 145 lines. The Name column gets really wide. (Click to zoom)

    Autosize Columns Here, done only for the 24 lines you are looking at. The Name column gets only as wide as necessary. (Click to zoom)