XYplorer 24.30 has been released on 12-Apr-2023. Here’s a quick introduction to the main new features:
Event Sounds. Tired of staring at a progress bar until a file operation is finally finished? Starting from this version you can have a short sound playing that tells you when the operation is finished and if it was finished successfully.
There is also a pop sound for deletes, which are usually instantaneous. This was added just for fun. You may find that completing an operation with a sonic event generally gives you a strange sense of primal satisfaction.
To enable event sounds ensure that Configuration | General | Controls & More | Miscellaneous | Play a sound on certain events is ticked. And turn on your speakers.
That’s it, now you should hear a short "blurp" sound after each copy/move operation, a "blip" sound after each search, and a "plop" sound after each delete.
If you want other sounds, more sounds, or different conditions, check out the following section.
Custom Event Sounds. If you don’t like the default sounds, and/or have better ones, you can easily add them to the soundscape. Yes, you can have the application play an entire song when your backup is complete.
To show "Edit Event Sounds" dialog, paste the following line into the address bar and press ENTER; the line includes a comment to help you recognize the command later in the address bar drop-down list:
ces(); //show "Edit Event Sounds" dialog
In a fresh instance you will see this:
To hear a sound double-click the cell in the Event column.
In the Min Duration (sec) column you can specify the minimal duration (in seconds) of the action for a sound to be played. Special values: Set it to 0 to always play the sound, set it to -1 to never play it.
There are four sounds embedded in the executable, referred to by "*1" etc. in the Sounds column. In this column you can as well specify the full or relative paths of WAV files (or since v24.40: any playable audio files). Paths are resolved relative to the "Sounds" subfolder of XYplorer’s app data folder (<xydata>\Sounds).
For example, a custom event sound setup might look like this:
Check out the help file for more things you can do with the ces() command. By the way, ces stands for "Custom Event Sounds", of course.
Background Dragging. Now you can drag files from a background XYplorer window to another application window in the foreground. A long awaited feature is finally implemented.
To enable background dragging ensure that Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Allow dragging from a background window is ticked.
Now you can drag stuff from a backgrounded XYplorer to the current foreground window:
Go Now. If you’re a habitual scripter, you’ll love the new ability to launch a script from the address bar with a keyboard shortcut of your choice.
For example, this little script will rename the currently selected file(s) to the text currently in the clipboard:
rename b, <clp>;
You can run it right from the address bar, and once it’s there you might want to re-use it for other files to be renamed. But you don’t want to select a file, then focus the address bar, and then press ENTER. There is a better way now. Assign a keyboard shortcut to menu command Go | Go Now, e.g. Ctrl+G, and you can do this one-handedly while keeping focus in the file list.
Many Other Improvements. See change log (about 1.5 MB).