Release 13.50

XYplorer 13.50 has been released on 17-Dec-2013. Here's a quick introduction to the main new features:

External Copy Handlers. Now you can let external copy handlers handle your copy and move operations. Currently FastCopy and TeraCopy are supported.

Two Steps

Of course, first of all the external copy handler has to be installed on your system. If that is ensured, defining an external program as copy handler is a two step process. First you need to tell XYplorer where the external program is located (path to exectuable) and how you want it to work (switches). Second you need to tell XYplorer that you want to use it now. Let's illustrate those steps with some screenshots.

STEP 1: Open Configuration (F9) at page File Operations. Click the Configure... button under External Copy Handlers. Now fill in your copy handler specifications (see Help for details). They might look like this example (supposing you have both FastCopy and TeraCopy installed):

FastCopy (AutoClose)|%ProgramFiles%\FastCopy\FastCopy.exe|/auto_close
FastCopy (Verify)|%ProgramFiles%\FastCopy\FastCopy.exe|/verify /auto_close
TeraCopy (Rename All)|%ProgramFiles%\TeraCopy\TeraCopy.exe|/RenameAll
TeraCopy (Overwrite Older)|%ProgramFiles%\TeraCopy\TeraCopy.exe|/OverwriteOlder

Copy handler specifications, one per line. (Click to zoom)

STEP 2: After you OK-ed the above dialog, you will see a selection dropdown right under the Configure... button filled with the items you have just defined. Here you can select which copy handler you actually want to use. "XYplorer" is automatically added to the choices; select it to go back to XYplorer's native copy handler "Custom Copy".

Selecting a copy handler in Configuration | File Operations. (Click to see the full screenshot)

That's all, you are done. To make switching copy handlers even easier you can do it also right from the Toolbar in the main window. Right-click the "Use Custom Copy" toolbar button (it is colored green if an external copy handler is selected, else it is brown) and you will see your copy handlers listed in the popup menu where you can easily select them on-the-fly.

Selecting a copy handler in the right-click menu of the "Use Custom Copy" toolbar button. (Click to see the full screenshot)

Tree Node Crumbs. Now you can select any child folder of a folder without opening the whole node. Simply right-click the plus/minus symbol of the folder to pop a list of all child folders. This is especially useful with the Mini Tree.

List of child folders after right-clicking the plus/minus symbol of the "Pictures" node. (Click to see the full screenshot)

Fuzzy Favorites. Now Favorite Folders and Favorite Files support the wildcard *. The first match will be used. Useful to bookmark items with partly known or variable names.

Let's define one via Tools | List Management | Favorite Files. In this example we also use an environment variable:

Defining a Fuzzy Favorite. (Click to see the full screenshot)

Now when we select this fuzzy favorite file from menu Favorites | Favorite Files we might get the following match:

Fuzzy Favorite match. (Click to see the full screenshot)

On another system the same favorite might have matched IE9_main.log or IE11_main.log.

Copy Distributed Items. Now you can pass a file containing a list of source items to a copy or move operation. This way you can very easily copy distributed items spread across your system and network in one go. This can mean an enormous usability boost.

Let's prepare a text file with some distributed items (one per line; files and folders allowed; order as you like) and call it "sources.txt":

Contents of a source items file.

This feature needs Scripting (enable Scripting in Configuration | Features if necessary). Here is a command that will copy the contents of "sources.txt" (which we have placed in \\Triton\Users\Public\Documents\) to the current location. Note the * (asterisk) in front of the path (see Help for details):

copyto , "*\\Triton\Users\Public\Documents\sources.txt";

The Copy To command can be run through the Address Bar. (Click to see the full screenshot)

And here is what we get after running the command. All items from the sources list are copied to the current location:

The Copy To command has done its job. (Click to see the full screenshot)