Release 17.10

XYplorer © 2024 · File Manager for Windows

XYplorer 17.10.0000 has been released on 06-Sep-2016. Here’s a quick introduction to the main new features:

  • Audio Tags. Now Vorbis Comments in FLAC and OGG files are supported. They can be shown in columns, in reports, and on mouse hover. And you can use them in file search and scripts.

    No 3rd party codec needed. XYplorer supports showing the tags out of the box. Here is how it could look:

    Audio tags in columns, and in a file info tip on mouse hover.

    Showing Audio Tags in Columns (Pro Edition Only)

    There are various ways to add those special columns to the list. Either you go one by one via View | Columns | Add Column, right-click the newly added "(Undefined)" column, click "Select Special Property...", and select e.g. "Tag Artist":

    Selecting one of the seven Tag properties for a column.

    Or you load a column layout that has been prepared beforehand, either by you or by me. Here is one by me that will give you the columns as shown in the first screenshot:
    Index.64,Path.150,Len.28,Label.18,+Name.201,+Ext.43,+Size.68,+Modified.115,+Created.115,Accessed.111,+:s-mp3.artist.123,+:s-mp3.title.164,+:s-mp3.album.158,+:s-mp3.track.84,+:s-mp3.year.115,+:s-mp3.genre.76,+:s-mp3.comments.249,Type.70,Attr.55,Tags.75,Comment.69,Extra 1.64,Extra 2.64,Extra 3.64,Extra 4.64,Extra 5.64,Custom 1.104,Custom 2.93,Custom 3.79,Custom 4.79,Custom 5.79

    Save it to a file called "AudioTags.txt" located in "<xydata>\Columns" (pass this path into the XYplorer Address Bar to go there). Then load this column layout file via View | Columns | Load Column Layout.... To spare the saving part you can [download AudioTags.txt] and move it to "<xydata>\Columns".

    Showing Audio Tags in File Info Tips

    Simply tick Configuration | File Info Tips | Show audio info and tags. On mouse hovering a file a tooltip will pop up showing basic audio info and tags. Supports ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags in MP3 files, and Vorbis Comments in FLAC and OGG files. A nice feature for audiophiles.

    Audio info and tags popping up.

  • Safety Belts. Added an optional native delete confirmation prompt including deep stats.

    Tick Configuration | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Confirm delete operations to get a confirmation prompt before any delete operation, be it to recycler or permanent. The prompt is native to XYplorer and it is shown before the Windows delete confirmation prompt (if there is one and it’s not suppressed, see here).

    The prompt includes deep stats which means any folders among the selected items are recursed and the contained items are counted and their sizes measured. So you will exactly know how many files and bytes you are about to delete.

    For example, two items have been selected for deletion, one folder and one file. This could be the prompt:

    XYplorer delete confirmation prompt.

    Compare the Windows delete confirmation prompt for exactly the same delete operation. It just mentions two items:

    Windows delete confirmation prompt for the same job: Not very informative. (German to English: "Are you sure you want to permanently delete these 2 items.")

    Tip: If only empty folders are deleted then "Empty Folders" is explicitly mentioned in the caption. So you are immediately assured that you are not removing content, just structure:

    XYplorer delete confirmation prompt for empty folder.

    The XYplorer native confirmation prompt becomes particularly useful when you travel with portable XYplorer and board an unknown host system where the Windows Delete Confirmation might be turned off. Then you can quickly turn on XYplorer’s prompt and be back on the safe side without modifying the host system.

  • Custom Columns. Raised the number of possible custom column definitions from 32 to 64. (Pro Edition Only)

    Custom Columns are user-defined columns that can be shown in the file list. Now you can have 64 of them in your arsenal.

    Custom Column definitions.

  • Thumbnail Files. XYplorer lets you save thumbnails of images as files. Now you can pass the desired JPG quality value. (Pro Edition Only)

    The savethumb() scripting command (see also here) now allows you to control the JPG quality of the created thumbnails.

    Example 1. Select any picture file in the list and run this line through the Address Bar:

    savethumb(, "*-Q<quality>", 300, , "jpg100"); // 300 pixel wide JPG, quality 100 (maximum)

    The created thumbnail file could look like this:

    Maximum quality.

    Example 2. Select any picture file in the list and run this line through the Address Bar:

    savethumb(, "*-Q<quality>", 300, , "jpg1"); // 300 pixel wide JPG, quality 1 (minimum)

    The created thumbnail file could look like this:

    Minimum quality.

    For more details please see the Help file.

  • Portable Tags. Advanced storage options allow you to keep the tags database together with the tagged items. Finally a perfect solution for backing up tagged items. (Pro Edition Only)

    A new Storage (in Configuration | Tags) option makes it much easier for you to travel with your tags. E.g. choose "Relative to application" if XYplorer and the tagged items are on the same portable drive (USB stick, etc.).

    Selecting a Storage option.

    Even more options are offered by the new scripting commands tagload() and tagexport(). For details please see the Help file.